I couldn't care less about Biden. Investigate him for all I care.

But Trump is still not legally allowed to solicit a foreign national to do it for him.
I want my president to uncover and investigate corruption in other nations before he sends my tax dollars to them...what is it that you find troubling about that?....
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
Rumor? Biden, himself, admitted to it on video tape. It's out there for all to see.
Liar. Biden never admitted to corruption. He admitted to fighting corruption by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie , they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

I could find the video and link it for ya but I thought I would give you a break from feeling stupid on Friday....Biden is a dumbass and he was bragging about strong arming the president of the Ukraine...he was trying to be a tough guy...we have all seen him do that before....and yes if what Trump did was illegal then so is what Biden did with Obama's blessing....so should we retroactively impeach both Biden and Obama?....

Trump is trying to encourage the Republican Senate to subpoena Joe and his son. That would be a real hoot.
If there is a Senate trial for impeachment, Schiff, Joe, Hunter, and the whistleblower will be subpoenaed.

It’ll be fantastic.

Schiff keeps saying he has no idea who the whistleblower is. You know he is lying!
The Prosecutor at that time was not cleaning up the corruption. So we told the Ukraine that we would not give them aid unless they replaced that prosecutor to show they are fighting that corruption
That is the Biden response but its false...its actually 100% backwards....That prosecutor was investigating a corrupt company that was stealing millions of dollars most of which was aid from the U.S. and since Hunter worked for that company Biden wanted the guy fired....now that is impeachable....
If there is a Senate trial for impeachment, Schiff, Joe, Hunter, and the whistleblower will be subpoenaed.

It’ll be fantastic.

Schiff keeps saying he has no idea who the whistleblower is. You know he is lying!

Somebody better reveal who the rat is, because the Senate needs the rat to testify.
The House didn't.


he said that she heard that someone said that they had heard it from someone else.....

Only place this comedy will be looked at is a house full of Lunatic Libs.
Like Trump says, read the transcript.

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
So.............The President has the right to ask for cooperation of looking into corruption here are there......

Biden isn't immune to it...............Biden has a BIG MOUTH............and brags too much......joked about it..............

No law broken there............now Biden and son..........yeah that is well worth looking at.....Biden was never gonna be the Dem candidate.
The president does not have the right to break the law; and soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival breaks the law.
What planet are you on? Didn't watch the hearing today? Guess what. Others did. And that Sean Hannity brought an interesting video on Schiff revealed his true intentions, and his House of Cards may just become the Big House for Schiff. Oh, and the media? They willingly conspired with the DNC's talking point, just like I've been telling everyone around here. *sigh* To darn bad. Now, back to good guy Sean Hannity's words and recordings:



Hannity also reports that an FBI officer is under investigation for altering documents in the 2016 Russia Probe

Naughty, naughty.​

Is it only me, or you guys have the same problem, but that video is limited to 2 seconds.
If there is a Senate trial for impeachment, Schiff, Joe, Hunter, and the whistleblower will be subpoenaed.

It’ll be fantastic.

Schiff keeps saying he has no idea who the whistleblower is. You know he is lying!

Somebody better reveal who the rat is, because the Senate needs the rat to testify.

Everyone knows...it’s CIA agent Eric Ciaramella.

Why are there men in Black suits knocking on my door?

Hold on, BRB...
I couldn't care less about Biden. Investigate him for all I care.

But Trump is still not legally allowed to solicit a foreign national to do it for him.
I want my president to uncover and investigate corruption in other nations before he sends my tax dollars to them...what is it that you find troubling about that?....
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
Rumor? Biden, himself, admitted to it on video tape. It's out there for all to see.
Liar. Biden never admitted to corruption. He admitted to fighting corruption by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie , they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

I could find the video and link it for ya but I thought I would give you a break from feeling stupid on Friday....Biden is a dumbass and he was bragging about strong arming the president of the Ukraine...he was trying to be a tough guy...we have all seen him do that before....and yes if what Trump did was illegal then so is what Biden did with Obama's blessing....so should we retroactively impeach both Biden and Obama?....
Liar. The two events are not equivalent.

