Trump openly admitted to doing precisely that.
Multiple witnesses said he did precisely that, as well.
But Ukraine president said he didn't....You fucks just can't handle the truth!
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.
Yes Biden admitted it and on video tape!....Did you knoe... silly question as you know nothing...
Next to go?

Adam Schiff-Ukraine connection comes under scrutiny
This Schiff-Ukaine connection gets a mostly false rating.

Since you're unable to defend Trump, you're so desparate you need to make stuff up?
Trump openly admitted to doing precisely that.
Multiple witnesses said he did precisely that, as well.
But Ukraine president said he didn't....You fucks just can't handle the truth!
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.

Admitted by who?

The current Trump defense is that there was Quid Pro Quo but either Trump never directed it or he did and it is not an impeachable offense.

After all the testimony, anyone denying Quid pro quo is just a lying fuck more interested in saving Trump than our country..
After reading more about Sondman............He's an Opportunist.............

His wife is a long time Democrat.......Sondman donates to the GOP.......people like Romney.

They host political fund raisers and parties for both sides...........wife for the Dems.......He does for the GOP............Big time Real Estate guy and how he knows Trump.

He and his wife ditched Trump over issues of a friend.........then after Trump wins.........Sondman throws a MILLION dollars into the Inaugoration of Trump.........To make sure the wheels are greased up properly.......................after the MILLION...........Now an Ambassador.........Then runs to Ukraine for...................who da hell knows...............

Then gets caught up in this Impeachment...........Called in by the Dems.....Sondman appeases the Dems.....and his testimony shows he doesn't have Jack Squat.

My God this Establishment guy plays both sides ..........Flip Flop....Flip Flop
But Ukraine president said he didn't....You fucks just can't handle the truth!
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.
Yes Biden admitted it and on video tape!....Did you knoe... silly question as you know nothing...
Next to go?

Adam Schiff-Ukraine connection comes under scrutiny

Woody, are you really this fucking stupid?

Biden was a acting for our country.
Commie, are you that stupid, even DemonRATS WARNED BITEM about the problem, and now we know his son got over $3 million a year riding on his FATHERS NAME....Don't you commie bastards know I am going to slap your lying ass with facts....apparently I am 100% correct when I say our communist leftists in here have IQ's under 50!

Diplomat tells investigators he raised alarms in 2015 about Hunter Biden's Ukraine work but ...
Oct 18, 2019 · Hunter Biden on Oct. 15 discussed his business dealings in Ukraine and China in his first interview since House Democrats

And to back that up...
Ukraine is 'Auditing' Cases on Biden and Burisma Gas Company

Oct 4, 2019 · Ukrainian businessman and founder of the Burisma Holdings Ukrainian Mykola Zlochevsky, founder of Burisma Holdings Company
It has now come out that both Nunes & Jordan made trips to dig up dirt about Biden & the Ukraine.

So the two key Republicans were complicit in the effort to smear Biden.

Wow, the Republicans just get dirtier & dirtier as we go.
Or to gain favor by the vender who hired his nephew, uhhh ummmm ohhh wait one second here .. Can we say kick back in such situations maybe ? Conflict of interest maybe ???

If Biden's Son has done what you claim he has and Biden did what you claim he did, it was the job (and still is) of the Justice Department to investigate and bring charges to the both of them. It's not up to the President to try and blackmail another world leader to do his bidding for him. The problem here is, it WAS looked into by the Justice Department and no crime was found.

But if Barr will restart the investigation on the Bidens, he has my blessings. But, at the same time, he needs to to after the Rumpster Criminals that refuse the Congressional Subpoenas and have the US Marshals arrest and escort their sorry buts to the Congressional floor.
Sucks for the Dems that they cannot override the Executive Powers..............Equal Branches of the Gov't.............They DO NOT HAVE THAT AUTHORITY..............

If they say THEY DO...........then they must go to the Judicial Branch and Challenge it............You can cry .......scream...........and demand all you doesn't change a thing...........

