Now it’s just political grandstanding. These assholes aren’t even asking questions.

They are giving speeches.

Dimms say Trump should be in jail. Pubs say he did nothing wrong.


Fucking hypocrites
Which political candidate did Obama ask Ukraine to investigate on his behalf?
If it weren't for false equivalencies, these Trumpies wouldn't be able to post at all.
They keep talking about Trump delaying the military aid to Ukraine jeopardizing the country.

Did Obama give them anything when Crimea was annexed?


Fucking hypocrites. It’s sick. Obama was sucking Putin’s cock so he didn’t give Ukraine any aid.

Dimms are such bastards.
I will concur with you that you are not the least informed.
That honor lies with the creepi one.

You have heard the phrase - actions are more important than words; I would think.
Is that a sentiment that you would agree with?

Why would ask?

I want more information about the orange whore's ties to the Russians, who, by the way, are not our allies. There's a history there.

Focus -
An honest person would focus on the actions.
They also would not use terms like "orange whore" if they wanted to be taken seriously.

You remember who did think Russia was our ally?
The last previous President and at least one of his SOS.

Who else does one show the appropriate disdain for the worst piece of shit to sit in the Oval Office in my whole lifetime? Someone who has shown time again that he intends to do as much damage to the United States as possible. Obama never thought that Russia was our ally that could be trusted.

I am focusing on his actions and those of his henchmen.

Woefully uninformed.
Breaking: Dem congressman from Oregon organizes witness intimidation and boycotts of Ambassador Sondland's family hotel business. The left are sending his wife threatening emails, harassing's them on yelp, and picketing their hotels in an attempt to intimidate Sondland into bashing Trump. Shocker /sarcasm

So what conspiracy website told you to parrot that? After all, everyone knows you don't have the brains to come up with your own talking points.

Anways, nice attempt at deflection from what violent thugs you all are. There's a reason the Lt. Col. and his family to go into protective custody. And you love that. You want every witness against Trump to feel the same degree of threat.


Witnesses who never saw anything is all we need to know
Full suspension of factual reality in effect in order to mollify upset feelings.
Lefties, Let’s deal with facts:

Remember the hot mic moment with Obama sucking off Putin?

Why didn’t Obama give Ukraine any military aid during his administration. Why didn’t he help when Crimea was stolen by Putin?

Now those Dimms who wouldn’t give aid to Ukraine are crying about a delay??

They delayed for 8 fucking years. In 2009, the Obama admin was warned that Putin was going to invade Ukraine.

You lefties are absolutely disgusting trash. How many Ukrainians DIED BECAUSE OBAMA DIDNT GIVE AID TO UKRAINE?
The takeaways from Sondland's testimony yesterday were:
The accusations against the Bidens are NOT CREDIBLE
The disinformation campaign against Yavanovich was NOT CREDIBLE
Sondland 100% objects to the withholding of military aid to Ukraine (as does every other witness who has been on so far)

This makes our President look STUPID. He believes conspiracy theories and nurses his grudges (even if the Ukrainians DID support Hillary in 2016, why is he still sulking about that now?) Does everyone who supported Hillary deserve investigations by the government? Apparently so, according to Trump and his supporters.

The entire underpinning of Trump's "favor" is bullshit. So should I be embarrassed that our President is into illegal arm twisting with foreign leaders, or embarrassed that he's dumber than a rock?
This is a perfect example of selective hearing from a person who has an axe to grind.

The only thing I heard from the testimony was that these people are presuming something that doesn't exist.....and that is supposedly grounds for impeachment of the president.
I heard that, too. I was thinking of new stuff; to me it was more noteworthy than the same thing that has been brought up over and over and over both in the press and at the hearings.
You do know that this hearing is a smokescreen set up by Hillary and the Democrats to lessen the impact of the release of the IG report and the coming indictments of FBI and DoJ officials who have committed crimes, right?
I do think that they have desperately tried to make this such a mega issue so that it could blanket the fact charges forthcoming against them. “Don’t look at the man behind the curtain because Trump is the paramount issue” I don’t think it has worked nor will work.
Trump isn't investigating anyone.

