Main failure from Democrats.

In the conversations, president Trump mentioned "Hunter Biden", and every time the president says the name "Biden" is not about the Democrat candidate but about the son HUNTER BIDEN, WHO IS NOT RUNNING AS A CANDIDATE, and is not running against president Trump.

It happens to be Hunter Biden is son of a Democrat candidate, but no one is against Biden the candidate but the investigation has been always about the possible corruption where Hunter Biden is involved.

Case closed.

"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

Stick with the truth, because, quite plainly, for a good liar you don't even have the most basic tools.
where is the 'or else'
That’s in the feelings, supposition and intuition parts of all of it.
I think what it's really about is he (or she) would be dragged into the Senate to answer questions Schiff don't want asked, such as, who did he go to first with his complaint? Who authored his complaint, because anybody that read it stated it was done by a legal professional and not the whistleblower. Did he ever discuss the situation personally with Schiff? Is this an anti-trumper?

Schiff is not worried about protecting the whistleblower, he's worried about protecting himself.

Damn, I could swear that's what I just said. But I want to know if the individual Vidman leaked to, about the call, in the intel community had a legitimate need to know. If not Vidman violated protections of classified information, and possibly the espionage act. The FBI needs to look into that aspect of his testimony.

But that's not going to happen, so we will file that with the other trump cultist delusions:

what's trump's crime again? speaking of delusions?
The crime is that he won and we are witnessing a denial of that reality and of All reality, it’s moved away from the long lasting feelings venture and into the denial and prohibition of fact reality.
Hardly actually.

what's trump's crime again? speaking of delusions?[/QUOTE]
- Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, however, a defendant can be convicted of obstruction of justice by obstructing a pending proceeding before Congress or a federal administrative agency.Obstruction of justice
-18 U.S. Code § 201.Bribery of public officials
specifically:being a public official or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for:
official act;
18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
-52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
specifically: (2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national. [USC02] 52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

Any more questions?[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
define obstruction. defense of oneself is not obstruction.
Volker and Morrison were supposed to be the Republican witnesses for the President. Every witness so far, including Volker and Morrison have opined that the "Crowstrike theory" is a hoax and a false conspiracy theory to deflect from blaming Russia for election interference and has now basis in fact. Russia hacked the DNC server, and the Biden firing of the prosecutor was done in accordance with stated public policy in all of the free world, at that time.

If these are the best witnesses that the President has, he's in big trouble. It was especially delightful yesterday that when Jim Jordan attacked Lt. Col. Vindland, his response was to read his latest performance review out loud. Trump's attack dog keeps getting his ass handed to him on a plate. Yes, let's get the guy who "started it all" in for testimony. I agree, but I don't think President Trump will come.
Trump needs no witnesses

The transcript reveals no impeachable offense

So the Donald is already holding a pat hand

Except it is not a transcript, it is Tramps summary of the call. Tramp refuses to release the call off of a top secret server it was wrongly stored on. Why is that?
Its not trumps transcript

Its the official transcript compiled by officials within the administration

No meathead it is a summary.
nope. it's the transcript. it says so on it. Not by trump. you're confused I understand you have no fking brain.

Biden announced his candidacy in April which is long before the call.
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
what does that mean? explain the abuse.

Trump tried to use US government resources in exchange for something that would benefit him personally and not the country.

The manager at McDonalds can't trade cheeseburgers for tires on his personal car.
You sound like Schiff. Is he your hero?
I think I am wrong but had Biden even declared his candidacy when the phone call occurred?

Biden announced his candidacy in April which is long before the call.
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
Exercise of power is not abuse of it. Go back to sleep.

Trump isn't a King. Look it up.
Main failure from Democrats.

In the conversations, president Trump mentioned "Hunter Biden", and every time the president says the name "Biden" is not about the Democrat candidate but about the son HUNTER BIDEN, WHO IS NOT RUNNING AS A CANDIDATE, and is not running against president Trump.

It happens to be Hunter Biden is son of a Democrat candidate, but no one is against Biden the candidate but the investigation has been always about the possible corruption where Hunter Biden is involved.

Case closed.

"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

Stick with the truth, because, quite plainly, for a good liar you don't even have the most basic tools.
where is the 'or else'
That’s in the feelings, supposition and intuition parts of all of it.
no one has testified yet of the or else
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
what does that mean? explain the abuse.

Trump tried to use US government resources in exchange for something that would benefit him personally and not the country.

