So Wednesday, we heard from the two witnesses that didn't actually witness a damn thing themselves, today we get the disgruntled employee.

Let the games begin!
They witnessed everything. And today we saw Trump dig his grave a little deeper by trying to intimidate the witness with that tweet.
Lies. They were told by others who claimed to witness things.
Yes and as POTUS he has the right to demand this. He wasn't hiding it. He did it in an open forum.

Burisma, a private oil and gas company in Ukraine, announced this week that it has appointed Hunter Biden, the youngest son of US Vice President Joe Biden, to its board of directors.

The company, founded in 2002, is controlled by a former energy official in the government of deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

The move has raised some eyebrows in the US, given the Obama administration's attempts to manage the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

"Joe Biden has been the White House's go-to guy during the Ukraine crisis, touring former Soviet republics and reassuring their concerned leaders," writes the National Journal's Marina Koren. "And now, he's not the only Biden involved in the region."

She says that by appointing Hunter Biden head of its legal affairs unit, "Burisma is turning to US talent - and money and name recognition - for protection against Russia".

The younger Mr Biden isn't the only American with political ties to have recently joined Burisma's board. Devon Archer, a former senior advisor to current Secretary of State John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign and a college roommate of Mr Kerry's stepson HJ Heinz, signed on in April.

Mr Biden and Mr Archer are also managing partners at Rosemont Seneca Partners, a Washington, DC-based investment company.

Both Mr Biden and Mr Archer have not responded to requests from reporters for comment. In Burisma's press release announcing his hiring, Mr Biden says:

I believe that my assistance in consulting the company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.

All this could be explained simply as a foreign energy company looking to increase its visibility in the US and spur investment, writes the Federalist's Mollie Hemingway. State-controlled companies currently account for 90% of Ukraine's gas production, but this year Burisma became the nation's largest private producer.

Hemingway adds, however, that there may be another, less savoury possibility:

The most disturbing explanation is that the company is attempting to curry favour with the US government by enlisting the services of the close family friend and campaign bundler of the secretary of state and the son of the vice president. After all, Archer notes on one of his company's web pages that his firm's "relationship network creates opportunities for our portfolio companies which then compound to greater outcomes for all parties".

She concludes that this seems like a "cliched movie plot": "a shady foreign oil company co-opts the vice president's son in order to capture lucrative foreign investment contracts".

The White House has emphasised that the vice president's son's new job will have no influence on US foreign policy.

"Hunter Biden is a private citizen and a lawyer," Kendra Barkoff, a spokeswoman for the vice president, told the Wall Street Journal. "The vice president does not endorse any particular company and has no involvement with this company."

Bullshit. Trump made every effort to hide his request of Ukraine, including, to this day, denying there was a quid pro quo. He used a backchannel of his personal attorney and two currently-indicted associates, who engaged in a smear campaign to remove an Ambassador. The WH hid the call records, in which Trump never mentioned the word corruption, tho he mentioned Biden and Giuliani. A whistleblower report was suppressed.

But, yeah, It's just an honest, above-board effort to root out corruption. The demand for a public statement of a Burisma/Biden investigation is so innocent you can't even conceive of an explanation for it.

Yeah, he didn't pay hush money either.
Manuel, it was a public and open call. He didn’t do anything wrong. We disagree so let’s decide at the ballot box. I want a public statement as well. You want weaponry then tell us what the hell is going on.

Yeah, it was a public and open call after the whistleblower complaint was made public. Time isn't random.

As to deciding at the ballot box, what's the cutoff date for that? 1st year? 2nd? Or is that opinion based on your sentiment that Trump did nothing wrong? If he gunned down Lindsay Graham in a fit of pique - and who hasn't wanted to do that? - 3 months before the election, would you say 'let the voters decide'? Is it a matter of principle or politics?

"If principle", he laughed, "does that mean there should never be an impeachment?"
I am 39 and have never supported impeachment. I did not like BHO but I respected the will of the voters and the man and ignored all the cat calls that he was Kenyan. The people elected Trump. Let him govern until the people decide otherwise. Again, I bet prior presidents did similar shit. The anti Trump movement began in November 2016 after he won. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. Bullshit conspiracy theories. I read the transcript and saw zero wrong with it. Nothing. You disagree so let’s settle it at the ballot box. Why does that trigger you so much?