Not even Biden? He only wants to outsource that? We have a Justice Dept and investigative agencies, but The Only One wants Ukraine to announce an investigation. That's fucked-up, comrade.
nope, trump is doing the state's business, unlike the congressional house. They are the one's with the actual quid pro quo going on right now. I want the government business being done, not their infectious fantasies.

Government business is being done - note all of the breaks for votes during the process. Unlike Trump, who can only obsess about one thing at a time, Pelosi is able to walk, talk, and chew gum, at the same time. Women, by nature, are better able to multi-task than men, because we have to. Especially working women who are accustomed to balancing work obligations, managing family life and schedules, as well as meals laundry, etc., and social obligations, all while being perfectly groomed.
I have no need of your sexist claptrap moralizing. What bills has Pelosi put on Trump's desk?

The proper question is not what bills have gone to trump, but what bills were sent to the Senate and sat on by McConnell.
The House has a duty to engage in the interactive process that produces consensus, but the have no interest in working for the American People, they are wholly committed to undoing the 2016 election that did not produce the results they desired.

The question you dodged? What bills has the House help put on the President's desk for signature and you can't come up with ANY? In a year? Sad!

But today they had testimony from a guy who overheard Sondland's side of a phone call? Are you fugging kidding me? What must they think of the American People to think this kind of nonsense is going to be accepted by anyone with a brain and a basic sense of fair-play?
Lefties, Let’s deal with facts:

Remember the hot mic moment with Obama sucking off Putin?

No. As you're an expert in sucking off Putin, why don't you tell us about it?

Why didn’t Obama give Ukraine any military aid during his administration. Why didn’t he help when Crimea was stolen by Putin?

What does any of that have to do with the current topic of Trump pressuring a foreign government to benefit only himself?

As deflections go, this one is particularly stupid.
Schiff is doing his wrap up.

What an absolute cvnt. Just unreal. The fucking liar about RUSSIA COLLUSION, He said he saw concrete evidence. Liar.

He is the worst.
They keep talking about Trump delaying the military aid to Ukraine jeopardizing the country.

Did Obama give them anything when Crimea was annexed?


Fucking hypocrites. It’s sick. Obama was sucking Putin’s cock so he didn’t give Ukraine any aid.

Dimms are such bastards.
Yet this Hill wrote an op-ed in 2015, don’t give them aid. Since they didn’t, she must feel she can pull any strings she wants now.
How aiding the Ukrainian military could push Putin into a regional war

Now she is upset because weapons were not immediately approved for them.
Of course, you are allowed to defend yourself. Defending yourself tough does NOT include the right to withhold evidence. You can't defend yourself by shooting a witness for instance either. There are limits on the right to defend yourself. Refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the house is one of those.
it's not an official impeachment. he isn't obstructing shit.

Just heard on NBC. The FBI is going to interview the

Of course, because it's illegal to file false charges. They should send him the bill for all this and add our time, pain, and suffering to the millions who has to watch this farce and had our normal TV interupted. And they complain about waterboarding ..... oy!
Do you know what false charges are? I'll tell you what it isn't. False charges aren't charges levied by someone through the IG who makes an assessment as to their credibility before it's even brought to the attention of congress. The IG deemed them credible and of urgent concern.

False charges are also not charges that are fully coroborated by multiple witnesses willing to testify under oath to the thruthfullness of them.

I'm noting one overarching fact. So far there hasn't been a single witness who has come forward, who's been willing to risk perjury charges to prove the charges false.

There hasn't been a single relavant piece of evidence presented by the administration that proves the charges false altough most of the witnesses have provided details that are easily verified.
1)IG would not be allowed to bring this forward on heresay and without the third person confirmations.
2)You are saying the IG is corrupt
3)the IG could not allow this to be called a whistleblower allowing whistleblower rights when it was not a whistleblower, only the people he went to decided to recreate and form this farce that "is an illegal charge" that woukd never be allowed admissible in a court of law.=false charges. The one bringing up false charges can argue it's Schiffs fault but is able to be brought up on filing false charges to make his case it's Schiff or another puppet master.....that's how you find out who's behind it=plea deal.
-get the worm to squirm 101.
1)you file a charge on the leaker for filing false charges.
2)that finally allows you to question him
3)he squeels
4)Adama Schiff gets charged for not recusing himself, conflicts of interest and you get to question Adam about his Ukraine bribery
scheme involving his military aid to Ukraine for contracts to his campaign donor =Schiff taking U.S. tax dollars through the backdoor.

