October Reminder to GOP: Establishment Clinton Has Turned Her Ratings Around!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Republican Governor Kasich used the CNBC debate to denigrate the "Fantasy" agendas of the front-runner outsider, GOP Presidential aspirants. Essentially, The Republican Party has been using the debates to show that their elected officials are not too bright, or even well-liked, even before next year. The leaders are not named Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Kasich, Bush, or the 2nd tier other disregarded, elected officials.

So elsewhere it is noted that Secretary Clinton is now pulling ahead among Democrats. That actually started already this fall. In the October link, "For the first time since July, more voters see presidential candidate Hillary Clinton favorably than unfavorably, a remarkable turnaround for a candidate whose image has fallen precipitously since she declared."
Poll: Clinton’s Image Improves- In positive territory among all voters

People could wonder if that were good news for Bush. So going on, for Clinton, "Last week's debate. . . ."

The Republican elected officials, after the big win of midterms, are not even liked by even their own people.

CNBC and even the biased conservative media seem to have very little to do with it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
Republican Governor Kasich used the CNBC debate to denigrate the "Fantasy" agendas of the front-runner outsider, GOP Presidential aspirants. Essentially, The Republican Party has been using the debates to show that their elected officials are not too bright, or even well-liked, even before next year. The leaders are not named Cruz, Rubio, Christie, Kasich, Bush, or the 2nd tier other disregarded, elected officials.

So elsewhere it is noted that Secretary Clinton is now pulling ahead among Democrats. That actually started already this fall. In the October link, "For the first time since July, more voters see
Poll: Clinton’s Image Improves- In positive territory among all voters

When she is elected we will still have a bad economy. The democrats are just wed to an economic philosophy that doesn't work and it will be a matter of time before people begin to feel it. In the mean time this country will keep voting democrat and the more it does the more it will slowly realize that nothing they think economically works. All we have to do is wait.
Another corporatist YYYYAAAAYYYY
I never understood how a group of people could always complain about evil corporations and greed and vote in a fuckin corporatist.
Fuckin idiots.
Another corporatist YYYYAAAAYYYY
I never understood how a group of people could always complain about evil corporations and greed and vote in a fuckin corporatist.
Fuckin idiots.

Yep, she looks more like a Republican.
This week the stock market even awaits the October jobs report, to try to guess Federal Reserve Bank interest rate policy. Major problem with economics, that has been happening for about 5000 years, and is generally not well understood: In any of them. The ancient Sumer would repay a loan of three bags of barley, with four. The Code of Hammurabi tried to cap them. In the same Code, the male head of household could sell the wife and kids into slavery for settlement of debts. Kind of like a first start at the welfare state, pop may have messed up, but the wife and kids got housed, clothed, and fed.

Moses, educated out of Imperial Egypt, employed usury as a subjugation form, for the foreign: And nobody so-stated, (Deuteronomy 23:19-20). The effect was finally shown in the New Testament, Matthew 25:14-30, and nobody so-stated--even going forward to Mohammed the Prophet, Adam Smith the economist, Karl Marx the revolutionary, or John Maynard Keynes--more or less the concept that runs the economies of the world, right now. Interest rates are used to regulate the money supply. Keynes was gay, and no one so states his other claim to fame: "He bade the people bend, over, and await the Public Works!"

Economic failure has been ingrained in Western Civilization, and likely in the fossil record. No one so-states the remedy. That is inverse usury, in Matthew 20:1-16. Like the Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid, "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," the people get an equal amount regardless if they had worked all the year or not, like in the story, regardless if they had worked all the day or not.

Again, no one so-states: Even after the Republicans, took the refundable credit away, in 2011.

Bill Clinton, likely understanding more about Secretary Reich--who did similar math, not noting the stories: Put into place the $500 per child, equal amount tax credit. The Democrats had created the raised and Indexed, Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption equal amounts, in the 1986 Tax Reform. Those two measures are still in place, essentially throwing people off the tax rolls, so the tax breaks don't get applied any more, in actual savings.

The Refundable Credit went directly to the sources. Living Wage Ordinances, and Minimum Wage increases, go directly to the sources. Indexing an equal amount raise would be similar to the old CBA cost-of-living adjustments, $0.01 per hour for a specified rise in the Consumer Price Index. That could further be indexed to account for the loss of purchasing power, of the amount.

Comparing, even Social Security simply uses the usury, fixed percentage. No equal amounts are paid. The benefit amounts are not equal.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many get equal amounts. Go to market place. Many buy food. Many buy clothing. Many put some to the Money Changers. Many buy sacred vision materials, instead(?)!"
wow, that writer has to be a paid DNC tool. that's all
even with all the slimy stuff she does, they still write about her as if she the Queen of us all. we need to learn to bow and do it now. talk about fantasy's . gross

All Heil Hillary
all Heil Obama
all hell to them all
None of the debates has so far dwelt too much on the legacy of the Party of Lincoln. Likely millions find that refreshing(?)! 700,000 dead White People, among the many outcomes, reminds anyone--all by itself--just how hated these people really are(?)! Before that, a black slave was actually worth as much as $2,500.00. An acre of land was only a dollar or so. A good pig was maybe, $10.00, a mule maybe $25.00, a horse maybe $50.00. Mostly, only the horse kept to a relatively civil diet. The slave could actually feed itself.

Now there is a movement, "Black lives Matter!"

And comparing with that, not even RNC has started a movement, "Republican Elected Official Lives Matter. . . Too(?)! That doesn't seem to be catching on(?)!

There is something else to put in the brownies, even from Colorado!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes exposing Math of God-That-Doesn't-Exist, not yet put to starring role on Syrian YouTube video, hosted by John the Beheader!)
Secretary Clinton seems ready to step into the international limelight, not jus another Prime Minister, but actually an elected Democrat with electoral appeal.

Then there is maybe Jeb Bush(?)! Or maybe there is Bush-Cheney(?)! No one brings up much about Bush I, Term I, the Clinton pre-cursor. Anyone might wonder about the one named Barbara, who actually gave birth. .. .it likely doesn't come up too much, even before that(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe Old White Eyes Woman of Kenne. . .(?). . .or maybe really Texas. . .really maybe She-Wolf. . . .making funny concept of empire(?)!)
oh yeah, a paid shill for her . who else would write something so pathetic as this:

Secretary Clinton seems ready to step into the international limelight, not jus another Prime Minister, but actually an elected Democrat with electoral appeal.


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