Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles

Yep. And they think it's Wall streets fault. I still say they're in the wrong place. They should be in the District Of Criminals protesting the people they voted for.
"The T" is assuming that the "real power" in America is in Washington!

The 1% of Americans who control 40% of the nations private wealth - that's the real power!

What goes on in Washington is largely a "sideshow" and serves to divert our attention away from where the real decisions are being made.

No it's not "real power." It would only be if wealth was finite, in which it isn't - it's infinite.

Leftists act like there is a set amount of wealth and that the rich have most of it and this is some sort of "power struggle."

I would suggest you study capitalism and how it works as a socioeconomic model..

Individuals generate wealth, its not like 3 kids - one bag of skittles and one has more pieces than the other.. But thats pretty much how progressive treat the model... Ironically the skittles analogy is communism/socialism.. Thats why when there aren't enough skittles to go around they start kicking kids out the clubhouse (purges)...
Indeed. And I would suggest the poster add to his list the meaning of Zero Sum Game which is what we aren't but Statist dogma invests in for nothing but thier power over others.

If Zero sum game truly existed then our government's budget would be the same as it was at the founding. Our Economy would also be the same.

Their problem is that they prefer to pick winners and losers rather than leave that task to the individual.
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Thing is? The economic pie always grows and along with it? Wealth. It is government policies that cause what we are experiencing now. And that is why I insist that OWS should become Occupy the District of Criminals.
The funniest response I ever got from a progressive regarding their hurricane like destruction paths are that "we create more union jobs because they have to pick it up."

Can you believe that rationalization or excuse?

The poster may as well said "I'm lazy let someone else pick up after me."
They are telling you that they don't belive in personal responsibility.

yes they do...

They are personally responsible for electing people that will be responsible for personally taking what is yours that you gained while you were being personally responsible.

Kinda like how Obama fucked those with GM stock, then ripped them off again by bailing the company out - hence the UNIONS with their money?

Oh lets not forget a sitting president only took over a company and thought it was some kind of achievement...

How about Obama bailed out every union?

Union employees are only 15% of the population yet he used everyones wealth to bailout his voting base..

So they can have fat pensions, salaries that make no sense and keep their retarded jobs...

There is a reason why union jobs and public sector union jobs fail - because employees are paid wages and benefits that aren't even realistic...

Their salaries are not based on supply and demand - they're based on union demand and that nearly destroyed them until Obama comes along and bails them out with taxpayer money...

The unions are democrats lifeblood and he fucked over 85% of Americans to assure they're employed while the 85% of private sector non-union employees could lose their jobs or take dramatic wage cuts while the union workers GOT RAISES...


People don't have jobs because Obama is redistributing wealth right under their noses and 90% of that wealth is going to private and public sector unions...
They are telling you that they don't belive in personal responsibility.

yes they do...

They are personally responsible for electing people that will be responsible for personally taking what is yours that you gained while you were being personally responsible.

Kinda like how Obama fucked those with GM stock, then ripped them off again by bailing the company out - hence the UNIONS with their money?

Oh lets not forget a sitting president only took over a company and thought it was some kind of achievement...

How about Obama bailed out every union?

Union employees are only 15% of the population yet he used everyones wealth to bailout his voting base..

So they can have fat pensions, salaries that make no sense and keep their retarded jobs...

There is a reason why union jobs and public sector union jobs fail - because employees are paid wages and benefits that aren't even realistic...

Their salaries are not based on supply and demand - they're based on union demand and that nearly destroyed them until Obama comes along and bails them out with taxpayer money...

The unions are democrats lifeblood and he fucked over 85% of Americans to assure they're employed while the 85% of private sector non-union employees could lose their jobs or take dramatic wage cuts while the union workers GOT RAISES...


People don't have jobs because Obama is redistributing wealth right under their noses and 90% of that wealth is going to private and public sector unions...
Car companies got bailed out precisely as a present to the union goons for supporting Obama...because those dues have a way of finding themselves right back into the pockets of politicians like Obama.

Money laundering extrordinaire for the Statist Democrats. :eusa_shhh:
yes they do...

They are personally responsible for electing people that will be responsible for personally taking what is yours that you gained while you were being personally responsible.
And then blaming YOU for the result of thier actions. This is what is going on here. ;)

for example....

Dont blame me for what Obama is doing to this country. I voted for him becuase you republicans sucked at governing.

