I wonder if these stupid Moon Bats realize that the only witnesses that are allowed to appear are the one that Shiffty and the Democrat butt pirates will allow to appear.

Sham hearing.

The more I see how pathetic these Moon Bats look with this sham investigation the more convinced I am that Trump will win by a landslide.

The Democrats can't win with their commie issues so this is what they have resorted to and that will come back and bite them in the ass.
Maybe you're not getting the opposing testimony, but you aren't even listening to the testimony that is being presented. You know the other side. Maybe you should listen to the ambassador and find out what Trump & Co were up to. If you think it was okay, so be it. But you need to listen to what else happened.

There is no other side. It is just Democrat dirty tricks to try to gain through this sham procedure to get what they were unable to earn at the ballot box.

We all saw the transcripts of the telephone conversation. Trump didn't do anything

The shitheads that did something were the Obama administration and that Joe Biden asshole that put pressure on the Ukrainians to layoff investigating the VP's crackhead son.
House Republicans Issued More Than 70 Subpoenas and Letters Investigating Hillary Clinton. Over the many investigations of Benghazi.

btw: HRC showed up on her Subpoenas when in came in the end and made the DOPers look like morons. And after some 10 Investigations.
It all ended in a ZERO!

As for MAGA Missles-For-Dirt-Gate. An impeachment of the Great Douche will be done.
On to the Senate.
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We have him now thread 100,000,000,000,000.000.000,000,000.000.000,000,000,000,001.
View attachment 289598
Can you spot any evidence of corruption in Trump's past?

"Federal, state and congressional authorities are scrutinizing many aspects of Donald J. Trump’s life through investigations related to his businesses, campaign, inauguration and presidency. We’ll be tracking them here. According to reporting by The New York Times, there are currently at least:


Tracking 30 Investigations Related to Trump
View attachment 289630

Too much MAGA?
Need reminding that you barking moonbats are still batting 0-fer after three years?


"What I can do for you today is tell you what I heard from other people"-Schifferbrain's STAR WITNESS.

Dirty tricks by Schiff exposed...

Now he's droning on about the policy debate over Ukraine:


I thought foreign policy was determined by the executive branch.

See that's the illusion.
The state dept has pretty much ran a shadow govt. For who knows how long.

That has been going on for decades now, just gotten exposed recently for what they are.
Given that the whistlelblower's testimony has been confirmed multiple times by others...

What 'testimony'? That they were not part of the phone call, that they were not there for the phone call, that they did not hear or see anything, that they were TOLD by someone (not identified so could possibly not exist) else what happened, and filed a non-whistleblower complaint about something that may or may not have happened based on zero 1st-hand knowledge, only on gossip / hearsay?!

Yes, that much has been verified by every other one of Schiff's 'witnesses' who also said the same thing: 'We don't know schiff - we heard gossip, hearsay, and rumors and formed our opinions based on that.'

Brilliant. Thanks for that insight.
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Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Except, trump broke no laws. No, the russian collusion hindenburg went down in a fiery blow. Have no fear though the american hating libs will be gassing up a third hindenburg when this one goes down.
Taylor just sunk Trump's ship.

No he didn't because he broke no laws.
Well, after hearing his testimony, I have no question any longer what Trump was up to. He was more interested in getting Zelensky to publicly announce an investigation into Burisma and interference in the 2016 election (by Democrats, naturally) than in Ukrainian security. Sondland said so. Twice. Clearly. No innuendo.

Zelensky said otherwise, was President Zelensky lying? Zelensky said there was no pressure at all.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Except, trump broke no laws. No, the russian collusion hindenburg went down in a fiery blow. Have no fear though the american hating libs will be gassing up a third hindenburg when this one goes down.
Taylor just sunk Trump's ship.

No he didn't because he broke no laws.
Well, after hearing his testimony, I have no question any longer what Trump was up to. He was more interested in getting Zelensky to publicly announce an investigation into Burisma and interference in the 2016 election (by Democrats, naturally) than in Ukrainian security. Sondland said so. Twice. Clearly. No innuendo.
So much for wanting to hear testimony from everyones perspective of what they interpreted he was saying, right? Mob rule.
Interpreted? There's no wiggle room in Taylor's testimony. At all.
What a fucking joke...I'm going to go and hit some balls...this is a waste of my time....
Well, for what it's worth, thanks for sharing. I am really not understanding why the Democrats are trying to use an impeachment hearing to gain more power, because I thought impeachments were for serious crimes. There are no crimes here.

I'm just not understanding why they're damaging the existing institution of governmental activities with lies drummed up from spin committees.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Except, trump broke no laws. No, the russian collusion hindenburg went down in a fiery blow. Have no fear though the american hating libs will be gassing up a third hindenburg when this one goes down.
Taylor just sunk Trump's ship.

No he didn't because he broke no laws.
Well, after hearing his testimony, I have no question any longer what Trump was up to. He was more interested in getting Zelensky to publicly announce an investigation into Burisma and interference in the 2016 election (by Democrats, naturally) than in Ukrainian security. Sondland said so. Twice. Clearly. No innuendo.

Handpicked by dems who looked the other way when Biden did it. So.....possible but still broke no laws.
Don’t forget this is their fantasy scenario they are trying to sell here. Nothing else.
What a fucking joke...I'm going to go and hit some balls...this is a waste of my time....
Well, for what it's worth, thanks for sharing. I am really not understanding why the Democrats are trying to use an impeachment hearing to gain more power, because I thought impeachments were for serious crimes. There are no crimes here.

I'm just not understanding why they're damaging the existing institution of governmental activities with lies drummed up from spin committees.

Because they are entirely about power.
Except, trump broke no laws. No, the russian collusion hindenburg went down in a fiery blow. Have no fear though the american hating libs will be gassing up a third hindenburg when this one goes down.
Taylor just sunk Trump's ship.

No he didn't because he broke no laws.
Well, after hearing his testimony, I have no question any longer what Trump was up to. He was more interested in getting Zelensky to publicly announce an investigation into Burisma and interference in the 2016 election (by Democrats, naturally) than in Ukrainian security. Sondland said so. Twice. Clearly. No innuendo.
So much for wanting to hear testimony from everyones perspective of what they interpreted he was saying, right? Mob rule.
Interpreted? There's no wiggle room in Taylor's testimony. At all.
You can’t be serious. Then again...
What a fucking joke...I'm going to go and hit some balls...this is a waste of my time....
Well, for what it's worth, thanks for sharing. I am really not understanding why the Democrats are trying to use an impeachment hearing to gain more power, because I thought impeachments were for serious crimes. There are no crimes here.

I'm just not understanding why they're damaging the existing institution of governmental activities with lies drummed up from spin committees.
You make the mistake of assuming they care. All they care about is gaining power.
Dirty tricks by Schiff exposed...

Now he's droning on about the policy debate over Ukraine:


I thought foreign policy was determined by the executive branch.

See that's the illusion.
The state dept has pretty much ran a shadow govt. For who knows how long.

That has been going on for decades now, just gotten exposed recently for what they are.

Are you saying the State Department should not be in the Executive Branch?

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