Meister, why am I suddenly getting stickies on the threads I'm reading? I've pushed a button without knowing it, haven't I?
For a bipartisan vote to remove the president, there needs to be a valid high crime or misdemeanor or the people will revolt at the ballot box.

Bribery and Treason are the two specific reasons a president can be impeached for. Likewise if the people see a valid reason to remove the President not acted on because of a partisan vote, they can also revolt at the ballot box.

There's a constitutional definition of treason, tell the class how it applies to a freaking phone call.


Dear class. The fact that there are two reasons specified in the constitution does not mean I was accusing Trumpybear of treason. I think it was attempted bribery. Not the bribery we use to advance out national goals, but a secret one of designed partisan political nature that was exposed.

You might want to check the required elements of bribery, the required elements didn't exist in that call, no matter how you try to spin it.


There is no legal threshold here.
It's not a trial
It's just a political infomercial.

You're right, it's all part of the commiecrat campaign to defeat Trump, only problem is, IT AIN'T GONNA WORK.

Don't forget they threw in EXTORTION between quid pro quo and bribery.

These bat shit crazy, lunatic demtrash change the game faster than we can keep up with.

I think today they're hoping the bitch cries. That ought to do it... the president made me cry because he fired me... WHAAAAAA, WHAAA. I'm SURE they'll be able to impeach the president on... HE MADE ME CRY.

Well I guess I should make the case for Blackmail. Yep that's what ol'Trumpybear did. He tried to Blackmail that president into publicly announcing that the Ukraine was opening an investingation into the Bidens corruption.

Blackmail I tells ya.

Doesn't matter what you call it. The turd still stinks.

Blackmail is when you have something damaging about a person, and threaten to release that information unless your demands are met. And when did Trump ever ask Zelensky to make anything public?

Many forms of blackmail are considered crimes under state or federal law. Most states treat blackmail as a type of extortion or coercion, which involves threats of violence or other harm in order to compel a person to do something.

Blackmail Law | Justia

What you call it doesn't change what he did or that it was done with corrupt intent.


The VERY DEFINITION...BooBoo is almost as dumb as Creepy Toes!!!

Yes you could say we blackmail countries with aid into following policies favorable to US interest. No president has as of yet been successful in blackmailing a country into harming the domestic opposition, although one did get close, but that effort has apparently failed.
²yes, Surender Monkrys blanket diplomacy did apparently fail!
Blackmail is when you have something damaging about a person, and threaten to release that information unless your demands are met. And when did Trump ever ask Zelensky to make anything public?

Many forms of blackmail are considered crimes under state or federal law. Most states treat blackmail as a type of extortion or coercion, which involves threats of violence or other harm in order to compel a person to do something.

Blackmail Law | Justia

What you call it doesn't change what he did or that it was done with corrupt intent.


The VERY DEFINITION...BooBoo is almost as dumb as Creepy Toes!!!

That is a quid pro quo in the nation's interest. Trump should try that once or twice.
No, documents show the Bidens were involved in a HUGE money laundering scandal along with the Hildebeasty and the Kerry family in Ukraine....try DuckDuckGo instead of Googly which censors much info, or put it on page 8901!

But do you need the story again?

You must think that I will follow a moron down a rabbit hole.
You, moron, are the first one in the hole!
For a bipartisan vote to remove the president, there needs to be a valid high crime or misdemeanor or the people will revolt at the ballot box.

Bribery and Treason are the two specific reasons a president can be impeached for. Likewise if the people see a valid reason to remove the President not acted on because of a partisan vote, they can also revolt at the ballot box.

There's a constitutional definition of treason, tell the class how it applies to a freaking phone call.


Dear class. The fact that there are two reasons specified in the constitution does not mean I was accusing Trumpybear of treason. I think it was attempted bribery. Not the bribery we use to advance out national goals, but a secret one of designed partisan political nature that was exposed.

You might want to check the required elements of bribery, the required elements didn't exist in that call, no matter how you try to spin it.


I believe the inquiry is looking at more than just the July 25th call.

Yeah, some one brought up a meeting at the WH Trump was supposedly holding over Zelensky's head. I know they discussed bilateral meetings in both countries, I didn't hear any threats there either.

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Yay an ad hominem from Domingo. My salient argument was too much for you? LOL

Again, Trump never asked the Ukraine to make up anything and his request was via an open phone call. You admitted the Biden board seat was iffy and this was not the first time. Remember China and the Bidens?

Come on man. Use your logic, Diego.
There is nothing between Hunter Biden & China. There as nothing inappropriate with Joe Biden in Ukraine.

Trump's extortion is obvious.

Your argument is a lie.