The manager at McDonalds can't trade cheeseburgers for tires on his personal car.
No one has stated that at all in all the idiots that have been pranced into congress. Maybe you should go testify. post the link

Post the link to what? Are you that slow that you don't know what this is all about?
Biden announced his candidacy in April which is long before the call.
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
Exercise of power is not abuse of it. Go back to sleep.

Trump isn't a King. Look it up.
kings aren't elected. you should look it up.
Biden announced his candidacy in April which is long before the call.
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
Exercise of power is not abuse of it. Go back to sleep.
he's not allowed to exercise his power. isn't that clear?

Not for his personal benefit he's not.
Biden announced his candidacy in April which is long before the call.
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
what does that mean? explain the abuse.

Trump tried to use US government resources in exchange for something that would benefit him personally and not the country.

The manager at McDonalds can't trade cheeseburgers for tires on his personal car.

How would it benefit him personally?
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
what does that mean? explain the abuse.

Trump tried to use US government resources in exchange for something that would benefit him personally and not the country.

The manager at McDonalds can't trade cheeseburgers for tires on his personal car.
No one has stated that at all in all the idiots that have been pranced into congress. Maybe you should go testify. post the link

Post the link to what? Are you that slow that you don't know what this is all about?
the quote of the resources used in exchange for whatever your fked up brain made up.
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
Exercise of power is not abuse of it. Go back to sleep.

Trump isn't a King. Look it up.
kings aren't elected. you should look it up.

Exactly, which is why he doesn't get to do whatever he wants.

You're finally getting it.
Abuse of Power. Wake up.
what does that mean? explain the abuse.

Trump tried to use US government resources in exchange for something that would benefit him personally and not the country.

The manager at McDonalds can't trade cheeseburgers for tires on his personal car.
No one has stated that at all in all the idiots that have been pranced into congress. Maybe you should go testify. post the link

Post the link to what? Are you that slow that you don't know what this is all about?
the quote of the resources used in exchange for whatever your fked up brain made up.

I thought you said you read the transcript.
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
Exercise of power is not abuse of it. Go back to sleep.
he's not allowed to exercise his power. isn't that clear?

Not for his personal benefit he's not.
where did he do that? He is the commander in chief and allowed to look into corruption to the state. didn't you know that? wow, you aren't american.
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
what does that mean? explain the abuse.

Trump tried to use US government resources in exchange for something that would benefit him personally and not the country.

The manager at McDonalds can't trade cheeseburgers for tires on his personal car.

How would it benefit him personally?

LOL, tearing down the biggest threat to his re-election chances is the very definition of helping him personally.
Biden announced his candidacy in April which is long before the call.
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
what does that mean? explain the abuse.

Trump tried to use US government resources in exchange for something that would benefit him personally and not the country.

The manager at McDonalds can't trade cheeseburgers for tires on his personal car.
Trump tried to us the power of the USA to benefit the USA
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
Exercise of power is not abuse of it. Go back to sleep.
he's not allowed to exercise his power. isn't that clear?

Not for his personal benefit he's not.
where did he do that? He is the commander in chief and allowed to look into corruption to the state. didn't you know that? wow, you aren't american.

He was looking to tear down his biggest political threat. Everyone honest knows that.
what does that mean? explain the abuse.

Trump tried to use US government resources in exchange for something that would benefit him personally and not the country.

The manager at McDonalds can't trade cheeseburgers for tires on his personal car.
No one has stated that at all in all the idiots that have been pranced into congress. Maybe you should go testify. post the link

Post the link to what? Are you that slow that you don't know what this is all about?
the quote of the resources used in exchange for whatever your fked up brain made up.

I thought you said you read the transcript.
well quote the piece he traded something. i'll wait. I'm not your bietch, so you post the quoted material. I know you won't cause your brain's fked up.
I thought so and thanks although if it’s April to July same year that’s just 3 months so no real traction gained to determine if Biden was The serious contender.
Next question is what office is Hunter Biden running for as he and not Joe seem to be the focus of any inquiry.
well first off, Biden isn't running against trump, he is running against demofks. trump isn't one of them anymore. he's president. so biden isn't his opponent. that is a fking flat ass lie.

Give me the law trump broke discussing biden.

Abuse of Power. Wake up.
what does that mean? explain the abuse.

Trump tried to use US government resources in exchange for something that would benefit him personally and not the country.

The manager at McDonalds can't trade cheeseburgers for tires on his personal car.
Trump tried to us the power of the USA to benefit the USA

Well according to you Trump IS the USA so of course you would "think" that.

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