Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles

These protesters are some of the dumbest people in America.

Then the left tries to compare these fucking morons to the Tea Party and want to bring the First Amendment with argument.

Yeah, the difference between the Tea Party and these losers is that the Tea Party will protest for 3-4 hours and these clowns are squatting for weeks...

The Tea Party cleans up after themselves while progressive squatters will leave a path of destruction that will no doubt cost NYC taxpayers millions.

I'd arrest all of them and charge them with disorderly conduct.... There is nothing "orderly" about their behavior and now they're just impeding the lives of productive everyday people with their new found commune.

Not to mention these fucking tools really have no message other than they hate people who have more money than they do...
And TEA Party folks have a habit of cleaning up after themselves...:eusa_whistle:

We always leave the site the way we found it - hell, even cleaner.

One of the last things the speakers always say is "remember to clean up after yourselves."

I'm always impressed after a rally with how clean the rally sites are after a rally...

Now progressives on the other hand....

I recognize that! That was after Inauguration. It was worse than what that pic shows in real life, though.
And TEA Party folks have a habit of cleaning up after themselves...:eusa_whistle:

We always leave the site the way we found it - hell, even cleaner.

One of the last things the speakers always say is "remember to clean up after yourselves."

I'm always impressed after a rally with how clean the rally sites are after a rally...

Now progressives on the other hand....

I recognize that! That was after Inauguration. It was worse than what that pic shows in real life, though.

Unfortunately that picture represents the state of the country since the Inauguration as well.
The focus of the Wall Street Sit In has been changed to "We are the 99%!"

They've also added a wedsite were the 99% can list the hardships they've endured as the 1% are sitting back saying "let them eat cake!"

There is always a button that needs to be pushed in these kinds of social/economic confrontations - the problem is to find it!

They are protesting about the 1% uber rich, so then it's the rest of us 99%.
See the deceit? They can't say 9%
And TEA Party folks have a habit of cleaning up after themselves...:eusa_whistle:

We always leave the site the way we found it - hell, even cleaner.

One of the last things the speakers always say is "remember to clean up after yourselves."

I'm always impressed after a rally with how clean the rally sites are after a rally...

Now progressives on the other hand....

I recognize that! That was after Inauguration. It was worse than what that pic shows in real life, though.

yep and obie doodle used FEMA funds to clean up after his hordes.
And TEA Party folks have a habit of cleaning up after themselves...:eusa_whistle:

We always leave the site the way we found it - hell, even cleaner.

One of the last things the speakers always say is "remember to clean up after yourselves."

I'm always impressed after a rally with how clean the rally sites are after a rally...

Now progressives on the other hand....

I recognize that! That was after Inauguration. It was worse than what that pic shows in real life, though.

Don't you love how the Tea Party is continually accused of wanting to destroy the environment and the assholes who make those accusations leave event sites like that???

The assholes who leave those sites a mess are the same pricks who claim to care for the environment..

What a bunch of hypocrites...

Progressives will always accuse others of what they're guilty of...
We always leave the site the way we found it - hell, even cleaner.

One of the last things the speakers always say is "remember to clean up after yourselves."

I'm always impressed after a rally with how clean the rally sites are after a rally...

Now progressives on the other hand....

I recognize that! That was after Inauguration. It was worse than what that pic shows in real life, though.

yep and obie doodle used FEMA funds to clean up after his hordes.
Oh...so that's what the fight was about regarding FEMA a couple weeks ago?

So they will have funds to clean up these protestors? I should'a known. :razz:
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Well it's beginning to gel. Unions are getting into the fray.

About fucking time.

And why do you think this is a good thing?

Just curious...why do YOU think corporate Fascism is a good thing?
I don't think they are the 99% ... I think they are below somewhere below 9% ... Just aboit all are unemployed and by what the government says ... That's about 9%
Yep. And they think it's Wall streets fault. I still say they're in the wrong place. They should be in the District Of Criminals protesting the people they voted for.
"The T" is assuming that the "real power" in America is in Washington!

In 1985, the top 12% of Americans controlled 40% of the nation's private wealth.

Twenty-five years later, now its only 1% of Americans who control over 40% of the financial wealth and the top 10% control 93% - that's the real power!

What goes on in Washington is largely a "sideshow" and serves to divert our attention away from where the real decisions are being made - how else do you explain why the top 10% of the nation has prospered while the incomes of everyone has either stagnated or declined?

America is being run for the benefit of the top 10% because behind all the "democratic windowdressing," America is controlled by the top 10%!

