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Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%

Oh right, because Liberals all have SUCH BIG HEARTS AND WALLETS. but as we all see, they DON'T want to donate it themselves, they want the Big daddy Guberment to TAKE it from the people THEY DEEM WHO it should be ...THE RICH..then they can crow about, see we Liberals care more..

I'd love for you to be able to one day realize how backwards your thinking is. How you're sticking up for people who don't give a shit about you, while at the same time you argue against policies that would directly benefit you. I'd love to see the lightbulb go off when you realize,..."what the hell was I thinking". The sad part is, I don't think you'll ever reach that day. That's a real shame.

You know what DEAR... I don't give a shit if they care for me and I don't have to give a shit about them...I MAKE MY OWN LIFE and I like that JUST FINE. and don't tell me about arguing against policies that are for" that benifit me"..my best interest is for the Federal Government and people who think like you to STAY THE HELL OUT of my business... and I damn sure didn't ask for this pathetic lecture of yours.

So you don't drive on the interstate?
I never understood the covetous nature of Liberals.

What coveting? Most of us don't want this for ourselves.

I never understood the selfish nature of Conservatives.

You do understand that whatever you STEAL from the 1% isn't gonna go to bottom 10% don'tcha? Or haven't you figured out that it will just DISAPPEAR into the giant black pockets of Congress? Just like the $3TRill stolen FICA excess that we are now PAYING FOR AGAIN.. 535 mental midgets are gonna spend it wisely?

Here's a clue -- you can't STEAL IT fast enough...

That's NOT a solution to getting America a 21st Century economy.. It's a massive failure of leadership to be pumping on the class war.. A failure of HISTORICAL proportion...

The failure was George W. Bush.

He lowered taxes for the rich, started two useless wars, created an trillion dollar unfunded drug program, and allowed Wall Street to run a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme.

Now we have to raise taxes on the rich, re-regulate Wall Street, get out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and repair our shattered economy.
I'd love for you to be able to one day realize how backwards your thinking is. How you're sticking up for people who don't give a shit about you, while at the same time you argue against policies that would directly benefit you. I'd love to see the lightbulb go off when you realize,..."what the hell was I thinking". The sad part is, I don't think you'll ever reach that day. That's a real shame.

You know what DEAR... I don't give a shit if they care for me and I don't have to give a shit about them...I MAKE MY OWN LIFE and I like that JUST FINE. and don't tell me about arguing against policies that are for" that benifit me"..my best interest is for the Federal Government and people who think like you to STAY THE HELL OUT of my business... and I damn sure didn't ask for this pathetic lecture of yours.

So you don't drive on the interstate?

SURE DO, and I pay GAS TAXES and my local and STATE taxes for that..
good gawd, you people crack me up
Some people look at income inequality and shrug their shoulders. So what if this person gains and that person loses? What matters, they argue, is not how the pie is divided but the size of the pie. That argument is fundamentally wrong. An economy in which most citizens are doing worse year after year—an economy like America’s—is not likely to do well over the long haul. There are several reasons for this.

First, growing inequality is the flip side of something else: shrinking opportunity. Whenever we diminish equality of opportunity, it means that we are not using some of our most valuable assets—our people—in the most productive way possible. Second, many of the distortions that lead to inequality—such as those associated with monopoly power and preferential tax treatment for special interests—undermine the efficiency of the economy. This new inequality goes on to create new distortions, undermining efficiency even further. To give just one example, far too many of our most talented young people, seeing the astronomical rewards, have gone into finance rather than into fields that would lead to a more productive and healthy economy.

Third, and perhaps most important, a modern economy requires “collective action”—it needs government to invest in infrastructure, education, and technology. The United States and the world have benefited greatly from government-sponsored research that led to the Internet, to advances in public health, and so on. But America has long suffered from an under-investment in infrastructure (look at the condition of our highways and bridges, our railroads and airports), in basic research, and in education at all levels. Further cutbacks in these areas lie ahead.

None of this should come as a surprise—it is simply what happens when a society’s wealth distribution becomes lopsided. The more divided a society becomes in terms of wealth, the more reluctant the wealthy become to spend money on common needs. The rich don’t need to rely on government for parks or education or medical care or personal security—they can buy all these things for themselves. In the process, they become more distant from ordinary people, losing whatever empathy they may once have had. They also worry about strong government—one that could use its powers to adjust the balance, take some of their wealth, and invest it for the common good. The top 1 percent may complain about the kind of government we have in America, but in truth they like it just fine: too gridlocked to re-distribute, too divided to do anything but lower taxes.

Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1% | Society | Vanity Fair

Bridges, roads, and public infrastructure can be repaired WHEN we actually HAVE an economy. You said NOTHING about raising the skill sets of American workers or getting more AMERICAN kids into our Colleges of Science and Engineering. NOTHING about leveling the regulations that prevent NEW Venture businesses from being created to KNOCK OFF the older less friendly corporate giants. NOTHING about getting capital to flow to industries that we could lead the world in... NO ONE in politics is really leading.

Growing the economy and shifting the labor force into BETTER more lucrative jobs comes first. NOT "stimulating" areas where only a 1/10 of America works. If we DON'T continue to lead in innovation and birthing new industries --- this class war freak show will be the last act before we look like Greece...

Greece is what it is because people there don't pay their taxes.

Like the Tea Party.

Oh really, funny I have to file a Federal and State returns EVERY FUCKING YEAR. I guess I just do that for the hell of it.
And we will BECOME just like Greece if we listen to people like you and your heroes in the Democrat party
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Oh right, because Liberals all have SUCH BIG HEARTS AND WALLETS. but as we all see, they DON'T want to donate it themselves, they want the Big daddy Guberment to TAKE it from the people THEY DEEM WHO it should be ...THE RICH..then they can crow about, see we Liberals care more..

I'd love for you to be able to one day realize how backwards your thinking is. How you're sticking up for people who don't give a shit about you, while at the same time you argue against policies that would directly benefit you. I'd love to see the lightbulb go off when you realize,..."what the hell was I thinking". The sad part is, I don't think you'll ever reach that day. That's a real shame.

You know what DEAR... I don't give a shit if they care for me and I don't have to give a shit about them...I MAKE MY OWN LIFE and I like that JUST FINE. and don't tell me about arguing against policies " that benefit me".. I don't ask anyone for anything and I damn sure don't ask the Federal Govermnet for anything...my best interest is for the Federal Government and people who think like you to STAY THE HELL OUT of my business... and I damn sure didn't ask for this pathetic lecture of yours.

You post on this site practically every day, so I think you do care. A lot actually. I realize trying to talk common sense with you is pointless though. I feel bad for you. I know, you don't care, but I just thought I'd let you know.
I'd love for you to be able to one day realize how backwards your thinking is. How you're sticking up for people who don't give a shit about you, while at the same time you argue against policies that would directly benefit you. I'd love to see the lightbulb go off when you realize,..."what the hell was I thinking". The sad part is, I don't think you'll ever reach that day. That's a real shame.

You know what DEAR... I don't give a shit if they care for me and I don't have to give a shit about them...I MAKE MY OWN LIFE and I like that JUST FINE. and don't tell me about arguing against policies " that benefit me".. I don't ask anyone for anything and I damn sure don't ask the Federal Govermnet for anything...my best interest is for the Federal Government and people who think like you to STAY THE HELL OUT of my business... and I damn sure didn't ask for this pathetic lecture of yours.

You post on this site practically every day, so I think you do care. A lot actually. I realize trying to talk common sense with you is pointless though. I feel bad for you. I know, you don't care, but I just thought I'd let you know.

I feel bad that you think I would care about what you think or say to me..I've been around a long time to be bothered what people like you think of me.
here's a deal. stay out of my face and I'll do the same for you. K
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You know what DEAR... I don't give a shit if they care for me and I don't have to give a shit about them...I MAKE MY OWN LIFE and I like that JUST FINE. and don't tell me about arguing against policies " that benefit me".. I don't ask anyone for anything and I damn sure don't ask the Federal Govermnet for anything...my best interest is for the Federal Government and people who think like you to STAY THE HELL OUT of my business... and I damn sure didn't ask for this pathetic lecture of yours.

You post on this site practically every day, so I think you do care. A lot actually. I realize trying to talk common sense with you is pointless though. I feel bad for you. I know, you don't care, but I just thought I'd let you know.

I feel bad that you think I would care about what you think or say to me..I've been around a long time to be bothered what people like you think of me.
here's a deal. stay out of my face and I'll do the same for you. K

Are you happy with your life? Be honest.
If ANYONE gave a shit about wages, jobs, and the economy --- they'd stop this redistribution foolishness and start looking at the problems. Anyone who believes that with our current education situation, lack of business-friendly enviroment, and acute lack of political leadership, that High School drop-outs are going to prosper because of 57 threads on "the wealthy" --- Now there is someone who really doesn't give a shit... You KNOW who I'm referring to...
If ANYONE gave a shit about wages, jobs, and the economy --- they'd stop this redistribution foolishness and start looking at the problems. Anyone who believes that with our current education situation, lack of business-friendly enviroment, and acute lack of political leadership, that High School drop-outs are going to prosper because of 57 threads on "the wealthy" --- Now there is someone who really doesn't give a shit... You KNOW who I'm referring to...