And yes...that is EXACTLY what someone said to me when I told him "thats what you get for voting for Obama"

You had a choice of who you could vote for. Granted in the last election we had to determine the best of two bads. I am still amazed that John McCain won the nomination?

I could not vote for Barack Obama--after I heard his comments to Joe the Plumber-(as a small business person myself)--I knew exactly who he was. A socialist--one who believes in taking from others who work very hard--risk a lot to open and grow a business--to give to couch potatoes--or people who don't risk or work as hard.

Obama has continually threatened small business with higher taxes for the last 3-1/2 years--and in return they have tucked in like a turtle & are waiting the threat to leave.

This country should have realized it too.


One Big Ass Mistake America
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"The T" is assuming that the "real power" in America is in Washington!

The 1% of Americans who control 40% of the nations private wealth - that's the real power!

What goes on in Washington is largely a "sideshow" and serves to divert our attention away from where the real decisions are being made.

No it's not "real power." It would only be if wealth was finite, in which it isn't - it's infinite.

Leftists act like there is a set amount of wealth and that the rich have most of it and this is some sort of "power struggle."

I would suggest you study capitalism and how it works as a socioeconomic model..

Individuals generate wealth, its not like 3 kids - one bag of skittles and one has more pieces than the other.. But thats pretty much how progressive treat the model... Ironically the skittles analogy is communism/socialism.. Thats why when there aren't enough skittles to go around they start kicking kids out the clubhouse (purges)...
Indeed. And I would suggest the poster add to his list the meaning of Zero Sum Game which is what we aren't but Statist dogma invests in for nothing but thier power over others.

If Zero sum game truly existed then our government's budget would be the same as it was at the founding. Our Economy would also be the same.

Their problem is that they prefer to pick winners and losers rather than leave that task to the individual.

You're absolutely correct, which in essence is a dictated economy...

Our economy is being dictated through the back door and its being dictated by progressives.........

Notice how they hand out waivers and exemptions to a select few corporations that play ball with them and submit to them while they attack those that tell them to fuck off?

Then they steal from one corporation and allow the other to do whatever the fuck they want in a fascist manner.... A good example of that would be our government banning lightbulbs so GE can make a killing...

The people are starting to see how corrupt the "new left" actually is and they'll be done soon...

I think the biggest travesty is that the media is actually protecting the left by refusing to print their funky position - that or printing some soft ass spin on how what they're doing is "for their own good" or "shut up you're too fucking dumb to understand so let the government and me - an editor tell you how good it is."

Our media and public school system has turned America into a gigantic reeducation camp...

This is why the freaks protesting Wal Street are 30 or younger - they've been brainwashed by the Ayers generation who are now their teachers - or have been brainwashed by teachers who are now teachers...

But that's why they call it progress - they chip away at our culture and economy bit by bit...
Someone with a BRAIN should have thought of that BEFORE they listed those 13 DEMANDS

"They" didn't list them, dumbass. It was posted by someone on a forum. Do we hold the administrators of this forum responsible for every brain-dead piece of idiocy YOU post here? We do not.

(Also, it's 11, not 13. Can't you at least COUNT?)

Your 'grass roots' movement has already sold out. It is owned by the far left. Shame.
Your mind is owned by the elites and their system-SHAME. :cuckoo:

You have swallowed exactly what the elites knew would divide this nation, and that is to implement a system, in this case a 2 party system that will forever divide the masses, and instill a non ending feud between the peoples, that will ensure their manipulation of the nations laws, and keep them in power.
You are an example of the type of person that exhibits the indoctrination, and mentality the elites need to continue to have the powerful voice they have, and why they have the ability to make you and the rest of us pay for their corrupt and criminal behavior.

Lefty this and righty that is all that comes from you and the rest of the idiots that are nothing more then brain dead walking zombies of the system that has enslaved America and the rest of the world.

Maybe you are living in the kind of America that you want, but the majority of us that have the sense to realize we have been held captive by the powerful minority made up of the ones who actually control our government, our finances, and our lives, down to the food we eat, and interpretation and changing of the laws of our nation, to benefit only them, and finally organized to protest against the abuses have something different to say.

The number of young Americans without a job has exploded to 53.4 percent, a post-World War II high, according to the Labor Dept. Meaning millions of Americans are staring at the likelihood that their lifetime earning potential will be diminished and, combined with the predicted slow economic recovery, their transition into productive members of society could be put on hold for an extended period of time, and all you do is throw labels around, and show how blind and ignorant you are by playing their game of divide and conquer, and staying stuck in the 2 party paradigm.

