What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.


Look dummy, what is president Trump supposed to do turn a blind eye to the Biden's corruption in the Ukraine just because Biden is a 2020 Dem primary candidate? Biden gets a pass on corruption? Running for office gives you immunity? You stupid shits don't have a leg to stand on here.
Dayum, you cultists are absolutely fucking brain-dead. No one said he couldn't do anything. All he had to do was not ask a foreigner to investigate Biden. Just how deformed is your brain that you can't comprehend such a simple concept?
and the crime is?

Extortion, obstruction of justice, witness intimidation, emolument clause violations, corrupt foreign practices act violations. For starters.

And tax fraud, almost certainly. That's why Trump is so fanatical about hiding his tax returns. As those will be state charges, nobody can pardon them but a state gov, and that won't happen in NY.

Wow, what a fantasy life you must lead. LMAO

The corruption allegations against Joe Biden were NOT CREDIBLE. According to everyone who has testified so far. Including the million-dollar Trump supporter Sondland, who the Republicans thought were on "their side."

When are you people going to wake up and smell the coffee?

The corruption investigation in Ukraine was for Burisma, not “Joe Biden”.

If there is no credible link to old Joe, then why are Dems so afraid of an investigation? It must mean he is guilty.

See how that works?
Besides rightwingnuts, who said Dems are afraid of Biden being investigated?

Apparently all Dems, all who support this impeachment sham against President Trump simply for asking Ukraine to crack down on corruption. Why else would they be claiming this personally benefits President Trump? It only benefits him if Biden is guilty of corruption.
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.

Why can’t he
You presume it’s soley because Biden is a potential political rival. There are other reasons which include the fact that Biden’s son gravy train ride is self serving to the Biden’s and disadvantageous to the USA.
"Why can’t he"

Because there's a fucking law against it, ya con moron.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or​

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.​
Schiff is doing his wrap up.

What an absolute cvnt. Just unreal. The fucking liar about RUSSIA COLLUSION, He said he saw concrete evidence. Liar.

He is the worst.

We all saw evidence of Russian collusion. The Trump Tower meeting, 170+ meetings and contacts with Russian agents. "Russia, if you're listening", the use of WikiLeaks, believing Puting over the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA.

When you stand back and look at the big picture, this is a President whose foreign policy has been executed from start to finish, to the benefit of Vladimir Putin and Russia, and nothing more so than withholding military aid to Ukraine, and undermining the American public support for anti-corruption in Ukraine.

Fiona Hill plainly laid out how dangerous and how corrupt this behaviour by Sondland, Pompeo, Mulvaney and Trump really was. Bolton sending everybody who heard anything up to talk to the lawyers. Bolton sounds like the only real patriot in the entire upper echelon in the White House.
The corruption investigation in Ukraine was for Burisma, not “Joe Biden”.

If there is no credible link to old Joe, then why are Dems so afraid of an investigation? It must mean he is guilty.

See how that works?
Besides rightwingnuts, who said Dems are afraid of Biden being investigated?

Apparently all Dems, all who support this impeachment sham against President Trump simply for asking Ukraine to crack down on corruption. Why else would they be claiming this personally benefits President Trump? It only benefits him if Biden is guilty of corruption.
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.

Why can’t he
You presume it’s soley because Biden is a potential political rival. There are other reasons which include the fact that Biden’s son gravy train ride is self serving to the Biden’s and disadvantageous to the USA.
"Why can’t he"

Because there's a fucking law against it, ya con moron.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

Circling back to the old “it’s a campaign contribution” bullshit, eh?

In other words you got nothing. No one with an IQ above 70 would even try to make that argument in a court.
The corruption allegations against Joe Biden were NOT CREDIBLE. According to everyone who has testified so far. Including the million-dollar Trump supporter Sondland, who the Republicans thought were on "their side."

When are you people going to wake up and smell the coffee?

The corruption investigation in Ukraine was for Burisma, not “Joe Biden”.

If there is no credible link to old Joe, then why are Dems so afraid of an investigation? It must mean he is guilty.

See how that works?
Besides rightwingnuts, who said Dems are afraid of Biden being investigated?

