Nazi Pelousy is on TV right now saying this farce isn't about politics, it's about Patriotism. Even did it with a straight face...........has to be all the botox.
She is one of the best actors in Congress. The things she says without so much as a twitch are unbelievable.
Hunter Biden had nothing to do with Trump extorting the president of Ukraine. Two whistleblowers testified yesterday.

Lindsey Graham is the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He could gavel his Committee into session this very day if Hunter's "corruption" were such an urgent, burning concern, and start an investigation into Hunter's nefarious activities. Heck, he could have done it months ago - actually, the Goobers could have done it in 2015, when Hunter actually was on the board of Burisma.

They didn't, and they don't. Funny, that, isn't it?
Last edited:
I watched quite a bit of it and heard nothing but hearsay. Hearsay isn't even legal in a court of law.

All the Dems are doing is paving the way for a Trump win in 2020. What a pack of imbeciles.

Go Dems
Then you don't mind if Trump stops blocking witnesses and documents.
When Schiff-for-Brains stops blocking witnesses and documents..
Not going to work arbuckle. Witnesses that have nothing to do with the act don't need to testify. We don't need to hear from Strzok and Page. We don't need to hear Hunter Biden. We don't need to hear the whistleblower since we now have corroborating testimonies. We do need to hear from all who were directly on the call.

No, you do need to hear from the whistleblower because his intent needs to be determined. You need to hear from the whistleblower to find out who created the letter to Congress since it's clear it was written by an attorney, or more likely, Schiff Face. We need to hear the whistleblower testify under oath to Congress, that Schiff Face never met him, nor discussed this situation before it became public as Schiff Face claims.

Schiff Face is hiding this guy so he can't tell us the real story of how this happened. So don't say the whistleblower is irrelevant in this case. We need him to prove this was a staged coupe right from the beginning. Although Democrats are not real Americans, we real Americans have lived by the law that states the accused has the right to face his accuser in the court of law.
What IM2 really means is that Schiff-for-Brains doesn't want him to testify.

If Republicans could force him to testify, Schiff would Schiff himself. Because the whistleblower under oath would have to state exactly what took place that brought us here. He would have to testify who he alerted first, who prepared his statement, and it would all lead back to this guy.

Schiff and Barney.jpeg
Again, unless intent can be proven there can be no impeachment. This is a waste of a thread.
Intent seems obvious
Actions show intent

Intent to investigate 2016 or impact 2020? Prove the intent was to impact 2020. I'll wait patiently. Intent HAS NOT been proven. Debate me honestly on this don't give me a smiley emoji and run away like you usually do.

Both are actions to improve Trumps chances in 2020 and are based primarily on conspiracy theories

Trump: I hear the missing servers from 2016 have magically appeared in Ukraine. You need to investigate that
Trump seizes on diplomats' inability to cite an impeachable offense at hearing
".@RepRatcliffe asked the two ‘star’ witnesses, ‘where is the impeachable event in that call?’ Both stared straight ahead with a blank look on their face, remained silent, & were unable to answer the question,” Trump tweeted Thursday morning. “That would be the end of a case run by normal people! - but not Shifty!”
Jordan: You didn’t listen in on President Trump and Zelensky’s call?

Taylor: I did not.

Jordan: You’ve never talked with Chief of Staff Mulvaney?

Taylor: I never did.

Jordan: You’ve never met the president?

Taylor: That’s correct.

Jordan: You had three meetings again with Zelenksy and it didn’t come up … and President Zelensky never made an announcement. … and you’re their star witness.

Jordan was hardly going to ask Taylor about what he did know. And he's safe in the knowledge Mulvaney won't be testifying.

The demand for the "deliverable" came through a different channel. Jordan knows that. Most sentient beings know that by now.

Ramon, since you're dumb. Read this:

“Mr. Jordan, it’s certainly accurate on the first two meetings, because to my knowledge the Ukrainians were not aware of the hold on assistance until the 29th of August,” Taylor responded. “The third meeting that you mentioned, with Senator Murphy and Senator Johnston, there was discussion of security assistance but … but, uh, there was not a discussion of linkage.”

Not even Joaquin Miller's real name was Joaquin Miller. He was an American, born to German immigrant parents. You should attempt your feeble nitwitticisms by call me Fritz or Heinrich, but whatever helps you.
Let it happen. Let republicans take until November 1 to remind the other 70 percent of the American people who aren't "we'll do anything for Trump" suckers about how corrupt this president is.