When will people like you learn that the system is rigged and designed to cause this type of in-cohesiveness between the people of this nation?
Fuck the left and the right. The PTB don't really give a shit, as they run the whole fucking game.
Do you honestly think that the 2 party system has benefited the country? Has the the Fed Reserve really delivered on the financial stability that heralded its coming and subsequent implementation?

Good God...the stupidity and partisan bickering is WHY nothing ever changes in this country, and is WHY we are in the position we are in.
Can you NOT see that both so called political party's, have helped destroy what America was designed to be for EVERYONE, and that no matter who the hell is in the white house or congress, it's the same old shit, year after year, and that the majority of people are becoming aware of just how corrupt our elected officials truly are, and how they are always on the side of the 1% minority, at the expense of the common man/woman majority?

I have yet to read anything ( in this thread) you post that deals or address the main reason the nation (the majority) is suffering from the financial distress that it is.
All you do is participate in the everlasting turmoil of party politics and bickering that resolves nothing, and keeps the people in the status quo, with the Fed Reserve and the rich corporations and their political whores, along with the presstitutes that feed you your (theirs) BS talking points.

Not Just Wall Street … Corrupt Government Is At Least Half the Problem

Because government policy is ensuring high unemployment, it is not surprising that the American protesters are angry at the Federal Reserve and other government institutions, and not just the big Wall Street banks.
Bush and Obama’s economic policies are virtually indistinguishable. Indeed, Obama actually likes high unemployment.
The government created the mega-giants, and they are not the product of free market competition,
The White House needs to “regulate and oversee them”, even though it is clear that the government has no real plans to regulate or oversee the banking behemoths,

Of course, the government has also made it policy to cover up fraud and protect the fraudsters, and so the free market has no chance to punish fraud or cleanse wrongdoing from the system.

Without government-created moral hazard emboldening casino-style speculation, corruption of government officials, creation of a system of government-sponsored rating agencies which had at its core a model of bribery, and other government-induced distortions of the free market, things wouldn’t have gotten nearly so bad.

Indeed, the government is so corrupt that the head of the economics department at George Mason University says that D.C. politicians are worse than prostitutes … they are “pimps”, since they are pimping out the American people to the financial giants.

It makes no difference who the fuck is in "charge" and is supposed to manage "your " government or who you "vote" for.
I wish you people would wake the fuck up already.
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OWS: It ain't the way I wanted it! I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!
OWS: It ain't the way I wanted it! I can handle things! I'm smart! Not like everybody says... like dumb... I'm smart and I want respect!
I'm pretty sure that there is not enough weed in the country that would allow me to understand their rants of disorganized thought.
No it's not "real power." It would only be if wealth was finite, in which it isn't - it's infinite.

Leftists act like there is a set amount of wealth and that the rich have most of it and this is some sort of "power struggle."

I would suggest you study capitalism and how it works as a socioeconomic model..

Individuals generate wealth, its not like 3 kids - one bag of skittles and one has more pieces than the other.. But thats pretty much how progressive treat the model... Ironically the skittles analogy is communism/socialism.. Thats why when there aren't enough skittles to go around they start kicking kids out the clubhouse (purges)...
Indeed. And I would suggest the poster add to his list the meaning of Zero Sum Game which is what we aren't but Statist dogma invests in for nothing but thier power over others.

If Zero sum game truly existed then our government's budget would be the same as it was at the founding. Our Economy would also be the same.

Their problem is that they prefer to pick winners and losers rather than leave that task to the individual.

You're absolutely correct, which in essence is a dictated economy...

Our economy is being dictated through the back door and its being dictated by progressives.........

Notice how they hand out waivers and exemptions to a select few corporations that play ball with them and submit to them while they attack those that tell them to fuck off?

Then they steal from one corporation and allow the other to do whatever the fuck they want in a fascist manner.... A good example of that would be our government banning lightbulbs so GE can make a killing...

The people are starting to see how corrupt the "new left" actually is and they'll be done soon...

I think the biggest travesty is that the media is actually protecting the left by refusing to print their funky position - that or printing some soft ass spin on how what they're doing is "for their own good" or "shut up you're too fucking dumb to understand so let the government and me - an editor tell you how good it is."

Our media and public school system has turned America into a gigantic reeducation camp...

This is why the freaks protesting Wal Street are 30 or younger - they've been brainwashed by the Ayers generation who are now their teachers - or have been brainwashed by teachers who are now teachers...