In regards to election tampering and corruption in Ukraine.........Trump has every right to ask for cooperation with our DOJ for ongoing investigations.............It's NOT A CRIME to do so...............In regards to his's his JOB to defend Trump......and finding information to defend him from this Endless attack by the Dems is a part of that Job......

One huge problem. Barr blindly supports anything Rump does and says. Barr isn't representing the United States of America. He's Rumps personal lawyer. So with that in mind, exactly who in the Judicial Branch should Congress take their grievance to? The Top Cop is corrupt as hell. Rump has seized control over about 3/5ths of the government. It should be 1/3rd but he's bot a lock on more like 2/3rds with his criminal Moscow Mitch at his Back. This looks very similar to Italy in 1933 that propelled Mussolini into absolute power. Obviously, Rump read the playbook leading up to the power grab in Italy by 1933. If I thought you had the capability to actually read history I would suggest some good reading for you. But you only listen to Rush and Hannity and the Extreme Right wing part of Fox along with some conspiracy sites.

One huge problem, the DOJ did not have an open case looking into the Bidens. If they had, it would have been unwise but not illegal. And even Barr wouldn't touch that hot potato. But would it have been found to be illegal? Probably not. Just damaging but not any worse than Rump on any given Tuesday. But Rump doing it back channel trying to blackmail another head of state to announce they are starting an investigation into the Bidens when Biden was beating him in the polls by refusing funds that were already authorized to go to Ukraine and dangling a face to face meeting to help Ukraine with it's face problem with Russia is downright criminal. And don't give me that crap that he didn't do any of it. Everyone from the dog catcher to the lead Diplomat was aware of it after certain date. But even a Professional Diplomat can only take so much corruption before they say enough. And that is pretty well what has happened.
Long winded Lie bro.....

Biden didn't go to Ukraine to save it from Russia...........Apple Pie...........and the American way.........He did it to take advantage of the Chaos.......He takes his son on Air Force 2 to the Ukraine while thousands are dying from the Ruskies..........And a week later his son is WOW on the Board of the Largest Gas Producer in the Ukraine.............

If your concern is for the Ukraine with Russia on their door step back then.........Then Biden should have been there to meet with Ukraine military officials to discuss WHAT THEY NEED to PROTECT THEMSELVES...........

Like Lethal aid.............the ability to kill Russian armor.......aka tanks...........Did Joe and Obama do that........they gave a bunch of NON MILITARY AID.............but didn't give Ukraine weapons to stop the Russians on the battlefield...........

Biden CASHED in on his position during a time of Crisis and Chaos..............for his son.......Ray Charles can see that.

Trump on the other hand gave Ukraine Lethal weapons to help them KILL RUSSIANS if need be.........Why didn't that happen when Obama was in power..........hmmmm..........As thousands of Ukrainians were dying......

The DOJ has been looking at 2016 election meddling for years now, but have ignored the DNC's role in this and the courts of Ukraine in this.............Because it has been a Partisan Investigation that ignores the other sides dealings from the Deep State............who are attempting a COUP on Trump.

I'll use what the Dems have been using for years..............IF BIDEN is innocent...........then he should want this investigated to CLEAR HIS NAME.............If he did no crime .............Then he should WELCOME BEING INVESTIGATED.............

The Biden's will not be taken down..............Graham calling for an investigation will in the end do NOTHING.........It's a Show.............Biden and Graham are friends......and behind closed doors laugh about it and rehearse the next SHOW to cover their butts from all the corruption they have done as career politicains.

Career politicians from both parties...........keep the people at each other so they don't come after them for their corruption..............It's a designed strategy
Jesus fuck you people are dumnber than shit.

How often has Ivanka or Jared ride on AF1? When Trump was dealing with China, both Donnie & Ivanka were getting copyrights for their businesses.

That is corruption.

Joe Biden acted along with other countries to remove a prosecutor. (there was no active barisma investigation at that time)

Hunter Biden was never being investigated.

You God damn stupid fucks need to start caring more about Amerca than that Conman you elected President.
When I want your advice I'll ask for it.................Biden is dirty...........He was hooking up his son with his position while Ukrainians were dying in the field against Russia............