Impeachment is in the Constitution for a reason. I appreciate you haven't supported an impeachment in your 39 years, but that tidbit doesn't address whether you think there should ever be an impeachment. Keep your 'triggered' nonsense. If I tell you you're full of crap, it doesn't mean I'm triggered, it means I think you're full of crap.
no, there should never be one unless both parties agree. Ever!!!!

WE have elections every four years for the position, the people should decide.
  • "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Please tell me EXACTLY what is wrong with that? To ask to reopen an investigation in corruption that occurred years ago? Hillary and Obama conspired to keep Trump under investigation since before the election.

Because the allegation that Biden stopped the prosecution is not true. In fact the prosecutor they all wanted removed was the one who abruptly stopped the investigation into the corruption. When he was removed it opened the company to further investigations. Of course all of the corruption the Ukrainians investigated happened before Biden was hired

Are you serious? Do you know what your claim here is?

What you are saying is Joe got the Prosecutor General fired because he wasn't doing enough with investigating the company that was paying his son 80K a year??? Really??? You actually believe that?
Bullshit. Trump made every effort to hide his request of Ukraine, including, to this day, denying there was a quid pro quo. He used a backchannel of his personal attorney and two currently-indicted associates, who engaged in a smear campaign to remove an Ambassador. The WH hid the call records, in which Trump never mentioned the word corruption, tho he mentioned Biden and Giuliani. A whistleblower report was suppressed.

But, yeah, It's just an honest, above-board effort to root out corruption. The demand for a public statement of a Burisma/Biden investigation is so innocent you can't even conceive of an explanation for it.

Yeah, he didn't pay hush money either.
Manuel, it was a public and open call. He didn’t do anything wrong. We disagree so let’s decide at the ballot box. I want a public statement as well. You want weaponry then tell us what the hell is going on.

Yeah, it was a public and open call after the whistleblower complaint was made public. Time isn't random.

As to deciding at the ballot box, what's the cutoff date for that? 1st year? 2nd? Or is that opinion based on your sentiment that Trump did nothing wrong? If he gunned down Lindsay Graham in a fit of pique - and who hasn't wanted to do that? - 3 months before the election, would you say 'let the voters decide'? Is it a matter of principle or politics?

"If principle", he laughed, "does that mean there should never be an impeachment?"
I am 39 and have never supported impeachment. I did not like BHO but I respected the will of the voters and the man and ignored all the cat calls that he was Kenyan. The people elected Trump. Let him govern until the people decide otherwise. Again, I bet prior presidents did similar shit. The anti Trump movement began in November 2016 after he won. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. Bullshit conspiracy theories. I read the transcript and saw zero wrong with it. Nothing. You disagree so let’s settle it at the ballot box. Why does that trigger you so much?

Impeachment is in the Constitution for a reason. I appreciate you haven't supported an impeachment in your 39 years, but that tidbit doesn't address whether you think there should ever be an impeachment. Keep your 'triggered' nonsense. If I tell you you're full of crap, it doesn't mean I'm triggered, it means I think you're full of crap.
no, there should never be one unless both parties agree. Ever!!!!

WE have elections every four years for the position, the people should decide.

In which case there would be nothing like a little tyranny of the minority to protect a tyrant.
Trump is President.
He's in charge.
Get over it.

There's your problem right there, a lack of education. Trump is not in charge. This is not a dictatorship. The presidency is a co-equal branch of government. Trump cannot do whatever he wants to do.

I know it can be confusing. Perhaps you are not from the USA and weren't taught this in grade school.

You are incorrect
The state Department is under the executive branch
Which President Trump is indeed the head of.
The people elected Trump. Let him govern until the people decide otherwise. Again, I bet prior presidents did similar shit.

You stumbled across the problem. They don't want Trump governing because when Trump does, he makes things better for the American people. The Democrats certainly don't want that. Look at our border now, look at people making more in wages, and bringing home more in their paychecks. Look at our economy.

Trump is a huge success, and the Democrats need to stop this success, before fence sitting Americans come to the understanding that Democrats don't do anything for the people, Democrats only do things for themselves.
Yep... 100% fact... what's GOOD for America is BAD for democrats. They know it, we know it, the whole damn country knows it by now, and they also know that's why the democrats and their propaganda wing have been on an apoplectic, 24/7, three year long TRASHING campaign to get rid of the president.

