O'Donnell questions separation of church, state

The problem with O'Donnell and the Tea Baggers is they claim to cherish the Constitution in one breath and then go on about how they want to change it.

They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected, separation of church and state.

The only right in the Constitution they truly cherish is the Second Amendment just in case they need "second ammendment remedies"
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The problem with O'Donnell and the Tea Baggers is they claim to cherish the Constitution in one breath and then go on about how they want to change it.

They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected, separation of church and state.

The only right in the Constitution they truly cherish is the Second Amendment just in case they need "second ammendment remedies"

Do you know what an amendment is and what it does?

Damn you liberals are stupid!
Just more evidence that the Tea Party is the same old right wing of the Republican party, regurgitating the same old rightwing talking points and pushing the same old rightwing agenda we've endured for decades.
At least they ar not commie bastards like the left. O'Donnell is right, seperation of church and state is not in the constitution, and if anybody says it is they are lying!!! It was adopted in 1947,when was the constitution written? Yeah. The problem is idiots have misinterpreted the first ammendment for their own purpose, mainly satanists to throw God out of our society, too bad, you can't get rid of God.
Reason #4,228 that right wing loons shouldn't be elected to office.

People like O'Donnel make me wonder if sharia law could be mandated in the US.

If it ever is it would be the worst thing to happen since obama was elected.
The problem with O'Donnell and the Tea Baggers is they claim to cherish the Constitution in one breath and then go on about how they want to change it.

They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected, separation of church and state.

The only right in the Constitution they truly cherish is the Second Amendment just in case they need "second ammendment remedies"

Do you know what an amendment is and what it does?

Damn you liberals are stupid!

Not so stupid as to argue with Thomas Jefferson on the meaning of the First Amendment. But then, about a third of you Texans have been out in the sun too long without a hat.
Where does it say you have the right to own a gun? I keep hearing about 'gun rights' but I can't find that word 'gun' anywhere in the Constitution.

I guess we've been duped by all those 'gun rights' people, claiming a constitutional right to own a gun.

I know, right? It has to be word for word for some people....I guess. :doubt:

These people tend to only take what they want, when they want for what they want. All else be damned.
Just more evidence that the Tea Party is the same old right wing of the Republican party, regurgitating the same old rightwing talking points and pushing the same old rightwing agenda we've endured for decades.
At least they ar not commie bastards like the left. O'Donnell is right, seperation of church and state is not in the constitution, and if anybody says it is they are lying!!! It was adopted in 1947,when was the constitution written? Yeah. The problem is idiots have misinterpreted the first ammendment for their own purpose, mainly satanists to throw God out of our society, too bad, you can't get rid of God.

Alot of you wingnuts want to go back to the racist days of the 40's
O'Donnell questions separation of church, state - Politics - Decision 2010 - msnbc.com

"Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?" O'Donnell asked him.

When Coons responded that the First Amendment bars Congress from making laws respecting the establishment of religion, O'Donnell asked: "You're telling me that's in the First Amendment?"

Her comments, in a debate aired on radio station WDEL, generated a buzz in the audience.

I thought these Tea Party candidates were all about Constitutionalism? WTF???:eek:

Fucking hay, what an airhead the witch is, but this is what the rightwing dipshits want in office, this is the "solution" to the problem that Obama allegedly couldn't fix.
The problem with O'Donnell and the Tea Baggers is they claim to cherish the Constitution in one breath and then go on about how they want to change it.

They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected, separation of church and state.

The only right in the Constitution they truly cherish is the Second Amendment just in case they need "second ammendment remedies"

Do you know what an amendment is and what it does?

Damn you liberals are stupid!

Not so stupid as to argue with Thomas Jefferson on the meaning of the First Amendment. But then, about a third of you Texans have been out in the sun too long without a hat.

Hate to break the news to you but huh, Jefferson is dead.

I like the way you idiots try to put down Texas and Texans, the one state that is faring far better than the other states. In the first two months of 2010 alone, exports of stuff made here in Texas rose 24.3 percent, to $29 billion, from 2009. That's about 10 percent of the nation's total exports. The state unemployment rate is 8.2 percent—high, but still one many states would envy. (California's is 12.5 percent; Michigan's is 14.1 percent.)

The housing market also has fared better than many. The mortgage delinquency rate (the portion of borrowers three months behind on payments) is 5.78 percent, compared with 8.78 nationwide, according to First American CoreLogic. That's partly because relaxed zoning codes and abundant land kept both price appreciation and speculation down. "House prices didn't experience a bubble in the same way as the rest of the nation," said Anil Kumar, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Why Texas is doing so much better economically than the rest of the nation. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Hacker News | Why Texas is doing so much better economically than the rest of the nation

I guess I can see why you idiots would envy Texas.
The problem with O'Donnell and the Tea Baggers is they claim to cherish the Constitution in one breath and then go on about how they want to change it.

They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected, separation of church and state.

The only right in the Constitution they truly cherish is the Second Amendment just in case they need "second ammendment remedies"

Do you know what an amendment is and what it does?

Damn you liberals are stupid!

And you're the smart one, right? Show us where rightwinger doesn't seem to know what amendments are and what they do......
The problem with O'Donnell and the Tea Baggers is they claim to cherish the Constitution in one breath and then go on about how they want to change it.

They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected, separation of church and state.

The only right in the Constitution they truly cherish is the Second Amendment just in case they need "second ammendment remedies"

Do you know what an amendment is and what it does?

Damn you liberals are stupid!

Not so stupid as to argue with Thomas Jefferson on the meaning of the First Amendment. But then, about a third of you Texans have been out in the sun too long without a hat.

