Offending Theists

Coming from a former theist I find it amazing that I believed such a foolish notion for so long and I'm amazed how hard wired god is into our cultures. But since I realize how they use it to control us and how its been forced on us for 7000 years I guess I understand. That and the fact most people believe because they can't imagine otherwise. Must be a god is what they say. False.

I can understand former theists rejecting many religious beliefs. On top of that is the problem of people rejecting teachings they misunderstood as children, and should have been rejected and replaced with a correct understanding as they matured. Then we have all the media attention given to the fringe who will not consider scientific knowledge.

However, rejecting God is like finding a couple of errors in a textbook and then rejecting math instead of working/searching for the correct solutions to the errors. In an old children's catechism we are taught God made us to know Him. That means sorting through all the misinformation floating around and identifying the truth. This is how any scientist works.
If I am no longer a theist that means I dont believe in gods. For awhile I didnt believe god ever visited as Jesus or talked to Abraham Moses Joseph smith or Mohammad but I still believed in "god". But then I investigated deeper did my research and homework and dug real deep and was convinced there is no good reason for believing. Wishful unscientific thinking. And every argument for god has a fatal flaw. Otherwise god would be a fact. In fact it isnt even a good theory its more a hypothesis. Every characteristic you give this god is all in your head. He cares about you more than an ant or bird or tardigrade? Why? You live forever after you die? Why doesn't god have to have a creator but the cosmos do? Did he put life on other planets? Doesnt he want a partner? Is she equal to him or does he ultimately rule? Are you a zombie in heaven if you can't lust?

The only thing you believe you know is that something must have created us but you dont have one scientific reason to believe anything you believe.

Use your brain not your heart.
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I have a perfect 10 waiting here in my condo for you with 10 million dollars. All you have to do is come here.

You aren't coming? Why are you rejecting her and the money?

Grumble, grumble. You have a perfect ten for my husband? I think most can understand my lack of interest. :smile:
But you get the point? You aren't rejecting $10 million bucks. You dont believe it exists. Big difference between rejecting god and not believing gods exist. Its christian word choice meant to guilt people. You REJECT God? Blasphemy! You'll go to hell!

And even if something created the cosmos what makes you think it cares what I believe? Now you're going to start making shit up using things moses Abraham Jesus Mohammad or Joseph smith said? Idiot.
I have a perfect 10 waiting here in my condo for you with 10 million dollars. All you have to do is come here.

You aren't coming? Why are you rejecting her and the money?

Grumble, grumble. You have a perfect ten for my husband? I think most can understand my lack of interest. :smile:
If you can't even consider god doesnt exist you are close minded and incapable of rational thought.

I however was a theist for 30 years so my eyes once had seen the glory of the coming of the lord. So I know all the bad reasons you believe and if you want to believe who can stop you.

But wherever freedom truly exists people who aren't forced to believe dont.
If I am no longer a theist that means I dont believe in gods. For awhile I didnt believe god ever visited as Jesus or talked to Abraham Moses Joseph smith or Mohammad but I still believed in "god". But then I investigated deeper did my research and homework and dug real deep and was convinced there is no good reason for believing. Wishful unscientific thinking. And every argument for god has a fatal flaw. Otherwise god would be a fact. In fact it isnt even a good theory its more a hypothesis. Every characteristic you give this god is all in your head. He cares about you more than an ant or bird or tardigrade? Why? You live forever after you die? Why doesn't god have to have a creator but the cosmos do? Did he put life on other planets? Doesnt he want a partner? Is she equal to him or does he ultimately rule? Are you a zombie in heaven if you can't lust?

The only thing you believe you know is that something must have created us but you dont have one scientific reason to believe anything you believe.

Use your brain not your heart.

1) I don't know if God cares for me more than He does an ant or a bird. Wouldn't bother me if He did. What I do know is that He loves us.

2) I don't know that either God or the Cosmos must have a creator--or whether if one does, it follows that the other most.

3) If God is a Creator, then it follows He creates living things on other planets as well.

4) Lust is more zombie-like than love.

5) While I am a great science enthusiast, I don't it limit my thinking.
If I am no longer a theist that means I dont believe in gods. For awhile I didnt believe god ever visited as Jesus or talked to Abraham Moses Joseph smith or Mohammad but I still believed in "god". But then I investigated deeper did my research and homework and dug real deep and was convinced there is no good reason for believing. Wishful unscientific thinking. And every argument for god has a fatal flaw. Otherwise god would be a fact. In fact it isnt even a good theory its more a hypothesis. Every characteristic you give this god is all in your head. He cares about you more than an ant or bird or tardigrade? Why? You live forever after you die? Why doesn't god have to have a creator but the cosmos do? Did he put life on other planets? Doesnt he want a partner? Is she equal to him or does he ultimately rule? Are you a zombie in heaven if you can't lust?

The only thing you believe you know is that something must have created us but you dont have one scientific reason to believe anything you believe.

Use your brain not your heart.

1) I don't know if God cares for me more than He does an ant or a bird. Wouldn't bother me if He did. What I do know is that He loves us.

2) I don't know that either God or the Cosmos must have a creator--or whether if one does, it follows that the other most.

3) If God is a Creator, then it follows He creates living things on other planets as well.

4) Lust is more zombie-like than love.

5) While I am a great science enthusiast, I don't it limit my thinking.
How do you know he loves you?
But you get the point? You aren't rejecting $10 million bucks. You dont believe it exists. Big difference between rejecting god and not believing gods exist. Its christian word choice meant to guilt people. You REJECT God? Blasphemy! You'll go to hell!