But that's why they call it progress - they chip away at our culture and economy bit by bit...
And not to mention Liberty...and personal responsibility.

In a higher phase of communist society, after the enslaving subordination of the individual to the division of labor, and therewith also the antithesis between mental and physical labor, has vanished; after labor has become not only a means of life but life's prime want; after the productive forces have also increased with the all-around development of the individual, and all the springs of co-operative wealth flow more abundantly—only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be crossed in its entirety and society inscribe on its banners: From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs!
And these OWS idiots have swallowed the line. Obama and Van Jones must be as proud parents.
yes they do...

They are personally responsible for electing people that will be responsible for personally taking what is yours that you gained while you were being personally responsible.

Kinda like how Obama fucked those with GM stock, then ripped them off again by bailing the company out - hence the UNIONS with their money?

Oh lets not forget a sitting president only took over a company and thought it was some kind of achievement...

How about Obama bailed out every union?

Union employees are only 15% of the population yet he used everyones wealth to bailout his voting base..

So they can have fat pensions, salaries that make no sense and keep their retarded jobs...

There is a reason why union jobs and public sector union jobs fail - because employees are paid wages and benefits that aren't even realistic...

Their salaries are not based on supply and demand - they're based on union demand and that nearly destroyed them until Obama comes along and bails them out with taxpayer money...

The unions are democrats lifeblood and he fucked over 85% of Americans to assure they're employed while the 85% of private sector non-union employees could lose their jobs or take dramatic wage cuts while the union workers GOT RAISES...


People don't have jobs because Obama is redistributing wealth right under their noses and 90% of that wealth is going to private and public sector unions...
Car companies got bailed out precisely as a present to the union goons for supporting Obama...because those dues have a way of finding themselves right back into the pockets of politicians like Obama.

Money laundering extrordinaire for the Statist Democrats. :eusa_shhh:


Democrats donate taxpayer funds to unions and unions force their union members to donate to democrat candidates - er Obama.

In theory Obama is donating tax dollars to himself...
No it's not "real power." It would only be if wealth was finite, in which it isn't - it's infinite.

Leftists act like there is a set amount of wealth and that the rich have most of it and this is some sort of "power struggle."

I would suggest you study capitalism and how it works as a socioeconomic model..

Individuals generate wealth, its not like 3 kids - one bag of skittles and one has more pieces than the other.. But thats pretty much how progressive treat the model... Ironically the skittles analogy is communism/socialism.. Thats why when there aren't enough skittles to go around they start kicking kids out the clubhouse (purges)...
Indeed. And I would suggest the poster add to his list the meaning of Zero Sum Game which is what we aren't but Statist dogma invests in for nothing but thier power over others.

If Zero sum game truly existed then our government's budget would be the same as it was at the founding. Our Economy would also be the same.

Their problem is that they prefer to pick winners and losers rather than leave that task to the individual.

You're absolutely correct, which in essence is a dictated economy...

Our economy is being dictated through the back door and its being dictated by progressives.........

Notice how they hand out waivers and exemptions to a select few corporations that play ball with them and submit to them while they attack those that tell them to fuck off?

Then they steal from one corporation and allow the other to do whatever the fuck they want in a fascist manner.... A good example of that would be our government banning lightbulbs so GE can make a killing...

The people are starting to see how corrupt the "new left" actually is and they'll be done soon...

I think the biggest travesty is that the media is actually protecting the left by refusing to print their funky position - that or printing some soft ass spin on how what they're doing is "for their own good" or "shut up you're too fucking dumb to understand so let the government and me - an editor tell you how good it is."

Our media and public school system has turned America into a gigantic reeducation camp...

This is why the freaks protesting Wal Street are 30 or younger - they've been brainwashed by the Ayers generation who are now their teachers - or have been brainwashed by teachers who are now teachers...

But that's why they call it progress - they chip away at our culture and economy bit by bit...

Yet another one who thinks that picking a side that the elites control somehow will benefit the nation. :cuckoo:
You think that somehow you have been immune to the massive brainwashing that has taken place in this country :cuckoo: You have been indoctrinated and have been told all your life that the fed reserve and the debt based economic system that only benefits the very top of the chain is a good thing? :cuckoo:
You also think that one political party is better then another?
Have you ever pondered the thought of who wins when the majority of American citizens is stuck bickering and fighting amongst themselves?
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Indeed. And I would suggest the poster add to his list the meaning of Zero Sum Game which is what we aren't but Statist dogma invests in for nothing but thier power over others.