Trump isn't corrupt stop lying. The only real corruption to emerge from this mess is the Biden's corruption.

Using foreign aid to extort for political gain is corruption.
You just described what Biden did.
What political gain?????
Day 1:

This may come back to bite dems today's hearing pointless?

The reason I ask is, neither if these two had first hand knowledge, but only heard it from other people. That is hearsay. Now, during this portion of the events, it may make for a good show, but, hearsay is not admissible as evidence. What happens if it goes to trial in the senate, and they say that all these testimonies that rely on hearsay are to be disregarded?

Jim Jordan did make a good point to Taylor's, and that is, if he got his information second hand, how does he know the original source is not wrong, or got some facts wrong.

And I know some will say "but this is not a criminal court but a political court", doesnt matter, still cant use hearsay as evidence, people make up stuff all the time.
That is correct. In a court of law, neither of these two star witnesses today would have even been allowed in the doors.

And they are best the dems had.

This entire WITCH HUNT / COUP - Part II is a FARCE, just like the Meuller witch hunt, and it IS, blowing up in the dems face, AGAIN, BIG TIME.

I think Jordan put it best when he said the star witnesses were witness to nothing. He read a statement of six people having four conversations, and asked if that's how Taylor was certain Trump was bribing Zelensky?
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that scum bag tried to bribe Zelinsky , First off it's the action of a ass hole and scum is definitely a ass hole. So that's a match, Doing it in front of other people is stupid and scum bag is defiantly stupid , it is a cruel action and scum bag is definitely cruel and the real point it's a scummy thing to do and scum bag is definitely scum. Guilty as charged and watching you clowns piss themselves over this is a hoot.
Nazi Pelousy is on TV right now saying this farce isn't about politics, it's about Patriotism. Even did it with a straight face...........has to be all the botox.
I now trhis is a shocker to you Trumpettes. But the loyalty it to country & not Trump.

It is the duty of Congress to impeach a piece of shit like Trump that violated the law.
Let it happen. Let republicans take until November 1 to remind the other 70 percent of the American people who aren't "we'll do anything for Trump" suckers about how corrupt this president is.

Trump isn't corrupt stop lying. The only real corruption to emerge from this mess is the Biden's corruption.

Using foreign aid to extort for political gain is corruption.
You just described what Biden did.
Not even close

Biden did things openly and on behalf of the US and in coordination with our allies

Trump insisted on secrecy, locked the information on a secure server, threatened those who were involved and acted for his personal gain
I watched quite a bit of it and heard nothing but hearsay. Hearsay isn't even legal in a court of law.

All the Dems are doing is paving the way for a Trump win in 2020. What a pack of imbeciles.

Go Dems
Then you don't mind if Trump stops blocking witnesses and documents.
When Schiff-for-Brains stops blocking witnesses and documents..
Not going to work arbuckle. Witnesses that have nothing to do with the act don't need to testify. We don't need to hear from Strzok and Page. We don't need to hear Hunter Biden. We don't need to hear the whistleblower since we now have corroborating testimonies. We do need to hear from all who were directly on the call.

No, you do need to hear from the whistleblower because his intent needs to be determined. You need to hear from the whistleblower to find out who created the letter to Congress since it's clear it was written by an attorney, or more likely, Schiff Face. We need to hear the whistleblower testify under oath to Congress, that Schiff Face never met him, nor discussed this situation before it became public as Schiff Face claims.

Schiff Face is hiding this guy so he can't tell us the real story of how this happened. So don't say the whistleblower is irrelevant in this case. We need him to prove this was a staged coupe right from the beginning. Although Democrats are not real Americans, we real Americans have lived by the law that states the accused has the right to face his accuser in the court of law.

Bullshit. The Whistleblower told the truth as evident from the released summary of that call.

The beginning? The beginning was when Trump tried to extort the Ukraine for political gain.
Jordan: You didn’t listen in on President Trump and Zelensky’s call?

Taylor: I did not.

Jordan: You’ve never talked with Chief of Staff Mulvaney?

Taylor: I never did.

Jordan: You’ve never met the president?

Taylor: That’s correct.

Jordan: You had three meetings again with Zelenksy and it didn’t come up … and President Zelensky never made an announcement. … and you’re their star witness.

Jordan was hardly going to ask Taylor about what he did know. And he's safe in the knowledge Mulvaney won't be testifying.

The demand for the "deliverable" came through a different channel. Jordan knows that. Most sentient beings know that by now.

