You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.

You're literally calling a guy who gave Trump a million dollars, a "never trumper." :eusa_doh:

Do you see now why no one should trust anything cons say?

I'm thinking he wasn't to only one. The money was for the job, not the guy.
See: post #6087
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?
Trump said, "Talk to Rudy." But, of course, Trump has blocked Rudy from testifying.
Yep......Rudy knows who is guilty of of course....the Democrats claim he's committing crimes.

Rudy is a senile old fart who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, and Rudy is committing crimes. Notice how his buddies, Lev and Parm are now going to jail? No, you're ignoring that.
... and still no Russian connection

Who is the Ukraine at war with? If the Ukraine doesn’t receive military aid, who does that benefit? Where did the Crowdstrike false propaganda story come from? Where did Guliani get his faked evidence on Maria Yovanovitch?

Who really benefited when Ukraine did not received lethal military aid in 2014, 2015, 2016?
Russia Russia Russia....

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Wow, a whole family of commie operatives. GOOD GRIEF!

She was using FOREIGN officials to dig dirt up on Trump during the election..............Got Black Book information from the Ukrianian Embassy..........and a court later ruled that this was election meddling in the 2016 U.S. Elections in FAVOR OF HILLARY.......

Chalupa merely “dug up” the court filings in the Black Ledger case in the Ukraine. This ledger was evidence that the previous Ukrainian President stolen billions millions from the national treasury before fleeing to Russia. Manafort name appears besides millions of dollars of payments.

Why would DNC need that information?
We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers.
No, you can also believe his hand picked stooge Sondland. And we can get Giuliani and pompeo under oath, so you can believe them, too. Sound good?

When witnesses disagree, you have to judge their believability individually, not just by whether you agree with them or not. That's why I'm withholding judgement until everything is heard. Thus far, most everything has been asking the lines of, "I assume the president is guilty of <fill in the blank>, but I've either never talked to him, never actually saw or heard him do it, or I've talked to him and he explicitly said not to do it", so you'll forgive me if I don't grab my pom poms and jump around squealing that he should be kicked out of office.
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.

You're literally calling a guy who gave Trump a million dollars, a "never trumper." :eusa_doh:

Do you see now why no one should trust anything cons say?

You mean the guy who has changed his testimony?
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

The same thing that makes you nut jobs think that only die hard Trump haters should be believed. See how that works?

IOW, no one does. You don't like it that some won't jump on the band wagon until everything is heard? Too bad.
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.

You're literally calling a guy who gave Trump a million dollars, a "never trumper." :eusa_doh:

Do you see now why no one should trust anything cons say?

You mean the guy who has changed his testimony?
Did someone prove his testimony was untrue? I must have missed that.
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.
We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers.
No, you can also believe his hand picked stooge Sondland. And we can get Giuliani and pompeo under oath, so you can believe them, too. Sound good?
GOP says we are to believe that non-partisan, career civil servants who answered legal subpoenas from congress and testified under oath are all liars.

And Trump cowards who refuse to answer lawful subpoenas and refuse testify under oath (Pompeo, Bolton, Mulvaney, Giuliani) are all telling the truth.

It's another example of Red State Stupid.

Offer Trump a trade. He's the deal maker you know. Schiff Head allows the rat and who he got his information on to testify, and Trump let two of his people testify. Sound fair???
You also realize that this other guy, Holmes, claim on the call he overheard (haha) with Sondland and Trump goes against what Sondland said, correct?

We're supposed to only believe anti Trumpers. Everyone else is lying.
There were not all anti-Trumpers - well at least until the fat ass tried this bribery scam..

What the fuck makes you morons think that only die hard Trump supporters should be believed?

Because our people didn't start this clown show, the Democrats did. We on the right are honest. You on the left are despicable.
"We on the right are honest."


..... wait ....

lemme .... catch ..... my breath ..........





Dayum, that was good.

They both went to the same site, not mentioning Starr at all
No they didnt.

And i posted two VIEWS of Ken Starr. To which of Ken Starr's view were you referring?

Both links went to the same site. It has several short stories in it. The first one which was about the impeachment didn't mention Starr. However Starr was on Laura's show last night, and he didn't say squat about what the Republicans are going to do. Lesh created a topic on it. Go to his topic and watch the video in the OP to see what Starr really said.
Well, THAT'S over with.


The House has all they need for Articles of Impeachment.

How long will the folks here argue about it?
You do understand that Trump will not be removed from office?
We'll see if what he did matters to voters. If he isn't removed by the Senate, he might be removed at the ballot box.
But will he CHEAT AGAIN, like with what he did in the Ukraine, before the next election?

I believe all facts show that HE WILL.... that's why he should be removed now... because of election cheating imo....And using his office of power to do it.