If he's so great, why wasn't he there arranging anti tank missiles to KILL RUSSIANS............You have for years said TRUMP RUSSIA..............yet your own side sent MRE's instead of weapons while people were dying........

Your party is a JOKE...........Biden is a Joke........and so is this investigation............
After reading more about Sondman............He's an Opportunist.............

His wife is a long time Democrat.......Sondman donates to the GOP.......people like Romney.

They host political fund raisers and parties for both sides...........wife for the Dems.......He does for the GOP............Big time Real Estate guy and how he knows Trump.

He and his wife ditched Trump over issues of a friend.........then after Trump wins.........Sondman throws a MILLION dollars into the Inaugoration of Trump.........To make sure the wheels are greased up properly.......................after the MILLION...........Now an Ambassador.........Then runs to Ukraine for...................who da hell knows...............

Then gets caught up in this Impeachment...........Called in by the Dems.....Sondman appeases the Dems.....and his testimony shows he doesn't have Jack Squat.

My God this Establishment guy plays both sides ..........Flip Flop....Flip Flop

So the guy donates this money to Trump. But since he opted to tell the truth, you argue that this somehow says he hated Trump?

You guys are getting dumber by the minute.
But Ukraine president said he didn't....You fucks just can't handle the truth!
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise⁹ for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.
Yes Biden admitted it and on video tape!....Did you knoe... silly question as you know nothing...
Next to go?

Adam Schiff-Ukraine connection comes under scrutiny
This Schiff-Ukaine connection gets a mostly false rating.

Since you're unable to defend Trump, you're so desparate you need to make stuff up?

AND THEY CALLED IT MOSTLY FALSE....NOT to have that wiggle room when guys like ma prove they are wrong....thanks for my morning laughs!!!
It has now come out that both Nunes & Jordan made trips to dig up dirt about Biden & the Ukraine.

So the two key Republicans were complicit in the effort to smear Biden.

Wow, the Republicans just get dirtier & dirtier as we go.

Correct. If we don't stop it now, the next thing you know, they will be laundering money through their lawyers to hire an agency to find dirt on Biden, even if they hire a foreign agent to obtain proof from the Russian government.

Then where will this country be?
It has now come out that both Nunes & Jordan made trips to dig up dirt about Biden & the Ukraine.

So the two key Republicans were complicit in the effort to smear Biden.

Wow, the Republicans just get dirtier & dirtier as we go.
They asked simple questions...................and smacked down your star witnesses......

Did anyone one on this Planet........tell you Investigation for Aid........

Nope............You have nothing...........and that testimony is beyond bizarre..........I love you.......I love you not.......I love you..........I love you not .........appointee who's own wife is a Dem who helps them as well.

What a lovely Script the establishment is playing out now...........

WE GOT YOU...........NO YOU DON'T..........LOL

Opening statement...........Trumps over............questioning..........NOTHING....

What a Joke.
But Ukraine president said he didn't....You fucks just can't handle the truth!
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.

Admitted by who?

The current Trump defense is that there was Quid Pro Quo but either Trump never directed it or he did and it is not an impeachable offense.

After all the testimony, anyone denying Quid pro quo is just a lying fuck more interested in saving Trump than our country..
Aw, but what about Jojo's EXTORTION for his ,$3 million dollar kid?....BTW, did the Surrender Monkey ever give Ukraine military aid when pleaded for during Russias invading Crimea?....The Surrender Monkey was a PUTIN ASSET WITHOLDING AID....CERTAINLY WORTH A DECENT INVESTIGATION!

After reading more about Sondman............He's an Opportunist.............

His wife is a long time Democrat.......Sondman donates to the GOP.......people like Romney.

They host political fund raisers and parties for both sides...........wife for the Dems.......He does for the GOP............Big time Real Estate guy and how he knows Trump.

He and his wife ditched Trump over issues of a friend.........then after Trump wins.........Sondman throws a MILLION dollars into the Inaugoration of Trump.........To make sure the wheels are greased up properly.......................after the MILLION...........Now an Ambassador.........Then runs to Ukraine for...................who da hell knows...............

