If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?
If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?
It might not have been necessary but it’s certainly not grounds for impeachment nor “impeachment testimony” it ain’t all about you babe and your jilted feelings.
Trump is in charge of the Justice Department. Has been for 3 years now.

Why do you think he is covering up all of the crimes you imagine Obama, Clinton, Biden etc committed?
He certainly is not doing that. He has put Barr, Durham and Horowitz in charge of investigating those criminals, as they are doing, and in time, they will be prosecuted.
Trump is in charge of the Justice Department. Has been for 3 years now.

Why do you think he is covering up all of the crimes you imagine Obama, Clinton, Biden etc committed?
He certainly is not doing that. He has put Barr, Durham and Horowitz in charge of investigating those criminals, as they are doing, and in time, they will be prosecuted.

Three years now......what is Trump covering up?
He didn't do anything. He asked a favor,

His favor was looking into, getting to the bottom of Crowdstrike, the Server and the Ukraine, and the Bidens. His henchmen made it clear that the aid's release was conditioned on the President of the Ukraine publicly announcing those investigations.
Trump never has mentioned the Bidens in any correspondence. What's wrong with looking into Crowdstrike?
It has already been looked into. Russia did it.

You know, it might not be what the main point of the testimony is SUPPOSED to be, but it is certainly making me think that gee, Trump and Co. taking the side of the corrupt Russian oligarchs on this one--Trump saying poor Shokin, his firing was so unfair!--this is shocking. This is Putin talking out of Trump's mouth.
I know the Mueller investigation is over, but holy shit, this testimony today brings to the front which side Trump is on, does it?
What Trump asked for was for Ukraine to look into it to see if there was anything there. Trump released the money before any investigation even started, and there was still no investigation that we are aware of today.

What Slow Joe did was a quid pro quo, and there's nothing illegal about it unless it did have something to do with his son. Again, that's what Trump was asking Zelensky about. He wants to see if there is indeed a connection, because an energy company just doesn't pay somebody millions of dollars for nothing. Hunter got the job when his father was the US VP.

Given the fact Zelensky nor anybody in the Ukraine government even knew about the hold on US aid until a month after the phone call, tells us that whatever Trump said, Zelensky didn't take as a threat, because he knew nothing about money on hold. That's one of the many reasons this impeachment is a compete farce.

Yes but you're saying now there was never an investigation. So Trump's claim that there was corruption in Biden working to sack the prosecutor to save his son from an investigation was wrong? Or are you wrong?

You seem confused as your explanations are spreading beyond the known facts of what Trump stated in his call.

First of all, Trump only asked Zelensky "to look into it" as a favor, not to conduct an official investigation. Secondly, because there was no investigation, that destroys the Democrats claim of quid pro quo. That's why they aborted it and started to use "bribery" as their new charge.

If Trump's attempt was to issue a quid pro quo, he wouldn't' have released the money until he got something in return. Instead, he released the money anyway.

No. Bribery is the ask whether it's ultimately delivered or not. Trump released the money because the WB exposed their scheme.

You still did not answer the question. Was there an investigation or not?

I answered that question several times: to our knowledge, there was no investigation.

If the Democrats wanted to prove that there was bribery or a quid pro quo, they wouldn't have came out this quickly with the whistleblowers claim. They would have given it time until Trump DID get something in return. But as I stated in my last post, they are extremely desperate now that Barr and Durham are exposing what happened in the last administration. As weak of a case as this is, it's do or die for them now to try and stop both Barr and Durham.

I answered that question several times: to our knowledge, there was no investigation.

Then WTF was Trump asking for then?
Conversation with the Ukraine PM
His henchmen made it clear that the aid's release was conditioned on the President of the Ukraine publicly announcing those investigations.
Where is a first hand witness to this allegation?

Gordon Sondland dramatically changes his testimony in impeachment inquiry

Specifically, Sondland now remembers that he did, in fact, tell various people — including a Ukrainian official — that President Donald Trump’s administration was linking hundreds of millions of dollars in withheld military aid for Ukraine to investigations Trump had asked the country to conduct.