Ramon, since you're dumb. Read this:

“Mr. Jordan, it’s certainly accurate on the first two meetings, because to my knowledge the Ukrainians were not aware of the hold on assistance until the 29th of August,” Taylor responded. “The third meeting that you mentioned, with Senator Murphy and Senator Johnston, there was discussion of security assistance but … but, uh, there was not a discussion of linkage.”

Not even Joaquin Miller's real name was Joaquin Miller. He was an American, born to German immigrant parents. You should attempt your feeble nitwitticisms by call me Fritz or Heinrich, but whatever helps you.
Oh I know. If he were truly Latino I would not be mocking the name as it would be racist. Thanks for playing, Rodrigo.
I watched quite a bit of it and heard nothing but hearsay. Hearsay isn't even legal in a court of law.

All the Dems are doing is paving the way for a Trump win in 2020. What a pack of imbeciles.

Go Dems
Then you don't mind if Trump stops blocking witnesses and documents.
When Schiff-for-Brains stops blocking witnesses and documents..
Not going to work arbuckle. Witnesses that have nothing to do with the act don't need to testify. We don't need to hear from Strzok and Page. We don't need to hear Hunter Biden. We don't need to hear the whistleblower since we now have corroborating testimonies. We do need to hear from all who were directly on the call.

No, you do need to hear from the whistleblower because his intent needs to be determined. You need to hear from the whistleblower to find out who created the letter to Congress since it's clear it was written by an attorney, or more likely, Schiff Face. We need to hear the whistleblower testify under oath to Congress, that Schiff Face never met him, nor discussed this situation before it became public as Schiff Face claims.

Schiff Face is hiding this guy so he can't tell us the real story of how this happened. So don't say the whistleblower is irrelevant in this case. We need him to prove this was a staged coupe right from the beginning. Although Democrats are not real Americans, we real Americans have lived by the law that states the accused has the right to face his accuser in the court of law.
What IM2 really means is that Schiff-for-Brains doesn't want him to testify.
He does not want to expose the identity.

You assfucks just want to lie about him & call him childish names.
Let it happen. Let republicans take until November 1 to remind the other 70 percent of the American people who aren't "we'll do anything for Trump" suckers about how corrupt this president is.

Trump isn't corrupt stop lying. The only real corruption to emerge from this mess is the Biden's corruption.

Using foreign aid to extort for political gain is corruption.
You just described what Biden did.
What political gain?????
Keeping his job. If it was exposed that he used his position as VP to get his crackhead son, who had zero experience in oil and gas, and zero experience in Ukraine, a no-show position based solely on his last name on the Board of Directors of a Ukranian oil and gas company, Biden would have been toast.
Again, unless intent can be proven there can be no impeachment. This is a waste of a thread.
Intent seems obvious
Actions show intent

Intent to investigate 2016 or impact 2020? Prove the intent was to impact 2020. I'll wait patiently. Intent HAS NOT been proven. Debate me honestly on this don't give me a smiley emoji and run away like you usually do.

Both are actions to improve Trumps chances in 2020 and are based primarily on conspiracy theories

Trump: I hear the missing servers from 2016 have magically appeared in Ukraine. You need to investigate that
Trump seizes on diplomats' inability to cite an impeachable offense at hearing
".@RepRatcliffe asked the two ‘star’ witnesses, ‘where is the impeachable event in that call?’ Both stared straight ahead with a blank look on their face, remained silent, & were unable to answer the question,” Trump tweeted Thursday morning. “That would be the end of a case run by normal people! - but not Shifty!”
I watched yesterday

What they repeatedly replied to this line of Republican questioning was that they were there to provide the facts as they saw them and not to voice opinion on the law. They repeatedly said that was Congresses function
Day 1:

This may come back to bite dems today's hearing pointless?

The reason I ask is, neither if these two had first hand knowledge, but only heard it from other people. That is hearsay. Now, during this portion of the events, it may make for a good show, but, hearsay is not admissible as evidence. What happens if it goes to trial in the senate, and they say that all these testimonies that rely on hearsay are to be disregarded?

Jim Jordan did make a good point to Taylor's, and that is, if he got his information second hand, how does he know the original source is not wrong, or got some facts wrong.

And I know some will say "but this is not a criminal court but a political court", doesnt matter, still cant use hearsay as evidence, people make up stuff all the time.
That is correct. In a court of law, neither of these two star witnesses today would have even been allowed in the doors.

And they are best the dems had.

This entire WITCH HUNT / COUP - Part II is a FARCE, just like the Meuller witch hunt, and it IS, blowing up in the dems face, AGAIN, BIG TIME.