Then gets caught up in this Impeachment...........Called in by the Dems.....Sondman appeases the Dems.....and his testimony shows he doesn't have Jack Squat.

My God this Establishment guy plays both sides ..........Flip Flop....Flip Flop

So the guy donates this money to Trump. But since he opted to tell the truth, you argue that this somehow says he hated Trump?

You guys are getting dumber by the minute.
He assumed..............Making an ass out of you and me...........

No first hand knowledge...........and a long winded script to appease the Dems.........then later his own testimony blown out of the water.........

Who wrote this script.........LOL
It has now come out that both Nunes & Jordan made trips to dig up dirt about Biden & the Ukraine.

So the two key Republicans were complicit in the effort to smear Biden.

Wow, the Republicans just get dirtier & dirtier as we go.
Dig up dirt or investigate the dirt already laying on the surface in which has to be dealt with if we are a country that truly believes in the constitution and the laws of our nation ??

It appears that certain politicians have learned over time, just like certain rich people have, that using off shore accounts to hide millions or to commit corrupt acts outside of our country has become a window of opportunity... It is a major problem as of late, for which they have been taking advantage of once finding the connections off shore to aid them in committing such acts or things.
Ok.............your the President.........or VP and you go to Ukraine.............You are THERE TO HELP.......

Ukraine people are DYING..........PLEASE HELP US.............

Then you give them MRE's......and no weapons............


I'd have handed them Tank killers and low grade weaponized drones to smoke the Russians...........Not a bunch of MRE's.........Were the MRE's going to Ukraine soldiers as last meals under Obama.......

What a Farse this country has become.
Talking about hypocrite.
You mentioned Hunter unqualified and highly paid. I gave you an exact example of the same situations. You are full of cow dung.

I deal with hundreds of suppliers and vendors. So when I ask one of them to hire one of my nephews. That is a favor. Is that bad?

Biden ask Burisma to hire his son. Where did Biden violate any rules?

We don't know because it''s never been investigated. That's why Trump asked Zelensky to "look into it" as a favor. And if there is something that shows corruption, then Trump could have the IG look at that.

No, it's not bad if you ask a vendor to hire your nephew. But then again, you have no power to return the favor.
Or to gain favor by the vender who hired his nephew, uhhh ummmm ohhh wait one second here .. Can we say kick back in such situations maybe ? Conflict of interest maybe ???

If Biden's Son has done what you claim he has and Biden did what you claim he did, it was the job (and still is) of the Justice Department to investigate and bring charges to the both of them. It's not up to the President to try and blackmail another world leader to do his bidding for him. The problem here is, it WAS looked into by the Justice Department and no crime was found.

But if Barr will restart the investigation on the Bidens, he has my blessings. But, at the same time, he needs to to after the Rumpster Criminals that refuse the Congressional Subpoenas and have the US Marshals arrest and escort their sorry buts to the Congressional floor.
Sucks for the Dems that they cannot override the Executive Powers..............Equal Branches of the Gov't.............They DO NOT HAVE THAT AUTHORITY..............

If they say THEY DO...........then they must go to the Judicial Branch and Challenge it............You can cry .......scream...........and demand all you doesn't change a thing...........

In regards to election tampering and corruption in Ukraine.........Trump has every right to ask for cooperation with our DOJ for ongoing investigations.............It's NOT A CRIME to do so...............In regards to his's his JOB to defend Trump......and finding information to defend him from this Endless attack by the Dems is a part of that Job......

One huge problem. Barr blindly supports anything Rump does and says. Barr isn't representing the United States of America. He's Rumps personal lawyer. So with that in mind, exactly who in the Judicial Branch should Congress take their grievance to? The Top Cop is corrupt as hell. Rump has seized control over about 3/5ths of the government. It should be 1/3rd but he's bot a lock on more like 2/3rds with his criminal Moscow Mitch at his Back. This looks very similar to Italy in 1933 that propelled Mussolini into absolute power. Obviously, Rump read the playbook leading up to the power grab in Italy by 1933. If I thought you had the capability to actually read history I would suggest some good reading for you. But you only listen to Rush and Hannity and the Extreme Right wing part of Fox along with some conspiracy sites.