This is a big deal, because it confirms that a Trump administration official told Ukraine that the withheld aid was linked to a public announcement of those investigations (into the gas company Burisma, which Hunter Biden sat on the board of, and into purported Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election). That is: It confirms the quid pro quo of military aid for investigations.

“I now recall speaking individually with Mr. Yermak, where I said that resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks,” Sondland said. He’s referring to Andriy Yermak, a top aide to President Volodymyr Zelensky.
If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
The money was only withheld two weeks later than it was to be released. The only contact between Trump and Ukraine on the Biden matter was that phone call. Nothing else.

Rudy admitted on national television to presuring the Ukranians on Biden.
post the link.

Read up, dope.
‘Of course I did’: Giuliani acknowledges asking Ukraine to investigate Biden
quote the piece that says he pressured........

I just did, dope.
Trump even named Guiliani as a point man in his call.
So? Where’s the pressure?
Himes asked Kent whether he thought Trump’s efforts to persuade Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the Bidens in a July phone call sounded like “the president participating in or requesting a thoughtful and well-calibrated anti-corruption program.” Kent replied, “I do not.”

Himes then asked Kent, “Is what the president did in his phone call and what Joe Biden did in terms of Mr. Shokin, are those exactly the same things?”

“I do not think they are the same things,” Kent replied. “What former Vice President Biden requested of former President of Ukraine Poroshenko was the removal of a corrupt prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, who had undermined a program of assistance that we had spent, again, US taxpayer money to try to build an independent investigator unit to go after corrupt prosecutors.”
No one needs Kent, or anybody else to explain anything. Trump mentioned what he did, and military aid was delivered.

Biden threatened the Ukrainians, and military aid was NOT delivered. Obama gave then BLANKETS.
If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.

So this testimony in your view is about this woman's feelings being hurt? Gee, I thought it was about Trump breaking some kind of law.
If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
So Wednesday, we heard from the two witnesses that didn't actually witness a damn thing themselves, today we get the disgruntled employee.

Let the games begin!
They witnessed everything. And today we saw Trump dig his grave a little deeper by trying to intimidate the witness with that tweet.
can't make it up. Jim Jordan to both Kent and Taylor,

Were you on the call, both, NO

Did you speak to the president, both, NO

Did the PM bring it up, Taylor, NO.

so why don't you post up the transcript of what they witnessed exactly other than holding their pee pee's in their hands.

Fk dude, the supposed whistleblower ain't even a whistleblower. Wish to know why? Did not witness anything.


Zelensky is the president of Ukraine, not the PM. Just say'n.

If a normal, regular, everyday person tells you that you have nice kids, he is probably simply paying you and your children a complement.

If a mobster boss tells you that you have nice kids, he could be making a veiled threat to harm your family if you do not do as he wants.

Since Democrats know that Trump is Evil, they interpret what he says much the same way as the mobster boss. If Trump says do me a favor..... then it is extortion, blackmail or bribery. If Trump merely suggests looking into why a foreign energy company would pay millions to the VP's son to be on their board of directors when he has no experience, then Trump is asking for them to make up dirt to help Trump use against a potential candidate. The democrats and their lap dogs the MSM spin most everything Trump does through the lens that Trump is evil.

That's why I call this the Thought Police impeachment. No empirical evidence of anything, only how people interpreted what he said instead of what he actually said.
Yovanovitch: The President had a right to withdraw me, but was it necessary to smear my reputation?

What does that have to do with what I said?
It's what the testimony is about. Not your bullshit.
With today's testimony....was there a law broken by the president?
Or, is it just to smear Trump?
Plan A - Smear Trump
Plan B - Hope the fishing expedition stumbles onto something useful enough to impeach Trump.

These hearings may backfire on the dems similar to how the Kavanaugh (Ford) hearings backfired.

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