O'Donnell questions separation of church, state

Just more evidence that the Tea Party is the same old right wing of the Republican party, regurgitating the same old rightwing talking points and pushing the same old rightwing agenda we've endured for decades.
At least they ar not commie bastards like the left. O'Donnell is right, seperation of church and state is not in the constitution, and if anybody says it is they are lying!!! It was adopted in 1947,when was the constitution written? Yeah. The problem is idiots have misinterpreted the first ammendment for their own purpose, mainly satanists to throw God out of our society, too bad, you can't get rid of God.

Actually Reynolds v. US in 1878 established it and Everson in 1947 reaffirmed it. However, the point is you can tell she had no idea what she was talking about, because if she did then after the laughter she would have said. Please let me explain...and then she would explained the establishment clause is in the constitution, but the Separation of Church & State Doctrine was created by case law. But she didn't; rather she shut the fuck up with a puzzled and embarrassed look. Woman you are at a law school, your going to be asked about the constitution, yet she didn't know about the 14th, 15th, 16th amendments!!! Absolutely amazing!
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If it's not Soros, or CNN, or GEMSNBC, it doesn't qualify????? You are the Link Police Too now????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: The Looney Tunes cry foul????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Another voice proclaiming that if the New York Times didn't report it, it didn't happen. ;)
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So true, Texas (and Utah) is by far the best state in the Union. They are doing all the right things. Basically everything CA is not doing.

Do you know what an amendment is and what it does?

Damn you liberals are stupid!

Not so stupid as to argue with Thomas Jefferson on the meaning of the First Amendment. But then, about a third of you Texans have been out in the sun too long without a hat.

Hate to break the news to you but huh, Jefferson is dead.

I like the way you idiots try to put down Texas and Texans, the one state that is faring far better than the other states. In the first two months of 2010 alone, exports of stuff made here in Texas rose 24.3 percent, to $29 billion, from 2009. That's about 10 percent of the nation's total exports. The state unemployment rate is 8.2 percent—high, but still one many states would envy. (California's is 12.5 percent; Michigan's is 14.1 percent.)

The housing market also has fared better than many. The mortgage delinquency rate (the portion of borrowers three months behind on payments) is 5.78 percent, compared with 8.78 nationwide, according to First American CoreLogic. That's partly because relaxed zoning codes and abundant land kept both price appreciation and speculation down. "House prices didn't experience a bubble in the same way as the rest of the nation," said Anil Kumar, senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

Why Texas is doing so much better economically than the rest of the nation. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Hacker News | Why Texas is doing so much better economically than the rest of the nation

I guess I can see why you idiots would envy Texas.
Do you know what an amendment is and what it does?

Damn you liberals are stupid!

And you're the smart one, right? Show us where rightwinger doesn't seem to know what amendments are and what they do......

A second grader is a hell of a lot smarter than any of you liberal idiots.

RW needs to read Article V of the Constitution. Fact is the Constitution has been amended 27 times so for RW to imply that amending the Constitution in any way diminishes anyones adoration or adherence to it is as stupid as stupid gets.

Oh and I didn't address his outright lies that "They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected...", which anyone with half a brain knows is bullshit. Excluding you of course.

You've forgotten that not everyone is held to the 2nd grade standards that you Texans are. We don't find being as smart as a 2nd grader quite acceptable. We aim higher.
And you're the smart one, right? Show us where rightwinger doesn't seem to know what amendments are and what they do......

A second grader is a hell of a lot smarter than any of you liberal idiots.

RW needs to read Article V of the Constitution. Fact is the Constitution has been amended 27 times so for RW to imply that amending the Constitution in any way diminishes anyones adoration or adherence to it is as stupid as stupid gets.

Oh and I didn't address his outright lies that "They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected...", which anyone with half a brain knows is bullshit. Excluding you of course.

You've forgotten that not everyone is held to the 2nd grade standards that you Texans are. We don't find being as smart as a 2nd grader quite acceptable. We aim higher.

Hammerin' on Texans, Bodey?...


The Civil Govt. tho’ bereft of everything like an associated hierarchy possesses the requisite stability and performs its functions with complete success; Whilst the number, the industry, and the morality of the Priesthood, & the devotion of the people have been manifestly increased by the total separation of the Church from the State. (James Madison, letter to Robert Walsh, March 2, 1819, Writings of James Madison vol 8, ed. Gaillard Hunt, published New York, Putnam's Sons, 1908)

Strongly guarded as is the separation between Religion & Govt in the Constitution of the United States the danger of encroachment by Ecclesiastical Bodies, may be illustrated by precedents already furnished in their short history. (James Madison, Detached Memoranda, published in The Founders' Constitution, ed Kurland and Lerner, Chicago University Press)