One huge problem, the DOJ did not have an open case looking into the Bidens. If they had, it would have been unwise but not illegal. And even Barr wouldn't touch that hot potato. But would it have been found to be illegal? Probably not. Just damaging but not any worse than Rump on any given Tuesday. But Rump doing it back channel trying to blackmail another head of state to announce they are starting an investigation into the Bidens when Biden was beating him in the polls by refusing funds that were already authorized to go to Ukraine and dangling a face to face meeting to help Ukraine with it's face problem with Russia is downright criminal. And don't give me that crap that he didn't do any of it. Everyone from the dog catcher to the lead Diplomat was aware of it after certain date. But even a Professional Diplomat can only take so much corruption before they say enough. And that is pretty well what has happened.
But you were happy as could be with Obama's main henchman Eric Holder right? You remember him, the facilitator of the Ferguson Riots and the gun running operation to the Mexican Drug Cartel among other subversive activities?
Or to gain favor by the vender who hired his nephew, uhhh ummmm ohhh wait one second here .. Can we say kick back in such situations maybe ? Conflict of interest maybe ???

If Biden's Son has done what you claim he has and Biden did what you claim he did, it was the job (and still is) of the Justice Department to investigate and bring charges to the both of them. It's not up to the President to try and blackmail another world leader to do his bidding for him. The problem here is, it WAS looked into by the Justice Department and no crime was found.

But if Barr will restart the investigation on the Bidens, he has my blessings. But, at the same time, he needs to to after the Rumpster Criminals that refuse the Congressional Subpoenas and have the US Marshals arrest and escort their sorry buts to the Congressional floor.
Sucks for the Dems that they cannot override the Executive Powers..............Equal Branches of the Gov't.............They DO NOT HAVE THAT AUTHORITY..............

If they say THEY DO...........then they must go to the Judicial Branch and Challenge it............You can cry .......scream...........and demand all you doesn't change a thing...........

In regards to election tampering and corruption in Ukraine.........Trump has every right to ask for cooperation with our DOJ for ongoing investigations.............It's NOT A CRIME to do so...............In regards to his's his JOB to defend Trump......and finding information to defend him from this Endless attack by the Dems is a part of that Job......

One huge problem. Barr blindly supports anything Rump does and says. Barr isn't representing the United States of America. He's Rumps personal lawyer. So with that in mind, exactly who in the Judicial Branch should Congress take their grievance to? The Top Cop is corrupt as hell. Rump has seized control over about 3/5ths of the government. It should be 1/3rd but he's bot a lock on more like 2/3rds with his criminal Moscow Mitch at his Back. This looks very similar to Italy in 1933 that propelled Mussolini into absolute power. Obviously, Rump read the playbook leading up to the power grab in Italy by 1933. If I thought you had the capability to actually read history I would suggest some good reading for you. But you only listen to Rush and Hannity and the Extreme Right wing part of Fox along with some conspiracy sites.

One huge problem, the DOJ did not have an open case looking into the Bidens. If they had, it would have been unwise but not illegal. And even Barr wouldn't touch that hot potato. But would it have been found to be illegal? Probably not. Just damaging but not any worse than Rump on any given Tuesday. But Rump doing it back channel trying to blackmail another head of state to announce they are starting an investigation into the Bidens when Biden was beating him in the polls by refusing funds that were already authorized to go to Ukraine and dangling a face to face meeting to help Ukraine with it's face problem with Russia is downright criminal. And don't give me that crap that he didn't do any of it. Everyone from the dog catcher to the lead Diplomat was aware of it after certain date. But even a Professional Diplomat can only take so much corruption before they say enough. And that is pretty well what has happened.
Long winded Lie bro.....

Biden didn't go to Ukraine to save it from Russia...........Apple Pie...........and the American way.........He did it to take advantage of the Chaos.......He takes his son on Air Force 2 to the Ukraine while thousands are dying from the Ruskies..........And a week later his son is WOW on the Board of the Largest Gas Producer in the Ukraine.............