I'm afraid the democrats have an absolute BLOODY ASS KICKIN' coming next year, and I think they're beginning to see it. It's breaking through their HATE, and now they're starting to get real worried. There's 31 democrats in districts Trump won, and they're starting to think Nancy has thrown them under the buss to satisfy the radical goons that are now driving the dem clown show. She put all her faith in Adam ScHITt to get this impeachment across the finish line, but it's pretty clear by now that that isn't going to happen, that it's BACK FIRING, AGAIN, and this was their BIG FINISH, the FINALE, the IMPEACHMENT, the WE'VE GOT HIM NOW #7,901,652. They've SHOT THEIR WAD and now it's OVER, and next year the American people are going to send them PACKING.

Hand over the gavel, Nanc, you had it for two years and COMPLETELY FUCKED YOURSELF and your GUTTER LICKING PARTY with it.
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AMBASSADOR YANKABITCH: Our work as servants to the USA around the world is a sacred institution where our every action reflects on our country and we serve at the pleasure of the Administration to represent their policies. I'm a Pisces, I like Chinese food and I'm one hell of a Watusi dancer as well.

CHAIRMAN: Is it true we've taken your every statement made here as gospel truth and the only thing we've questioned as "theory" or opinion is your statement that Ukraine had been working under you in the interests of the Hillary Campaign in 2016, is that true?


CHAIRMAN: Did the Trump Administration recall you because they no longer felt you were acting in their best interests reflecting their policies?


CHAIRMAN: And what was your reaction?

AMBASSADOR YANKABITCH: I felt the blood drain from my face, I was terribly hurt, I cried a lot and then thought: "That rotten orange rat bastard! I'm going to publicly testify for the democrats to tell them anything they want to hear to harm the president in any way I can because our every action reflects poorly on our country!"

CHAIRMAN: Thank you, Ms. Ambassador for your irrelevant testimony here in helping us fry the president proving everything he thought about you to be true! There will be food and gifts for you and a future job within the DNC waiting for you in the lobby.
Husky is a triggered Leftist. His posts make me laugh.

Care to expand on that thought? Tell us all what exactly you found funny.
Who is “us”? You and your other personalities?
Who is “us”? You and your other personalities?
All of the readers, dope. Those watching you punk out repeatedly.
All? You mean the ones in your imagination? I am the one getting kudos for my posts not you. I am glad you’re triggered as it shows the typical Leftist personality.

Another punk out?
Care to tell us what you found funny in my post?
The people elected Trump. Let him govern until the people decide otherwise. Again, I bet prior presidents did similar shit.

You stumbled across the problem. They don't want Trump governing because when Trump does, he makes things better for the American people. The Democrats certainly don't want that. Look at our border now, look at people making more in wages, and bringing home more in their paychecks. Look at our economy.

Trump is a huge success, and the Democrats need to stop this success, before fence sitting Americans come to the understanding that Democrats don't do anything for the people, Democrats only do things for themselves.
Yep... 100% fact... what's GOOD for America is BAD for democrats. They know it, we know it, the whole damn country knows it by now, and they also know that's why the democrats and their propaganda wing have been on an apoplectic, 24/7, three year long TRASHING campaign to get rid of the president.

I'm afraid the democrats have an absolute BLOODY ASS KICKIN' coming next year, and I think they're beginning to see it. It's breaking through their HATE, and now they're starting to get real worried. There's 31 democrats in areas that Trump won, and they're starting to think Nancy has thrown them under the buss to satisfy the radical goons that are now driving the dem clown show. She put all her faith in Adam ScHITt to get this impeachment across the finish line, but it's pretty clear by now that that isn't going to happen, that it's BACK FIRING, AGAIN, and this was their BIG FINISH, the FINALE, the IMPEACHMENT. They've SHOT THEIR WAD and now it's OVER, and next year the American people are going to send them PACKING.

Hand over the gavel, you had it for two years and COMPLETELY FUCKED YOURSELF and your GUTTER LICKING PARTY with it.

The best indicator of public opinion is usually the financial markets- they are through the roof this week.
They see a stable Presidency.
Public option is not with the Democratics
no one said it was about harming republicans.

That's because it didn't and wasn't designed to.

Nobody ever said it was hidden either, or that it was exposed by a concerned whistle blower, there was nothing controversial about the pressure we applied to get the corrupt prosecutor fired.
After reading the transcript we knew more than your “concerned whistleblower” one word btw, dummy. And that whistleblower is a partisan stooge. Nothingburger.

I disagree. The complaint as released gives a picture of the events leading up to and after the phone call. If it were a nothing burger we wouldn't be here today.
Yes and as POTUS he has the right to demand this. He wasn't hiding it. He did it in an open forum.

