Doesn't it look like this Taylor punk was trying to set Sondland up?

Sondland is changing his testimony and is now saying that everything he did, he did at Trump's request. This is the problem with REAL conspiracies. Sondland has seen that all of Trump's top people are either in jail or awaiting sentencing and he's not going to lay down for Trump.

Yesterday we saw the Republican witnesses saying "Biden would never do anything corrupt for money", and the NSA guy, who saw "nothing wrong" with the July 25th phone call, nevertheless went to the lawyers about the call within an hour of its completion. But only because he feared "leaks".

In fact, although he thought the President did nothing wrong, Morrison went to the lawyers, at Bolton's direction, on three separate occasions.
View attachment 290798 Sorry democrats you lose again
How so?
I wonder what personally embarrassing secret the Deep State dug up on sondland?

It must be pretty yucky

Yes finally a DEEP STATE reference, another angel gets it's wings now!!!
And the usual denial by the Head In The Sand crowd

Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Well, I think Morrison was a Bolton guy, and that makes him NOT a deep stater, but not necessarily a Trump guy either. Bolton isn't really gonna be a help either way, and he's certainly no champion of truth. Rather, he's a an ideologue. He shares Trump's nationalistic views, but he's not pro-Russia, and he certainly doesn't share Trump's aim of appeasing the Sunnis for money. Bolton folks are more a ticking time bomb that when it goes off will indiscriminately kill any innocents who happen to be nearby the "evildoers." lol

Volker was more a republican careerist. He lost his slot when Obama got elected. I have no idea why. Generally Dept of State guys just float along.
Sondland is changing his testimony and is now saying that everything he did, he did at Trump's request. This is the problem with REAL conspiracies. Sondland has seen that all of Trump's top people are either in jail or awaiting sentencing and he's not going to lay down for Trump.

Yesterday we saw the Republican witnesses saying "Biden would never do anything corrupt for money", and the NSA guy, who saw "nothing wrong" with the July 25th phone call, nevertheless went to the lawyers about the call within an hour of its completion. But only because he feared "leaks".

In fact, although he thought the President did nothing wrong, Morrison went to the lawyers, at Bolton's direction, on three separate occasions.

Sorry, the wrong link was included and its too late to edit it so here's the correct link:

Sondland changes testimony, acknowledges delivering quid pro quo message to Ukraine
Wrong, he was addressing the exchange for a meeting not for funds and info. This is what Mulvaney tried to warn you about that MSM didnct want you to learn or grasp: that there are many types of quid pro quos, typical legal ones and abnormal or problematic ones and even illegal ones.
You've been fooled as seen by not knowing the difference.
quid pro quo he spoke of was not the accused one and was a legal unproblematic one for getting a meeting not for aid for info which is never in the phone calls, there's a huge distinction between typical quid pro quo (things you ask of a nation before setting up meetings like we do with North Korea or China meetings).
Furthermore context matters with a release of money quid pro quo, because Bidens quid pro quo release of funds to be done only when you obstruct justice for him is a crime. But if you were to
withold funds from a nation (which never happened)that was interfering with elections and bribing politicians, that quid pro quo is not just legal but it's required if it (the exchange) were to happen, which it didn't. The phrase is being framed for a narrative as problematic and wrong when it describes common practices most times normal procedure in politics.
This is what Mick Mulvaney poorly tried to convey that got him in hot water when the MSM took to their typical word play symantics trying to cloudy up what he was truly saying.
This is where Sondland needed to be careful too, how the word is missused by Schiff to paint a false narrative, however I think it was intended to be deceiving without getting caught in perjury. More proof they think the American people are stupid and will fall for word play games. And we see by the assumed responses from snowflakes, they got a few people confused like they intended to.

the american people will only believe Trump is a traitor when they see the evidence. here's the problem my friends: there is NO evidence!

The proper channel was for Rump to turn it over to the DOJ and have them open the investigation. Again, a President has tremendous power over countries through foreign aid. To even ask for a favor to have them "Look into a Political Rival" usually means, do it or else. You can word it any way you wish but that's how it's going to come across. In Mob Boss lingo that Rump speaks, that means Do it or Else. He demonstrates that even with people that cross him in the United States. So it or else.

