Offer Assad a way out.

It would be better if someone offered obama a way out. He desperately needs one. He is totally being trashed in Russia and he is going down in a terrific defeat here. Can't someone think of a gracious way he can extricate himself prior to complete humiliation?
Osama bin Laden was not the head of a country. It's against our own laws to assassinate another country's head of state. In order to take out Assad we would first have to declare war on Syria. Are you ready to do so?

Please think at least a little before you post this nonsense...

Assad broke international law.

As usual, the rw's are against President Obama but fact is, Assad is the bad guy here.

Just as a matter of fact, its time we accepted the fact that warfare has moved into the 21st century. While the Rs are wanting to (war) profit from making new tanks we don't need, the real world has moved on to drone and cyber warfare.

I'm not saying I like this, that, or the other thing. Just talking about reality.

Why don't you do the same.

BEFORE he broke international law the planning to depose him was underway. The gas is a cover dude---get it thru your head .

On this board, it is most certainly about "rooting" and "sides". (The circle jerk all over Putin has been truly sickening.) To the R party, it is about sides.

In fact, that's really all its about.
Of course Assad is a bad guy. No one ever said different. Assad is a cruel and despotic dictator. He just isn't as bad as the terrorists obama wants to replace him.
On this board, it is most certainly about "rooting" and "sides". (The circle jerk all over Putin has been truly sickening.) To the R party, it is about sides.

In fact, that's really all its about.


We are going against the world and congress on a lie.

Yep there are sides.

Be sure what you're saying is backed up by that much.

The AF is there the navy is there.

Ding A Ling is going.

Got enough evidence to back him?

No one else does.
It would be better if someone offered obama a way out. He desperately needs one. He is totally being trashed in Russia and he is going down in a terrific defeat here. Can't someone think of a gracious way he can extricate himself prior to complete humiliation?


Maybe Hollywood can help Obama out. Get them to sweeten the deal to Assad by offering him a role as a patient in a remake of One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest. He's perfect.
It's not a secret.

They blurted it out.

Kerry: Arab Countries Have Offered to Pay for Syria Invasion |


It was already rumored strongly..

oh I thought they might has gone as far as admitting it was to prop up the petrodollar.

The petrodollar doesn't need propping up and they will be paid in contractual oil securities. ie. by the barrel.

So, right to whoever the US wants it to be sold.
"By 1975, all of the OPEC nations had agreed to price their own oil supplies exclusively in U.S. dollars in exchange for weapons and military protection.

"This petrodollar system, or more simply known as an 'oil for dollars' system, created an immediate artificial demand for U.S. dollars around the globe. And of course, as global oil demand increased, so did the demand for U.S. dollars.

"As the U.S. dollar continued to lose purchasing power, several oil-producing countries began to question the wisdom of accepting increasingly worthless paper currency for their oil supplies.

"Today, several countries have attempted to move away, or already have moved away, from the petrodollar system. Examples include Iran, Syria, Venezuela, and North Korea… or the 'axis of evil,' if you prefer.

"(What is happening in our world today makes a whole lot of sense if you simply read between the lines and ignore the 'official' reasons that are given in the mainstream media.)

"Additionally, other nations are choosing to use their own currencies for oil like China, Russia, India, among others.

"As more countries continue to move away from the petrodollar system which uses the U.S. dollar as payment for oil, we expect massive inflationary pressures to strike the U.S. economy..."

Preparing for the Collapse of the Petrodollar System |

Obama, Bibi, Bush, Kerry, and both Clintons are all fully committed to killing other people's children for the petrodollar.

Attack for hire.

It's a fucking proud day to be an American, I'll tell ya.
Obama, Bibi, Bush, Kerry, and both Clintons are all fully committed to killing other people's children for the petrodollar.

You whining drama queen.

^ Like i said, the petrodollar doesn't need any propping up and the US will be paid in contractual oil securities. ie. by the barrel.

So, right to whoever the US wants it sold.

And if Syria is dealt with by the US, then you can expect another long term contractual arrangement with Saudi Arabia.