Apparently all Dems, all who support this impeachment sham against President Trump simply for asking Ukraine to crack down on corruption. Why else would they be claiming this personally benefits President Trump? It only benefits him if Biden is guilty of corruption.
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.


Why wouldn’t he ask the foreign government to investigate Burisma? It’s their company. Are you saying that we don’t work with foreign allies and their authorities when investigating crimes that happened overseas?

Because if you are, that makes you the brain dead one.
Well sure, if a political rival wasn't connected to Burisma, then he could have asked Zelensky to investigate Burisma.

No. Right now Biden is running to be the democrat nominee. Once he wins that race he will then be running against Trump for president.
Wrong, he need not win the Democrats' nomination to run in the general election.

Even worse for your position... if it were allowed to solicit foreign nationals for help to eliminate presidential hopefuls prior to the primaries under the fallacious excuse they're not political rivals of an incumbent president running for re-election, that would allow a president to violate campaign laws to eliminate every single candidate from the opposing party.
You are right. He doesn't. However he is ,as of now, running for the nomination for the democrat party. He would have to declare a run as an independent for your theory to hold up.
No. Right now Biden is running to be the democrat nominee. Once he wins that race he will then be running against Trump for president.
Wrong, he need not win the Democrats' nomination to run in the general election.

Even worse for your position... if it were allowed to solicit foreign nationals for help to eliminate presidential hopefuls prior to the primaries under the fallacious excuse they're not political rivals of an incumbent president running for re-election, that would allow a president to violate campaign laws to eliminate every single candidate from the opposing party.
You are right. He doesn't. However he is ,as of now, running for the nomination for the democrat party. He would have to declare a run as an independent for your theory to hold up.
He's running for president....

Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website | Join Our Campaign

... the same office as Trump. That makes him a rival.
If he doesn't get the nomination, which he won't, then that means nothing unless he goes third party. You continue to want to leave out a step. Typical libtard.

Biden announced his campaign in April, and he was leading in the polls when the Crime Family was trying to shake down the Ukraine president. There wasn't time to leave out a step. Maybe if Trump had scheduled his call with Zelensky sometime next year, after the DNC Convention, you'd have a point.

Show where those investigation weren't brought up to the previous Ukraine administration. Zelensky didn't take office till May.

Besides rightwingnuts, who said Dems are afraid of Biden being investigated?

Apparently all Dems, all who support this impeachment sham against President Trump simply for asking Ukraine to crack down on corruption. Why else would they be claiming this personally benefits President Trump? It only benefits him if Biden is guilty of corruption.
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.

Why can’t he
You presume it’s soley because Biden is a potential political rival. There are other reasons which include the fact that Biden’s son gravy train ride is self serving to the Biden’s and disadvantageous to the USA.
Biden is part of the crooked Clinton-Obama continuum.

Confidence in Trump economy at record high, with no hit from impeachment.

Another poll finds that public support for President Trump has not waned in the face of House impeachment hearings, and the approval for his handling of the economy has hit a new record high.

In today’s Gallup survey, 57% approve of the Trump economy. That, said the survey analysis, is “by one percentage point, his best as president.”

It comes as the stock market is hitting new highs, and unemployment is at a low for several groups.

Meanwhile, Gallup found that Trump’s approval rating is at a near high of 43% for the year. The last time he was at that level was before the Ukraine phone call emerged.

Most importantly, Republicans still have strong support for the president, at 90%.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

Trump didn't create this economy. And we need to get rid of him before it's too late.
I think without the liberal impeachment scam the economy would be even better
The corruption investigation in Ukraine was for Burisma, not “Joe Biden”.

If there is no credible link to old Joe, then why are Dems so afraid of an investigation? It must mean he is guilty.

See how that works?
Besides rightwingnuts, who said Dems are afraid of Biden being investigated?

Apparently all Dems, all who support this impeachment sham against President Trump simply for asking Ukraine to crack down on corruption. Why else would they be claiming this personally benefits President Trump? It only benefits him if Biden is guilty of corruption.
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.

