Occurring now...Biden and his families' nefarious business dealings-- what business expertise worth $10 million???

Pretty amazing seeing the libs twist into pretzels to deny the very obvious crime of influence peddling and racketeering.

(Odd, since they seemed OK when Bragg indicted Trump for an unnamed crime.)
Pretty amazing seeing the libs twist into pretzels to deny the very obvious crime of influence peddling and racketeering.

(Odd, since they seemed OK when Bragg indicted Trump for an unnamed crime.)
It's so "obvious" yet you can't answer essential basic questions.

Pretty amazing to see the conservatives twist into pretzels to deny they can't explain the fundamental aspects of this supposed crime.
It's so "obvious" yet you can't answer essential basic questions.

Pretty amazing to see the conservatives twist into pretzels to deny they can't explain the fundamental aspects of this supposed crime.
Amazing how libs are willing to excuse the fact that Biden Family members got $10 million via shelter companies for doing no discernible work while Joe was VP.
Wow. What a deflection! The CEOs are paid by shareholders for running the company.

Why were the Biden Family members, including a granddaughter, paid $10 million from foreign nationals - via shell companies created for the specific purpose of avoiding a direct transaction? What service did they provide?

Appealing to the fact that shareholders give their CEOs huge salaries and bonuses doesn't make it any better when their workers are being paid a miserable salary and are forced to receive food stamps from the government to survive. You have no problem with that but then want to cry about some other wealthy elite getting $10,000,000. You right-wingers complain about issues that are trivial compared to the actual, substantial problems that truly undermine people's livelihoods and their very existence. Trivial shit, rather than what we should really be concerned about.
Appealing to the fact that shareholders give their CEOs huge salaries and bonuses doesn't make it any better when their workers are being paid a miserable salary and are forced to receive food stamps from the government to survive. You have no problem with that but then want to cry about some other wealthy elite getting $10,000,000. You right-wingers complain about issues that are trivial compared to the actual, substantial problems that truly undermine people's livelihoods and their very existence. Trivial shit, rather than what we should really be concerned about.
Totally unrelated to Biden family members getting $10 million from foreign nationals - via shell companies set up to hide the transfers - while Joe was VP.

BIG deflection fail on your part.
sure we do, money being paid, decisions being made that benefited the payor from the payee.
Yup, and Comer said this was only from analysis of four banks, and that they have eight more banks to go. At this rate, the Biden Family will have gotten $30 million in payoffs.
Dang, is this the typical liberal thing, play stupid. Oh wait, you're not playing.
If I’m stupid, why can’t any of you answer simple questions?

It’s because there aren’t answers and you just don’t want to admit it.
If I’m stupid, why can’t any of you answer simple questions?

It’s because there aren’t answers and you just don’t want to admit it.
The questions have been answered repeatedly....you just can't accept reality. Some advice for you though, acceptable is a powerful thing. I hope one day you'll be able to learn that...and break free from your cult hive
Yep, a straight up idiot who believes whatever the fuck your bleeding little heart wants to.

Thanks for the reminder again.

You right-wingers have no problem handing millions to the CEOs of companies, that pay their workers peanuts.
YOU communists (Russia/China) have between them 6,543,0000 millionaires so why aren't those millionaires share their wealth?
The non-communist USA has 75 times as many millionaires while Average worker makes 7 times as much as Russian worker.
SEEMS the standard of living in Anti-communist countries is quite a few times BETTER than your communist countries. Care to explain???

Millionaires in:
Russia 353,000 millionaires
China has 6,190,000 people holding assets worth $1 million or more,
The USA — has 26,480,000 people in the same category or 75 times as many as Russia and 4 times as many as China..

Average Annual household Income
Russia Annual Household Income per Capita reached $7,932.62
the average Chinese worker earned 105,000 yuan a year, the equivalent of $16,153.
The average American worker earned some $58,120 a year OR 7 times Russian annual income and 3.5 times as much as Chinese annual income.

The Global Slavery Index estimates that 794,000 people lived in conditions of modern slavery in Russia on any given day in 2016
The above Index estimates that on any given day in 2016 there were over 3.8 million people living in conditions of modern slavery in China,

How many people would like to move to:
The USA... 158,000,000
In Russia... One-fifth of Russia's 143,200,000 (or 30 million) want to leave the country.
In China.. 9 million people would want to live in China.. vs nearly 17 times that wanting to live in the USA.

But the reason YOU would want to live in Russia/China is because of why???
The questions have been answered repeatedly....you just can't accept reality. Some advice for you though, acceptable is a powerful thing. I hope one day you'll be able to learn that...and break free from your cult hive
I don’t like your answer because you give non-answers or you give excuses.

What policy did Biden influence for money?

When Republicans are asked what evidence they have on the Biden's, “You’re not going to get necessarily hard proof but there’s such a huge body of evidence," Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said of the Bidens.

So you guys are making shit up to slander Biden. Got it. This is a political witch hunt.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) called on Americans to “infer what’s happening” with President Joe Biden and his family in the wake of allegations from House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-Ky.).


But when asked if they have evidence they say no. Finding any evidence is like “tracking a bleeding bear through a snowstorm.”

“You’re not going to get any proof, but use your imaginations like we do.”

Yes, that is what you learn in law school, to "infer" is enough for court.

The word "appears" is used 13 times in the oversight documents. As in, "it appears that Joe's shady". Along with the words likely, possibly, could have....They aren't even sure Joe's crooked. I fucking love this. Innocent until inferred guilty.
No. What was his example?

Again, if you can’t answer simple questions then you really don’t have a leg to stand on.
Sorry, if you didn’t even care enough to listen to a press conference showing how Biden Family members collected $10 million from foreign nationals via shell companies they set up to hide the transfers while the Family Head was the vice president, you’re beyond help.
You are a lying sack sealybobo

The $2 billion gift to Jared lie has been debunked dozens of times, liar.
NEVER has it been debunked. Tell us what Jared has to offer that is worth $2 billion dollars. Now this is influence peddling.

Let's use the same standards you are using to attack job. I'm going to infer this Jared deal is shady. Sure APPEARS to be. Seems like it.

Proving this deal is criminal is tough. It's like “tracking a bleeding bear through a snowstorm.”

“On the bank records, you’re not going to see ‘payback for selling nuclear technology to Saudis.’ You have to infer what’s happening here.

“You’re not going to get necessarily hard proof but there’s such a huge body of evidence,”

Look at Jared's father. He went to jail for white collar crimes. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. And Jared's father in law is Trump. Clearly that Saudi deal was payback for all that President Trump did for Saudi Arabia while in office.

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