Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles

Do you know what the American revolution, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution all have in common?

They were all started by non-ideological extremely PISSED OFF people!

They all started with no definite leadership and no definite goals.


Be afraid. Be very afraid!
Do you know what the American revolution, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution all have in common?

They were all started by non-ideological extremely PISSED OFF people!

They all started with no definite leadership and no definite goals.


Be afraid. Be very afraid!

Yeah, and WHOS fault is it these people are pissed off?
Do you know what the American revolution, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution all have in common?

They were all started by non-ideological extremely PISSED OFF people!

They all started with no definite leadership and no definite goals.


Be afraid. Be very afraid!

I believe Machiavelli said something about a government being only as good as its abity to enforce its own laws. This country can enforce its own laws. I'm sure there is a fair amount of hand wringing going on behind the scenes. But I came of age in the 60s and saw this shit for a fair amount of time. There may be another 'Kent State', but this government is not going to be overthrown by a bunch of fools.
Do you know what the American revolution, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution all have in common?

They were all started by non-ideological extremely PISSED OFF people!

They all started with no definite leadership and no definite goals.


Be afraid. Be very afraid!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4KR1zVqizo]My Cousin Vinny Cross Examination - YouTube[/ame]

The American Revolution, led by Philosophers, Layers and capitalist lead to a freer Republic, the French and Russian mobs and gangsters lead to dictatorships.

Just sayin'.
Do you know what the American revolution, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution all have in common?

They were all started by non-ideological extremely PISSED OFF people!

They all started with no definite leadership and no definite goals.


Be afraid. Be very afraid!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4KR1zVqizo]My Cousin Vinny Cross Examination - YouTube[/ame]

The American Revolution, led by Philosophers, Layers and capitalist lead to a freer Republic, the French and Russian mobs and gangsters lead to dictatorships.

Just sayin'.

Don't confuse the child with facts.
Do you know what the American revolution, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution all have in common?

They were all started by non-ideological extremely PISSED OFF people!

They all started with no definite leadership and no definite goals.


Be afraid. Be very afraid!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4KR1zVqizo]My Cousin Vinny Cross Examination - YouTube[/ame]

The American Revolution, led by Philosophers, Layers and capitalist lead to a freer Republic, the French and Russian mobs and gangsters lead to dictatorships.

Just sayin'.

Don't confuse the child with facts.

What should I confuse him with?

This... :confused:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGwYj4AqB6Q]Star Wars Episode IV - Porkins Tragic Death - YouTube[/ame]
Who cares? All these new political movements have a mass crowd of clueless idiots padding the numbers, just look at the Tea Party.

Nice try---:lol::lol: But this crowd is contrary to what their argument is. The Tea Party consists of MILLIONS across this country--that don't even have police watching them--because when they carry anything--it is the AMERICAN FLAG. No arrests are made at a Tea Party rallies. The Tea Parties grievances are with WASHINGTON D.C. & the actions of the Federal Government where it belongs.

And that is why the Tea Party movement in this country has been so SUCCESSFUL--whereas your group is looking like a bunch of angry--misguided imbeciles.

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Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.
Dollars to donuts that 95% of all those demands if asked of the "Occupado" on wall street, would be agreed with.

So really what they're really saying is "WE CAN'T HIDE OUR REAL GOALS IF YOU MORONS KEEP TELLING THEM TO PEOPLE! For the love of gaia, shut up!!!"
Do you know what the American revolution, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution all have in common?

They were all started by non-ideological extremely PISSED OFF people!

They all started with no definite leadership and no definite goals.


Be afraid. Be very afraid!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4KR1zVqizo]My Cousin Vinny Cross Examination - YouTube[/ame]

The American Revolution, led by Philosophers, Layers and capitalist lead to a freer Republic, the French and Russian mobs and gangsters lead to dictatorships.

Just sayin'.

Don't confuse the child with facts.
The major difference? Individual rights and freedoms. Not collective rights and state qualified freedoms.
Who cares? All these new political movements have a mass crowd of clueless idiots padding the numbers, just look at the Tea Party.

Nice try---:lol::lol: But this crowd is contrary to what their argument is. The Tea Party consists of MILLIONS across this country--that don't even have police watching them--because when they carry anything--it is the AMERICAN FLAG. No arrests are made at a Tea Party rallies. The Tea Parties grievances are with WASHINGTON D.C. & the actions of the Federal Government where it belongs.