Biden was serving the U.S.

Trump was serving Trump.

That being, it wasn't only Biden who wanted Shokin removed. It was several countries (including Ukraine) and several international bodies. And they didn't just want him removed in March, 2016, when Biden got him fired; the push to get Shokin removed began no less than six months earlier. And the reason multiple countries and international bodies wanted Shokin removed was because he was sift on corruption. There were even accusations he was taking bribes to not investigate crimes. But admittedly, those are unproven accusations. Still, the point is it wasn't just Biden who wanted Shokin out. Nor is there evidence Biden wanted him out because he was investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden as the news reports Shokin was not actively investigating either when Biden got Shokin sacked.

As opposed to Trump who asked a foreign national to investigate Biden over that. Biden is running for the same office as Trump. Biden is leading every Democrat in the polls and is leading Trump by a bigger margin than every other Democrat. Biden's margins were even bigger in July when Trump asked Zelensky to investigate Biden. There's been testimony that Trump would have been satisfied with Ze6 with even just a public declaration that Biden was being investigated, even if he really wasn't being investigated; since even just the air of such a scandal could end Biden's chances of winning the election. That served no one but Trump. That helps Trump's chances at being re-elected. Now while you brain-dead cons don't care if Trump breaks the law as long as he's re-elected, he still broke the law; for which, he's [rightfully] getting impeached.
I want my president to uncover and investigate corruption in other nations before he sends my tax dollars to them...what is it that you find troubling about that?....
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
Rumor? Biden, himself, admitted to it on video tape. It's out there for all to see.
Liar. Biden never admitted to corruption. He admitted to fighting corruption by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie , they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

I could find the video and link it for ya but I thought I would give you a break from feeling stupid on Friday....Biden is a dumbass and he was bragging about strong arming the president of the Ukraine...he was trying to be a tough guy...we have all seen him do that before....and yes if what Trump did was illegal then so is what Biden did with Obama's blessing....so should we retroactively impeach both Biden and Obama?....

Trump is trying to encourage the Republican Senate to subpoena Joe and his son. That would be a real hoot.
And they'll get to do that in the trial, if not on the hearings.
If there is a Senate trial for impeachment, Schiff, Joe, Hunter, and the whistleblower will be subpoenaed.

It’ll be fantastic.

Schiff keeps saying he has no idea who the whistleblower is. You know he is lying!

Somebody better reveal who the rat is, because the Senate needs the rat to testify.

Everyone knows...it’s CIA agent Eric Ciaramella.

Why are there men in Black suits knocking on my door?

Hold on, BRB...

Adam is scared Schiffless about the rat being questioned by the Republicans. That's why he reneged on having him or her testify in the House. If the rat answers honestly, it would reveal a small part of the huge deep state we are dealing with.
I want my president to uncover and investigate corruption in other nations before he sends my tax dollars to them...what is it that you find troubling about that?....
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
Rumor? Biden, himself, admitted to it on video tape. It's out there for all to see.
Liar. Biden never admitted to corruption. He admitted to fighting corruption by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie , they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

I could find the video and link it for ya but I thought I would give you a break from feeling stupid on Friday....Biden is a dumbass and he was bragging about strong arming the president of the Ukraine...he was trying to be a tough guy...we have all seen him do that before....and yes if what Trump did was illegal then so is what Biden did with Obama's blessing....so should we retroactively impeach both Biden and Obama?....
Liar. The two events are not equivalent.

Biden was serving the U.S.

Trump was serving Trump.

That being, it wasn't only Biden who wanted Shokin removed. It was several countries (including Ukraine) and several international bodies. And they didn't just want him removed in March, 2016, when Biden got him fired; the push to get Shokin removed began no less than six months earlier. And the reason multiple countries and international bodies wanted Shokin removed was because he was sift on corruption. There were even accusations he was taking bribes to not investigate crimes. But admittedly, those are unproven accusations. Still, the point is it wasn't just Biden who wanted Shokin out. Nor is there evidence Biden wanted him out because he was investigating Burisma or Hunter Biden as the news reports Shokin was not actively investigating either when Biden got Shokin sacked.