The Civil Govt. tho’ bereft of everything like an associated hierarchy possesses the requisite stability and performs its functions with complete success; Whilst the number, the industry, and the morality of the Priesthood, & the devotion of the people have been manifestly increased by the total separation of the Church from the State. (James Madison, letter to Robert Walsh, March 2, 1819, Writings of James Madison vol 8, ed. Gaillard Hunt, published New York, Putnam's Sons, 1908)

Strongly guarded as is the separation between Religion & Govt in the Constitution of the United States the danger of encroachment by Ecclesiastical Bodies, may be illustrated by precedents already furnished in their short history. (James Madison, Detached Memoranda, published in The Founders' Constitution, ed Kurland and Lerner, Chicago University Press)


No! No! No! They don't EXACTLY say "Separation OF Church & State"....they don't count! :cuckoo:
The Civil Govt. tho’ bereft of everything like an associated hierarchy possesses the requisite stability and performs its functions with complete success; Whilst the number, the industry, and the morality of the Priesthood, & the devotion of the people have been manifestly increased by the total separation of the Church from the State. (James Madison, letter to Robert Walsh, March 2, 1819, Writings of James Madison vol 8, ed. Gaillard Hunt, published New York, Putnam's Sons, 1908)

Strongly guarded as is the separation between Religion & Govt in the Constitution of the United States the danger of encroachment by Ecclesiastical Bodies, may be illustrated by precedents already furnished in their short history. (James Madison, Detached Memoranda, published in The Founders' Constitution, ed Kurland and Lerner, Chicago University Press)


No! No! No! They don't EXACTLY say "Separation OF Church & State"....they don't count! :cuckoo:

lolol, and yet, there is plenty of truth in that. This is standard practice rightwing 'logic'; they will argue down to a crossed t and dotted i's worth of difference to try to 'disprove' something they don't like to hear.
It would be much more valuable for libbies to focus on what the Constitution DOES say with regard to church and State.

And it worthy of note that libbies (mostly Democratics) spend such an inordinate amount of time commenting on and contemplating Christine O'Donnell. It is pretty clear to almost all observers that she's not gonna win. Coons, that tax and spend crazy lib, is probably going to win.

So the fascination with O'Donnell is telling. The libs seem to be looking for some political enemy they can defeat by ridicule. LOL. Of course, since O'Donnell is probably going to lose anyway, the reality is that libs can take no actual credit. But the petty efforts do at least distract them from the ass kicking they are about to take on Election Day.
It would be much more valuable for libbies to focus on what the Constitution DOES say with regard to church and State.

And it worthy of note that libbies (mostly Democratics) spend such an inordinate amount of time commenting on and contemplating Christine O'Donnell. It is pretty clear to almost all observers that she's not gonna win. Coons, that tax and spend crazy lib, is probably going to win.

So the fascination with O'Donnell is telling. The libs seem to be looking for some political enemy they can defeat by ridicule. LOL. Of course, since O'Donnell is probably going to lose anyway, the reality is that libs can take no actual credit. But the petty efforts do at least distract them from the ass kicking they are about to take on Election Day.

baically your retarded ass can't admit that O'Donnell is batshit crazy and ridiculously stupid as fuck so you attack libs for stating whats obvious and you're mad about it, typical rightwing shithead diversionary tactic to get out of admitting that their own ilk is fucked in the brain.
It would be much more valuable for libbies to focus on what the Constitution DOES say with regard to church and State.

And it worthy of note that libbies (mostly Democratics) spend such an inordinate amount of time commenting on and contemplating Christine O'Donnell. It is pretty clear to almost all observers that she's not gonna win. Coons, that tax and spend crazy lib, is probably going to win.

So the fascination with O'Donnell is telling. The libs seem to be looking for some political enemy they can defeat by ridicule. LOL. Of course, since O'Donnell is probably going to lose anyway, the reality is that libs can take no actual credit. But the petty efforts do at least distract them from the ass kicking they are about to take on Election Day.

baically your retarded ass can't admit that O'Donnell is batshit crazy and ridiculously stupid as fuck so you attack libs for stating whats obvious and you're mad about it, typical rightwing shithead diversionary tactic to get out of admitting that their own ilk is fucked in the brain.

The retarded one (as all of your posting efforts prove0 is you, faillow.

I do not "admit" things tht aren't true. I can say and have said that I wish there was a better Tea Party candidate to take on Coons, that fucking idiot. But, it suffices that at least O'Donnell defeated Castle. Spanking RINOs is the start of a whole new age.

I also don't much care even if O'Donnell was crazy. She's just one candidate in an array of candidates -- and her loss will be largely offset by the wins (for you quite painful wins) by other Tea Party supported candidates. :thup:

Morons like you (i.e., all uber-partisan hack liberoidal assbites) cannot wrap your tiny minds around the fact that the American people are rejecting your fucking Democrat Parody policies. Complete babbling braying jackasses like you are mystified by it. :lol:

Good. Come Election Day, the ass kicking you schmucks are about to receive will be all that much more painful for you. Excellent. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
And you're the smart one, right? Show us where rightwinger doesn't seem to know what amendments are and what they do......

