I hate they are allowing outside counsel to question the witnesses instead of just the members of the committee.
No, bribery is one of only two specific crimes mentioned in the Constitution for impeachment. I don't think we knew what we had when only the phone call was known. Now we have a fuller picture and actions that took place by the state department.

EDIT: Or I should say Giuliani.

Whoever doesn't immediately recognize the extortion and bribery after having read the memorandum of the phone call just admits they can't read a few paragraphs in context while walking a few yards in the boots of the other side of that conversation.
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Sondland: Trump told me no quid pro quo, I want nothing.

Another Schifferbrains STAR WITNESS bites him in the ass.
Sondland's opening statement is explosive. "Everybody knew". Pence, Pompeo, everybody.

Volker and Morrison will be rushing to revise their statements to avoid perjury charges.

The demand for lawyers by Trump associates will go through the roof.
All of this for nothing. The hate for Trump so much you gotta search until you find something. This will and is filtering down to the common man and woman. It won't be long before just saying a word will destroy anyone. No tolerance, no forgiveness....just guilt. I am not talking about messing with another individual.

Nobody had to "search until you find something". Trump's impeachment was inevitibale because he's so corrupt that he just can''t help himself. Democrats don't have to search for impeachable offences, they just had to wait until Trump did something so odious and so obviously illegal that Republicans are grasping at straws in an effort to defend him.

Sondland is such an arrogant ass. Playing Ambassador like he knows what he's doing, while the actual foreign policy professionals were referring to him as the "Gordon Problem". A rich white guy playing at politics and buying himself an ambassadorship. I understand he's spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayers' money "upgrading" his luxury residence in Brussels.
I never understood why Volker tied himself to the stakeoflies.

Kurt Volker - Wikipedia

He had plenty of places to land in a non-Trumpian world. And his career in for service was already deader than Hillary's career.
I wonder what personally embarrassing secret the Deep State dug up on sondland?

It must be pretty yucky

Yes finally a DEEP STATE reference, another angel gets it's wings now!!!
And the usual denial by the Head In The Sand crowd

Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.

Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
I wonder what personally embarrassing secret the Deep State dug up on sondland?

It must be pretty yucky

Yes finally a DEEP STATE reference, another angel gets it's wings now!!!
And the usual denial by the Head In The Sand crowd

Lol, yup they graduated from DEEP STATE UNIVERSITY!
And again, Trump trying a quid pro quo should not have any effect on the election. But his dragging this out, and forcing lies to cover up his idiocy, just might rehabilitate Biden in a way. I thought Biden's worst feature was he was LIKE Trump. Old, out of touch with those of us concerned about healthcare and educating children (JFC "busing") and with crooked children.

And the kids should never have been in issue. Look at Carter, Ford and Reagan's kids. So they don't own Trump Towers or control billions of investments. Normally, president's relatives are more amusing.

Now Joe can say he won't use Bill Barr to investigate Ivanka and the Real Estate Failure.
Biden is Trashed. A Hairy Man Butt Loving, Bunghole Licking, Jizz Drinking Effeminate failure of a Mayor is leading him in the polls.
This whole thing was devised by Dem rivals to get 2 birds with 1 stone. Done to get Biden out of the race knowing this would come up in the primaries if it got that far. This is one of the reasons Obama didn't endorse him.
Sondland says the bad guy was Giuliani. HE'S THE EVIL ONE.

Yes and he said that he (Giuliani) was acting on behalf of the president.
He and Volker are both painting the picture of Donald Trump being sadly misinformed.

He probably was. Just the same the president went along with the QPQ....or bribery....extortion, whatever you want to call it.
Stupidity. Can we impeach for that?

Technically yes. If a majority of the House felt the president was too stupid for his office then yeah, they could impeach him on it.
Please send this to The Rubber Room, Spank Shack, Flame Zone, or Looney Bin




Did Sondland flip? Looks like it. Ironically funny as hell that you are calling this thread loony.
I do not see this flipping you are talking about. It's another hoax to file on a mountain of hoaxes you fools have dumped on The American Taxpayer for the past 3 years.