As opposed to Trump who asked a foreign national to investigate Biden over that. Biden is running for the same office as Trump. Biden is leading every Democrat in the polls and is leading Trump by a bigger margin than every other Democrat. Biden's margins were even bigger in July when Trump asked Zelensky to investigate Biden. There's been testimony that Trump would have been satisfied with Ze6 with even just a public declaration that Biden was being investigated, even if he really wasn't being investigated; since even just the air of such a scandal could end Biden's chances of winning the election. That served no one but Trump. That helps Trump's chances at being re-elected. Now while you brain-dead cons don't care if Trump breaks the law as long as he's re-elected, he still broke the law; for which, he's [rightfully] getting impeached.

They keep talking about Trump delaying the military aid to Ukraine jeopardizing the country.

Did Obama give them anything when Crimea was annexed?


Fucking hypocrites. It’s sick. Obama was sucking Putin’s cock so he didn’t give Ukraine any aid.

Dimms are such bastards.


This is what happened when you have a president that is so fucking inept he doesn’t even know how to ask simple favor. Instead he have tons of people involved.

Results ...... bribery or extortion. = IMPEACHABLE

Without the decency of the democrats we don’t hear any of these corruptness of Trump..... spreading lies and conspiracy crap.

You can cry however you want Trump is the most corrupted disgusting president ever.

Derp derp derp derp

When Obama tells Medvedev “Tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after my election.”....that’s mutha flocking collusion on a hot mic.

You fairy,

Plus, Obama killed hundreds of thousands of Brown people in Libya, Syria, Yemen....all Illegal regime change wars.

He is a fucking war criminal who should be tried and executed. That’s corruption, you simple racist. Someone says the N word and you shit your panties, but Obama commits fucking GENOCIDE, AND YOU DONT CARE.

That’s fucked.

Understand truth hurts.
I’ll vote for Obama on next election. If Obama had committed genocide. How come haters like you are the only one crying?

Obama was and is well respected with very high remarks both domestic and international. That’s a fact.

Trump is a the lousiest POTUS ever that made us bigots, racist, bully and laughing stock around the globe. That’s a fact.

Dude this whole Ukraine crap could have been very simple deal to accomplish but Trump is so amateur and stupid.
If there is a Senate trial for impeachment, Schiff, Joe, Hunter, and the whistleblower will be subpoenaed.

It’ll be fantastic.

Schiff keeps saying he has no idea who the whistleblower is. You know he is lying!

Somebody better reveal who the rat is, because the Senate needs the rat to testify.

Everyone knows...it’s CIA agent Eric Ciaramella.

Why are there men in Black suits knocking on my door?

Hold on, BRB...

Adam is scared Schiffless about the rat being questioned by the Republicans. That's why he reneged on having him or her testify in the House. If the rat answers honestly, it would reveal a small part of the huge deep state we are dealing with.

Schiff is straight up lying that he doesn’t know who the whistleblower is. It’s so obvious it’s hysterical.

Of course he should have testified.
How can you charge Trump with crimes no one saw?

Bribery? Nope

Quid Pro Quo? Nope
Trump is not being legally charged with any crimes. He's being impeached. Articles of impeachment can include climes but most articles are not federal crimes. The most common articles are violation of oath of office, misuse of executive power, conduct unbecoming the office, and lying to congress.

Impeachment is a political process used to remove a president just as election is a political process for selecting a president. What this means is that all laws and regulation involving evidence and criminal court procedures do apply. The entire process is regulated by House and Senate rules and the constitution.

For example, the legal concept of hearsay applies in trials and related proceedings in court. It doesn’t apply and doesn’t make sense in the congressional impeachment inquiry, nor in any potential impeachment trial in the Senate.