Why can’t he
You presume it’s soley because Biden is a potential political rival. There are other reasons which include the fact that Biden’s son gravy train ride is self serving to the Biden’s and disadvantageous to the USA.
"Why can’t he"

Because there's a fucking law against it, ya con moron.

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or
(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.
I presume you were offering evidence that Trump tried to illegally invoke personal gain. Otherwise none of what you posted is relevant or clarifying to what he actually did on behalf of the USA.
Schiff is doing his wrap up.

What an absolute cvnt. Just unreal. The fucking liar about RUSSIA COLLUSION, He said he saw concrete evidence. Liar.

He is the worst.

We all saw evidence of Russian collusion. The Trump Tower meeting, 170+ meetings and contacts with Russian agents. "Russia, if you're listening", the use of WikiLeaks, believing Puting over the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA.

When you stand back and look at the big picture, this is a President whose foreign policy has been executed from start to finish, to the benefit of Vladimir Putin and Russia, and nothing more so than withholding military aid to Ukraine, and undermining the American public support for anti-corruption in Ukraine.

Fiona Hill plainly laid out how dangerous and how corrupt this behaviour by Sondland, Pompeo, Mulvaney and Trump really was. Bolton sending everybody who heard anything up to talk to the lawyers. Bolton sounds like the only real patriot in the entire upper echelon in the White House.
The fake news liberal Deep State/media/democrat impeachment attempt has been more harmful to America than anything the russians are alleged to have done
Trump wanted dirt on his political opponent.

Who is his political opponent, and how did Trump conclude he was? Nobody knows who his opponent is going to be.

About Joe Biden, why doesn't Trump demand his justice department open an investigation into Joe & Hunter?

Because honest people (which Democrats are not) need to provide some kind of evidence of wrongdoing, not just because it looks so bad. It's clear why drug head was hired for a multi-million dollar paying job, but again, no evidence of what was provided in exchange for giving him that gravy job.
Both Biden and Trump are running for the same office.

Yeah, them and some two dozen others.


Opponents have yet to be determined. Claiming quid pro joe is Trumps political rival is like saying every commiecrat is. Commiecrats like you for instance. LMAO

Funny how liberals can see the collusion with Russia when their darling Muller spent almost three years and never could see it. I guess that is the same feelings based modality that allows Shits libs to call people “witnesses” who Never Saw Anything.
The corruption investigation in Ukraine was for Burisma, not “Joe Biden”.

If there is no credible link to old Joe, then why are Dems so afraid of an investigation? It must mean he is guilty.

See how that works?
Besides rightwingnuts, who said Dems are afraid of Biden being investigated?

Apparently all Dems, all who support this impeachment sham against President Trump simply for asking Ukraine to crack down on corruption. Why else would they be claiming this personally benefits President Trump? It only benefits him if Biden is guilty of corruption.
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.

Why can’t he
You presume it’s soley because Biden is a potential political rival. There are other reasons which include the fact that Biden’s son gravy train ride is self serving to the Biden’s and disadvantageous to the USA.
Biden is part of the crooked Clinton-Obama continuum.

Confidence in Trump economy at record high, with no hit from impeachment.

Another poll finds that public support for President Trump has not waned in the face of House impeachment hearings, and the approval for his handling of the economy has hit a new record high.

In today’s Gallup survey, 57% approve of the Trump economy. That, said the survey analysis, is “by one percentage point, his best as president.”

It comes as the stock market is hitting new highs, and unemployment is at a low for several groups.

Meanwhile, Gallup found that Trump’s approval rating is at a near high of 43% for the year. The last time he was at that level was before the Ukraine phone call emerged.

Most importantly, Republicans still have strong support for the president, at 90%.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

The only reason that Trump's approval with Republicans is at 90% is because all of the smart Republicans have left the party. Membership is declining. 90% of a smaller and smaller group of people doesn't mean that Trump is more popular than ever. The poll you reference was taken before the hearings began.

Every day is a huge bombshell which utter demolishes whatever spin the Republicans had been putting on this mess up to that point. Today, Fiona Hill dismantled the false narrative that the Ukraiians are the ones who meddled, not Russia, and the Biden's should be investigated. She pointed out that these stories are part of a known disinformation campaign being run by Russia and Vladimir Putin, and she found it alarming that members of the Republican Party are now promoting proven Russian propaganda on the American people.

