
They keep saying this, meaning there is NO EVIDENCE, ONLY ASSUMPTIONS.

Libs impeachment inquiry in a fiery explosion. Lol.

The "fiery explosion" is taking place in the Oval Office.

As the Impeachment Enquiry opened, Roger Stone was found guilty of 7 felony counts by a jury of his peers, and is now headed to prison, where he will join other close advisors to the President - Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, and in all likelihood, General Flynn. Rudy Guliani looks to he headed to jail as well, and the Three Amigos are now standing together to blame everyone but them for participating in this highly illegal scheme.

This is the primary reason why I don't believe for a second that the Clintons are these great corrupt criminals that Republicans keep claiming them to be. In 40 years, not one person has flipped on them, despite Ken Starr spending 6 years offering pardons and throwing people in jail who refused to flip. Not one witness or participant in any of the conspiracies Republicans have claimed occurred, has been found. In fact, there is no evidence of or witnesses to any of the bribery or corruption schemes the Republicans claim were happening, have ever turned state's evidence.

Look at how quickly all of the co-conspirators have turned on each other. Democrats now look brilliant for having all of these fools lie to them behind closed doors so they couldn't coordinate their stories, and the Republican witnesses are now busy blaming all of the rest of Trump's top officials who are not yet behind bars.

Ironically, the only guy who hasn't been directly implicated is William Barr, although his refusal to investigate the phone call makes him an accessory after the fact. Everybody except Trump could be looking at serious corruption and bribery charges, not to mention jail time.

This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.
After Benghazi and the e-mails you really have no grounds to complain. Sondland just obliterated your fat idiot this morning.
Volker and Morrison were called by Republicans.
Bullshit. All witnesses to date have been called by Schifferbrains.

Trump impeachment inquiry: Who has been subpoenaed?
Republican Witnesses Blow Massive Hole in GOP’s Defense of Trump

"After weeks of decrying the impeachment process as a sham, Republicans finally got two of the witnesses they requested for testimony. But when one of them took the stand—the U.S. special envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker—he instead blew a massive hole in a central part of the GOP’s defense of President Trump.

Just moments after the top Republican on the panel, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), used his platform to parrot the very same claims President Trump has used to justify his pressure campaign in Ukraine—that the Biden family’s business involvement in a Ukrainian gas company is worth probing and that Ukraine meddled significantly in the 2016 election—Volker dismissed those items as “conspiracy theories circulated by the Ukrainians.”"

Yesterday was the first day in which the House impeachment inquiry featured public testimony from witnesses requested specifically by Republican members of the panel. As NBC News reported, these witnesses “were expected to provide testimony helpful to the president.”

The report added, succinctly, “They did not.”
I listed the people who got a subpoena from Schifferbrains...........you brought an alt-left opinion piece from far left Daily Beast.

You lose.
You're stupid...and incorrect..you lose. Why do you even bother? Do you really think that the Republicans had no witnesses? Did you really think that a supeana requested by the Republicans would look any different than a supeana requested by the Dems...when issued by the Committee?

You reek of desperation....
Schiff issued all subpoenas, not the Republicans.

And if you want to call someone "stupid", you should at least be able to spell subpoena, Dummy.
Schiff issued some at the R's request...speaking of spelling....can you spell....ingenuous? Stupidity is not about spelling..it's about clinging to a false position---despite evidence to the contrary.
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.

You are correct. Even this sondland admits that the people he worked for volker and the other guy stated no quid pro quo existed, no aid was blocked, and no investigation was started...he had nothing...again...but he did have feelz.
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.

No, witnesses have been called who are favorable to the president however he wont' let them testify.

Also, this is very much part of the impeachment process.

No, it isn't....an impeachment requires a vote and it goes through the Judiciary committee.......this is a sham.
This is nothing more than a weeks or months long campaign commercial for the Dimocrat party, and YOU Mr and Ms taxpayer are paying for it.
After Benghazi and the e-mails you really have no grounds to complain. Sondland just obliterated your fat idiot this morning.

By saying that Trump never told him to with hold aid? That Volker and the other guy stated there was no quid pro quo?

You have a funny definition of "obliterated."
Bullshit. All witnesses to date have been called by Schifferbrains.

Trump impeachment inquiry: Who has been subpoenaed?
Republican Witnesses Blow Massive Hole in GOP’s Defense of Trump

"After weeks of decrying the impeachment process as a sham, Republicans finally got two of the witnesses they requested for testimony. But when one of them took the stand—the U.S. special envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker—he instead blew a massive hole in a central part of the GOP’s defense of President Trump.

Just moments after the top Republican on the panel, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), used his platform to parrot the very same claims President Trump has used to justify his pressure campaign in Ukraine—that the Biden family’s business involvement in a Ukrainian gas company is worth probing and that Ukraine meddled significantly in the 2016 election—Volker dismissed those items as “conspiracy theories circulated by the Ukrainians.”"

Yesterday was the first day in which the House impeachment inquiry featured public testimony from witnesses requested specifically by Republican members of the panel. As NBC News reported, these witnesses “were expected to provide testimony helpful to the president.”

The report added, succinctly, “They did not.”
I listed the people who got a subpoena from Schifferbrains...........you brought an alt-left opinion piece from far left Daily Beast.

You lose.
You're stupid...and incorrect..you lose. Why do you even bother? Do you really think that the Republicans had no witnesses? Did you really think that a supeana requested by the Republicans would look any different than a supeana requested by the Dems...when issued by the Committee?

You reek of desperation....
Schiff issued all subpoenas, not the Republicans.