And that is why the Tea Party movement in this country has been so SUCCESSFUL--whereas your group is looking like a bunch of angry--misguided imbeciles.

Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest [CLEAN VERSION] - YouTube

There are idiots in the Tea Party, not all of them, but they are there. What you state says they're docile, which I'll give you...they don't cause many disruptions.
Well when you make demands this dumb, it would make sense that they would be the type to follow people saying "let the organizers and law team speak"... so they don't want to represent you? Who are the organizers? Someone should go down there and ask the people who these people are they are following then.
Well when you make demands this dumb, it would make sense that they would be the type to follow people saying "let the organizers and law team speak"... so they don't want to represent you? Who are the organizers? Someone should go down there and ask the people who these people are they are following then.
You know, with this many missing village idiots, the rest of the nation should be pretty docile right now too. Kinda like when so many were locked up for about a year after the Seattle WTO riots. Wouldn't surprise me if over 25% of these fucktards were in Seattle for that too.

Protesting to most of them seems to be a social event. You know... break out your favorite chants... find that easy hairy armpitted red head in the khaki with the dreds to boink... Yeahhhhh... good times.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

What is SHOWS, Dragon is that the Occupy Wall Street leaders are now cringing over the negative backlash they received when they allowed activists to post their demands on the Occupy Wall Street site. You see if Occupy Wall Street can keep what they want secret then the whole "we are the 99%" lie can be maintained...but if the general public gets an idea of what these moonbats are really looking to accomplish then the jig is up. They're asking their members not to divulge what they really want because the leaders of that protest know only too well that it isn't what 30% of the country wants...let alone 99%. So they're asking everyone to be vague and not propose specifics. You know...kind of like when Barry was running for President in 2008?
I think they will call him/her the Chairman. Pretty funny with the corporate connection and all.

Mindless mobs with no direction. Tear gas time.
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

What is SHOWS, Dragon is that the Occupy Wall Street leaders are now cringing over the negative backlash they received when they allowed activists to post their demands on the Occupy Wall Street site. You see if Occupy Wall Street can keep what they want secret then the whole "we are the 99%" lie can be maintained...but if the general public gets an idea of what these moonbats are really looking to accomplish then the jig is up. They're asking their members not to divulge what they really want because the leaders of that protest know only too well that it isn't what 30% of the country wants...let alone 99%. So they're asking everyone to be vague and not propose specifics. You know...kind of like when Barry was running for President in 2008?

It's too late--their list of 13 DEMANDS is already all over the internet. It's in the local newspapers through-out Colorado--and I am sure in your states also. It's everywhere.
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Well when you make demands this dumb, it would make sense that they would be the type to follow people saying "let the organizers and law team speak"... so they don't want to represent you? Who are the organizers? Someone should go down there and ask the people who these people are they are following then.
You know, with this many missing village idiots, the rest of the nation should be pretty docile right now too. Kinda like when so many were locked up for about a year after the Seattle WTO riots. Wouldn't surprise me if over 25% of these fucktards were in Seattle for that too.

Protesting to most of them seems to be a social event. You know... break out your favorite chants... find that easy hairy armpitted red head in the khaki with the dreds to boink... Yeahhhhh... good times.

Hey...what else can you do with a liberal arts degree these days? Obama has the economy tanking so bad none of these "intellectuals" can get a job...at least protesting gets them out of their parent's basement for some fresh air...oh, and they get some free food!!!

If you want some serious laughs go to the Occupy Wall Street site and read the "minutes" of the meetings these idiots have to decide things. It's like Barney Fife, Floyd and Goober have left Mayberry...grown long hair and decided to protest against capitalism. A bigger bunch of idiots you'd be hard pressed to find on the planet.
Well when you make demands this dumb, it would make sense that they would be the type to follow people saying "let the organizers and law team speak"... so they don't want to represent you? Who are the organizers? Someone should go down there and ask the people who these people are they are following then.
You know, with this many missing village idiots, the rest of the nation should be pretty docile right now too. Kinda like when so many were locked up for about a year after the Seattle WTO riots. Wouldn't surprise me if over 25% of these fucktards were in Seattle for that too.

Protesting to most of them seems to be a social event. You know... break out your favorite chants... find that easy hairy armpitted red head in the khaki with the dreds to boink... Yeahhhhh... good times.

It scares me that I can imagine a hairy red head with dreads so vividly and easily... their's too many of them running around

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