I think Jordan put it best when he said the star witnesses were witness to nothing. He read a statement of six people having four conversations, and asked if that's how Taylor was certain Trump was bribing Zelensky?
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that scum bag tried to bribe Zelinsky , First off it's the action of a ass hole and scum is definitely a ass hole. So that's a match, Doing it in front of other people is stupid and scum bag is defiantly stupid , it is a cruel action and scum bag is definitely cruel and the real point it's a scummy thing to do and scum bag is definitely scum. Guilty as charged and watching you clowns piss themselves over this is a hoot.

Drunk post. LOL
Again, unless intent can be proven there can be no impeachment. This is a waste of a thread.
Intent seems obvious
Actions show intent

Intent to investigate 2016 or impact 2020? Prove the intent was to impact 2020. I'll wait patiently. Intent HAS NOT been proven. Debate me honestly on this don't give me a smiley emoji and run away like you usually do.

Both are actions to improve Trumps chances in 2020 and are based primarily on conspiracy theories

Trump: I hear the missing servers from 2016 have magically appeared in Ukraine. You need to investigate that
Trump seizes on diplomats' inability to cite an impeachable offense at hearing
".@RepRatcliffe asked the two ‘star’ witnesses, ‘where is the impeachable event in that call?’ Both stared straight ahead with a blank look on their face, remained silent, & were unable to answer the question,” Trump tweeted Thursday morning. “That would be the end of a case run by normal people! - but not Shifty!”
I watched yesterday

What they repeatedly replied to this line of Republican questioning was that they were there to provide the facts as they saw them and not to voice opinion on the law. They repeatedly said that was Congresses function
Saw what? What did they see? LOL
Let it happen. Let republicans take until November 1 to remind the other 70 percent of the American people who aren't "we'll do anything for Trump" suckers about how corrupt this president is.

Trump isn't corrupt stop lying. The only real corruption to emerge from this mess is the Biden's corruption.

Using foreign aid to extort for political gain is corruption.
You just described what Biden did.
Not even close

Biden did things openly and on behalf of the US and in coordination with our allies

Trump insisted on secrecy, locked the information on a secure server, threatened those who were involved and acted for his personal gain
Yeah, he claimed he was doing Obama's bidding..............and yet Obama stays silent when he could clear the whole thing up with a simple press release. Why won't he?

Let it happen. Let republicans take until November 1 to remind the other 70 percent of the American people who aren't "we'll do anything for Trump" suckers about how corrupt this president is.

Trump isn't corrupt stop lying. The only real corruption to emerge from this mess is the Biden's corruption.

Using foreign aid to extort for political gain is corruption.
You just described what Biden did.
What political gain?????
Keeping his job. If it was exposed that he used his position as VP to get his crackhead son, who had zero experience in oil and gas, and zero experience in Ukraine, a no-show position based solely on his last name on the Board of Directors of a Ukranian oil and gas company, Biden would have been toast.
More blatant lies

There is ZERO evidence of Biden soliciting a job for his son
I watched quite a bit of it and heard nothing but hearsay. Hearsay isn't even legal in a court of law.

All the Dems are doing is paving the way for a Trump win in 2020. What a pack of imbeciles.

Go Dems
Then you don't mind if Trump stops blocking witnesses and documents.
When Schiff-for-Brains stops blocking witnesses and documents..
Not going to work arbuckle. Witnesses that have nothing to do with the act don't need to testify. We don't need to hear from Strzok and Page. We don't need to hear Hunter Biden. We don't need to hear the whistleblower since we now have corroborating testimonies. We do need to hear from all who were directly on the call.

No, you do need to hear from the whistleblower because his intent needs to be determined. You need to hear from the whistleblower to find out who created the letter to Congress since it's clear it was written by an attorney, or more likely, Schiff Face. We need to hear the whistleblower testify under oath to Congress, that Schiff Face never met him, nor discussed this situation before it became public as Schiff Face claims.

Schiff Face is hiding this guy so he can't tell us the real story of how this happened. So don't say the whistleblower is irrelevant in this case. We need him to prove this was a staged coupe right from the beginning. Although Democrats are not real Americans, we real Americans have lived by the law that states the accused has the right to face his accuser in the court of law.

Bullshit. The Whistleblower told the truth as evident from the released summary of that call.

The beginning? The beginning was when Trump tried to extort the Ukraine for political gain.

He did? And you have proof of this of course.

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