#occupywallstreet: ‘you’re going to see what a molotov cocktail can do to macy’s’

Is it your premise that the video is staged?

If it's typical Breitbart stuff, more likely severely edited to create a false impression.

Willow Tree said:
what part of that video was inaccurate?

I have no way of knowing, which is rather the point. If it were from a reliable source, I could tell you in some confidence, "nothing."

"I have no way of knowing....."

Really ?

But you speculate anyway ?
My two cents.......

There will always be a whackos in any group.

I am not a fan of the OWSers....but I also am pretty certain they all don't want to do physical damage to Wall Street (just a guess).

At the same time, they seem be fading already. I am in China and I have asked people around here who follow U.S. politics if they have been watching this....generally, they haven't.

I have not heard anyone I know discuss it.

I am afraid it just isn't what people wish it were.

The media I am watching is already moving on.
Well... hell, isn't it you guys that say the "tree of liberty must be watered in blood"?

Perhaps your on the wrong side of liberty. Now, I will never, EVER condone violence against my fellow Americans. But this system of "money rules everything" and "might makes right" that we have now has got to change.

It's boiling to a head, and I would NOT be surprised if the less stable of the group turned to violence.... which would be a damned shame.
Well... hell, isn't it you guys that say the "tree of liberty must be watered in blood"?

Perhaps your on the wrong side of liberty. Now, I will never, EVER condone violence against my fellow Americans. But this system of "money rules everything" and "might makes right" that we have now has got to change.

It's boiling to a head, and I would NOT be surprised if the less stable of the group turned to violence.... which would be a damned shame.

yep, I gotta hand it to you. you demoncrats are much better at stirring violence than the tea party was.. hell,, the tea party couldn't even think up burning New Yawk to the ground and sending Macy's a molotov cocktail. It's supposed to be tomorrow.. I wonder will Macys be full of shoppers? More bang for the buck? Your class warfare is finally paying off for you isn't it?
Well... hell, isn't it you guys that say the "tree of liberty must be watered in blood"?

Perhaps your on the wrong side of liberty. Now, I will never, EVER condone violence against my fellow Americans. But this system of "money rules everything" and "might makes right" that we have now has got to change.

It's boiling to a head, and I would NOT be surprised if the less stable of the group turned to violence.... which would be a damned shame.

I fully expect you Shitters to get violent.

It's not like you have IDEAS, after all....
Well... hell, isn't it you guys that say the "tree of liberty must be watered in blood"?

Perhaps your on the wrong side of liberty. Now, I will never, EVER condone violence against my fellow Americans. But this system of "money rules everything" and "might makes right" that we have now has got to change.

It's boiling to a head, and I would NOT be surprised if the less stable of the group turned to violence.... which would be a damned shame.

I fully expect you Shitters to get violent.

It's not like you have IDEAS, after all....

You know, that's a great name actually.. "Shitters on Wall Street." SOWS" in the form of SOW .. it has a factual ring to it..
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The left OWNS the OWS....I don't think it will end well for them. When the communists backed the OWS, the left should have tried some damage control with the group.

Now it really looks like the majority are no more than bots and are now being led by the extreme fringe.
Outstanding. And, the demoncrats support them 100% Colon said they're all American as apple pie.. Who cooks apple pie with a Molotov cocktail?

Breitbart.tv » #OccupyWallStreet: ‘You

Yea Molotov throwers, defecaters, piled up garbage, scabies, TB, shootings, rapes... I really find it hard to understand how some of people on this forum as well as Pelosi, Obama, Moore, et.al. identify with these OWS ...!

Really those of you that support them are you molotov throwers?
Do you defecate in public or walk around jacking off in public?

Remember there is truth in the adage "birds of a feather flock together"!

Thanks again to you OWS supporters for furthering the decline of the Obamatrons !

Really you supporters don't you cringe a bit seeing the defecators, the bomb throwers, the rapists in your midst?

Not to mention white house shooters in their midst.

But I forgot, the media is trying to pretend nothing happened.
The left OWNS the OWS....I don't think it will end well for them. When the communists backed the OWS, the left should have tried some damage control with the group.

Now it really looks like the majority are no more than bots and are now being led by the extreme fringe.

Heck, I'm surprised the American Nazis joining them didnt cause them to question. I didn't even know there were American Nazis, but I would seriously have to question myself if they started supporting the same causes I did.

But the left is always saying how we need to stop this nation from going Nazi. They have no problem accusing others of being nazis based on absolutely nothing. But when actual nazis join their political movement they dont even question it...

weird people.
The left OWNS the OWS....I don't think it will end well for them. When the communists backed the OWS, the left should have tried some damage control with the group.

Now it really looks like the majority are no more than bots and are now being led by the extreme fringe.
Van Jones must be so proud.
I happen to think beautiful girls defending themselves, knowing how to use a gun is a turn on for most men.. Actually I know it is.. I've seen it in my personal life over and over so I don't give the first damn what some old fat fuck thinks who's probably afraid of guns to begin with. Pansyass men don't do anything for me.

Old and fat. You got me spot on. Bravo.

At least you're modest though and have no problem telling us that you are indeed a beautiful girl.
I love a woamn who knows how to handle a firearm.
Dismantle it and put it back together and I will likely need a tissue and some alone time.

Dear God....err....fish...I love a woman with a firearm.

Hahahaha!! My husband has probably 18 guns and i don't know the firsts thing about them! Never shot one either....now i feel left out! Lol!
My two cents.......

There will always be a whackos in any group.

I am not a fan of the OWSers....but I also am pretty certain they all don't want to do physical damage to Wall Street (just a guess).

At the same time, they seem be fading already. I am in China and I have asked people around here who follow U.S. politics if they have been watching this....generally, they haven't.

I have not heard anyone I know discuss it.

I am afraid it just isn't what people wish it were.

The media I am watching is already moving on.

That's why in my last post i said if the OWS were really wanting get the "right" attention, have people listen to what they're saying, they need to get rid of the scum that are there with them. Alot of people are paying no attention to them.
I happen to think beautiful girls defending themselves, knowing how to use a gun is a turn on for most men.. Actually I know it is.. I've seen it in my personal life over and over so I don't give the first damn what some old fat fuck thinks who's probably afraid of guns to begin with. Pansyass men don't do anything for me.

Old and fat. You got me spot on. Bravo.

At least you're modest though and have no problem telling us that you are indeed a beautiful girl.

I haven't met a conservative girl who isn't attractive. FACT.

What are you? 13?

Or maybe you are confusing this account for your Tiger Beat account or something?

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