'Ambassador Sondland: Ukraine quid pro quo based on 'MY OWN PERSONAL GUESS'

Sonland admitted before Congress that he has NO EVIDENCE...never did - that his belief that there was a quid pro quo was HIS OWN PERSONAL GUESS!

That sums up Schiff's entire televised coup circus:

NO crime.
NO evidence of crime.
NO whistle blower
NO witness
No one WITNESSED any crime.
Hearsay, opinion, and bullshit.

Amb. Sondland: Ukraine quid pro quo based on 'my own personal guess'


Sondland 'never heard' from Trump on quid pro quo, but 'everyone' involved in Ukraine talks

Sondland just admitted / summed up this entire parade of non-witness testimony: HEARSAY! Sondland admitted he 'never heard' from Trump anything about 'Quid Pro Quo' regarding Ukraine ... but everyone talked, everyone 'knew', everyone was passing along HEARSAY and OPINION.

"Talk to Rudy." He heard that from Trump.
As I've noted before, the Democrats on this committee spent three years accusing President Trump of being a Russian agent. In March 2018, after a year-long investigation, Committee Republicans issued a 240-page report describing in detail how the Russians meddled in the 2016 elections and making specific recommendations to improve our election security.

Denouncing the report as a whitewash and accusing Republicans of "subverting" the investigation, the Democrats issued their own report focusing on their now-debunked conspiracy theory that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to hack the elections.

Notably, the Democrats vowed to present a further "comprehensive report" after they finished their investigation into Trump's treasonous collusion with Russia. For some completely inexplicable reason, after the implosion of their Russia hoax, the Democrats failed to issue that comprehensive report.

This episode shows how the Democrats have exploited the Intelligence Committee for political purposes for three years, culminating in these impeaching hearings. In their mania to attack the President, no conspiracy theory is too outlandish for the Democrats.

Time and again, they floated the possibility of some far-fetched malfeasance by Trump, declared the dire need to investigate it, and then suddenly dropped the issue and moved on to their next asinine theory. A sampling of their accusations and insinuations includes:

Trump is a long-time Russian agent, as described in the Steele dossier.

The Russians gave Trump advance access to emails stolen from the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The Trump campaign based some of its activities on these stolen documents.

Trump received nefarious materials from the Russians through a Trump Campaign aide.

Trump laundered Russian money through real estate deals.

Trump was blackmailed by Russia through his financial exposure with Deutsche Bank.

Trump had a diabolical plan to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

Trump changed the Republican National Committee platform to hurt Ukraine and benefit Russia.

The Russians laundered money through the NRA for the Trump campaign.

Trump's son in law lied about his Russian contacts while obtaining his security clearance

It's a long list of false charges, and that's merely a partial list.

Clearly, these ludicrous accusations don't reflect committee members who are honestly searching for the truth. They are the actions of partisan extremists who hijacked the Intelligence Committee, transformed it into an Impeachment Committee, abandoned its core oversight functions, and turned it into a beachhead for ousting an elected President from office.

You have to keep that history in mind as you consider the Democrats' latest catalogue of supposed Trump outrages.

Granted, a friendly call with the Ukrainian president wouldn't seem to rise to the same level as being a Russian agent. But the Democrats were running out of time—if they waited any longer, their impeachment circus would interfere with their own candidates' 2020 campaigns. And so you have to give them points for creativity in selling this absurdity as an impeachable offense.

All this explains why the Democrats have gathered zero Republican support in the House of Representatives for their impeachment crusade. In fact, the vote we held was a bipartisan vote against impeachment.

Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Schiff, and Chairman Nadler—the key figures behind this impeachment—all proclaimed that impeachment is so damaging to the country that it can only proceed with bipartisan support. Are those declarations suddenly no longer true? Did impeachment become less divisive?

Of course not. They know exactly what kind of damage they're inflicting on this nation. But they've passed the point of no return. After three years of preparation work, much of it spearheaded by the Democrats on this committee, using all the tools of Congress to accuse, investigate, indict, and smear the President, they stoked a frenzy among their most fanatical supporters that they can no longer control.

And so they've zeroed in on an anonymous whistleblower complaint that was cooked up in cooperation with Democrats on this very committee. They lied to the American people about that cooperation and refuse to let us question the whistleblower to discover the truth.