Now President Obama would like to see Bush's handing of Iraq to the Shia addressed by handing Syria to the Arabs and the added benefit of negotiating a new oil contract is important.
I think Bashar Assad knows how punishing an attack by the U.S. would be to his military and that it could possibly lead to his quick overthrow. His only bargaining chip to avert that is his gas arenal.
He should be given the option of handing over his chemical weapons to the United Nations in exchange for being able to stay in power awhile longer. He would have to agree to allow for unlimited inspections afterwords.
This will spare a lot of bloodshed in Syria.
If President Barack Obama wants to live up to his Nobel Peace Prize, he should make Assad this offer.
What would say to Assad if he asked Obama and the UN to tell Israel to hand over all its nuclear weapons at the same time he turned in his neurotoxins?

Who would say what to Assad?
Ask Mr. Olmert:

"April 2008 Mr. Olmert sends a message to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria indicating that Israel would be willing to withdraw from the Golan Heights as part of a comprehensive peace treaty."
Obama, Bibi, Bush, Kerry, and both Clintons are all fully committed to killing other people's children for the petrodollar.

You whining drama queen.

^ Like i said, the petrodollar doesn't need any propping up and the US will be paid in contractual oil securities. ie. by the barrel.

So, right to whoever the US wants it sold.

And if Syria is dealt with by the US, then you can expect another long term contractual arrangement with Saudi Arabia.

Now President Obama would like to see Bush's handing of Iraq to the Shia addressed by handing Syria to the Arabs and the added benefit of negotiating a new oil contract is important.
What happens when Sudan, Somalia, and Iran are dealt with?

"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan."

Obviously, overthrowing the governments of seven oil producing countries in less than one generation has nothing to do with propping up petrodollars, right Golda?

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama, Bibi, Bush, Kerry, and both Clintons are all fully committed to killing other people's children for the petrodollar.

You whining drama queen.

^ Like i said, the petrodollar doesn't need any propping up and the US will be paid in contractual oil securities. ie. by the barrel.

So, right to whoever the US wants it sold.

And if Syria is dealt with by the US, then you can expect another long term contractual arrangement with Saudi Arabia.

Now President Obama would like to see Bush's handing of Iraq to the Shia addressed by handing Syria to the Arabs and the added benefit of negotiating a new oil contract is important.
What happens when Sudan, Somalia, and Iran are dealt with?

"As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan."

Obviously, overthrowing the governments of seven oil producing countries in less than one generation has nothing to do with propping up petrodollars, right Golda?

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What happens will happen. That's the future and it's not dealt with.

I'm not looking that far. It's enough to look at right now.
President Obama already tried the diplomacy route

Once again, you have forgotten, or you continue to refuse to accept the fact that President Obama is in charge of the world's biggest military.

You rw's constanly let your racism and hatred get in the way of the facts.

The FACT in this case is that its Obama who holds ALL the power. Including over your heart throb, Putin. If the US wants to offer Assad a reason to stop torturing and murdering women and children, how about we offer to let him live.

In case you still don't get it, you can believe that Assad heard a rumor about how bin Laden was hunted down and killed BECAUSE he murdered innocent people.

As always, I'm against war and the president has said he does not want a war either. But, I would not be against Obama doing what he did with bin Laden ... Just very quietly, no big fanfare, just hunting Assad down and killing him.

Do you rw fools really think Assad is not thinking about that?

Osama bin Laden was not the head of a country. It's against our own laws to assassinate another country's head of state. In order to take out Assad we would first have to declare war on Syria. Are you ready to do so?

Please think at least a little before you post this nonsense...

Assad broke international law.

As usual, the rw's are against President Obama but fact is, Assad is the bad guy here.

Just as a matter of fact, its time we accepted the fact that warfare has moved into the 21st century. While the Rs are wanting to (war) profit from making new tanks we don't need, the real world has moved on to drone and cyber warfare.

I'm not saying I like this, that, or the other thing. Just talking about reality.

Why don't you do the same.

Ah, I actually AM talking about reality. Assad's breaking laws doesn't give anyone in the US the right to assassinate him. It's against OUR laws. I swear you people are utter morons about 95% of the time.
obama is in charge of the world's largest military which is why the Russians referred to him as a monkey with a hand grenade.

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