Keep spinning until you explain why the "deliverable" was a public statement from Zelensky. Man up.

Yes and as POTUS he has the right to demand this. He wasn't hiding it. He did it in an open forum.

Burisma, a private oil and gas company in Ukraine, announced this week that it has appointed Hunter Biden, the youngest son of US Vice President Joe Biden, to its board of directors.

The company, founded in 2002, is controlled by a former energy official in the government of deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

The move has raised some eyebrows in the US, given the Obama administration's attempts to manage the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

"Joe Biden has been the White House's go-to guy during the Ukraine crisis, touring former Soviet republics and reassuring their concerned leaders," writes the National Journal's Marina Koren. "And now, he's not the only Biden involved in the region."

She says that by appointing Hunter Biden head of its legal affairs unit, "Burisma is turning to US talent - and money and name recognition - for protection against Russia".

The younger Mr Biden isn't the only American with political ties to have recently joined Burisma's board. Devon Archer, a former senior advisor to current Secretary of State John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign and a college roommate of Mr Kerry's stepson HJ Heinz, signed on in April.

Mr Biden and Mr Archer are also managing partners at Rosemont Seneca Partners, a Washington, DC-based investment company.

Both Mr Biden and Mr Archer have not responded to requests from reporters for comment. In Burisma's press release announcing his hiring, Mr Biden says:

I believe that my assistance in consulting the company on matters of transparency, corporate governance and responsibility, international expansion and other priorities will contribute to the economy and benefit the people of Ukraine.

All this could be explained simply as a foreign energy company looking to increase its visibility in the US and spur investment, writes the Federalist's Mollie Hemingway. State-controlled companies currently account for 90% of Ukraine's gas production, but this year Burisma became the nation's largest private producer.

Hemingway adds, however, that there may be another, less savoury possibility:

The most disturbing explanation is that the company is attempting to curry favour with the US government by enlisting the services of the close family friend and campaign bundler of the secretary of state and the son of the vice president. After all, Archer notes on one of his company's web pages that his firm's "relationship network creates opportunities for our portfolio companies which then compound to greater outcomes for all parties".

She concludes that this seems like a "cliched movie plot": "a shady foreign oil company co-opts the vice president's son in order to capture lucrative foreign investment contracts".

The White House has emphasised that the vice president's son's new job will have no influence on US foreign policy.

"Hunter Biden is a private citizen and a lawyer," Kendra Barkoff, a spokeswoman for the vice president, told the Wall Street Journal. "The vice president does not endorse any particular company and has no involvement with this company."

Bullshit. Trump made every effort to hide his request of Ukraine, including, to this day, denying there was a quid pro quo. He used a backchannel of his personal attorney and two currently-indicted associates, who engaged in a smear campaign to remove an Ambassador. The WH hid the call records, in which Trump never mentioned the word corruption, tho he mentioned Biden and Giuliani. A whistleblower report was suppressed.

But, yeah, It's just an honest, above-board effort to root out corruption. The demand for a public statement of a Burisma/Biden investigation is so innocent you can't even conceive of an explanation for it.

Yeah, he didn't pay hush money either.
Manuel, it was a public and open call. He didn’t do anything wrong. We disagree so let’s decide at the ballot box. I want a public statement as well. You want weaponry then tell us what the hell is going on.

Yeah, it was a public and open call after the whistleblower complaint was made public. Time isn't random.

As to deciding at the ballot box, what's the cutoff date for that? 1st year? 2nd? Or is that opinion based on your sentiment that Trump did nothing wrong? If he gunned down Lindsay Graham in a fit of pique - and who hasn't wanted to do that? - 3 months before the election, would you say 'let the voters decide'? Is it a matter of principle or politics?

"If principle", he laughed, "does that mean there should never be an impeachment?"
I am 39 and have never supported impeachment. I did not like BHO but I respected the will of the voters and the man and ignored all the cat calls that he was Kenyan. The people elected Trump. Let him govern until the people decide otherwise. Again, I bet prior presidents did similar shit. The anti Trump movement began in November 2016 after he won. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. Bullshit conspiracy theories. I read the transcript and saw zero wrong with it. Nothing. You disagree so let’s settle it at the ballot box. Why does that trigger you so much?

Actually it started before he even got the nomination, when it was clear he was the front runner.

If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.