Meanwhile, the Democrats lash out against anyone who questions or casts doubt on this spectacle.

When Ukrainian President Zelensky denies anything improper happened on the phone call, the Democrats say he's a liar.

When journalists report on Ukrainian election meddling and Hunter Biden's position on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian company, the Democrats label them conspiracy theorists.

When the Democrats can't get any traction for their allegations of a quid pro quo, they move the goalposts and accuse the President of extortion, then bribery, and as a last resort, obstructing justice.

The American people sent us to Washington to solve problems, not to wage scorched-earth political warfare against the other party. This impeachment is not helping the American people, it's not a legitimate use of taxpayer dollars, and it's not improving our national security.

In closing, the Democrats fake outrage that President Trump used his own channel to communicate with Ukraine. I'll remind them that our first president, George Washington, directed his own diplomatic channels to secure a treaty with Great Britain. If my Democratic colleagues were around in 1794, they'd want to impeach him too.

Rep Devin Nunes
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As I shared last night to the dear conservatives here, I have surrendered.
Not to the liberals but to the fact that this feelings frenzy from the Democrats has led us to la la land where reality does not prevail.
Conservatives can not argue fact in this feelings land and it’s no longer worth trying. Where we do have power and fact is in the Senate and at the ballot box. No need to continue to try and factually defeat people who think witnesses are people who never saw anything nor heard it first hand and that’s just one of a half dozen other emotionally delusional fictions that are the basis of these “hearings”.
You are a liar. Sondland wasn't called by the Republicans, he got a subpoena from Schifferbrains.

The Republican's have not had a single witness due to Schifferbrain's blocking them all.

Democrats subpoena Sondland for testimony, documents

Volker and Morrison were called by Republicans.
Bullshit. All witnesses to date have been called by Schifferbrains.

Trump impeachment inquiry: Who has been subpoenaed?
Republican Witnesses Blow Massive Hole in GOP’s Defense of Trump

"After weeks of decrying the impeachment process as a sham, Republicans finally got two of the witnesses they requested for testimony. But when one of them took the stand—the U.S. special envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker—he instead blew a massive hole in a central part of the GOP’s defense of President Trump.

Just moments after the top Republican on the panel, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), used his platform to parrot the very same claims President Trump has used to justify his pressure campaign in Ukraine—that the Biden family’s business involvement in a Ukrainian gas company is worth probing and that Ukraine meddled significantly in the 2016 election—Volker dismissed those items as “conspiracy theories circulated by the Ukrainians.”"

Yesterday was the first day in which the House impeachment inquiry featured public testimony from witnesses requested specifically by Republican members of the panel. As NBC News reported, these witnesses “were expected to provide testimony helpful to the president.”

The report added, succinctly, “They did not.”
I listed the people who got a subpoena from Schifferbrains...........you brought an alt-left opinion piece from far left Daily Beast.

You lose.
You're stupid...and incorrect..you lose. Why do you even bother? Do you really think that the Republicans had no witnesses? Did you really think that a supeana requested by the Republicans would look any different than a supeana requested by the Dems...when issued by the Committee?

You reek of desperation....
Schiff issued all subpoenas, not the Republicans.

And if you want to call someone "stupid", you should at least be able to spell subpoena, Dummy.
Ummm.....Sondland testified about 30 minutes ago that his belief that there was potential quid pro quo was HIS OWN PERSONAL GUESS...and stated he NEVER TALKED TO TRUMP about quid pro quo...but that 'people involved with Ukraine TALK'.

'Nuff Said.
As I shared last night to the dear conservatives here, I have surrendered.
Not to the liberals but to the fact that this feelings frenzy from the Democrats has led us to la la land where reality does not prevail.
Conservatives can not argue fact in this feelings land and it’s no longer worth trying. Where we do have power and fact is in the Senate and at the ballot box. No need to continue to try and factually defeat people who think witnesses are people who never saw anything nor heard it first hand and that’s just one of a half dozen other emotionally delusional fictions that are the basis of these “hearings”.

There are a dozen witnesses that Trump has blocked from testifying. Feelings, my ass. Whataload.
As I've noted before, the Democrats on this committee spent three years accusing President Trump of being a Russian agent. [...]