Which is where the stupidity enters the debate. Words mean things, and not what Democrats decide they mean at the time. Now I know you've seen my multiple post of the definition of the word "favor" with the dictionary link of course.

Rational people define the word as it is in the dictionary. Leftists define the word in the way they see fit. You replied with a perfect example of that. Instead of the dictionary definition of favor, which is doing something out of good will, with no remuneration, the Democrats ignore all that, and claim what you just did: better do it or else; your military aid depends on it, and nothing of the sorts was ever said or hinted. How many times have the Democrats in the hearings used the word "demand?" There was never any demand.

Trump never asked for an investigation by Ukraine, he asked for a favor, which I defined above. A demand (also in the dictionary) is an ultimatum, and Trump never did that either. So what this impeachment is all about is the way Democrats are re-defining words. And again, remember, if Democrats can create new definition of words, so can Republicans.

When dealing with a Mobster, Doubleday doesn't apply and neither does Webster. When a Crime Boss says, "Do me a favor" you had best damn well take it as an order "Or Else" face the consequences. We aren't talking about sane law abiding people here. We are talking about Mob Criminal Behavior. And that is what we have allowed to become the President.

When Rump asked for a favor from the Leader of Israel regarding the 4 "Outspoken" Democratic Females, he got it. But the backlash made Israel back off and allow the one to visit her mother on the West Bank. The Diplomatic Corp looked the other way.

But on this one, the Diplomatic Corp had had enough. The Professional Diplomats aren't looking the other way. But they are being truthful and professional all the way. Unlike you and Rumps Sycopaphants (and Rump himself) they are sticking strictly with the facts. Like their jobs, it's boring and not sensational to the public but their job is to keep things that way and to keep things running smoothly in the background. Enter the Rump and Rudy carnie dog and pony side show. What you are seeing is the diplomatic corp is saying, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Like more and more of us out are saying each and every day. You can keep trying to cover for him but the more you do, the more likely that Mayor Pete will be the next President of the United States.

Whatever medication you're taking, have your doctor switch it for you.

Trump is no mob anybody. He isn't now and never was. It's amazing how mind control works on you guys. That geek Schiff Face did a gangster impression, and because of that, it's all you have in your mind. If you want to know what's going on in that head of yours, the term is called Power of Suggestion. I suggest you look it up. Democrats have been using it for decades.
Volker and Sondland are both doing a pretty good job of dispelling some of the more evil accusations.

But Sondland is ALSO saying Trump was wrong to withhold the aid.
Trump was wrong, but Rudy's the Saruman.

He can say what he wants, it was not his decision. We did a full circle, and ended up right back where we started: opinions and interpretations instead of facts.
I'm not persuaded.
I wonder what personally embarrassing secret the Deep State dug up on sondland?

It must be pretty yucky

Yes finally a DEEP STATE reference, another angel gets it's wings now!!!
And the usual denial by the Head In The Sand crowd

Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
... and still no Russian connection
Sondland's opening statement is explosive. "Everybody knew". Pence, Pompeo, everybody.

1. So Sondland claims to have the ability to know what people knew / were thinking? 'Everybody Knew' is subjective, an OPINION, which is the only thing Schiff's non-witnesses have been able to present under oath.

2. Volker and Morrison already destroyed his testimony yesterday by declaring 'No Briber', 'No Extortion', No Quid Pro Quo'

Volker and Morrison didn't say any of those things. As fact witnesses, they didn't offer legal opinions, nor should they. But they really destroyed Trump's arguments that this was all about corruption. Why wasn't Trump concerned about the corruption in the Ukraine before releasing American foreign aid in 2018, and 2017? Why isn't he concerned about corruption in any other country in the world except the Ukraine?