Zzzzz....until you stop sucking up to Big Business and their shills in the government, nothing in this country will change.
If you want more wealth, why don't you work at producing something of value so you can recieve it without compulsion and without force.
How have you fared economically over the last ten to twenty-five years?

"While the top 1 percent have seen their incomes rise 18 percent over the past decade, those in the middle have actually seen their incomes fall. For men with only high-school degrees, the decline has been precipitous—12 percent in the last quarter-century alone. All the growth in recent decades—and more—has gone to those at the top."

Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1% | Society | Vanity Fair

Many of those at the top of the economic pyramid did not contribute anything of value to society. In fact, the outsourcing of millions of middle class jobs to China and the "contributions" of mortgage back securities to the Great Recession have turned life into a living hell for millions of formerly middle class Americans.

So rather than do something to make yourself better, you want to tear down others. Doesn't seem like a good plan to me.
You post on this site practically every day, so I think you do care. A lot actually. I realize trying to talk common sense with you is pointless though. I feel bad for you. I know, you don't care, but I just thought I'd let you know.

I feel bad that you think I would care about what you think or say to me..I've been around a long time to be bothered what people like you think of me.
here's a deal. stay out of my face and I'll do the same for you. K

Are you happy with your life? Be honest.

I'm extremely happy my dear. I just didn't take kindly to your condescending post to me, so I responded in kind.
Hope that satisfies your curiosity. And we shall let it go at that. bye
I never understood the covetous nature of Liberals.

What coveting? Most of us don't want this for ourselves.

I never understood the selfish nature of Conservatives.

You'll notice that the cons argument always places us as the people looking for "hand outs". They can't wrap their heads around the fact that just maybe we're doing well and want to see those who are less fortunate than us be able to get some assistance.

If they stopped and thought about, maybe, just maybe those of us who are advocating for these social safety nets and aid for the poor and middle class are in favor of it not because of selfish reasons or that it would directly benefit us but because it's just the right thing to do.

I'm sure I'll be called a communist/marxist/socialist for this post.
Your post tells me you're just as much a caring compassionate person as myself.

I understand that there are plenty of Liberals that are doing well. Much more than "well" in fact. And therein lies much irony. It's the conservative "well-offs" that are the bad guys, right?

There will always be less fortunate ones among us. I've been to poverty and back several times in my life. But at no time have I ever coveted the assets of others, the success of others, the fortunes of others. And I never felt that such wealth should be redistributed in any fashion whatsoever. Instead I searched for and found particular economic opportunities that I utilized in order to lift myself from such poverty- all within the framework of existing tax climates.

Social safety nets are horribly abused these days, and those safety nets have become safety hammocks.

The "right thing to do" is not necessarily to pull down those who are doing well, but to pull up those less fortunate. Obama has done nothing to that end and he has created an air of derision toward the successful while fomenting distrust in the foundations of the principals that define our country in every aspect.
I never understood the covetous nature of Liberals.

What coveting? Most of us don't want this for ourselves.

I never understood the selfish nature of Conservatives.

You'll notice that the cons argument always places us as the people looking for "hand outs". They can't wrap their heads around the fact that just maybe we're doing well and want to see those who are less fortunate than us be able to get some assistance.

If they stopped and thought about, maybe, just maybe those of us who are advocating for these social safety nets and aid for the poor and middle class are in favor of it not because of selfish reasons or that it would directly benefit us but because it's just the right thing to do.

I'm sure I'll be called a communist/marxist/socialist for this post.

No see R2D2 -- You're confused about the diff between GOVt handouts and charity. You believe that FORCING redistribution is a charitable endevour. Tell that to the Granny who gets kicked out of Section 8 housing because her nephew dealt dope from the porch. Or the folks getting chucked off support due to drug testing. It's EXTREMELY ineffective, inhumane, and inefficient. REAL caring is a LOCAL foodbank that uses VOLUNTEER labor and KNOWS their customers. REAL caring is volunteering to teach GED classes. REAL caring is churches loading up semis with supplies to BEAT FEMA to the latest disaster.

We're definately NOT jealous of GOVT altruism. Neither would we ever believe it's an EXCUSE to feel superior if we simply advocate MORE of it... Smart compassionate people want it done MORE effectively and lovingly...
Some people look at income inequality and shrug their shoulders. So what if this person gains and that person loses? What matters, they argue, is not how the pie is divided but the size of the pie. That argument is fundamentally wrong. An economy in which most citizens are doing worse year after year—an economy like America’s—is not likely to do well over the long haul. There are several reasons for this.

