Occurring now...Biden and his families' nefarious business dealings-- what business expertise worth $10 million???

Watching the House of Representatives presenting the various documents that are showing the Biden's extensive financial transactions with the Chinese Communist Party among others in receiving millions, (up to $10 million...) has received from foreign countries funds for businesses with no known expertise!
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He’s in the business of selling access to his office
Watching the House of Representatives presenting the various documents that are showing the Biden's extensive financial transactions with the Chinese Communist Party among others in receiving millions, (up to $10 million...) has received from foreign countries funds for businesses with no known expertise!
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there was no business.
Trump actually had a business
and remember how Joyce Bowhard reacted after Trump won in a lanslide in 2016? and never ended her rage that Trump took millions(was it millions?) From Puitn? Trump was already guilty of various matters for his entire 4 year term? so what happens on The View for the next several episodes now that they all look like 4 or 5 baffoons?
Watching the House of Representatives presenting the various documents that are showing the Biden's extensive financial transactions with the Chinese Communist Party among others in receiving millions, (up to $10 million...) has received from foreign countries funds for businesses with no known expertise!
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No link, just a photo. That will do it for the Biden family.

... While Joe was VP, Hunter worked with a Romanian national who would be later convicted of corruption in Romania. $1 million received there
... The money from the Romanian national stops shortly after Joe leaves office, which could indicate influence peddling
... They're saying "the Biden Family", so I guess that's a few people in total, including Joe
... Two Chinese nationals had connections with the Communist party, and the Bidens received millions through wire transfers and shell companies
... An intermediary was used to cover up the transfers from the Chinese
... This is based on bank records directly from the bank, while the Bidens were denying it
... Several banks were used in this process, they were unreported, and subpoenas have been issued
... LLCs were formed while Joe was Veep that ended up receiving over $10 million
... Joe has been lying that the family has not been receiving any funds since 2020
... It is impossible that Joe didn't know about the millions coming in from China
... The evidence is "beyond" circumstantial, some of which has been provided by a whistle-blower
... In general, they're saying the Bidens used shell companies and several banks to hide the payments

So it's a Romanian national, two Chinese nationals, and several banks involved. New subpoenas are being sent now.

Bank records are absolutely required for something like this, and they say they have them, and are after more.

So we'll see.

Trump lost wealth while in politics. The Biden crime family got filthy ass rich.

You know who are really the dumbasses here?

Those idiots that kept electing this Biden Clown to office for so many years knowing that everything he ever did was wrong. They knew what a fuck up he was and they knew he was dishonest but they didn't seem to care.

Then you have those imbeciles that voted for him as President. LOL!

That kind of stupidity is mind boggling, isn't it?
You won't find any crimes. What you are doing is saying that Biden's companies did business with foreign companies. Big deal. What company doesn't? Including Trump.
What company does the Biden family have? What products do they sell? Oh right, they sell government access and influence. I think there’s a name for that.
There are only a few ways to get $10 million.

1. Inherit it.

2. Have a business where you produce goods or services that other people will buy.

3. Steal it.

Biden didn't inherit jackshit and as far as we know now he did not steal it.

So the question is what goods or services did Biden provide to earn $10 million in profit?

The answer is very clear. Just like Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary he was selling government influence to the highest bidder.

The only difference is that Slick Willy and Crooked Hillary laundered their influence peddling through a sham foundation. Joe Potatohead had the money directly paid to his family members after going through a couple of sham LLCs.
Why did the Saudi's give Jared $2 BILLION dollars? You're asking about $10 million which is nothing. Was that $10 million over the course of 10 years? My brother is a VP of HR and makes that much.

That may sound like a lot of money to you but it's not.

Also, what did Clarence's wife do to get $100K? And who gave her the $100K? And did Clarence reside over cases they were involved in? Yup!

If you have evidence against Biden bring it. And I hope it's not like Hillary's server. Something they all do.
Did jared create 20 LLC's to hide the money and transfer the money back and forth between the LLC's to hide it even deeper
Let me know
Then take it to court, that is what you do with tax cheats.

Until then this is no different than the Russian pee tape or anything the Dems threw at Trump

You're overlooking the fact that there's hard evidence in the form of paper trails here, while the Steele Dossier has been proven to have been a fabricated hoax.
This is so much bigger than Watergate, but Biden will not have to answer for it.

The difference is that the nearly the entire corrupt swamp and media are running interference for Potatohead whereas they actually did their jobs with Nixon.

Rule of law is dead. Rules for thee but not for me is the law of the land, not the Constitution. Sooner that we realize that, sooner we can stop wasting time on bullshit like this that's not going anywhere.

I'd LOVE to be wrong, but nothing will happen. The stupid Moon Bats will even vote for him if he runs again. Just like everybody knew how corrupt and what an incompetent moron he was but still some really dumbshits voted for him in 2020.

You can't fix Moon Bat stupidity like that.
Watching the House of Representatives presenting the various documents that are showing the Biden's extensive financial transactions with the Chinese Communist Party among others in receiving millions, (up to $10 million...) has received from foreign countries funds for businesses with no known expertise!
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No known expertise names it correctly. The Chinese just boasted about a found virus closest yet to SARS2 and it occurs in a bat genus also collected by Hunter Biden's Metabiota. So we thank this current group of communists for making an even more important link to the drug-eating trash, Hunter Biden, and investments that also have no expertise behind them.

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