And if you want to call someone "stupid", you should at least be able to spell subpoena, Dummy.
Schiff issued some at the R's request...speaking of spelling....can you spell....ingenuous? Stupidity is not about spelling..it's about clinging to a false position---despite evidence to the contrary.

In his defense, he doesn't accept evidence.
As I shared last night to the dear conservatives here, I have surrendered.
Not to the liberals but to the fact that this feelings frenzy from the Democrats has led us to la la land where reality does not prevail.
Conservatives can not argue fact in this feelings land and it’s no longer worth trying. Where we do have power and fact is in the Senate and at the ballot box. No need to continue to try and factually defeat people who think witnesses are people who never saw anything nor heard it first hand and that’s just one of a half dozen other emotionally delusional fictions that are the basis of these “hearings”.

There are a dozen witnesses that Trump has blocked from testifying. Feelings, my ass. Whataload.
Precisely how does he go about and implement blocking witnesses? In fact, the witnesses his side has offered have been blocked by Shits Another fake feelings offering.

Trump tells them not to appear, and they don't, as with Mulvaney. If you don't know that, you shouldn't be in the conversation.

Yes, some of the witnesses requested by Reps have been rejected. The GOP was unable to demonstrate relevance to the matter at hand.
I get lots of “agrees” and you gets lots of “funny”
As I shared last night to the dear conservatives here, I have surrendered.
Not to the liberals but to the fact that this feelings frenzy from the Democrats has led us to la la land where reality does not prevail.
Conservatives can not argue fact in this feelings land and it’s no longer worth trying. Where we do have power and fact is in the Senate and at the ballot box. No need to continue to try and factually defeat people who think witnesses are people who never saw anything nor heard it first hand and that’s just one of a half dozen other emotionally delusional fictions that are the basis of these “hearings”.

There are a dozen witnesses that Trump has blocked from testifying. Feelings, my ass. Whataload.
Precisely how does he go about and implement blocking witnesses? In fact, the witnesses his side has offered have been blocked by Shits Another fake feelings offering.

Trump tells them not to appear, and they don't, as with Mulvaney. If you don't know that, you shouldn't be in the conversation.

Yes, some of the witnesses requested by Reps have been rejected. The GOP was unable to demonstrate relevance to the matter at hand.

Wait a minute......what the Democrats are after is this "bribery" of an investigation into the Biden's, and Hunter is not relevant to all this????

They keep saying this, meaning there is NO EVIDENCE, ONLY ASSUMPTIONS.

I assume that since a 3rd party guy acted unhappy that something illegal happened. The lines on his face are conclusion evidence that Trump committed an impeachable offense.
Yes, some of the witnesses requested by Reps have been rejected. The GOP was unable to demonstrate relevance to the matter at hand.

Every NON-witness who has testified that they personally know / have nothing but hearsay - which is ALL of them - has no business testifying....

...and you believe the (non-existent) non-whistle blower who supposedly started all of this is not a relevant witness who needs to testify?!
-- Pelosi disagrees with you, as she penned a letter to all 435 Congressmen saying she thought he did need to testify.

...and you do not think that the Democrats who have been proven to have collaborated with corrupt former Ukrainian officials to help interfere in the 2016 election have no relevance in a case where the US President asked the Ukrainian PM to look into that and ensure it isn't still happening?

...and you think after Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM ... AND after one of Schiff's own witnesses testified he believed Biden needed to be investigated...the Bidens testifying would not be relevant?

As I shared last night to the dear conservatives here, I have surrendered.
Not to the liberals but to the fact that this feelings frenzy from the Democrats has led us to la la land where reality does not prevail.
Conservatives can not argue fact in this feelings land and it’s no longer worth trying. Where we do have power and fact is in the Senate and at the ballot box. No need to continue to try and factually defeat people who think witnesses are people who never saw anything nor heard it first hand and that’s just one of a half dozen other emotionally delusional fictions that are the basis of these “hearings”.

There are a dozen witnesses that Trump has blocked from testifying. Feelings, my ass. Whataload.
Precisely how does he go about and implement blocking witnesses? In fact, the witnesses his side has offered have been blocked by Shits Another fake feelings offering.

Trump tells them not to appear, and they don't, as with Mulvaney. If you don't know that, you shouldn't be in the conversation.

Yes, some of the witnesses requested by Reps have been rejected. The GOP was unable to demonstrate relevance to the matter at hand.
I get lots of “agrees” and you gets lots of “funny”

I don't depend on others' opinions for self-respect. You?
As I shared last night to the dear conservatives here, I have surrendered.
Not to the liberals but to the fact that this feelings frenzy from the Democrats has led us to la la land where reality does not prevail.
Conservatives can not argue fact in this feelings land and it’s no longer worth trying. Where we do have power and fact is in the Senate and at the ballot box. No need to continue to try and factually defeat people who think witnesses are people who never saw anything nor heard it first hand and that’s just one of a half dozen other emotionally delusional fictions that are the basis of these “hearings”.

There are a dozen witnesses that Trump has blocked from testifying. Feelings, my ass. Whataload.
Precisely how does he go about and implement blocking witnesses? In fact, the witnesses his side has offered have been blocked by Shits Another fake feelings offering.

Trump tells them not to appear, and they don't, as with Mulvaney. If you don't know that, you shouldn't be in the conversation.

Yes, some of the witnesses requested by Reps have been rejected. The GOP was unable to demonstrate relevance to the matter at hand.

Wait a minute......what the Democrats are after is this "bribery" of an investigation into the Biden's, and Hunter is not relevant to all this????

No, he's not relevant. Trump's actions are at issue.

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