Offending Theists

But you are trying to prove or explain how god is real true and obvious yet you show up to court with zero evidence? You like the movie miracle on 54th street? I bet you voted Santa is real.

I believe in the physical realm. I believe in the spiritual realm. By definition spirit is spirit--not something physical. Asking me to supply you with physical evidence of a spirit is rather like handing me a rock and asking me to pour you a glass of water. I treat it about as seriously.

Never saw the Miracle on 54th Street. Never voted Santa is real. However, I have played Santa on numerous occasions. :smile:
You missed the point then and I'm not going to continue asking you dumb questions like why do you think he loves you because its not going to convince me of anything.

Exactly. I didn't miss the point so much as I didn't think much of the point. We come from different perspectives, you and I. I honor that and it is not my intent to convince you of anything. All I am offering is my perspective, and in turn, I truly appreciate the invitation/opportunity to stand in your shoes and share your perspective. At the end of the day we will both be returning to our personal perspectives. Which is as it should be.
Just remember when you use brainwashing terms like reject god. No one is rejecting god. We dont believe god exists. Same as you didn't reject $10 mill. You dont believe it exists. And that bullshit about liking being poor was a poor attempt to avoid the point I was trying to make. I dont reject god. That would require believing he exists then turning my back.

Oh and if god is love then I'm full of god. But we already have a word for that. Its called love. God is not love. That's a cop out. Love didn't make the universe and clearly a creator if one exists does not care. Your loveones do and us liberals do but not god.
Just remember when you use brainwashing terms like reject god. No one is rejecting god. We dont believe god exists. Same as you didn't reject $10 mill. You dont believe it exists. And that bullshit about liking being poor was a poor attempt to avoid the point I was trying to make. I dont reject god. That would require believing he exists then turning my back.

Oh and if god is love then I'm full of god. But we already have a word for that. Its called love. God is not love. That's a cop out. Love didn't make the universe and clearly a creator if one exists does not care. Your loveones do and us liberals do but not god.

I don't recall using the term "reject God." You may have missed that I grew up with atheists and am married to an atheist. Before you ever decided to become an atheist I already knew the difference between non-belief and rejection. I was probably about six at the time.

I didn't say I liked being poor. I said I was content with what we had. What gave you the idea we are poor?

Love describes God, but have no fear that it follows that that 'godly' describes you.
Coming from a former theist I find it amazing that I believed such a foolish notion for so long and I'm amazed how hard wired god is into our cultures. But since I realize how they use it to control us and how its been forced on us for 7000 years I guess I understand. That and the fact most people believe because they can't imagine otherwise. Must be a god is what they say. False.

I can understand former theists rejecting many religious beliefs. On top of that is the problem of people rejecting teachings they misunderstood as children, and should have been rejected and replaced with a correct understanding as they matured. Then we have all the media attention given to the fringe who will not consider scientific knowledge.

However, rejecting God is like finding a couple of errors in a textbook and then rejecting math instead of working/searching for the correct solutions to the errors. In an old children's catechism we are taught God made us to know Him. That means sorting through all the misinformation floating around and identifying the truth. This is how any scientist works.
How many times do you use the word reject? And you just said you didn't recall using the word? That's what I mean about you being brainwashed.

You do realize people who are brainwashed usually dont know it right?
Just remember when you use brainwashing terms like reject god. No one is rejecting god. We dont believe god exists. Same as you didn't reject $10 mill. You dont believe it exists. And that bullshit about liking being poor was a poor attempt to avoid the point I was trying to make. I dont reject god. That would require believing he exists then turning my back.

Oh and if god is love then I'm full of god. But we already have a word for that. Its called love. God is not love. That's a cop out. Love didn't make the universe and clearly a creator if one exists does not care. Your loveones do and us liberals do but not god.

I don't recall using the term "reject God." You may have missed that I grew up with atheists and am married to an atheist. Before you ever decided to become an atheist I already knew the difference between non-belief and rejection. I was probably about six at the time.

I didn't say I liked being poor. I said I was content with what we had. What gave you the idea we are poor?

Love describes God, but have no fear that it follows that that 'godly' describes you.
5 times you said reject in 1 post. 5. Trying to brainwash me? That's how you guys do it.
How many times do you use the word reject? And you just said you didn't recall using the word? That's what I mean about you being brainwashed.

You do realize people who are brainwashed usually dont know it right?