First, growing inequality is the flip side of something else: shrinking opportunity. Whenever we diminish equality of opportunity, it means that we are not using some of our most valuable assets—our people—in the most productive way possible. Second, many of the distortions that lead to inequality—such as those associated with monopoly power and preferential tax treatment for special interests—undermine the efficiency of the economy. This new inequality goes on to create new distortions, undermining efficiency even further. To give just one example, far too many of our most talented young people, seeing the astronomical rewards, have gone into finance rather than into fields that would lead to a more productive and healthy economy.

Third, and perhaps most important, a modern economy requires “collective action”—it needs government to invest in infrastructure, education, and technology. The United States and the world have benefited greatly from government-sponsored research that led to the Internet, to advances in public health, and so on. But America has long suffered from an under-investment in infrastructure (look at the condition of our highways and bridges, our railroads and airports), in basic research, and in education at all levels. Further cutbacks in these areas lie ahead.

None of this should come as a surprise—it is simply what happens when a society’s wealth distribution becomes lopsided. The more divided a society becomes in terms of wealth, the more reluctant the wealthy become to spend money on common needs. The rich don’t need to rely on government for parks or education or medical care or personal security—they can buy all these things for themselves. In the process, they become more distant from ordinary people, losing whatever empathy they may once have had. They also worry about strong government—one that could use its powers to adjust the balance, take some of their wealth, and invest it for the common good. The top 1 percent may complain about the kind of government we have in America, but in truth they like it just fine: too gridlocked to re-distribute, too divided to do anything but lower taxes.

Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1% | Society | Vanity Fair

The danger of this movement is the way it's rooted in pride and covetous.

“Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man. … It is the comparison that makes you proud: the pleasure of being above the rest. Once the element of competition has gone, pride has gone.” (C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, New York: Macmillan, 1952, pp. 109–10.)

"Pride is a sin that can readily be seen in others but is rarely admitted in ourselves. Most of us consider pride to be a sin of those on the top, such as the rich and the learned, looking down at the rest of us. There is, however, a far more common ailment among us—and that is pride from the bottom looking up. It is manifest in so many ways, such as faultfinding, gossiping, backbiting, murmuring, living beyond our means, envying, coveting, withholding gratitude and praise that might lift another, and being unforgiving and jealous." (Ezra Taft Benson, Beware of Pride)

The scriptures also warn us against Pride:

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)

So let me ask you, can any movement be sustained when the foundation of the movement is based in pride and in breaking the 10 commandments? I would argue that it cannot. It will fall because God has decreed that as a consequence of pride.

The question then remains how much damage it will do before it falls and will it take the rest of the nation with it.

I would invite you to repent and embrace humility. Stop comparing yourself with your brethren. If someone gains more through his thrift and industry than I do, then He is accountable before God to use it wisely. It isn't my place to rob him of it to do as I see fit. It is for me to humble petition God, to work hard, and to find my own way.

Or do you doubt the justice and mercy of God?
I never understood the covetous nature of Liberals.

What coveting? Most of us don't want this for ourselves.

I never understood the selfish nature of Conservatives.

You'll notice that the cons argument always places us as the people looking for "hand outs". They can't wrap their heads around the fact that just maybe we're doing well and want to see those who are less fortunate than us be able to get some assistance.

If they stopped and thought about, maybe, just maybe those of us who are advocating for these social safety nets and aid for the poor and middle class are in favor of it not because of selfish reasons or that it would directly benefit us but because it's just the right thing to do.

I'm sure I'll be called a communist/marxist/socialist for this post.

If you want to bless the less fortunate do so with your own time, talents, and finances. When you argue that we should rob others of theirs, you dont care about the less fortunate. You care about yourself. You want to tell yourself you are good when you are not. You want to tell yourself you care by being "generous" with what others have.

So yes, you are looking for handouts. You expect others to handle your charity.

Using force to take from others is always robbery and never the right thing to do.
Greece is what it is because people there don't pay their taxes.

Like the Tea Party.

No. Greece is what it is because the people are proud. They want to recieve something for nothing. They believe they are entitled to handouts from thte government to the point where they have lived so far beyond their means and have created a situation where they will destroy their nation and several other nations on top of that. You see, when there are more people recieving money from the government than they are paying into the government, it causes problems. Living beyond our means is a sign of our pride.

The Tea Party pays their taxes. Which is precisely why they realize that you can't keep taxing 1/3 of the people's time to pay off the government and expect a sustainable government.

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