If Zero sum game truly existed then our government's budget would be the same as it was at the founding. Our Economy would also be the same.

Their problem is that they prefer to pick winners and losers rather than leave that task to the individual.

You're absolutely correct, which in essence is a dictated economy...

Our economy is being dictated through the back door and its being dictated by progressives.........

Notice how they hand out waivers and exemptions to a select few corporations that play ball with them and submit to them while they attack those that tell them to fuck off?

Then they steal from one corporation and allow the other to do whatever the fuck they want in a fascist manner.... A good example of that would be our government banning lightbulbs so GE can make a killing...

The people are starting to see how corrupt the "new left" actually is and they'll be done soon...

I think the biggest travesty is that the media is actually protecting the left by refusing to print their funky position - that or printing some soft ass spin on how what they're doing is "for their own good" or "shut up you're too fucking dumb to understand so let the government and me - an editor tell you how good it is."

Our media and public school system has turned America into a gigantic reeducation camp...

This is why the freaks protesting Wal Street are 30 or younger - they've been brainwashed by the Ayers generation who are now their teachers - or have been brainwashed by teachers who are now teachers...

But that's why they call it progress - they chip away at our culture and economy bit by bit...

Yet another one who thinks that picking a side that the elites control somehow will benefit the nation. :cuckoo:
You think that somehow you have been immune to the massive brainwashing that has taken place in this country :cuckoo: You have been indoctrinated and have been told all your life that the fed reserve and the debt based economic system that only benefits the very top of the chain is a good thing? :cuckoo:
You also think that one political party is better then another?
Have you ever pondered the thought of who wins when the majority of American citizens is stuck bickering and fighting amongst themselves?

When I was around 8-9 my grandma gave me a package of 50 cent Zucchini seeds, I planted them with my mother and at the end of the summer I had a nice garden. You know what I did with my crop? I picked them and put them in my little red wagon and went door to door selling them.... I made about 50 bucks in a matter of a few days.... 50 bucks off a 50 cent bag of seeds..

Would you call that evil?

Oh and that is not an analogy - I really did it....

You blame wall street but not forced lending by our government (democrats) that do so to dictate the economy er destroy our economy by using banks as some free market form of welfare?
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You're absolutely correct, which in essence is a dictated economy...

Our economy is being dictated through the back door and its being dictated by progressives.........

Notice how they hand out waivers and exemptions to a select few corporations that play ball with them and submit to them while they attack those that tell them to fuck off?

Then they steal from one corporation and allow the other to do whatever the fuck they want in a fascist manner.... A good example of that would be our government banning lightbulbs so GE can make a killing...

The people are starting to see how corrupt the "new left" actually is and they'll be done soon...

I think the biggest travesty is that the media is actually protecting the left by refusing to print their funky position - that or printing some soft ass spin on how what they're doing is "for their own good" or "shut up you're too fucking dumb to understand so let the government and me - an editor tell you how good it is."

Our media and public school system has turned America into a gigantic reeducation camp...

This is why the freaks protesting Wal Street are 30 or younger - they've been brainwashed by the Ayers generation who are now their teachers - or have been brainwashed by teachers who are now teachers...

But that's why they call it progress - they chip away at our culture and economy bit by bit...

Yet another one who thinks that picking a side that the elites control somehow will benefit the nation. :cuckoo:
You think that somehow you have been immune to the massive brainwashing that has taken place in this country :cuckoo: You have been indoctrinated and have been told all your life that the fed reserve and the debt based economic system that only benefits the very top of the chain is a good thing? :cuckoo:
You also think that one political party is better then another?
Have you ever pondered the thought of who wins when the majority of American citizens is stuck bickering and fighting amongst themselves?

When I was around 8-9 my grandma gave me a package of 50 cent Zucchini seeds, I planted them with my mother and at the end of the summer I had a nice garden. You know what I did with my crop? I picked them and put them in my little red wagon and went door to door selling them.... I made about 50 bucks in a matter of a few days.... 50 bucks off a 50 cent bag of seeds..

Would you call that evil?

You blame wall street but not forced lending by our government (democrats) that do so to dictate the economy er destroy our economy by using banks as some free market form of welfare?

Indeed. There are some that think forced commerce is the way to go. :eusa_whistle:

(Nice story by the way...I'll bet that was before municipalities were forcing have a liscense, for your endeavour because they had to have thier cut, eh)?

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