Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles

I'm happy to finally see some action here in America.

We've watched the Arab Spring, it's way past time for our American Autumn.

I also like to see the media and the GOP try desperately to discredit the protest. Most of these people are unemployed and have nothing but time, this could go on and on.

Maybe what the GOP/Tea Party should do to end the protests is work bringing back some jobs.


Wow. Are you embarrassed by this shit now? :lol:

Stinging retort, ouch.

I like that it makes all of you apologists uncomfortable.
I'm happy to finally see some action here in America.

We've watched the Arab Spring, it's way past time for our American Autumn.

I also like to see the media and the GOP try desperately to discredit the protest. Most of these people are unemployed and have nothing but time, this could go on and on.

Maybe what the GOP/Tea Party should do to end the protests is work bringing back some jobs.


Wow. Are you embarrassed by this shit now? :lol:

Stinging retort, ouch.

I like that it makes all of you apologists uncomfortable.

It made me uncomfortable only when my sides started to hurt from laughing at the breathtaking ignorance that you posted.

Unfortunately, now I'm laughing even harder that you don't get it.
I'm happy to finally see some action here in America.

We've watched the Arab Spring, it's way past time for our American Autumn.

I also like to see the media and the GOP try desperately to discredit the protest. Most of these people are unemployed and have nothing but time, this could go on and on.

Maybe what the GOP/Tea Party should do to end the protests is work bringing back some jobs.

Most of them are unemployed? Try ALL of them are unemployed. People that have jobs don't have time for nonsense like this. A protest that doesn't have any specific goals? Sounds exactly like the people who are taking part in the protest.

Wow. Are you embarrassed by this shit now? :lol:

Stinging retort, ouch.

I like that it makes all of you apologists uncomfortable.

It made me uncomfortable only when my sides started to hurt from laughing at the breathtaking ignorance that you posted.

Unfortunately, now I'm laughing even harder that you don't get it.

You are unable to post anything that's over my head.

Quite obviously it's you who doesn't understand.

If you did you'd easily see the similarities between the two protests (did you get that it’s a comparison of the protests or are you really as stupid as your letting on?)
Stinging retort, ouch.

I like that it makes all of you apologists uncomfortable.

It made me uncomfortable only when my sides started to hurt from laughing at the breathtaking ignorance that you posted.

Unfortunately, now I'm laughing even harder that you don't get it.

You are unable to post anything that's over my head.

Quite obviously it's you who doesn't understand.

If you did you'd easily see the similarities between the two protests (did you get that it’s a comparison of the protests or are you really as stupid as your letting on?)

I understand this. The US is the most free nation on earth. And comparing a protest here to the protests in Arab countries is offensive - to them. Our protesters risk nothing more than being detained for a couple of hours for a minor offense, like stopping traffic. The Arab protesters were protesting real hardship - and died to protest. They stood against their Government, their police and, at times, their military. To trivialize their bravery by comparing yourselves to them is pathetic.

Spend a year in one of those countries.... then come back and tell me how hard done by you are in America.

Pathetic, overly emotional, spoiled brats - that's what you are. You are being used by people who want to trash our Constitution. If you find that acceptable, fine. But have the fucking courage to come out and be open about it. Say you want to dumb the Founding Fathers and take the country in another direction. Don't hide it.
I understand this. The US is the most free nation on earth. And comparing a protest here to the protests in Arab countries is offensive - to them. Our protesters risk nothing more than being detained for a couple of hours for a minor offense, like stopping traffic. The Arab protesters were protesting real hardship - and died to protest. They stood against their Government, their police and, at times, their military. To trivialize their bravery by comparing yourselves to them is pathetic.

Spend a year in one of those countries.... then come back and tell me how hard done by you are in America.

Pathetic, overly emotional, spoiled brats - that's what you are. You are being used by people who want to trash our Constitution. If you find that acceptable, fine. But have the fucking courage to come out and be open about it. Say you want to dumb the Founding Fathers and take the country in another direction. Don't hide it.

The winner of my "Your my hero" post of the day award
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhswNAke1wg]PCU Party Protest - YouTube[/ame]
PCU Party Protest
Anyone seen the idiot "lotion man?"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3aqv7TYSM0]Danny Cline is Lotion Man - YouTube[/ame]
These protesters are some of the dumbest people in America.

Then the left tries to compare these fucking morons to the Tea Party and want to bring the First Amendment with argument.

Yeah, the difference between the Tea Party and these losers is that the Tea Party will protest for 3-4 hours and these clowns are squatting for weeks...

The Tea Party cleans up after themselves while progressive squatters will leave a path of destruction that will no doubt cost NYC taxpayers millions.

I'd arrest all of them and charge them with disorderly conduct.... There is nothing "orderly" about their behavior and now they're just impeding the lives of productive everyday people with their new found commune.

Not to mention these fucking tools really have no message other than they hate people who have more money than they do...
These protesters are some of the dumbest people in America.

Then the left tries to compare these fucking morons to the Tea Party and want to bring the First Amendment with argument.

Yeah, the difference between the Tea Party and these losers is that the Tea Party will protest for 3-4 hours and these clowns are squatting for weeks...

The Tea Party cleans up after themselves while progressive squatters will leave a path of destruction that will no doubt cost NYC taxpayers millions.

I'd arrest all of them and charge them with disorderly conduct.... There is nothing "orderly" about their behavior and now they're just impeding the lives of productive everyday people with their new found commune.

Not to mention these fucking tools really have no message other than they hate people who have more money than they do...
And TEA Party folks have a habit of cleaning up after themselves...:eusa_whistle:
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Yes, when I see a bunch acting collectively in such a colossally stupid manner, and then I'm told "hey, these are the smart ones", it scares me.

IN general stupidity on such a grand scale should scare anyone.
It doesn't scare the stupid, otherwise the socialist supporters on this board.
The focus of the Wall Street Sit In has been changed to "We are the 99%!"

They've also added a wedsite were the 99% can list the hardships they've endured as the 1% are sitting back saying "let them eat cake!"

There is always a button that needs to be pushed in these kinds of social/economic confrontations - the problem is to find it!
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I don't think they are the 99% ... I think they are somewhere below 9% ... Just about all are unemployed and by what the government says ... That's about 9%
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I don't think they are the 99% ... I think they are below somewhere below 9% ... Just aboit all are unemployed and by what the government says ... That's about 9%
Yep. And they think it's Wall streets fault. I still say they're in the wrong place. They should be in the District Of Criminals protesting the people they voted for.
These protesters are some of the dumbest people in America.

Then the left tries to compare these fucking morons to the Tea Party and want to bring the First Amendment with argument.

Yeah, the difference between the Tea Party and these losers is that the Tea Party will protest for 3-4 hours and these clowns are squatting for weeks...

The Tea Party cleans up after themselves while progressive squatters will leave a path of destruction that will no doubt cost NYC taxpayers millions.

I'd arrest all of them and charge them with disorderly conduct.... There is nothing "orderly" about their behavior and now they're just impeding the lives of productive everyday people with their new found commune.

Not to mention these fucking tools really have no message other than they hate people who have more money than they do...
And TEA Party folks have a habit of cleaning up after themselves...:eusa_whistle:

We always leave the site the way we found it - hell, even cleaner.

One of the last things the speakers always say is "remember to clean up after yourselves."

I'm always impressed after a rally with how clean the rally sites are after a rally...

Now progressives on the other hand....


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