So this testimony in your view is about this woman's feelings being hurt? Gee, I thought it was about Trump breaking some kind of law.
Nope, I did tell you what I'm getting out of this testimony, though, I don't know if it's illegal. But he's a puppet for Putin. I've never said this before, but it's pretty damned clear now.
If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
Smear Trump.
That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
Smear Trump. everybody does it....BFD. Just shows the dog and pony show that the democrats have thrown together.
MAGA Trump 2020
That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.

So this testimony in your view is about this woman's feelings being hurt? Gee, I thought it was about Trump breaking some kind of law.
Nope, I did tell you what I'm getting out of this testimony, though, I don't know if it's illegal. But he's a puppet for Putin. I've never said this before, but it's pretty damned clear now.
I agree-The He-She known as Yovanovitch is a puppet of Putin's.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
Smear Trump. everybody does it....BFD. Just shows the dog and pony show that the democrats have thrown together.
MAGA Trump 2020
Yes, today is just another reminder of what a yuck our President is. It doesn't hurt to hear it.
1) The Ukraine had a lot of corruption. We wanted to give them aid but did not want it consumed by corruption.

2) Other countries agreed with us & joined our efforts

3) The desired result was the removal of a prosecutor who was not helping to clean up the corruption.

i.e. Biden acted in interest of America.

Your fat assed orange buddy was trying to force the President of the Ukraine to announce an investigation into a political foe.

How come you assfucks are too stupid to get that.
HA HA HA. And you actually expect to throw that past us ? LOL.

Biden WAS the corruption. He, and his son, and Burisma, and whoever had the power to fire the prosecutor. And all that corruption is what Trump had (and still has) a perfect foundation for investigating.

As for Biden being a political foe/candidate, whether he is or isn't, does not give him a pass to not be investigated. NO ONE is above suspicion or accusation, as the Democrats agree, since they are suspecting, and trying to impeach a political foe/candidates of THEIRS. :biggrin:
  • "The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
Please tell me EXACTLY what is wrong with that? To ask to reopen an investigation in corruption that occurred years ago? Hillary and Obama conspired to keep Trump under investigation since before the election.

Because the allegation that Biden stopped the prosecution is not true. In fact the prosecutor they all wanted removed was the one who abruptly stopped the investigation into the corruption. When he was removed it opened the company to further investigations. Of course all of the corruption the Ukrainians investigated happened before Biden was hired

Are you serious? Do you know what your claim here is?

What you are saying is Joe got the Prosecutor General fired because he wasn't doing enough with investigating the company that was paying his son 80K a year??? Really??? You actually believe that?

It was 80K a MONTH.

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
Smear Trump. everybody does it....BFD. Just shows the dog and pony show that the democrats have thrown together.
MAGA Trump 2020
Yes, today is just another reminder of what a yuck our President is. It doesn't hurt to hear it.
Oh brother, pic a politician and I'll show you a rat, OldLady.
Today is a reminder that they are all "yucky". Trump just happens to have won the last presidential
election, and the dems were denied being able to install their rat. They are all slimy bastards
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
Smear Trump. everybody does it....BFD. Just shows the dog and pony show that the democrats have thrown together.
MAGA Trump 2020
Yes, today is just another reminder of what a yuck our President is. It doesn't hurt to hear it.
Oh brother, pic a politician and I'll show you a rat, OldLady.
Today is a reminder that they are all "yucky". Trump just happens to have won the last presidential
election, and the dems were denied being able to install their rat. They are all slimy bastards
Nah, they're not all that bad. I'm not a Dem and I understand how politicians work, but saying everyone is as bad as Trump has shown himself to be? Nah, Meister.
Today was all about a proven traitor - a US Ambassador proven to have given Ukraine's top law enforcer a 'Do Not Convict List', who helped 'influence' Ukraine to shut down their investigation into corruption days before Hunter Biden was going to be called to testify, who colluded with corrupt former Ukraine officials to collect dirt on Trump to use to help alter the 2016 election results, and who has been identified as THE State Department official who successfully blocked Ukraine's govt officials from hand-delivering criminal evidence of these crimes perpetrated by Democrats to the United States - lying her ass off, playing the 'Victim' card, and attempting to wield any shred of credibility in order to try to salvage Schiff's crumbling, self-destructing Impeachment coup.