If your concern is for the Ukraine with Russia on their door step back then.........Then Biden should have been there to meet with Ukraine military officials to discuss WHAT THEY NEED to PROTECT THEMSELVES...........

Like Lethal aid.............the ability to kill Russian armor.......aka tanks...........Did Joe and Obama do that........they gave a bunch of NON MILITARY AID.............but didn't give Ukraine weapons to stop the Russians on the battlefield...........

Biden CASHED in on his position during a time of Crisis and Chaos..............for his son.......Ray Charles can see that.

Trump on the other hand gave Ukraine Lethal weapons to help them KILL RUSSIANS if need be.........Why didn't that happen when Obama was in power..........hmmmm..........As thousands of Ukrainians were dying......

The DOJ has been looking at 2016 election meddling for years now, but have ignored the DNC's role in this and the courts of Ukraine in this.............Because it has been a Partisan Investigation that ignores the other sides dealings from the Deep State............who are attempting a COUP on Trump.

I'll use what the Dems have been using for years..............IF BIDEN is innocent...........then he should want this investigated to CLEAR HIS NAME.............If he did no crime .............Then he should WELCOME BEING INVESTIGATED.............

The Biden's will not be taken down..............Graham calling for an investigation will in the end do NOTHING.........It's a Show.............Biden and Graham are friends......and behind closed doors laugh about it and rehearse the next SHOW to cover their butts from all the corruption they have done as career politicains.

Career politicians from both parties...........keep the people at each other so they don't come after them for their corruption..............It's a designed strategy
Jesus fuck you people are dumnber than shit.

How often has Ivanka or Jared ride on AF1? When Trump was dealing with China, both Donnie & Ivanka were getting copyrights for their businesses.

That is corruption.

Joe Biden acted along with other countries to remove a prosecutor. (there was no active barisma investigation at that time)

Hunter Biden was never being investigated.

You God damn stupid fucks need to start caring more about Amerca than that Conman you elected President.

You guys have to remember. RealDave is a Trumpster who is trolling us by acting like a HIllary asslicker. Don’t get too riled up. It’s a parody. This person doesn’t exist in REAL life.
I will ask again..............Why didn't Obama and Biden give weapons to Ukraine when their people were dying.............

And again............I've that had been me they would have gotten the weapons and told good hunting.........

And 3 years of Russian BS from the left..............No wonder the world laughs at us.
It has now come out that both Nunes & Jordan made trips to dig up dirt about Biden & the Ukraine.

So the two key Republicans were complicit in the effort to smear Biden.

Wow, the Republicans just get dirtier & dirtier as we go.
So did Mueller to over 13 countries costing tax payers overv$30 million dollars took over 2vyears and came up with....well a few PROCESS CRIMES on third tier player but absolutely nothing on Trump...and we see even an EX MUELLER LAWYER ....
daily caller ^

The former FBI lawyer who is reportedly under investigation for altering documents in the Russia probe took part in a 2017 interview with Trump adviser George Papadopoulos, and also wrote anti-Trump text messages that were revealed in a Justice Department report released last year
Will Bolton testify? Finally back on social media after being blocked for 2 weeks. WH press secretary Grisham "Bolton never blocked, is aging, he must have forgot his password" LOL Head of NSA can't access his account because he forgot his PW?:11:
Trump openly admitted to doing precisely that.
Multiple witnesses said he did precisely that, as well.
But Ukraine president said he didn't....You fucks just can't handle the truth!
it means nothing that Zelenskyy claimed publicly that there was no quid pro quo on the part of Trump. It only means that it would be unwise for the Ukrainian president to criticize the U.S. president.
There was no quid pro quo. Your hatred for the President is noted.
Quid Pro Quo has been admitted . Your hatred for our Constitution is noted.

Admitted by who?
In a Friday interview on "Fox & Friends," President Donald Trump admitted to holding up military aid to pressure Ukraine's government to investigate a baseless conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 US election.

In other words, he acknowledged doing the very thing he could be impeached for and has repeatedly denied.

Here's the interview. Portions relevant to this article start around the 5:50 mark.

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