Congress is not a court, and no rules of evidence apply to its activities, including impeachment. This is not a technical distinction: It’s a foundation part of the constitutional structure.

Why hearsay isn't a problem for Congress in impeachment hearings
You say mis-use of office, executive power etc, but what about the mis-use of government in the ways in which the demoncrats are using it in order to make bogus claims against the President for purely partisan political reasons ?

A power struggle between groups is exactly what's going on here, and anyone with a second grade education can see this for what it is, and for what it has been since 2016.

If anything the swamp has been paraded out, and through this farce it has been shown just how bad things can get if powerful brainwashing goes on for way to long in America. It has been educational in that regard for sure.
Exactly! The laws and the Constitution are there to protect the interests of America and Americans. They were never intended to be used as weapons to take down an adversary because you hate him or because of your lust for power.

What the Democrats have already done is open Pandora's box to a never ending cycle of "How do we use the system to take down President X?" The damage they have already caused to the 2 Party system of our government will take many years to undo.
The Prosecutor at that time was not cleaning up the corruption. So we told the Ukraine that we would not give them aid unless they replaced that prosecutor to show they are fighting that corruption
That is the Biden response but its false...its actually 100% backwards....That prosecutor was investigating a corrupt company that was stealing millions of dollars most of which was aid from the U.S. and since Hunter worked for that company Biden wanted the guy fired....now that is impeachable....
Bullshit. There was no active investigation ongoing into Burisma when Shokin was sacked.

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.
Then you should have elected one who sought to have Ukraine fight against corruption rather than look into a 3 year old rumor.
Rumor? Biden, himself, admitted to it on video tape. It's out there for all to see.
Liar. Biden never admitted to corruption. He admitted to fighting corruption by getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie , they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

I could find the video and link it for ya but I thought I would give you a break from feeling stupid on Friday....Biden is a dumbass and he was bragging about strong arming the president of the Ukraine...he was trying to be a tough guy...we have all seen him do that before....and yes if what Trump did was illegal then so is what Biden did with Obama's blessing....so should we retroactively impeach both Biden and Obama?....

Trump is trying to encourage the Republican Senate to subpoena Joe and his son. That would be a real hoot.
And they'll get to do that in the trial, if not on the hearings.
FOX news has had three dems on this morning that are saying they can't find an impeachable offense from the inquiry....you guys went too damn far....

he said that she heard that someone said that they had heard it from someone else.....

Only place this comedy will be looked at is a house full of Lunatic Libs.
Like Trump says, read the transcript.

"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it..."
So.............The President has the right to ask for cooperation of looking into corruption here are there......

Biden isn't immune to it...............Biden has a BIG MOUTH............and brags too much......joked about it..............

No law broken there............now Biden and son..........yeah that is well worth looking at.....Biden was never gonna be the Dem candidate.
The president does not have the right to break the law; and soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival breaks the law.
What planet are you on? Didn't watch the hearing today? Guess what. Others did. And that Sean Hannity brought an interesting video on Schiff revealed his true intentions, and his House of Cards may just become the Big House for Schiff. Oh, and the media? They willingly conspired with the DNC's talking point, just like I've been telling everyone around here. *sigh* To darn bad. Now, back to good guy Sean Hannity's words and recordings:



Hannity also reports that an FBI officer is under investigation for altering documents in the 2016 Russia Probe

Naughty, naughty.​

Is it only me, or you guys have the same problem, but that video is limited to 2 seconds.

It's a MSM, deep state, Clinton, DNC conspiracy.

The Prosecutor at that time was not cleaning up the corruption. So we told the Ukraine that we would not give them aid unless they replaced that prosecutor to show they are fighting that corruption
That is the Biden response but its false...its actually 100% backwards....That prosecutor was investigating a corrupt company that was stealing millions of dollars most of which was aid from the U.S. and since Hunter worked for that company Biden wanted the guy fired....now that is impeachable....
Bullshit. There was no active investigation ongoing into Burisma when Shokin was sacked.

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.
Buuuaaahahahaha...that link is from May idiot...and it was wrong...

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