We're talking to YOU Devon Nunes.
They keep talking about Trump delaying the military aid to Ukraine jeopardizing the country.

Did Obama give them anything when Crimea was annexed?


Fucking hypocrites. It’s sick. Obama was sucking Putin’s cock so he didn’t give Ukraine any aid.

Dimms are such bastards.

Maobama had an obligation to protect Ukraines territorial integrity. He refused, and we wonder why allies doubt our commiecrats.

Liar. The right holds that record over Hillary at 26 years (and counting).

Please remind me of the office she held for 26 years.

You're one fucked up shitstain, I'll grant you that.

Who said she held office all that time? No one, that's who.

What was said is you cultists have been whining about her since she started pushing for healthcare reform in '93.
Nunes DEVASTATES the democrats, the corrupt Deep State bureaucrats, and the fake news media.

Funny how liberals can see the collusion with Russia when their darling Muller spent almost three years and never could see it. I guess that is the same feelings based modality that allows Shits libs to call people “witnesses” who Never Saw Anything.

Mueller saw it too, and it was emphasized in Part I of his Report.

Mueller's defence of Trump on "conspiracy" is that Trump was too stupid to realize that the Russians contacting him were agents of the Russian government. And while there were a lot of meetings, phone calls, etc., with Russians, the was INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE, not "no evidence", but insufficient evidence of a conspiracy - not enough emails, or documents, to prove the conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt.

Trump spent six weeks lying about what Mueller said, and you're posting the lies.
Oh please. If her testimony was more sided toward Trump, you'd be calling her a fascist bitch.

But it's not. She's told us the truth. Just like everyone else who has testified.

And you can't handle it.


Yes, we've heard the truth repeatedly. No quid pro quo ordered by Trump.

Sondland testified there was a quid pro quo, and that everyone knew about it. He even named names.

Yes, a "presumed" quid pro quo. He also testified that Trump never ordered one, and in fact when questioned, Trump ordered no quid pro quo.

Trump said, "Talk to Rudy." But, of course, Trump has blocked Rudy from testifying.

Yep......Rudy knows who is guilty of what....so of course....the Democrats claim he's committing crimes.
Both Biden and Trump are running for the same office.
No. Right now Biden is running to be the democrat nominee. Once he wins that race he will then be running against Trump for president.
Wrong, he need not win the Democrats' nomination to run in the general election.

Even worse for your position... if it were allowed to solicit foreign nationals for help to eliminate presidential hopefuls prior to the primaries under the fallacious excuse they're not political rivals of an incumbent president running for re-election, that would allow a president to violate campaign laws to eliminate every single candidate from the opposing party.
You are right. He doesn't. However he is ,as of now, running for the nomination for the democrat party. He would have to declare a run as an independent for your theory to hold up.
Both Biden and Trump are running for the same office.
No. Right now Biden is running to be the democrat nominee. Once he wins that race he will then be running against Trump for president.
Wrong, he need not win the Democrats' nomination to run in the general election.

Even worse for your position... if it were allowed to solicit foreign nationals for help to eliminate presidential hopefuls prior to the primaries under the fallacious excuse they're not political rivals of an incumbent president running for re-election, that would allow a president to violate campaign laws to eliminate every single candidate from the opposing party.
You are right. He doesn't. However he is ,as of now, running for the nomination for the democrat party. He would have to declare a run as an independent for your theory to hold up.
He's running for president....

Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website | Join Our Campaign

... the same office as Trump. That makes him a rival.
If he doesn't get the nomination, which he won't, then that means nothing unless he goes third party. You continue to want to leave out a step. Typical libtard.
Poor, demented con. In reality, you have no clue if he's going to win the Democrats' nomination or not. So all you're really doing is spouting nonsensical babble.

And again, losing that race doesn't mean he's not running as a third party.

Deal with reality for once ... they're both running for president now. They're political rivals, no matter how stupid you are.
the FBI kept tabs on Trump for 40 years when he was a businessman. if they had anything on him, it would've already come out. and yet half of america believes he's a russian agent

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