Burisma, a private oil and gas company in Ukraine, announced this week that it has appointed Hunter Biden, the youngest son of US Vice President Joe Biden, to its board of directors.

The company, founded in 2002, is controlled by a former energy official in the government of deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

The move has raised some eyebrows in the US, given the Obama administration's attempts to manage the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

"Joe Biden has been the White House's go-to guy during the Ukraine crisis, touring former Soviet republics and reassuring their concerned leaders," writes the National Journal's Marina Koren. "And now, he's not the only Biden involved in the region."

She says that by appointing Hunter Biden head of its legal affairs unit, "Burisma is turning to US talent - and money and name recognition - for protection against Russia".

The younger Mr Biden isn't the only American with political ties to have recently joined Burisma's board. Devon Archer, a former senior advisor to current Secretary of State John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign and a college roommate of Mr Kerry's stepson HJ Heinz, signed on in April.

Mr Biden and Mr Archer are also managing partners at Rosemont Seneca Partners, a Washington, DC-based investment company.

Both Mr Biden and Mr Archer have not responded to requests from reporters for comment. In Burisma's press release announcing his hiring, Mr Biden says:

I believe that my assistance in consulting the company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.

All this could be explained simply as a foreign energy company looking to increase its visibility in the US and spur investment, writes the Federalist's Mollie Hemingway. State-controlled companies currently account for 90% of Ukraine's gas production, but this year Burisma became the nation's largest private producer.

Hemingway adds, however, that there may be another, less savoury possibility:

The most disturbing explanation is that the company is attempting to curry favour with the US government by enlisting the services of the close family friend and campaign bundler of the secretary of state and the son of the vice president. After all, Archer notes on one of his company's web pages that his firm's "relationship network creates opportunities for our portfolio companies which then compound to greater outcomes for all parties".

She concludes that this seems like a "cliched movie plot": "a shady foreign oil company co-opts the vice president's son in order to capture lucrative foreign investment contracts".

The White House has emphasised that the vice president's son's new job will have no influence on US foreign policy.

"Hunter Biden is a private citizen and a lawyer," Kendra Barkoff, a spokeswoman for the vice president, told the Wall Street Journal. "The vice president does not endorse any particular company and has no involvement with this company."

Bullshit. Trump made every effort to hide his request of Ukraine, including, to this day, denying there was a quid pro quo. He used a backchannel of his personal attorney and two currently-indicted associates, who engaged in a smear campaign to remove an Ambassador. The WH hid the call records, in which Trump never mentioned the word corruption, tho he mentioned Biden and Giuliani. A whistleblower report was suppressed.

But, yeah, It's just an honest, above-board effort to root out corruption. The demand for a public statement of a Burisma/Biden investigation is so innocent you can't even conceive of an explanation for it.

Yeah, he didn't pay hush money either.
Manuel, it was a public and open call. He didn’t do anything wrong. We disagree so let’s decide at the ballot box. I want a public statement as well. You want weaponry then tell us what the hell is going on.

Yeah, it was a public and open call after the whistleblower complaint was made public. Time isn't random.

As to deciding at the ballot box, what's the cutoff date for that? 1st year? 2nd? Or is that opinion based on your sentiment that Trump did nothing wrong? If he gunned down Lindsay Graham in a fit of pique - and who hasn't wanted to do that? - 3 months before the election, would you say 'let the voters decide'? Is it a matter of principle or politics?

"If principle", he laughed, "does that mean there should never be an impeachment?"
I am 39 and have never supported impeachment. I did not like BHO but I respected the will of the voters and the man and ignored all the cat calls that he was Kenyan. The people elected Trump. Let him govern until the people decide otherwise. Again, I bet prior presidents did similar shit. The anti Trump movement began in November 2016 after he won. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. Bullshit conspiracy theories. I read the transcript and saw zero wrong with it. Nothing. You disagree so let’s settle it at the ballot box. Why does that trigger you so much?

Impeachment is in the Constitution for a reason. I appreciate you haven't supported an impeachment in your 39 years, but that tidbit doesn't address whether you think there should ever be an impeachment. Keep your 'triggered' nonsense. If I tell you you're full of crap, it doesn't mean I'm triggered, it means I think you're full of crap.
When you claim an opinion is wrong you’re triggered. Sorry, Jorge but that is my opinion. Impeachment is for high crimes and misdemeanors not for open phone calls about well known corruption.
The people elected Trump. Let him govern until the people decide otherwise. Again, I bet prior presidents did similar shit.