The American people are watching it all for themselves.
They do not need an Interpreter.
They do not need to read Schiff's self-authored 'Summary' of what has gone on or what the actual transcripts say.
They can read them for themselves.
And so far the American people have seen:

There is no crime.
There is no evidence of a crime.
There is no 'whistleblower'. NONE exists - just, perhaps, some Trump-hating Deep State CIA agent who did not witness anything.
There are NO witnesses. To date NOT ONE single person to testify has claimed to personally witness anything.
Hearsay...and 'butt-hurt hatred'...sums up the basis of the Democrats'' / Schiff's entire NEW / LATEST false narrative / coup attempt.
Taylor admitted his testimony was OPINION formulated based on HEARSAY
One of Schiff's own called 'non-witnesses' declared he was concerned over Biden's conflict & how the Bidens should be investigated
Schiff LIED...AGAIN....TO Congress...TO the American people...BEFORE Congress...during HIS Hearings
Schiff bully, brow-beat, and silence female Congresswomen who dared to point out his parody and seek to ask questions LIKE THE MEN

....stick a fork in this latest Coup's done! The American people have seen it for themselves with their own eyes.
That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.

So this testimony in your view is about this woman's feelings being hurt? Gee, I thought it was about Trump breaking some kind of law.
Nope, I did tell you what I'm getting out of this testimony, though, I don't know if it's illegal. But he's a puppet for Putin. I've never said this before, but it's pretty damned clear now.

Of course he is.

Russia, Russia. Russia.jpeg
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
Smear Trump. everybody does it....BFD. Just shows the dog and pony show that the democrats have thrown together.
MAGA Trump 2020
Yes, today is just another reminder of what a yuck our President is. It doesn't hurt to hear it.
Oh brother, pic a politician and I'll show you a rat, OldLady.
Today is a reminder that they are all "yucky". Trump just happens to have won the last presidential
election, and the dems were denied being able to install their rat. They are all slimy bastards
Nah, they're not all that bad. I'm not a Dem and I understand how politicians work, but saying everyone is as bad as Trump has shown himself to be? Nah, Meister.
Nah, Old Lady....they are all slimes. Case in point, the actual truth of the last administration is just now
starting to see the light.
Well, it's over and the Republicans were good to her. I'm pleased.
She deserves to be escorted directly to a holding cell to be asked more questions by the DOJ for her part in the illegal activities the Democrats have been proven to have engaged in back in 2016...

Who knows?! Barr and Durham maybe calling her very soon to do just that after Durham wraps up his criminal investigation of Democrats criminal activity abroad back in 2016.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.

So this testimony in your view is about this woman's feelings being hurt? Gee, I thought it was about Trump breaking some kind of law.
Nope, I did tell you what I'm getting out of this testimony, though, I don't know if it's illegal. But he's a puppet for Putin. I've never said this before, but it's pretty damned clear now.

Of course he is.

View attachment 290001
It took more than the Mueller investigation to convince me, but this has done it.

Schiff is now trying to explain why he presented her testimony to us.
Smear Trump stuff.
That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
Plan A - Smear Trump
Plan B - Hope the fishing expedition stumbles onto something useful enough to impeach Trump.

These hearings may backfire on the dems similar to how the Kavanaugh (Ford) hearings backfired.

It's already starting.

Trump Campaign Raises $3.1M in Donations During Impeachment Hearings
What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.

So this testimony in your view is about this woman's feelings being hurt? Gee, I thought it was about Trump breaking some kind of law.
Nope, I did tell you what I'm getting out of this testimony, though, I don't know if it's illegal. But he's a puppet for Putin. I've never said this before, but it's pretty damned clear now.

Of course he is.

View attachment 290001
It took more than the Mueller investigation to convince me, but this has done it.

Schiff is now trying to explain why he presented her testimony to us.
Smear Trump stuff.

He can't tell you the reason for anything because then he'd have to be honest. While I only watched part of it, it seems to me like it was a complete waste of time.
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.

So this testimony in your view is about this woman's feelings being hurt? Gee, I thought it was about Trump breaking some kind of law.
Nope, I did tell you what I'm getting out of this testimony, though, I don't know if it's illegal. But he's a puppet for Putin. I've never said this before, but it's pretty damned clear now.

Of course he is.

View attachment 290001
It took more than the Mueller investigation to convince me, but this has done it.

Schiff is now trying to explain why he presented her testimony to us.
Smear Trump stuff.

He can't tell you the reason for anything because then he'd have to be honest. While I only watched part of it, it seems to me like it was a complete waste of time.
There was a lot of using her to make long speeches by the people supposedly asking her "questions." You know how they do that.
Jordan did such a long one she had to ask him if there was a question in there. He said yes, and she asked him to please repeat it....everyone had a laugh

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