A second grader is a hell of a lot smarter than any of you liberal idiots.

RW needs to read Article V of the Constitution. Fact is the Constitution has been amended 27 times so for RW to imply that amending the Constitution in any way diminishes anyones adoration or adherence to it is as stupid as stupid gets.

Oh and I didn't address his outright lies that "They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected...", which anyone with half a brain knows is bullshit. Excluding you of course.

You've forgotten that not everyone is held to the 2nd grade standards that you Texans are. We don't find being as smart as a 2nd grader quite acceptable. We aim higher.

Care to compare how us Texans are faring compared to you idiot Californians?

Oh and by the way I was comparing liberals to second graders, not because it's any standard that Texans adhere to, but because it's the closest comparison one could make in order not to make you look completely retarded. Of which you appear to be borderline.
sure check the average price of a house in Cali vs Texas youno family knuckle dragger.
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It would be much more valuable for libbies to focus on what the Constitution DOES say with regard to church and State.

And it worthy of note that libbies (mostly Democratics) spend such an inordinate amount of time commenting on and contemplating Christine O'Donnell. It is pretty clear to almost all observers that she's not gonna win. Coons, that tax and spend crazy lib, is probably going to win.

So the fascination with O'Donnell is telling. The libs seem to be looking for some political enemy they can defeat by ridicule. LOL. Of course, since O'Donnell is probably going to lose anyway, the reality is that libs can take no actual credit. But the petty efforts do at least distract them from the ass kicking they are about to take on Election Day.

baically your retarded ass can't admit that O'Donnell is batshit crazy and ridiculously stupid as fuck so you attack libs for stating whats obvious and you're mad about it, typical rightwing shithead diversionary tactic to get out of admitting that their own ilk is fucked in the brain.

You know...there's no need to be so rude and aggressive. It just makes you look wrong. Cool, calm discussion of facts will do more to make your point. Just sayin'.
A second grader is a hell of a lot smarter than any of you liberal idiots.

RW needs to read Article V of the Constitution. Fact is the Constitution has been amended 27 times so for RW to imply that amending the Constitution in any way diminishes anyones adoration or adherence to it is as stupid as stupid gets.

Oh and I didn't address his outright lies that "They want to repeal citizenship rights, right of the government to tax, how Senators are elected...", which anyone with half a brain knows is bullshit. Excluding you of course.

You've forgotten that not everyone is held to the 2nd grade standards that you Texans are. We don't find being as smart as a 2nd grader quite acceptable. We aim higher.

Care to compare how us Texans are faring compared to you idiot Californians?

Oh and by the way I was comparing liberals to second graders, not because it's any standard that Texans adhere to, but because it's the closest comparison one could make in order not to make you look completely retarded. Of which you appear to be borderline.

You're certainly better at raising football players. But we all know that involves letting them slide in HS, College, and the law.....When I was stationed in Kingsville, we knew all about your "education". I loved the Aggie jokes too.
sure check the average price of a house in Cali vs Texas youno family knuckle dragger.

What has that got to do with anything you ignorant fuck?

When comparing California with Texas, U-Haul says it all. To rent a 26-foot truck oneway
from San Francisco to Austin, the charge is $3,236, and yet the one-way charge for that
same truck from Austin to San Francisco is just $399.

how silly. She actually think the Constitution means what it says.

Could you answer her question? Where does the Constitution mention "Separation of Church and State"?

Please my enlightened friends. Tell us where you find this statement in the Constitution.

I think her opponents answer was the truly outrageous one. It doesn't matter to him what the Constitution says. Only what the judge says it says. Apparently we no longer need to amend the Constitution. We can probably just do away with that silly provision.
how silly. She actually think the Constitution means what it says.

Could you answer her question? Where does the Constitution mention "Separation of Church and State"?
You go first....where in the Constitution does it say "right to a fair trial," "right to own a gun," or "separation of powers?"

Since none of those are explicitly stated in the Constitution, do you maintain they don't exist?
Rightwingtards arguing that the separation of church and state is unsupported by the first amendment is as equally laughable as Leftwingtards arguing that the right to burn a book is not protected by it.

In both instances it's a case of objective reason and judgement completely blinded by partisan hackery and denial.

True story :thup:
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Rightwingtards arguing that the separation of church and state is unsupported by the first amendment is as equally laughable as Leftwingtards arguing that the right to burn a book is not protected by it.

In both instances it's a case of objective reason and judgement completely blinded by partisan hackery and denial.

True story :thup:

In other words, you can't

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