You stumbled across the problem. They don't want Trump governing because when Trump does, he makes things better for the American people. The Democrats certainly don't want that. Look at our border now, look at people making more in wages, and bringing home more in their paychecks. Look at our economy.

Trump is a huge success, and the Democrats need to stop this success, before fence sitting Americans come to the understanding that Democrats don't do anything for the people, Democrats only do things for themselves.
Yep... 100% fact... what's GOOD for America is BAD for democrats. They know it, we know it, the whole damn country knows it by now, and they also know that's why the democrats and their propaganda wing have been on an apoplectic, 24/7, three year long TRASHING campaign to get rid of the president.

I'm afraid the democrats have an absolute BLOODY ASS KICKIN' coming next year, and I think they're beginning to see it. It's breaking through their HATE, and now they're starting to get real worried. There's 31 democrats in areas that Trump won, and they're starting to think Nancy has thrown them under the buss to satisfy the radical goons that are now driving the dem clown show. She put all her faith in Adam ScHITt to get this impeachment across the finish line, but it's pretty clear by now that that isn't going to happen, that it's BACK FIRING, AGAIN, and this was their BIG FINISH, the FINALE, the IMPEACHMENT. They've SHOT THEIR WAD and now it's OVER, and next year the American people are going to send them PACKING.

Hand over the gavel, you had it for two years and COMPLETELY FUCKED YOURSELF and your GUTTER LICKING PARTY with it.

The best indicator of public opinion is usually the financial markets- they are through the roof this week.
They see a stable Presidency.
Public option is not with the Democratics
They can't LIE or HEAD FAKE or MOVE THE GOAL POSTS out of this one. They tried to impeach a sitting president on 3RD and 4TH hand GOSSIP and how their deep state ACTOR snowflakes FEEL, an impeachment LOOKING FOR A CRIME, and now, you bet yur ass, they're going to pay the price for it.

Say goodnight, demtrash, you're shit show is OVER.

Time for the IG report to hit, and then watch the fun begin. Stock up on popcorn because it's going to be good.
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Funny, I heard him do it on TV several times. But once again, how do you know they aren't already looking into it?

From the article ...

DOJ says no such call between Barr and the Ukrainians ended up taking place.

And of course things never change, RIGHT?

Great, prove it changed. Meanwhile, Trump was talking about Biden ousting Shokin since May, maybe earlier. Called Zelensky in July and asked Zelensky for help regarding Biden. The article I posted was from the end of September and Barr was still not looking into Ukraine. So when did he start? After the impeachment inquiry started?

But more to the point, you point out how Trump told Zelensky he would have Barr call him -- so why do you think Trump didn't do that?

I don't know he hasn't, he's said several times publicly that he wants him to.

He said that in his July phone call. Meanwhile, when this blew up at the end of September, he still hadn't; and there's been no suggestion he has yet.

And you're still avoiding the question. Why do you think he'd tell Zelensky he'd have Barr contact him and then not tell Barr? Even for two months?

As I said before, I don't know that he hasn't, neither do you.

Husky is a triggered Leftist. His posts make me laugh.

Care to expand on that thought? Tell us all what exactly you found funny.
Who is “us”? You and your other personalities?
Who is “us”? You and your other personalities?
All of the readers, dope. Those watching you punk out repeatedly.
All? You mean the ones in your imagination? I am the one getting kudos for my posts not you. I am glad you’re triggered as it shows the typical Leftist personality.

Another punk out?
Care to tell us what you found funny in my post?
Again, who is this “us”?
no one said it was about harming republicans.

That's because it didn't and wasn't designed to.

Nobody ever said it was hidden either, or that it was exposed by a concerned whistle blower, there was nothing controversial about the pressure we applied to get the corrupt prosecutor fired.
It’s funny how you lefties have decided he was the corrupt one. Was he on some oil companies payroll? Did that make him corrupt? Or was he just screwing up the kid of the VP’s cash cow?

Bi-partisan support for anti-corruption efforts and praise for Biden's work
A CNN KFile review of hearings in the House and Senate at the time also found bi-partisan concern for corruption in Ukraine from Republican members of Congress and praise for Biden's efforts from former members of George W. Bush's administration and an Obama administration official who is now a nominee for an ambassadorship in the Trump administration.
At a hearing in March 2016 on Ukrainian reforms, Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, the Republican chair of the Committee who would one day become a top Trump critic within the GOP, raised concerns about corruption in Ukraine and said his hearing would delve into what pressure the U.S. could apply.
At the same hearing, John E. Herbst, a former Ambassador to Ukraine in the Bush administration and now director of the Atlantic Council's Eurasia Center, testified that there was widespread support for the removal of Sholkin and praised specifically praised Biden.

Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office - CNNPolitics
no one said it was about harming republicans.

That's because it didn't and wasn't designed to.

Nobody ever said it was hidden either, or that it was exposed by a concerned whistle blower, there was nothing controversial about the pressure we applied to get the corrupt prosecutor fired.
After reading the transcript we knew more than your “concerned whistleblower” one word btw, dummy. And that whistleblower is a partisan stooge. Nothingburger.

I disagree. The complaint as released gives a picture of the events leading up to and after the phone call. If it were a nothing burger we wouldn't be here today.
Russia collusion was nothing and we wasted two years. Ever read the Boy who cried wolf?
What is Trump suppose to do? Well to start off, he could start acting like a president instead of narcissistic school boy who's only interest is himself. If he had real information that Biden's son has violate the law, then he would have his AG open an investigation instead trying to bribe a foreign government with military aid.

Of course all he really wants is President Zelensky to announce he is opening and investigation into Biden. Then he could spin all kinds of stories about Biden at his rallies. Of course he will probably do that anyway.

1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.
1) Trump never bribed anybody.
2) Never was any investigation.
3) Ukraine got the US aid.

If there never was an investigation, then what is the corruption Biden is alleged to have engaged in?

That's been discussed repeatedly. Coke head Hunter, who was not only kicked out of the military, and attended rehab three times, got a job in a country he never dealt with before, unfamiliar with the language, in an industry he had no experience in, for 80K a month. Out of the 7.5 billion people on this planet, why would Burisma choose him of all people?

A couple of weeks ago the FOIA forced them to release an email of Burisma dropping Hunter's name to try and setup a meeting between them and the State department. Supposedly, more emails are going to be released in the near future as they get legally processed.

You didn't answer my question.

The line on Biden's corruption was that he extorted the Ukrainian govt to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son.

Now you're saying there was never an investigation and the "corruption" is because
"Crackhead" Hunter Biden landed a lucrative job?

Trump said it was about the investigationand the firing. So which is it?

What Trump asked for was for Ukraine to look into it to see if there was anything there. Trump released the money before any investigation even started, and there was still no investigation that we are aware of today.

What Slow Joe did was a quid pro quo, and there's nothing illegal about it unless it did have something to do with his son. Again, that's what Trump was asking Zelensky about. He wants to see if there is indeed a connection, because an energy company just doesn't pay somebody millions of dollars for nothing. Hunter got the job when his father was the US VP.

Given the fact Zelensky nor anybody in the Ukraine government even knew about the hold on US aid until a month after the phone call, tells us that whatever Trump said, Zelensky didn't take as a threat, because he knew nothing about money on hold. That's one of the many reasons this impeachment is a compete farce.

Yes but you're saying now there was never an investigation. So Trump's claim that there was corruption in Biden working to sack the prosecutor to save his son from an investigation was wrong? Or are you wrong?

You seem confused as your explanations are spreading beyond the known facts of what Trump stated in his call.
If I did, I must be the only one between us because you obviously can't answer my question.
There is a difference between can't answer and not going to answer. You know what was said on that call and you know exactly where the bribery occurred in that call.

That's why I'm asking. I read the transcript about a dozen times or so, and I can't find where Trump stated Ukraine could have US aid if they conduct an investigation on Biden. So I must have missed something, so perhaps you can help. Give me the exact words that I missed, page and paragraph if possible.
Dumbfuck, while not releasing the aid since February ...

Zelensky: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

They were ALMOST ready to make the purchase, they have since done so. So what's your point?

That the sale of those Javelin missiles was made contingent upon personal favors for Trump.

The sale has already been completed, what favors were delivered?

no one said it was about harming republicans.

That's because it didn't and wasn't designed to.

Nobody ever said it was hidden either, or that it was exposed by a concerned whistle blower, there was nothing controversial about the pressure we applied to get the corrupt prosecutor fired.
After reading the transcript we knew more than your “concerned whistleblower” one word btw, dummy. And that whistleblower is a partisan stooge. Nothingburger.

I disagree. The complaint as released gives a picture of the events leading up to and after the phone call. If it were a nothing burger we wouldn't be here today.
Ya know... I just realized... you REALLY ARE BLIND.

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