Except, trump broke no laws. No, the russian collusion hindenburg went down in a fiery blow. Have no fear though the american hating libs will be gassing up a third hindenburg when this one goes down.
Taylor just sunk Trump's ship.

No he didn't because he broke no laws.
Well, after hearing his testimony, I have no question any longer what Trump was up to. He was more interested in getting Zelensky to publicly announce an investigation into Burisma and interference in the 2016 election (by Democrats, naturally) than in Ukrainian security. Sondland said so. Twice. Clearly. No innuendo.

Handpicked by dems who looked the other way when Biden did it. So.....possible but still broke no laws.
Don’t forget this is their fantasy scenario they are trying to sell here. Nothing else.
What is "fantasy" about Ambassador Taylor's testimony?
What a fucking joke...I'm going to go and hit some balls...this is a waste of my time....
Well, for what it's worth, thanks for sharing. I am really not understanding why the Democrats are trying to use an impeachment hearing to gain more power, because I thought impeachments were for serious crimes. There are no crimes here.

I'm just not understanding why they're damaging the existing institution of governmental activities with lies drummed up from spin committees.
You make the mistake of assuming they care. All they care about is gaining power.
They seem to be backed by an army of people calling themselves "Antifa." And every time I hear about Antifa activities it goes over the line of mischief and into the paramilitary or even military category, and that worries me, because I know military stuff is the absolute domain of the executive branch.

I'm really worried about Antifa becoming an anti-American force because of their recent forceful and minor weapon-bearing punitive measures against political opponents. I'm worried that this could become a firing on Fort Sumpter kind of thing if it gets any worse.

So the good people kill them all.
What else do you fear?
Has everyone noticed how pitiful the right's comments are here , they couldn't be anymore desperate. There is one thing that they are missing. We already know that the senate will throw out the impeachment ,even if he was found guilty of raping 13 year olds and killing a hundred baby's . This is your court, the court of public opinion, You are losing . You do realize that the witnesses are right wingers don't you and you have to argue that they are liars to stop the impeachment in the house. How are you going to do that , some are hand picked people from scum bags administration and Military hero's

One thing about you TDS fools is that you're so easy to spot what with all that drool flying about and such.
Taylor just sunk Trump's ship.

No he didn't because he broke no laws.
Well, after hearing his testimony, I have no question any longer what Trump was up to. He was more interested in getting Zelensky to publicly announce an investigation into Burisma and interference in the 2016 election (by Democrats, naturally) than in Ukrainian security. Sondland said so. Twice. Clearly. No innuendo.
So much for wanting to hear testimony from everyones perspective of what they interpreted he was saying, right? Mob rule.
Interpreted? There's no wiggle room in Taylor's testimony. At all.
You can’t be serious. Then again...
Answer my question then. Never mind. I'm sure you didn't listen to it, so it's a waste of time trying to discuss it with you.

It doesn't matter what Biden did or didn't do. What matters in the impeachment hearings is what Trump DID.
BTW, you barking moonbats are STILL 0-fer after three years.


It doesn't matter what Biden did or didn't do. What matters in the impeachment hearings is what Trump DID.

didnt you mean to say that what biden did doesnt mean anything to democrats because it will show their corruption,,,

thats OK we know what you meant,,,
Every question includes "What did you understand that to mean".

This clown has nothing but his opinion. No facts. Nothing.

What a debacle.:dance:
how do you think the ukraine's felt?

I can't tell you what they feel,

but tell us anyway. too fking funny. folks can't make it up.
Mueller listed 10 items that...

Provide the link to just 1 (ONE) place where it proves Mueller legitimately stated President Trump was illegally colluding with Russians.

Provide the link to just 1 (ONE) place where it proves Mueller legitimately stated President Trump is 'GUILTY of OBSTRUCTION'.

The FACT is the 'Obstruction' case against the President for 'Obstructing' a bogus / BS coup-attempted investigation of a NON-crime in which there was never any evidence of a crime being committed in the 1st place was extremely subjective and built solely on hate-driven partisanship.....much like the sham / 'parody 2.0' Schiff is putting on today.

Mueller's statement was not even written by Mueller - it was written by Weismann!

Under oath testifying before Congress, Mueller made it perfectly clear he was part of the Obama/Hillary coup attempt to lend it his name for credibility, that his only 'role' in it was sitting at a big desk looking out of a skyscraper window, looking out over the city view while coloring in his coloring book and drinking juice boxes.
The natives are getting restless as their fat sass orange leader is exposed as the crook he has always been.
Can you spot any evidence of corruption in Trump's past?

"Federal, state and congressional authorities are scrutinizing many aspects of Donald J. Trump’s life through investigations related to his businesses, campaign, inauguration and presidency. We’ll be tracking them here. According to reporting by The New York Times, there are currently at least:


Tracking 30 Investigations Related to Trump
View attachment 289630

Too much MAGA?
Need reminding that you barking moonbats are still batting 0-fer after three years?


View attachment 289631
Mueller listed 10 items that if the Great Douche was not in the office. He would have charged IT.
Keep Deflecting.
Then why isn't this phony inquisition bringing those up, Gomer?
Taylor just sunk Trump's ship.

No he didn't because he broke no laws.
Well, after hearing his testimony, I have no question any longer what Trump was up to. He was more interested in getting Zelensky to publicly announce an investigation into Burisma and interference in the 2016 election (by Democrats, naturally) than in Ukrainian security. Sondland said so. Twice. Clearly. No innuendo.

Handpicked by dems who looked the other way when Biden did it. So.....possible but still broke no laws.
Don’t forget this is their fantasy scenario they are trying to sell here. Nothing else.
What is "fantasy" about Ambassador Taylor's testimony?
It is his interpretation with a bias, nothing more. He is stating it was more than the words actually spoken. That would be like me saying the sky is blue, but someone else stating what I really meant is the sky is gray. No, I meant what I said. Not their interpretation.

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