Nothing between Hunter and China, then why did they send 600K+ to an account controlled by him and Devon Archer?

It was an investment company. Company owners have access to their company's bank account. It does not mean they take it for themselves. You assfucks are dumber than shit.

The account was one they both drew from for personal use, it was NOT a customer account. The existence of the account, and the companies involved in making payments to it were revealed in federal court proceeding against Devon Archer. You being ignorant of it doesn't make me dumb. Perhaps you should educate yourself.


Hunter Biden invested in that fund. So if he did, he would have an account to deal with those investments.

Instead of trying to pin something on Hunter Biden, you should be worried about your orange buddy.

The only reason Biden was hired was to buy access to the State Dept. Did you miss post 2745, you might want to check it out.

Marie Yovanovitch admits Obama admin prepped her on Hunter Biden.....OH MY, OH M . OH MY....ROTFLMFAO!!!!.....How much more info does AG Barr need?


Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch testified Friday that the Obama administration was so concerned about Hunter Biden’s job on Burisma’s board of directors that she was asked prep questions about the issue by White House staffers before her 2016 Senate confirmation.

In response to questions from GOP counsel Stephen Castor, Yovanovitch testified at the House Intelligence Committee’s second public impeachment hearing that she had been informed about the lucrative gig Hunter Biden landed with the petroleum producer — which paid the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden as much as $50,000 a month despite his seeming lack of relevant experience — but took no action when she arrived at her post.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
President Trump has every right to FIRE any ambassador for any reason he so chooses. Especially ambassador's stabbing the president in the back, undermining the president's foreign policy which he has a Constitutional right to set. This is not a debate or a negotiation, the State Dept and these appointees work for Trump. The State department is not a separate branch of government, president Trump is their boss.
So Trump has the right to fire an ambassador that won't go along with his extortion scheme. I get it.

She left right when Zelensky was taking office, she had nothing to do with it.

Adam Schiff's closing remarks today triggered a Republican! Too bad. It was right on the money

‘I demand to speak!’ Republican bursts into anger over Adam Schiff’s closing remarks

Republican Rep. Mike Conaway (TX) was not pleased that House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) got the last word at the second public impeachment hearing on Friday.

During his closing remarks, Schiff said Trump had engaged in “an effort to coerce, condition or bribe a foreign country into doing [his] dirty work.”

“The fact that they failed in this solicitation of bribery doesn’t make it any less bribery. Doesn’t make it any less immoral or corrupt. It just means it was unsuccessful. And to that we owe other dedicated public servants who blew the whistle. Had they not blown the whistle we wouldn’t be here and I think it is appalling that my colleagues continue to want to out this whistleblower so that he or she can be punished by this president,” Schiff said.
That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
It seems the dem politicians get upset that Trump does what they do to him.
It's a crazy world
Adam Schiff's closing remarks today triggered a Republican! Too bad. It was right on the money

‘I demand to speak!’ Republican bursts into anger over Adam Schiff’s closing remarks

Republican Rep. Mike Conaway (TX) was not pleased that House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) got the last word at the second public impeachment hearing on Friday.

During his closing remarks, Schiff said Trump had engaged in “an effort to coerce, condition or bribe a foreign country into doing [his] dirty work.”

“The fact that they failed in this solicitation of bribery doesn’t make it any less bribery. Doesn’t make it any less immoral or corrupt. It just means it was unsuccessful. And to that we owe other dedicated public servants who blew the whistle. Had they not blown the whistle we wouldn’t be here and I think it is appalling that my colleagues continue to want to out this whistleblower so that he or she can be punished by this president,” Schiff said.
Schitt’s Is afraid of republicans! He’s a fking punk.

BTW, she didn’t have any idea of any crime committed by the president.
You are all so upset. But how about that awesome high energy Castor dude!? He's awesome!
I had a feeling Castor would play very respectful with her. She is too sympathetic a witness.
They haven't let Jordan out of the barn, yet, though.

Sympathetic about what, she was moved form Ukraine and given a plum posting as a fellow at a university, at taxpayers expense I might add. She was originally appointed for a 3 year posting in May 2016, she reported in Aug that year, she was relieved of her posting at the 3 year mark. She wasn't abused by Trump or anyone else, sympathetic, LMAO.

Don't forget they threw in EXTORTION between quid pro quo and bribery.

These bat shit crazy, lunatic demtrash change the game faster than we can keep up with.

I think today they're hoping the bitch cries. That ought to do it... the president made me cry because he fired me... WHAAAAAA, WHAAA. I'm SURE they'll be able to impeach the president on... HE MADE ME CRY.