Commie Rule 100: Anytime a Republican wins, they cheated somehow.
Well, THAT'S over with.


The House has all they need for Articles of Impeachment.

How long will the folks here argue about it?

And if they do impeach, the next commie President under a Republican led House will be impeached too. And then before you cry, remember who started with this impeachment of hearsay.
You want to try me Americano?

Let me correct your last paragraph. Obama was the current POTUS in 2016 a Democrat. Any president I mean any Ukrainian President will support the current president because they are just beggars. Therefore he supported Clinton a Democrat.
There was no need for you to correct anything, since I have no dispute on who was the president in 2016.

Although I agree with you that they're beggars, their support for Clinton would mean meddling in our election, correct? Why did they work with DNC, and not with Barry's administration?

And while we're at it, they did beg for lethal military help, did they get it from the guy they were supporting?

Poroshenko tried to clean up the corruptions with the help of ambassador Yavanovich even with the new president Zelensky. That is why Guilliani tried to get rid of her because she won’t put up with corrupted cartels.

The same as zelensky support Trump.
You're jumping the gun here, so let's step back a little.

Poroshenko wasn't cleaning up corruption in Ukraine. He was part of their corruption. He was cleaning up Ukraine from his political opponents that were corrupted just as he was. Not just that he did not cleaned up their corrupt judges, police and prosecutors, and oligarchs from government, he kept them all, and his own corruption was the reason Zelensky got elected.

As for Ambassador Yovanovich, it is normal that Ambassador supports own president. She supported Barry while he was president, but she did not supported Trump. Is that normal? She also supported Poroshenko, and was against new president Zelensky. Is it normal that Zelensky have distrust in her and that our president, whom she doesn't like, replace her?

Manafort was already a known as bad dude even before Trump hired him. He hired him anyway. Like Flynn a military reject eating dinner with Putin. He hired him anyway.
Yes, Manafort had history, but that history was know long before he started working for Trump campaign. Why nobody went after him at the time when he committed crimes? Oh wait, they were after him, but he was cleared, right? But great, he's bad dude, let's get him. There are ways of doing so, and DNC secretly working with Ukrainians is not a proper channel.
So Trump used the power of his office to extort a foreign leader for personal gain. And we know even the Veep knew he was doing it. We know Giuliani was the mastermind (trump the nodding, drooling idiot, god bless him), and we know his hand picked bootlicker Sondland carried it out. We know they are so inept, that they got caught before they could carry it through.

What a gang of idiots. And it was all set into motion by a Ukrainian fugitive oligarch who just happens to be a Putin puppet.

So what was this personal gain of Trump's?
Trashing a political opponent. Come on ow, you can't be this fucking stupid.

Politicians trash each other all the time. You can't be this fucken stupid to think that's an impeachable offense. So tell me, are you going to rig the primaries like you did last time to know who Trump's opponent is going to be?
I Say Pelosi Won't Allow A Vote
Unless She Has Votes To Defeat It

Disagree. Nancy knows where the energy is in her party. She has to have a vote on impeachment, but hope and pray that it fails. If impeachment passes then the show trial goes to the Senate where the democrats will look horrible in a presidential election year.

I think it will all be staged like with anything Democrat. Piglosi will get selected members to not go along with it, and she'll either announce they won't have a vote because they don't have enough members, or have the vote and it fail.
If there's no dirt on the Biden's, then what are you guys so worried about? Let Hunter testify.
I couldn't care less about Biden. Investigate him for all I care.

But Trump is still not legally allowed to solicit a foreign national to do it for him.
I want my president to uncover and investigate corruption in other nations before he sends my tax dollars to them...what is it that you find troubling about that?....
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
Rumor? Biden, himself, admitted to it on video tape. It's out there for all to see.
Liar. Biden never admitted to corruption. He admitted to fighting corruption by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie , they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

I could find the video and link it for ya but I thought I would give you a break from feeling stupid on Friday....Biden is a dumbass and he was bragging about strong arming the president of the Ukraine...he was trying to be a tough guy...we have all seen him do that before....and yes if what Trump did was illegal then so is what Biden did with Obama's should we retroactively impeach both Biden and Obama?....
Lefties, Let’s deal with facts:

Remember the hot mic moment with Obama sucking off Putin?

No. As you're an expert in sucking off Putin, why don't you tell us about it?

Why didn’t Obama give Ukraine any military aid during his administration. Why didn’t he help when Crimea was stolen by Putin?

What does any of that have to do with the current topic of Trump pressuring a foreign government to benefit only himself?

As deflections go, this one is particularly stupid.
are you saying the president doesn't own the distribution but obammy did? that's your inconsistency kitty

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