Rep Devin Nunes

View on CNN

Is there any reason why you would quote that public display of near unprecedented mendacity and stupidity at length? Or was that just a gratuitous and flippant waste of pixels and electrons?
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.
There are a dozen witnesses that Trump has blocked from testifying. Feelings, my ass. Whataload.

So...you admit there is still no evidence of any crime here....your new whiny-assed accusation is that only the people who have not testified have the actual evidence...not the people who were on the call, not the transcripts...that Trump is GUILTY until PROVEN innocent.

Thanks for that emotional, touch-feely opinion....

Ummm.....Sondland testified about 30 minutes ago that his belief that there was potential quid pro quo was HIS OWN PERSONAL GUESS...and stated he NEVER TALKED TO TRUMP about quid pro quo...but that 'people involved with Ukraine TALK'.

'Nuff Said.

Uh huh and said trump said to tell zelensky to do the right thing.
Sondland is changing his testimony and is now saying that everything he did, he did at Trump's request. This is the problem with REAL conspiracies. Sondland has seen that all of Trump's top people are either in jail or awaiting sentencing and he's not going to lay down for Trump.


Yesterday we saw the Republican witnesses saying "Biden would never do anything corrupt for money", and the NSA guy, who saw "nothing wrong" with the July 25th phone call, nevertheless went to the lawyers about the call within an hour of its completion. But only because he feared "leaks".

In fact, although he thought the President did nothing wrong, Morrison went to the lawyers, at Bolton's direction, on three separate occasions.
So he continues to flip flop...how many times is that now? 2 or 3? Bout as credible Hillary is.
One wonders if at this point some of the breathless media coverage could legally be considered campaign contributions.
There are a dozen witnesses that Trump has blocked from testifying. Feelings, my ass. Whataload.

So...you admit there is still no evidence of any crime here....your new whiny-assed accusation is that only the people who have not testified have the actual evidence...not the people who were on the call, not the transcripts...that Trump is GUILTY until PROVEN innocent.

Thanks for that emotional, touch-feely opinion....


If that made sense to you, no wonder Trump can count on you, no matter what.
As I've noted before, the Democrats on this committee spent three years accusing President Trump of being a Russian agent. [...]

Rep Devin Nunes

View on CNN

Is there any reason why you would quote that public display of near unprecedented mendacity and stupidity at length? Or was that just a gratuitous and flippant waste of pixels and electrons?

Nunes's whinefest is the GOP's high point of the day.
As I shared last night to the dear conservatives here, I have surrendered.
Not to the liberals but to the fact that this feelings frenzy from the Democrats has led us to la la land where reality does not prevail.
Conservatives can not argue fact in this feelings land and it’s no longer worth trying. Where we do have power and fact is in the Senate and at the ballot box. No need to continue to try and factually defeat people who think witnesses are people who never saw anything nor heard it first hand and that’s just one of a half dozen other emotionally delusional fictions that are the basis of these “hearings”.

There are a dozen witnesses that Trump has blocked from testifying. Feelings, my ass. Whataload.
Precisely how does he go about and implement blocking witnesses? In fact, the witnesses his side has offered have been blocked by Shits Another fake feelings offering.
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.

No, witnesses have been called who are favorable to the president however he wont' let them testify.

Also, this is very much part of the impeachment process.
As I shared last night to the dear conservatives here, I have surrendered.
Not to the liberals but to the fact that this feelings frenzy from the Democrats has led us to la la land where reality does not prevail.
Conservatives can not argue fact in this feelings land and it’s no longer worth trying. Where we do have power and fact is in the Senate and at the ballot box. No need to continue to try and factually defeat people who think witnesses are people who never saw anything nor heard it first hand and that’s just one of a half dozen other emotionally delusional fictions that are the basis of these “hearings”.

There are a dozen witnesses that Trump has blocked from testifying. Feelings, my ass. Whataload.
Precisely how does he go about and implement blocking witnesses? In fact, the witnesses his side has offered have been blocked by Shits Another fake feelings offering.

Trump tells them not to appear, and they don't, as with Mulvaney. If you don't know that, you shouldn't be in the conversation.

Yes, some of the witnesses requested by Reps have been rejected. The GOP was unable to demonstrate relevance to the matter at hand.

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