Morrison and Volker came across as lying about the impropriety of the ask. Morrison especially - went to the lawyer on three separate occasions after reporting these things to John Bolton, and Bolten SENT HIM TO THE LAWYERS EVERY TIME. Bolton knew it was going on and it was wrong - a "drug deal".

Now that the whole scheme has been outed, the rats are all falling all over one another accusing each other and the President. Up until today, everybody blamed Sondland, and today Sondland blamed everybody - the President, Pompeo, Bolton, Morrison, Volker, and Pence and Rudy. Rats in a barrel are so entertaining.

I need to make a bowl of :popcorn: for the afternoon session. I bought a beautiful air popper last Wednesday, specifically for the impeachment hearings. Best reality show on TV.
Trump never said there was a quid pro quo, this guy just assumed it?

Trump emphatically said “there is no quid pro quo”

That’s impeachable?

No evidence, just assumptions?

Even Fox isn't giving him a 50% rating. Sites like Breitbart does but that's a conspiracy site who will say just abut anything. He's still running between 42 and 46 depending on what flavor the ice cream. I made a prediction almost 2 eyars ago that Biden would not be and candidate. It looks like I was right. It would be some dark horse. Mayor Pete may very well fulfill that prediction. Even Warren is starting to sound more like Mayor Pete lately and less like Bernie. Mayor Pete fills all the boxes for being a President. The only thing that may stand in his way is that he's gay. And after Rump, that's only a huge problem with the Rump Followers who wouldn't for for Jesus Christ if he ran against Rump. If Bernie gives his support to Mayor Pete that means Mayor Pete will have almost total support of Women who really don't have a problem in that area. Warren is NOT the choice of Women. It's a tossup between Bernie and Mayor Pete. Rump has a minority support of Women. It all dpends on if Women will get out and vote.

GEtting this back into perspective of the impeachment, I am watching a retransmission of it right now. Most of the discussion by both sides is BS. Here is my take.

IF Trump brought up the Ukrarians were asked to do an investigation of Biden by the Ukranians then the Professional Diplomats all find that that was wrong. Even mentioning that in a conversation would be uncomfortable. None of them said they would have been party to a Biden investigation in any way shape or form.

And we all know it did happen. You can spin it any way you want to but Rump should NEVER have even brought it up even as a favor. He's done it before with Israel. No matter what I think of the 4 outspoken Congress Women, he should have never asked for a favor from the Israeli Leader like that. It's not Ukraines or Israels business. We need to police out own. If there is a crime, that's why we have the DOJ and our Court System. The President of the United States has just too much Power over these countries to be asking for any kind of personal favor other than, maybe, what the best recipe for their favorite food.

We can agree or disagree whether what Trump asked for was right or wrong, but one thing that it's not, is grounds for impeachment.

Since Trump has the right to ask anybody for anything, the commies are trying to attach the word "bribery" to it, as if Biden didn't do that when he was VP. But bribery involves personally getting something back, which Trump didn't do for himself or the country.

Polls are funny, because they always seem to favor the Democrats......that is up until a week before the election, then they start telling the truth so they can maintain credibility. In the meantime,they are designed to try and convince people how the political atmosphere is, instead of just telling us what it is.

So much like last time, you can hang your hat on the polls. As for myself, I'm convinced people are much happier today with Trump than they were before him.

The proper channel was for Rump to turn it over to the DOJ and have them open the investigation. Again, a President has tremendous power over countries through foreign aid. To even ask for a favor to have them "Look into a Political Rival" usually means, do it or else. You can word it any way you wish but that's how it's going to come across. In Mob Boss lingo that Rump speaks, that means Do it or Else. He demonstrates that even with people that cross him in the United States. So it or else.

Which is where the stupidity enters the debate. Words mean things, and not what Democrats decide they mean at the time. Now I know you've seen my multiple post of the definition of the word "favor" with the dictionary link of course.

Rational people define the word as it is in the dictionary. Leftists define the word in the way they see fit. You replied with a perfect example of that. Instead of the dictionary definition of favor, which is doing something out of good will, with no remuneration, the Democrats ignore all that, and claim what you just did: better do it or else; your military aid depends on it, and nothing of the sorts was ever said or hinted. How many times have the Democrats in the hearings used the word "demand?" There was never any demand.

