Of Ghandi, Martin Luther King and the democrat party terrorists, who burn, loot and kill today...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Apparently there is already a thread on this..... Moderators, you can merge this or delete it.........

John Nolte discusses the protest movements of Ghandi, Martin Luther King and discusses the democrat party violence, burning, looting and killing that has happened for the last 3 weeks.....

You see, we all knew that was the slippery slope to hell. We all knew our civilization and democracy depended on — regardless of the cause and our personal opinion of it — the ideal that we would defend anyone’s right to swing their fist right up until it touched the tip of someone else’s nose.

Gandhi and Rev. Martin Luther King understood this. What I mean is they understood Western Civilization could be made to see the light through peaceful resistance and civil disobedience. They understood that our culture was a culture of conscience, of ideas, of non-violence, and that in the end our hearts would be changed if the only way to defend immoral ideas (colonialism, Jim Crow) was through violence.

On the left today, most especially in the media, that culture King and Gandhi knew it could appeal to, is dead. The left are all thugs now, the media are terrorists now, violence is acceptable now, and there’s no going back from that.

You see, Gandhi and King pursued the moral goals of self-determination and individual liberty, the laudatory goal of freedom. If your agenda is a moral one, non-violent protest will succeed in a civilized country, because in the end, civilized people see the light.

The modern left’s goals, the modern media’s goals, the goals of the terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter are immoral, are the authoritarian goals of tyrants who want to tell us how to think and what to believe, what we can and cannot say… They want total control of our children by way of a failed school system, they want total control of that which shapes our culture by way of an entertainment institution that blacklists those who think different, they want total control of political speech by means of tech fascists, and they want total control of our government by way of cheat-by-mail, removing the electoral college, killing the filibuster, and expanding the Supreme Court.

The left are now the Woke Taliban, and the Woke Taliban cannot achieve those goals through non-violent protest and civil disobedience because those goals are monstrous. So they are forced, like the Bolsheviks before them, to resort to gangsterism and violence, to terror and lies.

We now live in a world where a very public Black Lives Matter organizer, Shaun King, can openly call for the destruction of Christian churches while Twitter allows the call for mob violence to remain published and the media protect King and Black Lives Matter by ignoring it.

We now live in a world where Democrat politicians are doing nothing to stop the violence in their own cities, where the police are obviously being told to stand down as lawless mobs gleefully stream the statues they topple and monuments they desecrate, where a big city mayor sides with the terrorists who occupied six city blocks filled with hundreds of businesses and private residences.

We now live in a world where violence against President Trump ans his supporters is openly encouraged by the media.

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And here is the solution to the democrat party terrorists.........

Come 2020, the American people must repudiate this terrorism at the ballot box, must annihilate the Democrats in such an overwhelming way it will be 50 years before they resort to violence again (remember, it was 50 years ago Democrats used violence to try and preserve the Jim Crow south)…

But that’s the only way, and the polls right now are not encouraging.
And here is the solution to the democrat party terrorists.........

Come 2020, the American people must repudiate this terrorism at the ballot box, must annihilate the Democrats in such an overwhelming way it will be 50 years before they resort to violence again (remember, it was 50 years ago Democrats used violence to try and preserve the Jim Crow south)…

But that’s the only way, and the polls right now are not encouraging.

Polls are wrong! RED is the motto - Remove Every Democrat

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