And even if something created the cosmos what makes you think it cares what I believe? Now you're going to start making shit up using things moses Abraham Jesus Mohammad or Joseph smith said? Idiot.

My Grandfather didn't believe in God. I do not believe he is in hell--and nor do my teachers in the Catholic faith. We know he didn't use the Church's path to salvation, so we know he is entrusted to the mercy of God. I am quite content with that. I have no fear that my atheist husband, atheist uncle, atheist brother-in-law, etc. are headed for hell, either.

My experience of God is that He loves us and that He honors free will. That's ALL I can verify. I cannot verify He created the universe, came to earth, spoke to Moses, or revealed Himself to Elijah in a tiny whispering sound. I take the word of scripture for those events, but I cannot verify them.

As far as the ten million dollars? It's not that I don't believe it is there. As strange as it may sound (and my husband will confirm this), I am fine with the little we have. I have greater interest in other things. I'm sure you can find a better use for ten million than to give it to me. If I ever should want it, then I'll go out and make it for myself rather than take it from you.
If you can't even consider god doesnt exist you are close minded and incapable of rational thought.

That's your conclusion. A conclusion was once defined as the point a person stops thinking.
Are you open to the idea god doesnt exist? How about that the Jesus stories are embellished?

We need to question the stories of the ancients if the make no sense. I dont have faith in the unbelievable.
But you get the point? You aren't rejecting $10 million bucks. You dont believe it exists. Big difference between rejecting god and not believing gods exist. Its christian word choice meant to guilt people. You REJECT God? Blasphemy! You'll go to hell!

And even if something created the cosmos what makes you think it cares what I believe? Now you're going to start making shit up using things moses Abraham Jesus Mohammad or Joseph smith said? Idiot.

My Grandfather didn't believe in God. I do not believe he is in hell--and nor do my teachers in the Catholic faith. We know he didn't use the Church's path to salvation, so we know he is entrusted to the mercy of God. I am quite content with that. I have no fear that my atheist husband, atheist uncle, atheist brother-in-law, etc. are headed for hell, either.

My experience of God is that He loves us and that He honors free will. That's ALL I can verify. I cannot verify He created the universe, came to earth, spoke to Moses, or revealed Himself to Elijah in a tiny whispering sound. I take the word of scripture for those events, but I cannot verify them.

As far as the ten million dollars? It's not that I don't believe it is there. As strange as it may sound (and my husband will confirm this), I am fine with the little we have. I have greater interest in other things. I'm sure you can find a better use for ten million than to give it to me. If I ever should want it, then I'll go out and make it for myself rather than take it from you.
You missed the point then and I'm not going to continue asking you dumb questions like why do you think he loves you because its not going to convince me of anything.
Are you open to the idea god doesnt exist? How about that the Jesus stories are embellished?

We need to question the stories of the ancients if the make no sense. I dont have faith in the unbelievable.

1. God exists.
2. Stories of Jesus were embellished.
3. I am not an ancient so I have neither their knowledge or perceptions. I take their perceptions, consider it in view of the world's current knowledge, and know that my perceptions of the event differ from theirs. I also always start from the basis that God is love, and sins are forgiven.
even empty space is seems simple to me,we are struggling to understand something that is infinite with human linear thinking that does not apply and the best science can ever hope achieve is very limited in regards to creation..examining threads of an infinite tapestry then making claims of universal absolutes
How do you know he loves you?
Ah, but you want physical evidence, and I can't help you there. I don't even have adequate words. Try considering love as a type of energy force.
But you are trying to prove or explain how god is real true and obvious yet you show up to court with zero evidence? You like the movie miracle on 54th street? I bet you voted Santa is real.
Are you open to the idea god doesnt exist? How about that the Jesus stories are embellished?

We need to question the stories of the ancients if the make no sense. I dont have faith in the unbelievable.

1. God exists.
2. Stories of Jesus were embellished.
3. I am not an ancient so I have neither their knowledge or perceptions. I take their perceptions, consider it in view of the world's current knowledge, and know that my perceptions of the event differ from theirs. I also always start from the basis that God is love, and sins are forgiven.
You only got 1 out of 3
How do you know he loves you?
Ah, but you want physical evidence, and I can't help you there. I don't even have adequate words. Try considering love as a type of energy force.
But you are trying to prove or explain how god is real true and obvious yet you show up to court with zero evidence? You like the movie miracle on 54th street? I bet you voted Santa is real.
The evidence is existence
You missed the point then and I'm not going to continue asking you dumb questions like why do you think he loves you because its not going to convince me of anything.

Exactly. I didn't miss the point so much as I didn't think much of the point. We come from different perspectives, you and I. I honor that and it is not my intent to convince you of anything. All I am offering is my perspective, and in turn, I truly appreciate the invitation/opportunity to stand in your shoes and share your perspective. At the end of the day we will both be returning to our personal perspectives. Which is as it should be.
How do you know he loves you?
Ah, but you want physical evidence, and I can't help you there. I don't even have adequate words. Try considering love as a type of energy force.
I know love. Requires no god.
and how could you possibly know that ?
I guess I dont. A god could actually exist for all I know. I'm just not buying it. Do you think love requires a god? Does evil require a devil? Please explain if you do.
How do you know he loves you?
Ah, but you want physical evidence, and I can't help you there. I don't even have adequate words. Try considering love as a type of energy force.
But you are trying to prove or explain how god is real true and obvious yet you show up to court with zero evidence? You like the movie miracle on 54th street? I bet you voted Santa is real.
The evidence is existence

So because we exist a god creator must exist? Why? Show me a scientific consensus in agreement with you. Or shut up.

Wait! You are right. So simple. Because I exist a god must. And he cares about me. Nutjob

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