Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles

And why do you think this is a good thing?

Thug mentality?

Non violent revolution it not thuggery.

Crahing the world economy and ruining millions of families lives in the process is thuggery.


They dud not tell these people to bring their guns did they?

They announced from the very beginning that this was NON VIOLENT and acting in a violent way would eliminate you from the protest.

This is what Democracy looks like.

Shutting down the streets of New York and costing the tax payers millions of dollars is not democracy TM
Wonder when the rest of the New Yorkers are gonna get sick and tired of these Idiots??

I'm sure the NYPD is ready for them to leave.

Heck, Claudette...the cops are pulling down major overtime hours because of this farce. They stand around shooting the breeze and then every now and then have to arrest some scrawny Poly Sci major? It's not exactly a tough shift.

The ones that are going to get tired of this sham are the people that have to foot the bill for all those cops...the NYC taxpayer.

Aw Crap.

You beat me to it. My next post. The taxpayers of NYC.
Why all the arrests if it is peaceful and orderly?

when you have a large crowd as the one we have in NYC, you need to expect some to overstepo their boundaries.
The bulk of the arrests were due to blocking traffic on the bridge....something most did not realize was going to be an issue...most of them are kids....and you know how kids are...

I saw the protesters first hand....they are peaceful in nature....I will admit, a bit conufsed....but very passionate about whatever it is each one thinks they are protesting.

I ask that we not continue to knock them......they deserve their time....and I appreciate their efforts as Americans.

At the end of the day, most go home to play with their x-boxes, have mom serve them dinner, text their friends, and pick their girlfriends and boyfriends up in their parents BMW.

10 years from now, they will be exactly what they are protesting against.
Well when you make demands this dumb, it would make sense that they would be the type to follow people saying "let the organizers and law team speak"... so they don't want to represent you? Who are the organizers? Someone should go down there and ask the people who these people are they are following then.
You know, with this many missing village idiots, the rest of the nation should be pretty docile right now too. Kinda like when so many were locked up for about a year after the Seattle WTO riots. Wouldn't surprise me if over 25% of these fucktards were in Seattle for that too.

Protesting to most of them seems to be a social event. You know... break out your favorite chants... find that easy hairy armpitted red head in the khaki with the dreds to boink... Yeahhhhh... good times.

It scares me that I can imagine a hairy red head with dreads so vividly and easily... their's too many of them running around
Now add a tongue piercing, pierced septum, tramp stamp...

and 200 lbs.
BTW, I do believe we have the new term for the OWS crowd.


Just like the sign on the airplaine's potty. But en espanol and smacking of 'desperados' because they are both desperate AND support thieves.

Use in good health and populate the interwebs with it's use.
Great... I'm so freakin inspired. Here are a bunch of people, obviously out of work and on the government dole, wanting what??? Why more of course. More unemployment, higher minimum wage, more welfare, more food stamps and of course the gem in the liberal crown, the single payer health care system.

And who pays for this? Obviously NOT the freakin morons on Wall Street. The Unions? No, they can't pay for it because they can't even fund their own retirement systems. You KNOW who is going to be paying for this, why the 'evil' people who actually go to work every day and pay 50% of the taxes in this country, even though they're only about 10% of the population.

Listen... I can't say this any plainer. I AIN"T PAYING FOR ANY MORE CRAP! You want to have a $20.00 an hour minimum wage, GREAT!!! YOU start a company and YOU pay $20.00 an hour to your employees. Let's see just how long you're in business.

I've just about seen everything in my life now. An American Arab Spring... So, if one of these morons get run over by a BMW, do they get the 72 virgins? I think someone needs to answer that...
I'm happy to finally see some action here in America.

We've watched the Arab Spring, it's way past time for our American Autumn.

I also like to see the media and the GOP try desperately to discredit the protest. Most of these people are unemployed and have nothing but time, this could go on and on.

Maybe what the GOP/Tea Party should do to end the protests is work bringing back some jobs.
You know what is screwed up? A person has an idea and he starts a business. He works 16 to 20 hours a day and because of his hard work, the business begins to thrive. He hires employees and he becomes a force in his industry. IF he does what he has to, sacrifices his health and his family life, then perhaps, just perhaps, he might get to a point where he has something. A point where he is far from "rich", but might be comfortable and actually has a retirement where he can now enjoy his family, his children, and his grand children.

Now, when that person becomes successfull, he immediately becomes "the bad guy." It doesn't matter that when he started he was eating can after can of Campbell's soup and working 7 days a week. No, he is immediately evil because he has "more" than those who won't work like a freakin dog. And of course, the fact that he gives a bunch to charity doesn't matter. You see, he's the "boss". He's the "master" and the people that work for him are his "slaves."

Does anybody see the issue with this? If this is the way that it is going to be, who would be interested in trying to succeed? Folks, you NEED that man AND the business he started. You NEED his intelligence and his drive. Those that call this man "evil" or "greedy" are ignorant. They are also dangerous... Give me a hundred of these type of men versus a million of the wall street occupiers.
Great... I'm so freakin inspired. Here are a bunch of people, obviously out of work and on the government dole, wanting what??? Why more of course. More unemployment, higher minimum wage, more welfare, more food stamps and of course the gem in the liberal crown, the single payer health care system.