Thank you. I do remember this post now, but here we are talking about rejecting religious beliefs that lead to a rejection of God. You had a former belief which you rejected. On the other hand, the atheists in my family never had a belief to reject. They never held a belief in God. I am sure you understand the difference. Going forward with your current situation, you are beyond rejecting God, you now hold no belief. I'm sure you understand the difference.

The human mind is astonishing in the ways it can convince us right is wrong--and wrong is right. You have convinced yourself I am wrong. But then, that's okay, because by your own words, it simply means brainwashing occurred within you as well.
So a Christian just said if we just called gay marriages civil unions they wouldn't be offended. Sound like american Taliban bs to me.

So we can draw pics of Mohammad. We know that.

We know you can't be anti semetic or prejudice towards blacks. Can't say the N word.

Remember the southpark episode on Mormons? Apparently they arent off limits.

You can make fun of catholic priests but they did that to themselves.

Anything else we can do for your religions? Nows the time to ask.

Respect Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) and respect Islam. Muhammad is not only the master of Islam, he is the master of all people.
5 times you said reject in 1 post. 5. Trying to brainwash me? That's how you guys do it.

Relax. Brainwashing never crossed my mind. Do you hold a fear that your former beliefs is proof you were once brainwashed? If so, I am sorry to have stepped on sensitive ground.

What I was feeling at the time was empathy and understanding. There are some who insist a belief in God must include a belief that the earth is six thousand years old, that the entire planet was covered in water at the time of Noah, that God orders the slaughter of babies (or kills them Himself)--along with a myriad of other things. I was agreeing with you that these things should be rejected. Along with all of this, you also included God, whereas, on the other hand, I rejected all of this without including God. This is simply noting our common ground and our differences.

Look, if discussing things with me is simply going to make you angry and annoyed, let's stop. It seems totally unfair that I am happy and interested to share perspectives with you while you become more and more annoyed and perhaps even angry. That was not my intent, and I apologize profusely. I hope you have a wonderful day today to make up for last evening.
5 times you said reject in 1 post. 5. Trying to brainwash me? That's how you guys do it.

Relax. Brainwashing never crossed my mind. Do you hold a fear that your former beliefs is proof you were once brainwashed? If so, I am sorry to have stepped on sensitive ground.

What I was feeling at the time was empathy and understanding. There are some who insist a belief in God must include a belief that the earth is six thousand years old, that the entire planet was covered in water at the time of Noah, that God orders the slaughter of babies (or kills them Himself)--along with a myriad of other things. I was agreeing with you that these things should be rejected. Along with all of this, you also included God, whereas, on the other hand, I rejected all of this without including God. This is simply noting our common ground and our differences.

Look, if discussing things with me is simply going to make you angry and annoyed, let's stop. It seems totally unfair that I am happy and interested to share perspectives with you while you become more and more annoyed and perhaps even angry. That was not my intent, and I apologize profusely. I hope you have a wonderful day today to make up for last evening.
That's because the "experts" 7000 years ago who first started demanding we worship said the earth was 6000. They were wrong about everything. They believed in several gods. I think if gods exist there's more than 1. What proof do you or I have on this subject?
You think if God exists there is more than one? That sounds like something man made up. Not happy with one, another will show up soon.
That's because the "experts" 7000 years ago who first started demanding we worship said the earth was 6000. They were wrong about everything. They believed in several gods. I think if gods exist there's more than 1. What proof do you or I have on this subject?

Calculating the age of the earth based on the Bible didn't start seven thousand years ago. That calculation didn't take place until the mid 1600s. (Done by a man named Ussher)

The ancients didn't just believe in several Gods, they believed in personal Gods. (We still see this in scripture when we read of the God of Abraham, the God of Jacob.) People were still very used to thinking each person had a God. They also believed the power of God could be contained in a totem or small carving. Tradition has it that Abraham came from a family whose business was in making and selling these totems. Abraham looked around the shop one day and thought, "These are not Gods--they are pieces of wood and stone..." In the end his conclusion was there is only one God of all--and He is of spirit, not of physical matter.

Just as physical material reveals to us greater knowledge of the earth and universe, the Spirit also reveals to us greater knowledge of God. A scientist who has learned the earth is round, not flat is not going back to thinking of the earth as flat. Once having learned God is Spirit, not a wood or stone carving, theists will not go back to believing carved figurines are Gods, or that there are numerous Gods.

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