Occurring now...Biden and his families' nefarious business dealings-- what business expertise worth $10 million???

What company does the Biden family have? What products do they sell? Oh right, they sell government access and influence. I think there’s a name for that.
Do you have evidence of this? No. Don't ask questions. If you know something, share it.
You're overlooking the fact that there's hard evidence in the form of paper trails here, while the Steele Dossier has been proven to have been a fabricated hoax.
Prisoners with IQs higher than room temp will continue to investigate Steele, a Clinton crime family connection to British MI6.

'Steele is only one of the many former intelligence officers who cheerleaded draconian responses to COVID and applaud the onset of totalitarianism.'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 431)
Do you have evidence of this? No. Don't ask questions. If you know something, share it.
Yes I do. The Bidumb family doesn’t sell any products, they don’t do real estate, they don’t even actually have a business. WTF do you think they have that would be worth millions to someone?
oh it's getting real ugly....well for those of us that think corruption is ugly it is. The dark underbelly of the Xiden criminal enterprise is being exposed....funny that you somehow blame a political campaign slogan for it...
So what has come out that is so "ugly"?

Yes I do. The Bidumb family doesn’t sell any products, they don’t do real estate, they don’t even actually have a business. WTF do you think they have that would be worth millions to someone?
They own LLC's so yes they do own business'

What business' does Kevin McCarthy own?

Like I said, you are starting a probe into the Biden family without evidence.

So what has come out that is so "ugly"?


The guy coming out is James Comey

When Comer was asked by CNN in April 2023 about his investigation, on whether he had found "anything illegal while [Joe Biden] was actually in office", Comer replied that "we found a lot that’s certainly unethical … We found a lot that should be illegal. The line is blurry as to what is legal and not legal with respect to family influence-peddling."

Unethical? Any more unethical than Trump having foreigners stay at Trump Hotels while in Washington lobbying him for favors?

Basically what he's saying is he has found nothing illegal. This is a witch hunt.
But if you can stir up the crazies with it, it doesn't matter if it's a crime or not.
wel it didn’t matter. maybe it’s not, the point of rhe legislature is to investigate and create or strengthen laws

moreover something can be corrupt or unethical ans not be a crime
Yes I do. The Bidumb family doesn’t sell any products, they don’t do real estate, they don’t even actually have a business. WTF do you think they have that would be worth millions to someone?
When Comer was asked by CNN in April 2023 about his investigation, on whether he had found "anything illegal while [Joe Biden] was actually in office", Comer replied that "we found a lot that’s certainly unethical … We found a lot that should be illegal. The line is blurry as to what is legal and not legal with respect to family influence-peddling."
Just like we said foreigners staying at Trump Hotels was unethical and should be illegal,

When Comer was asked by CNN in April 2023 about his investigation, on whether he had found "anything illegal while [Joe Biden] was actually in office", Comer replied that "we found a lot that’s certainly unethical … We found a lot that should be illegal. The line is blurry as to what is legal and not legal with respect to family influence-peddling."
and remember how Joyce Bowhard reacted after Trump won in a lanslide in 2016? and never ended her rage that Trump took millions(was it millions?) From Puitn? Trump was already guilty of various matters for his entire 4 year term? so what happens on The View for the next several episodes now that they all look like 4 or 5 baffoons?

When Comer was asked by CNN in April 2023 about his investigation, on whether he had found "anything illegal while [Joe Biden] was actually in office", Comer replied that "we found a lot that’s certainly unethical … We found a lot that should be illegal. The line is blurry as to what is legal and not legal with respect to family influence-peddling."

So no he has not. Witch Hunt?
the millions of dollars that flowed to the xiden’s

the clear lies from xiden that the evidence highlights
Millions of dollars...wow. Seems like the IRS should be involved. Strange that they wouldn't have investigated this under Trump.

Can you explain why they didn't?
and remember how Joyce Bowhard reacted after Trump won in a lanslide in 2016? and never ended her rage that Trump took millions(was it millions?) From Puitn? Trump was already guilty of various matters for his entire 4 year term? so what happens on The View for the next several episodes now that they all look like 4 or 5 baffoons?
Fake news.

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