Trump never asked for an investigation by Ukraine, he asked for a favor, which I defined above. A demand (also in the dictionary) is an ultimatum, and Trump never did that either. So what this impeachment is all about is the way Democrats are re-defining words. And again, remember, if Democrats can create new definition of words, so can Republicans.

When dealing with a Mobster, Doubleday doesn't apply and neither does Webster. When a Crime Boss says, "Do me a favor" you had best damn well take it as an order "Or Else" face the consequences. We aren't talking about sane law abiding people here. We are talking about Mob Criminal Behavior. And that is what we have allowed to become the President.

When Rump asked for a favor from the Leader of Israel regarding the 4 "Outspoken" Democratic Females, he got it. But the backlash made Israel back off and allow the one to visit her mother on the West Bank. The Diplomatic Corp looked the other way.

But on this one, the Diplomatic Corp had had enough. The Professional Diplomats aren't looking the other way. But they are being truthful and professional all the way. Unlike you and Rumps Sycopaphants (and Rump himself) they are sticking strictly with the facts. Like their jobs, it's boring and not sensational to the public but their job is to keep things that way and to keep things running smoothly in the background. Enter the Rump and Rudy carnie dog and pony side show. What you are seeing is the diplomatic corp is saying, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Like more and more of us out are saying each and every day. You can keep trying to cover for him but the more you do, the more likely that Mayor Pete will be the next President of the United States.

Whatever medication you're taking, have your doctor switch it for you.

Trump is no mob anybody. He isn't now and never was. It's amazing how mind control works on you guys. That geek Schiff Face did a gangster impression, and because of that, it's all you have in your mind. If you want to know what's going on in that head of yours, the term is called Power of Suggestion. I suggest you look it up. Democrats have been using it for decades.

I am watching it on NBC right now. It's being tied up with a neat ribbon and a bow. The Rump and Rudy Dog and Pony Act is pretty well out in the open.

Rump can pretty well forget receiving any more millions from Sondland. Sondland was a Republican Pick not a Democratic Pick for a witness. So don't give me this crap about the Republicans aren't getting their own picks into the investigation. They are. It's just now working out the way they thought it would. All that is left is the assination of their own hand picked witness. I am going to watch the Republicans tear into Sondland.

I can see a pattern here. The game plan was to throw Rudy under the bus. Well, the Republicans had done a pretty good job of that. Rudy is going to lose his Client Lawyer privilege very soon. At that point, Rudy is post toasties. And I believe that a deal or two is going to get cut to shorten his prison sentence and he's going to yank rump from the bus driver seat.

Time to sign off. it's getting ready to start up again. More later. Looks like it's time for the added Fat Lady, Donkey and the Disappearing Midget (use your own imagination)
Volker and Sondland are both doing a pretty good job of dispelling some of the more evil accusations.

But Sondland is ALSO saying Trump was wrong to withhold the aid.
Trump was wrong, but Rudy's the Saruman.

Oh, come on! Giuliani is merely Trump's tool - the extortionist soliciting a bribe, setting in motion the quid pro quo, is Trump. There is no dispelling of anything. Sondland, if anything, does a good job describing more clearly the breadth and depth of the rot in the form of a extortionist shadow foreign policy channel, a rot that clearly starts with Trump.
I'm keeping an open mind. Just commenting on what I've heard.
We can agree or disagree whether what Trump asked for was right or wrong, but one thing that it's not, is grounds for impeachment.

Since Trump has the right to ask anybody for anything, the commies are trying to attach the word "bribery" to it, as if Biden didn't do that when he was VP. But bribery involves personally getting something back, which Trump didn't do for himself or the country.

Polls are funny, because they always seem to favor the Democrats......that is up until a week before the election, then they start telling the truth so they can maintain credibility. In the meantime,they are designed to try and convince people how the political atmosphere is, instead of just telling us what it is.