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I don't think they are the 99% ... I think they are below somewhere below 9% ... Just aboit all are unemployed and by what the government says ... That's about 9%
Yep. And they think it's Wall streets fault. I still say they're in the wrong place. They should be in the District Of Criminals protesting the people they voted for.
"The T" is assuming that the "real power" in America is in Washington!

The 1% of Americans who control 40% of the nations private wealth - that's the real power!

What goes on in Washington is largely a "sideshow" and serves to divert our attention away from where the real decisions are made.
Get a grip son...seriously...
We always leave the site the way we found it - hell, even cleaner.

One of the last things the speakers always say is "remember to clean up after yourselves."

I'm always impressed after a rally with how clean the rally sites are after a rally...

Now progressives on the other hand....

I recognize that! That was after Inauguration. It was worse than what that pic shows in real life, though.

Unfortunately that picture represents the state of the country since the Inauguration as well.
What I saw of the behavior of the people there that day concerned me. I was a volunteer for his Inauguration. It was shocking.

One of the areas to which I was assigned to an area right where that pic was taken (a bit in the background and to the left) - it was a cordoned-off area for the disabled. The mob was awful to them - drooling Obamabots who didn't give a shit about disabled persons and tried to muscle folks in wheelchairs out of the way to get a prime spot in the crowd. Cops had to intervene because the drooling idiots were dangerous.

For example, we had a rather rickety table in front of our group on which we had our ASL interpreter standing so the deaf knew what the new President was saying. This young lady was a professional ASL interpreter and donated her time on that day to do this. It was cold and miserable, but she wanted to do that. Some able-bodied drooler, all of a sudden, decided she wanted to get a better position for a pic she wanted to take, physically broke through our row of bodies protecting the interpreter to jump up on the table to get her pic.

She knocked the table over and the interpreter took a very bad fall. She declared she was finished after that. We couldn't blame her.

I ended up breaking my foot, too, and was taken away in an ambulance to Howard U Hospital.

It was disgusting.
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I recognize that! That was after Inauguration. It was worse than what that pic shows in real life, though.

yep and obie doodle used FEMA funds to clean up after his hordes.
Oh...so that's what the fight was about regarding FEMA a couple weeks ago?

So they will have funds to clean up these protestors? I should'a known. :razz:

The funniest response I ever got from a progressive regarding their hurricane like destruction paths are that "we create more union jobs because they have to pick it up."

Can you believe that rationalization or excuse?

The poster may as well said "I'm lazy let someone else pick up after me."
I recognize that! That was after Inauguration. It was worse than what that pic shows in real life, though.

Unfortunately that picture represents the state of the country since the Inauguration as well.
What I saw of the behavior of the people there that day concerned me. I was a volunteer for his Inauguration. It was shocking.

One of the areas to which I was assigned to an area right where that pic was taken (a bit in the background and to the left) - it was a cordoned-off area for the disabled. The mob was awful to them - drooling Obamabots who didn't give a shit about disabled persons and tried to muscle folks in wheelchairs out of the way to get a prime spot in the crowd. Cops had to intervene because the drooling idiots were dangerous.

For example, we had a rather rickety table in front of our group on which we had our ASL interpreter standing so the deaf knew what the new President was saying. This young lady was a professional ASL interpreter and donated her time on that day to do this. It was cold and miserable, but she wanted to do that. Some able-bodied drooler, all of a sudden, decided she wanted to get a better position for a pic she wanted to take, physically broke through our row of bodies protecting the interpreter to jump up on the table to get her pic.

She knocked the table over and the interpreter took a very bad fall. She declared she was finished after that. We couldn't blame her.

I ended up breaking my foot, too, and was taken away in an ambulance to Howard U Hospital.

It was disgusting.

you broke your foot?
Seems like Obama got off on the worng foot for you.....:lol:
yep and obie doodle used FEMA funds to clean up after his hordes.
Oh...so that's what the fight was about regarding FEMA a couple weeks ago?

So they will have funds to clean up these protestors? I should'a known. :razz:

The funniest response I ever got from a progressive regarding their hurricane like destruction paths are that "we create more union jobs because they have to pick it up."

Can you believe that rationalization or excuse?

The poster may as well said "I'm lazy let someone else pick up after me."
They are telling you that they don't belive in personal responsibility.
Oh...so that's what the fight was about regarding FEMA a couple weeks ago?

So they will have funds to clean up these protestors? I should'a known. :razz:

The funniest response I ever got from a progressive regarding their hurricane like destruction paths are that "we create more union jobs because they have to pick it up."

Can you believe that rationalization or excuse?