You're lowballing.
Just more evidence that the Tea Party is the same old right wing of the Republican party, regurgitating the same old rightwing talking points and pushing the same old rightwing agenda we've endured for decades.
At least they ar not commie bastards like the left. O'Donnell is right, seperation of church and state is not in the constitution, and if anybody says it is they are lying!!! It was adopted in 1947,when was the constitution written? Yeah. The problem is idiots have misinterpreted the first ammendment for their own purpose, mainly satanists to throw God out of our society, too bad, you can't get rid of God.

Alot of you wingnuts want to go back to the racist days of the 40's

That would be the democrat wingnuts, the party of the KKK.


The Ku Klux Klan, Terrorist Wing of the Democratic Party - Big Government

Answers.com - Was the democratic party associated with the KKK

The Democratic Party’s Legacy of Racism by Mackubin T. Owens

KKK Terrorist Arm of the Democratic Party | National Black Republican Association
At least they ar not commie bastards like the left. O'Donnell is right, seperation of church and state is not in the constitution, and if anybody says it is they are lying!!! It was adopted in 1947,when was the constitution written? Yeah. The problem is idiots have misinterpreted the first ammendment for their own purpose, mainly satanists to throw God out of our society, too bad, you can't get rid of God.

Alot of you wingnuts want to go back to the racist days of the 40's

That would be the democrat wingnuts, the party of the KKK.


The Ku Klux Klan, Terrorist Wing of the Democratic Party - Big Government

Answers.com - Was the democratic party associated with the KKK

The Democratic Party’s Legacy of Racism by Mackubin T. Owens

KKK Terrorist Arm of the Democratic Party | National Black Republican Association

You fucking slackjawed imbecile, look at your sources in your links, shut the fuck up with that bullshit.
The problem with O'Donnell and the Tea Baggers is they claim to cherish the Constitution in one breath and then go on about how they want to change it.

They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected, separation of church and state.

The only right in the Constitution they truly cherish is the Second Amendment just in case they need "second ammendment remedies"

Do you know what an amendment is and what it does?

Damn you liberals are stupid!

And you're the smart one, right? Show us where rightwinger doesn't seem to know what amendments are and what they do......

A second grader is a hell of a lot smarter than any of you liberal idiots.

RW needs to read Article V of the Constitution. Fact is the Constitution has been amended 27 times so for RW to imply that amending the Constitution in any way diminishes anyones adoration or adherence to it is as stupid as stupid gets.

Oh and I didn't address his outright lies that "They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected...", which anyone with half a brain knows is bullshit. Excluding you of course.
Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?

it's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

you may want to write that on your hand for easy reference.
The fool beleives that seperation of church and state is in the constitution, idiot.

the fool also believes that it's i before e except after c, or when sounded like a as in neighbor and weigh.

have a nice deigh
The problem with O'Donnell and the Tea Baggers is they claim to cherish the Constitution in one breath and then go on about how they want to change it.

They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected, separation of church and state.

The only right in the Constitution they truly cherish is the Second Amendment just in case they need "second ammendment remedies"

The problem with you is you ASSume too much, you know what that makes you? An ASS!

There were originally only 10 amendments! The Bill of Rights. These are the amendment that are by far the most cherished. Not distinguishing between the 2nd amendment at say the 17th amendment shows how little you know. No tea partier is talking about getting rid of the 13, 14 (in whole), 15 or any other amendment, other than the birthright clause and the 16th amendment. But changes in the constitution are not unheard of. Such as the fugitive slave clause, Art 4 Clause 3, 3/5 Compromise, Article 1, Clause 2, Paragraph 3 and of course repealing prohibition!

The birthright clause, is being abused and needs to be changed. It was never created to allow the children of felons to be automatic citizens. I am not shocked at how little liberals actually value their American citizenship! :eek: The birthright clause was created in order to make sure the RACIST DEMOCRATS, wouldn't try to strip the citizenship of the children of the newly freed slaves and ship them off to Africa. Yet liberals now use it to get more people into the welfare system!

On with the 16th Amendment. First, get your facts straight, because the 16th amendment doesn't provide the government the ability to collect and lay taxes, Article 1 Clause 8 first paragraph created that right. The 16th amendment created Congress already Constitutional right to tax income. Most SMART Americans want limits on the power to lay taxes on income, esp in this global economy!

How senators are elected? Meaning the 17th A, LOL, nice propaganda piece douche bag ditto for the Separation of Church and State, which is factually not in the constitution and is created by case law. So changing the Separation of Church and State would be changing well established Stare Decisis! Why not listen to tea parties and not the daily kos, because they are far from what a simpleton like you things!

Well I would have included wikipedia, but everyone knows that wikipedia is for liberal idiots.

Why not produce evidence to the contrary instead of crying about the source? Oh I see you can't dispute any of the facts so you simply do what every good liberal does, which is to remain ignorant. Sucks being you huh?

After The Civil Rights Act was passed Democrat President Lyndon Johnson praised Republicans for their overwhelming support.

The Republican Party was formed by anti-slavery activists to combat the pro-slavery Democrats

The Ku Klux Klan was formed by radical Democrats who opposed equality for blacks.

In 1935 Democrats defeated an Anti-Lynching Bill supported and put forward by Republicans.

The 1924 Democrat National Convention in New York was host to one of the largest Klan gatherings in American history. Dubbed the “Klanbake convention”, a minority of delegates attempted to condemn the presence of the Klan but was rebuked by the Klan supporting Democrat Majority.

On April 20, 1871 the Republican Congress enacted the Ku Klux Klan Act, outlawing Democratic Party-Affiliated terrorist groups.

Ronald Reagan, a Republican, made history on November 2, 1983 by signing into law Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a National Holiday. This is the first and only Federal Holiday that recognizes a Black American.

Carnell Knowledge by Chris Arnell

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