So much like last time, you can hang your hat on the polls. As for myself, I'm convinced people are much happier today with Trump than they were before him.

The proper channel was for Rump to turn it over to the DOJ and have them open the investigation. Again, a President has tremendous power over countries through foreign aid. To even ask for a favor to have them "Look into a Political Rival" usually means, do it or else. You can word it any way you wish but that's how it's going to come across. In Mob Boss lingo that Rump speaks, that means Do it or Else. He demonstrates that even with people that cross him in the United States. So it or else.

Which is where the stupidity enters the debate. Words mean things, and not what Democrats decide they mean at the time. Now I know you've seen my multiple post of the definition of the word "favor" with the dictionary link of course.

Rational people define the word as it is in the dictionary. Leftists define the word in the way they see fit. You replied with a perfect example of that. Instead of the dictionary definition of favor, which is doing something out of good will, with no remuneration, the Democrats ignore all that, and claim what you just did: better do it or else; your military aid depends on it, and nothing of the sorts was ever said or hinted. How many times have the Democrats in the hearings used the word "demand?" There was never any demand.

Trump never asked for an investigation by Ukraine, he asked for a favor, which I defined above. A demand (also in the dictionary) is an ultimatum, and Trump never did that either. So what this impeachment is all about is the way Democrats are re-defining words. And again, remember, if Democrats can create new definition of words, so can Republicans.

When dealing with a Mobster, Doubleday doesn't apply and neither does Webster. When a Crime Boss says, "Do me a favor" you had best damn well take it as an order "Or Else" face the consequences. We aren't talking about sane law abiding people here. We are talking about Mob Criminal Behavior. And that is what we have allowed to become the President.

When Rump asked for a favor from the Leader of Israel regarding the 4 "Outspoken" Democratic Females, he got it. But the backlash made Israel back off and allow the one to visit her mother on the West Bank. The Diplomatic Corp looked the other way.

But on this one, the Diplomatic Corp had had enough. The Professional Diplomats aren't looking the other way. But they are being truthful and professional all the way. Unlike you and Rumps Sycopaphants (and Rump himself) they are sticking strictly with the facts. Like their jobs, it's boring and not sensational to the public but their job is to keep things that way and to keep things running smoothly in the background. Enter the Rump and Rudy carnie dog and pony side show. What you are seeing is the diplomatic corp is saying, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Like more and more of us out are saying each and every day. You can keep trying to cover for him but the more you do, the more likely that Mayor Pete will be the next President of the United States.

Whatever medication you're taking, have your doctor switch it for you.

Trump is no mob anybody. He isn't now and never was. It's amazing how mind control works on you guys. That geek Schiff Face did a gangster impression, and because of that, it's all you have in your mind. If you want to know what's going on in that head of yours, the term is called Power of Suggestion. I suggest you look it up. Democrats have been using it for decades.

I am watching it on NBC right now. It's being tied up with a neat ribbon and a bow. The Rump and Rudy Dog and Pony Act is pretty well out in the open.

Rump can pretty well forget receiving any more millions from Sondland. Sondland was a Republican Pick not a Democratic Pick for a witness. So don't give me this crap about the Republicans aren't getting their own picks into the investigation. They are. It's just now working out the way they thought it would. All that is left is the assination of their own hand picked witness. I am going to watch the Republicans tear into Sondland.

I can see a pattern here. The game plan was to throw Rudy under the bus. Well, the Republicans had done a pretty good job of that. Rudy is going to lose his Client Lawyer privilege very soon. At that point, Rudy is post toasties. And I believe that a deal or two is going to get cut to shorten his prison sentence and he's going to yank rump from the bus driver seat.

Time to sign off. it's getting ready to start up again. More later. Looks like it's time for the added Fat Lady, Donkey and the Disappearing Midget (use your own imagination)
You are a liar. Sondland wasn't called by the Republicans, he got a subpoena from Schifferbrains.

The Republican's have not had a single witness due to Schifferbrain's blocking them all.

Democrats subpoena Sondland for testimony, documents
Uh-oh.............Obama's Ukrainian ambassador called for Burisma to be investigated in 2015.