Meanwhile The USMCA is about to turn 2 years old and is wedged up the crack of Nancy's fat ass.

So, I'll take your loony reply as confirmation this thread will stay where it's at.
Sondland is changing his testimony and is now saying that everything he did, he did at Trump's request. This is the problem with REAL conspiracies. Sondland has seen that all of Trump's top people are either in jail or awaiting sentencing and he's not going to lay down for Trump.


Yesterday we saw the Republican witnesses saying "Biden would never do anything corrupt for money", and the NSA guy, who saw "nothing wrong" with the July 25th phone call, nevertheless went to the lawyers about the call within an hour of its completion. But only because he feared "leaks".

In fact, although he thought the President did nothing wrong, Morrison went to the lawyers, at Bolton's direction, on three separate occasions.

Sorry, the wrong link was included and its too late to edit it so here's the correct link:

Sondland changes testimony, acknowledges delivering quid pro quo message to Ukraine
Good Lord, how long will the Dems have the floor?

Has it been 45 minutes?

This guy is just asking Sondland the same question 1000 different ways.
Sondland is changing his testimony and is now saying that everything he did, he did at Trump's request. This is the problem with REAL conspiracies. Sondland has seen that all of Trump's top people are either in jail or awaiting sentencing and he's not going to lay down for Trump.


Yesterday we saw the Republican witnesses saying "Biden would never do anything corrupt for money", and the NSA guy, who saw "nothing wrong" with the July 25th phone call, nevertheless went to the lawyers about the call within an hour of its completion. But only because he feared "leaks".

In fact, although he thought the President did nothing wrong, Morrison went to the lawyers, at Bolton's direction, on three separate occasions.

Sorry, the wrong link was included and its too late to edit it so here's the correct link:

Sondland changes testimony, acknowledges delivering quid pro quo message to Ukraine
Wrong, he was addressing the exchange for a meeting not for funds and info. This is what Mulvaney tried to warn you about that MSM didnct want you to learn or grasp: that there are many types of quid pro quos, typical legal ones and abnormal or problematic ones and even illegal ones.
You've been fooled as seen by not knowing the difference.
quid pro quo he spoke of was not the accused one and was a legal unproblematic one for getting a meeting not for aid for info which is never in the phone calls, there's a huge distinction between typical quid pro quo (things you ask of a nation before setting up meetings like we do with North Korea or China meetings).
Furthermore context matters with a release of money quid pro quo, because Bidens quid pro quo release of funds to be done only when you obstruct justice for him is a crime. But if you were to
withold funds from a nation (which never happened)that was interfering with elections and bribing politicians, that quid pro quo is not just legal but it's required if it (the exchange) were to happen, which it didn't. The phrase is being framed for a narrative as problematic and wrong when it describes common practices most times normal procedure in politics.
This is what Mick Mulvaney poorly tried to convey that got him in hot water when the MSM took to their typical word play symantics trying to cloudy up what he was truly saying.
This is where Sondland needed to be careful too, how the word is missused by Schiff to paint a false narrative, however I think it was intended to be deceiving without getting caught in perjury. More proof they think the American people are stupid and will fall for word play games. And we see by the assumed responses from snowflakes, they got a few people confused like they intended to.
Good Lord, how long will the Dems have the floor?

Has it been 45 minutes?

This guy is just asking Sondland the same question 1000 different ways.
How many times did he ask "Do you have any reason to question what (fill in the blank) told us"?


So far, his whole testimony is filled with "I presumed" or "I believe." What Schiff is looking for was "Yes, Trump told me he's holding aid until....."
Sondland: Trump never talked to me about security aide.


Are you going to enjoy when Giuliani is cr
Sondland: Trump never talked to me about security aide.


Yeah, if I were Giulani I'd be shitting bricks, if he weren't already. He's going to get railed by the president.

Apparently not the first time either.


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