Well I guess I should make the case for Blackmail. Yep that's what ol'Trumpybear did. He tried to Blackmail that president into publicly announcing that the Ukraine was opening an investingation into the Bidens corruption.

Blackmail I tells ya.

Doesn't matter what you call it. The turd still stinks.

Blackmail is when you have something damaging about a person, and threaten to release that information unless your demands are met. And when did Trump ever ask Zelensky to make anything public?

Many forms of blackmail are considered crimes under state or federal law. Most states treat blackmail as a type of extortion or coercion, which involves threats of violence or other harm in order to compel a person to do something.

Blackmail Law | Justia

What you call it doesn't change what he did or that it was done with corrupt intent.

That's our problem with this. He didn't do anything. He asked a favor, and now we have this two month impeachment thing going on instead of the Congress doing their jobs.

What I call it doesn't change what he did, and what you call it doesn't change what he did either.

Its bribery. It is extortion. The fucker wanted help in the 2020 election and he was willing to use the power
of the office and our tax dollars to get it. Fuck you for excusing it.

BS, he was trying to get to the bottom of interference in the 2016 elections and other corruption that occurred in Ukraine.

Well I guess I should make the case for Blackmail. Yep that's what ol'Trumpybear did. He tried to Blackmail that president into publicly announcing that the Ukraine was opening an investingation into the Bidens corruption.

Blackmail I tells ya.

Doesn't matter what you call it. The turd still stinks.

Considering that the withholding of the Javelins would predictably result in (additional) Ukrainian wounded and dead, you might even call it "exaction".

There is another aspect that I find is widely overlooked. Nothing yells "anti-corruption crusade" like removing a widely admired anti-corruption crusader from her office. Oh, wait, there is one better than that:

Nothing yells "anti-corruption crusade" as loudly as urging your counterpart to bring the power of the state to bear on a political opponent in an obviously politically motivated "investigation". That's going to teach them Ukrainians a lesson, doesn't it?

That's the U.S. of A. under Trump in a nutshell, teaching the world a lesson in corruption. Devastating though this is, the number of folks who would go along with all that is worse, still.
Well I guess I should make the case for Blackmail. Yep that's what ol'Trumpybear did. He tried to Blackmail that president into publicly announcing that the Ukraine was opening an investingation into the Bidens corruption.

Blackmail I tells ya.

Doesn't matter what you call it. The turd still stinks.

Blackmail is when you have something damaging about a person, and threaten to release that information unless your demands are met. And when did Trump ever ask Zelensky to make anything public?

Many forms of blackmail are considered crimes under state or federal law. Most states treat blackmail as a type of extortion or coercion, which involves threats of violence or other harm in order to compel a person to do something.

Blackmail Law | Justia

What you call it doesn't change what he did or that it was done with corrupt intent.

That's our problem with this. He didn't do anything. He asked a favor, and now we have this two month impeachment thing going on instead of the Congress doing their jobs.

What I call it doesn't change what he did, and what you call it doesn't change what he did either.

Its bribery. It is extortion. The fucker wanted help in the 2020 election and he was willing to use the power
of the office and our tax dollars to get it. Fuck you for excusing it.

BS, he was trying to get to the bottom of interference in the 2016 elections and other corruption that occurred in Ukraine.

We have a treaty with them to do that. Why was he holding up the aid and demanding a public announcement of the 'investigations' into his political rivals before it's release?
Well I guess I should make the case for Blackmail. Yep that's what ol'Trumpybear did. He tried to Blackmail that president into publicly announcing that the Ukraine was opening an investingation into the Bidens corruption.

Blackmail I tells ya.

Doesn't matter what you call it. The turd still stinks.

Blackmail is when you have something damaging about a person, and threaten to release that information unless your demands are met. And when did Trump ever ask Zelensky to make anything public?

Many forms of blackmail are considered crimes under state or federal law. Most states treat blackmail as a type of extortion or coercion, which involves threats of violence or other harm in order to compel a person to do something.

Blackmail Law | Justia

What you call it doesn't change what he did or that it was done with corrupt intent.

That's our problem with this. He didn't do anything. He asked a favor, and now we have this two month impeachment thing going on instead of the Congress doing their jobs.

What I call it doesn't change what he did, and what you call it doesn't change what he did either.

Its bribery. It is extortion. The fucker wanted help in the 2020 election and he was willing to use the power
of the office and our tax dollars to get it. Fuck you for excusing it.

BS, he was trying to get to the bottom of interference in the 2016 elections and other corruption that occurred in Ukraine.


No. You have to be an idiot to believe that. The only other explanation is that you are aware that this is BS but you feel compelled to say that you believe it.

I'm not sure which is worse. But both have got to be miserable.

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