The poster may as well said "I'm lazy let someone else pick up after me."
They are telling you that they don't belive in personal responsibility.

yes they do...

They are personally responsible for electing people that will be responsible for personally taking what is yours that you gained while you were being personally responsible.
Unfortunately that picture represents the state of the country since the Inauguration as well.
What I saw of the behavior of the people there that day concerned me. I was a volunteer for his Inauguration. It was shocking.

One of the areas to which I was assigned to an area right where that pic was taken (a bit in the background and to the left) - it was a cordoned-off area for the disabled. The mob was awful to them - drooling Obamabots who didn't give a shit about disabled persons and tried to muscle folks in wheelchairs out of the way to get a prime spot in the crowd. Cops had to intervene because the drooling idiots were dangerous.

For example, we had a rather rickety table in front of our group on which we had our ASL interpreter standing so the deaf knew what the new President was saying. This young lady was a professional ASL interpreter and donated her time on that day to do this. It was cold and miserable, but she wanted to do that. Some able-bodied drooler, all of a sudden, decided she wanted to get a better position for a pic she wanted to take, physically broke through our row of bodies protecting the interpreter to jump up on the table to get her pic.

She knocked the table over and the interpreter took a very bad fall. She declared she was finished after that. We couldn't blame her.

I ended up breaking my foot, too, and was taken away in an ambulance to Howard U Hospital.

It was disgusting.

you broke your foot?
Seems like Obama got off on the worng foot for you.....:lol:
*snort* :lol:

I saw who else supported him and it gave me great pause.
The funniest response I ever got from a progressive regarding their hurricane like destruction paths are that "we create more union jobs because they have to pick it up."

Can you believe that rationalization or excuse?

The poster may as well said "I'm lazy let someone else pick up after me."
They are telling you that they don't belive in personal responsibility.

yes they do...

They are personally responsible for electing people that will be responsible for personally taking what is yours that you gained while you were being personally responsible.
And then blaming YOU for the result of thier actions. This is what is going on here. ;)
They are telling you that they don't belive in personal responsibility.

yes they do...

They are personally responsible for electing people that will be responsible for personally taking what is yours that you gained while you were being personally responsible.
And then blaming YOU for the result of thier actions. This is what is going on here. ;)

for example....

Dont blame me for what Obama is doing to this country. I voted for him becuase you republicans sucked at governing.

And yes...that is EXACTLY what someone said to me when I told him "thats what you get for voting for Obama"
I don't think they are the 99% ... I think they are below somewhere below 9% ... Just aboit all are unemployed and by what the government says ... That's about 9%
Yep. And they think it's Wall streets fault. I still say they're in the wrong place. They should be in the District Of Criminals protesting the people they voted for.
"The T" is assuming that the "real power" in America is in Washington!

The 1% of Americans who control 40% of the nations private wealth - that's the real power!

What goes on in Washington is largely a "sideshow" and serves to divert our attention away from where the real decisions are being made.

No it's not "real power." It would only be if wealth was finite, in which it isn't - it's infinite.

Leftists act like there is a set amount of wealth and that the rich have most of it and this is some sort of "power struggle."

I would suggest you study capitalism and how it works as a socioeconomic model..

Individuals generate wealth, its not like 3 kids - one bag of skittles and one has more pieces than the other.. But thats pretty much how progressive treat the model... Ironically the skittles analogy is communism/socialism.. Thats why when there aren't enough skittles to go around they start kicking kids out the clubhouse (purges)...
yes they do...

They are personally responsible for electing people that will be responsible for personally taking what is yours that you gained while you were being personally responsible.
And then blaming YOU for the result of thier actions. This is what is going on here. ;)

for example....

Dont blame me for what Obama is doing to this country. I voted for him becuase you republicans sucked at governing.

And yes...that is EXACTLY what someone said to me when I told him "thats what you get for voting for Obama"

We would have been way better off with McCain.... I really didn't like the guy myself but I knew he was better than what Obama was cooking up for this country...

I predicted everything Obama was going to do to a T - as a matter of fact hes made times worse then I ever predicted..

Obamafuck was a nut when he was here in Illinois - he hates capitalism to an extent one could not imagine...

Too bad the idiot yuppy voters didn't research the guy before they voted for him only because of "hope and change" and because he was black...

The guy only appointed Van Jones as a Czar - go look at Van Jones political views - not to mention all his other "Czars."

I love how many Obama voters love to talk politics but don't know one fucking thing about him and the positions he holds on many issues along with his voting record when he was in Illinois.

But yeah, they have an opinion and they think it matters...

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