The proper channel was for Rump to turn it over to the DOJ and have them open the investigation. Again, a President has tremendous power over countries through foreign aid. To even ask for a favor to have them "Look into a Political Rival" usually means, do it or else. You can word it any way you wish but that's how it's going to come across. In Mob Boss lingo that Rump speaks, that means Do it or Else. He demonstrates that even with people that cross him in the United States. So it or else.

Which is where the stupidity enters the debate. Words mean things, and not what Democrats decide they mean at the time. Now I know you've seen my multiple post of the definition of the word "favor" with the dictionary link of course.

Rational people define the word as it is in the dictionary. Leftists define the word in the way they see fit. You replied with a perfect example of that. Instead of the dictionary definition of favor, which is doing something out of good will, with no remuneration, the Democrats ignore all that, and claim what you just did: better do it or else; your military aid depends on it, and nothing of the sorts was ever said or hinted. How many times have the Democrats in the hearings used the word "demand?" There was never any demand.

Trump never asked for an investigation by Ukraine, he asked for a favor, which I defined above. A demand (also in the dictionary) is an ultimatum, and Trump never did that either. So what this impeachment is all about is the way Democrats are re-defining words. And again, remember, if Democrats can create new definition of words, so can Republicans.

When dealing with a Mobster, Doubleday doesn't apply and neither does Webster. When a Crime Boss says, "Do me a favor" you had best damn well take it as an order "Or Else" face the consequences. We aren't talking about sane law abiding people here. We are talking about Mob Criminal Behavior. And that is what we have allowed to become the President.

When Rump asked for a favor from the Leader of Israel regarding the 4 "Outspoken" Democratic Females, he got it. But the backlash made Israel back off and allow the one to visit her mother on the West Bank. The Diplomatic Corp looked the other way.

But on this one, the Diplomatic Corp had had enough. The Professional Diplomats aren't looking the other way. But they are being truthful and professional all the way. Unlike you and Rumps Sycopaphants (and Rump himself) they are sticking strictly with the facts. Like their jobs, it's boring and not sensational to the public but their job is to keep things that way and to keep things running smoothly in the background. Enter the Rump and Rudy carnie dog and pony side show. What you are seeing is the diplomatic corp is saying, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Like more and more of us out are saying each and every day. You can keep trying to cover for him but the more you do, the more likely that Mayor Pete will be the next President of the United States.

Whatever medication you're taking, have your doctor switch it for you.

Trump is no mob anybody. He isn't now and never was. It's amazing how mind control works on you guys. That geek Schiff Face did a gangster impression, and because of that, it's all you have in your mind. If you want to know what's going on in that head of yours, the term is called Power of Suggestion. I suggest you look it up. Democrats have been using it for decades.

I am watching it on NBC right now. It's being tied up with a neat ribbon and a bow. The Rump and Rudy Dog and Pony Act is pretty well out in the open.

Rump can pretty well forget receiving any more millions from Sondland. Sondland was a Republican Pick not a Democratic Pick for a witness. So don't give me this crap about the Republicans aren't getting their own picks into the investigation. They are. It's just now working out the way they thought it would. All that is left is the assination of their own hand picked witness. I am going to watch the Republicans tear into Sondland.

I can see a pattern here. The game plan was to throw Rudy under the bus. Well, the Republicans had done a pretty good job of that. Rudy is going to lose his Client Lawyer privilege very soon. At that point, Rudy is post toasties. And I believe that a deal or two is going to get cut to shorten his prison sentence and he's going to yank rump from the bus driver seat.

Time to sign off. it's getting ready to start up again. More later. Looks like it's time for the added Fat Lady, Donkey and the Disappearing Midget (use your own imagination)
You are a liar. Sondland wasn't called by the Republicans, he got a subpoena from Schifferbrains.

The Republican's have not had a single witness due to Schifferbrain's blocking them all.

Democrats subpoena Sondland for testimony, documents

Volker and Morrison were called by Republicans.

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