I've already proven the ICIG had on jurisdiction, so all their crowing about the IG is moot. He had no authority to even entertain the complaint. That said the CIA rat didn't file any charges, he leveled a complaint. It's the commies in the house that are engaging in falsehoods. They will pay at the ballot box.

Is it almost time for Story Time With Adumb? I like how Schifferbrains wraps up each day's debacle, er....hearing.......with a Fairy Tale.

Since today may be the last debacle, er.....hearing...........I expect a hum-dinger from ol Adumb.
lil Adumb was very breathless during Story Time today............I guess he thinks since he has no evidence he can convince America with his theatrics.

Sorry: It’s Lt. Col. Vindman! How did vets and enlisted people react to Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s ‘Don’t call me ma’am’ moment?

“Multiple combat veterans have told me they are livid at this attitude from Vindman, at his use of the uniform as a prop for the cameras, and at his obvious scheming against and insubordination towards his chain of command.”​

"Multiple combat verterans" means "we just made it up"

A congressman is not part of the chain of command. Actual veterans would know this.

Army regs require wearing the uniform in such situations. Actual veterans would know this.

The UCMJ requires that veterans not go along with lawbreaking. Actual veterans would know this.

So, you fell for another dumb scam, like you always do. As that scam enabled you to spit more on actual veterans, the emotional lure for you was irresistible.

Wow, thanks for making it clear that you are NOT a veteran. LMAO

Now it’s just political grandstanding. These assholes aren’t even asking questions.

They are giving speeches.

Dimms say Trump should be in jail. Pubs say he did nothing wrong.


Fucking hypocrites
Which political candidate did Obama ask Ukraine to investigate on his behalf?
Obama asked our Deep State to spy on trump
Now it’s just political grandstanding. These assholes aren’t even asking questions.

They are giving speeches.

Dimms say Trump should be in jail. Pubs say he did nothing wrong.


Fucking hypocrites
Which political candidate did Obama ask Ukraine to investigate on his behalf?
Obama asked our Deep State to spy on trump

Literally Fake News.

What would you turnips do if you weren't allowed to lie?
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Now it’s just political grandstanding. These assholes aren’t even asking questions.

They are giving speeches.

Dimms say Trump should be in jail. Pubs say he did nothing wrong.


Fucking hypocrites
Which political candidate did Obama ask Ukraine to investigate on his behalf?
Obama asked our Deep State to spy on trump

Literally Fake News.

What would you turnips do if you weren't allowed to lie?

to my knowledge no one has said that except me

but its what the evidence seems to be leading to
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The corruption investigation in Ukraine was for Burisma, not “Joe Biden”.

If there is no credible link to old Joe, then why are Dems so afraid of an investigation? It must mean he is guilty.

See how that works?
Besides rightwingnuts, who said Dems are afraid of Biden being investigated?

Apparently all Dems, all who support this impeachment sham against President Trump simply for asking Ukraine to crack down on corruption. Why else would they be claiming this personally benefits President Trump? It only benefits him if Biden is guilty of corruption.
What's apparent is you're fucking brain-dead as virtually no Democrats are saying Biden can't or shouldn't be investigated. What we are saying is that Trump can't solicit a foreign national to investigate Biden.

Why can’t he
You presume it’s soley because Biden is a potential political rival. There are other reasons which include the fact that Biden’s son gravy train ride is self serving to the Biden’s and disadvantageous to the USA.
Biden is part of the crooked Clinton-Obama continuum.

Confidence in Trump economy at record high, with no hit from impeachment.

Another poll finds that public support for President Trump has not waned in the face of House impeachment hearings, and the approval for his handling of the economy has hit a new record high.

In today’s Gallup survey, 57% approve of the Trump economy. That, said the survey analysis, is “by one percentage point, his best as president.”

It comes as the stock market is hitting new highs, and unemployment is at a low for several groups.

Meanwhile, Gallup found that Trump’s approval rating is at a near high of 43% for the year. The last time he was at that level was before the Ukraine phone call emerged.

Most importantly, Republicans still have strong support for the president, at 90%.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.

Trump didn't create this economy. And we need to get rid of him before it's too late.

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