And who pays for this? Obviously NOT the freakin morons on Wall Street. The Unions? No, they can't pay for it because they can't even fund their own retirement systems. You KNOW who is going to be paying for this, why the 'evil' people who actually go to work every day and pay 50% of the taxes in this country, even though they're only about 10% of the population.

Listen... I can't say this any plainer. I AIN"T PAYING FOR ANY MORE CRAP! You want to have a $20.00 an hour minimum wage, GREAT!!! YOU start a company and YOU pay $20.00 an hour to your employees. Let's see just how long you're in business.

I've just about seen everything in my life now. An American Arab Spring... So, if one of these morons get run over by a BMW, do they get the 72 virgins? I think someone needs to answer that...
I have one questions for the $supporters of the Occupado's 20/hr min wage:

What is it that you do that actually DESERVES a $20/hr wage?

Hell, I make okay money and this will help my ass out immensely! I know what I do at my level of experience ISN'T worth $20/hr, but give me a few years and it will. Not everyone can do what I do, and do it well and safe.

So yeah. Is working the counter at Micky Dee's a $20/hr job? How about stocking a grocery store shelf? What about parking ramp attendant? Farm laborer picking lettuce?

Some minor consequences I can guarantee you will come of something like this.
- Commodity and service prices will skyrocket
- Cash will devalue faster still
- The 'cent' will become obsolete as the single dollar covers all needs.
- Automation will end MOST current minimum wage jobs as soon as the technology can be invented.
- Every job possible to offshore, will be.
- Illegal Immigration will flood this country again and make the scant job situation worse.

Yeah... let's think things through here and see the repercussions of what you Occupados demand.
I'm happy to finally see some action here in America.

We've watched the Arab Spring, it's way past time for our American Autumn.

I also like to see the media and the GOP try desperately to discredit the protest. Most of these people are unemployed and have nothing but time, this could go on and on.

Maybe what the GOP/Tea Party should do to end the protests is work bringing back some jobs.


Wow. Are you embarrassed by this shit now? :lol:
I'm happy to finally see some action here in America.

We've watched the Arab Spring, it's way past time for our American Autumn.

I also like to see the media and the GOP try desperately to discredit the protest. Most of these people are unemployed and have nothing but time, this could go on and on.

Maybe what the GOP/Tea Party should do to end the protests is work bringing back some jobs.


Wow. Are you embarrassed by this shit now? :lol:
Embarrassment is a reaction for a people who have morals and shame.
I'm happy to finally see some action here in America.

We've watched the Arab Spring, it's way past time for our American Autumn.

I also like to see the media and the GOP try desperately to discredit the protest. Most of these people are unemployed and have nothing but time, this could go on and on.

Maybe what the GOP/Tea Party should do to end the protests is work bringing back some jobs.

What jobs? those people don't want fucking jobs,, they want hand outs from the evil rich.
I'm happy to finally see some action here in America.

We've watched the Arab Spring, it's way past time for our American Autumn.

I also like to see the media and the GOP try desperately to discredit the protest. Most of these people are unemployed and have nothing but time, this could go on and on.

Maybe what the GOP/Tea Party should do to end the protests is work bringing back some jobs.

What jobs? those people don't want fucking jobs,, they want hand outs from the evil rich.
Actually, they want the spoils of war from the rich which they prefer dead or at least impoverished.
I'm happy to finally see some action here in America.

We've watched the Arab Spring, it's way past time for our American Autumn.

I also like to see the media and the GOP try desperately to discredit the protest. Most of these people are unemployed and have nothing but time, this could go on and on.

Maybe what the GOP/Tea Party should do to end the protests is work bringing back some jobs.


Wow. Are you embarrassed by this shit now? :lol:
Embarrassment is a reaction for a people who have morals and shame.

Really? Damn, I figured it just needed an IQ into double digits. Comparing America to the Arab countries is really funny though.

The ignorance of youth.... I guess that's what this is. Or is it the manipulation of our youth by the Watermelon Man?
That is INSANE.

We also started a new communication tool, four codes.

1red means blood

2blue means fight

3green means drugs

4white means thief

Gosh JUST like the tea party! Drugs and stealing!!!

This has to be one of my favorites.

Global Block—My name is George Martinez. I am from Brooklyn, NY. I am the US Cultural Ambassador of Hip Hop for the State Department. I just got back from Columbia, celebrating hip hop diplomacy for six weeks, and I get back to my city to see this great sight of real Americans taking over what is already ours! I represent the Global Block, which means we change the world one block at a time. We will be with you tomorrow. We are the streets, this is our America, in solidarity always.

If the State Department really has an office of Hip Hop diplomacy I can see a savings right away when it's shut down.

Solidarity bro, get in the stack.

By the way, they need game designers for the Occupy Wall Street video game.

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