Given that the whistlelblower's testimony has been confirmed multiple times by others, it makes zero sense to demand he testify.

That is, unless the entire point is to identify him so he can be killed.

Yep, that is the entire point. Conservatives want him dead or forced into hiding for being a patriot. The Trump cult wants to make a very public example of what happens to anyone who reports on the crimes of DearLeader and TheParty. Like the proud Stalinists they all are, they intend to terrify all opponents in to submission.

The funny thing? They think it's not obvious.

You are confused. There is no whistle blower. Just a Democrat Dirty tricks operative that hasn't been confirmed by jackshit.

BREAKING: Bill Taylor just admitted that he encouraged Ambassador Sondland to "Push Back" on President Trump's foreign policy position on Ukraine—all based on hearsay! The president has sole discretion over US foreign policy. These "witnesses" are deep state actors Shameful!
We have him now thread 100,000,000,000,000.000.000,000,000.000.000,000,000,000,001.
View attachment 289598
Can you spot any evidence of corruption in Trump's past?

"Federal, state and congressional authorities are scrutinizing many aspects of Donald J. Trump’s life through investigations related to his businesses, campaign, inauguration and presidency. We’ll be tracking them here. According to reporting by The New York Times, there are currently at least:


Tracking 30 Investigations Related to Trump
View attachment 289630

Too much MAGA?
Need reminding that you barking moonbats are still batting 0-fer after three years?


View attachment 289631
Mueller listed 10 items that if the Great Douche was not in the office. He would have charged IT.
Keep Deflecting.
Is Schifferbrains entire case going to be throwing up a pic of a text and asking this clown what he understands that text to mean?

This is worse for the Dimwingers than I ever expected.:21::21::21:
Yep, that is the entire point. Conservatives want him dead or forced into hiding for being a patriot.
When you have to LIE to try to make a point, the point you are trying to make is a LIE!

The HEARSAY-SPREADER is the individual who filed the 'whistleblower complaint' but is neither a 'whistleblower', as they do not meet the legal qualification as defined in the Whistleblower Law, or a 'witness', since they did not 'witness' anything.

Even if this individual did qualify as a 'whistleblower', which they do NOT, the only protection they are afforded under the law is the protection from being FIRED IN THEIR PLACE OF WORK.

The law does NOT give grant them status anonymity, because the US Constitution gives every citizen the right to face their accuser, one of several Rights the Democrats have continued to manage to deny the accused so far while giving bogus / BS justification for doing you just tried to do.
Can you spot any evidence of corruption in Trump's past?

"Federal, state and congressional authorities are scrutinizing many aspects of Donald J. Trump’s life through investigations related to his businesses, campaign, inauguration and presidency. We’ll be tracking them here. According to reporting by The New York Times, there are currently at least:


Tracking 30 Investigations Related to Trump
View attachment 289630

Too much MAGA?
Need reminding that you barking moonbats are still batting 0-fer after three years?


View attachment 289631
Mueller listed 10 items that if the Great Douche was not in the office. He would have charged IT.
Keep Deflecting.

Dirty tricks by Schiff exposed...

Now he's droning on about the policy debate over Ukraine:


I thought foreign policy was determined by the executive branch.

See that's the illusion.
The state dept has pretty much ran a shadow govt. For who knows how long.

That has been going on for decades now, just gotten exposed recently for what they are.

Are you saying the State Department should not be in the Executive Branch?

No. They should be following policy set by the Chief executive. Not their own desires. They have been operating outside the executive branch. If the executive branch differs from their own wants, they buck it every chance they get.
this piece of crap is so corrupt that it is impossible to believe anything coming out of his lying leftist mouth !! Shit claimed he doesnt know who the whistle blower is !!! what ??? are you kidding ?? we all know who the whistle blower is !!! its all over the internet !!! but the head of the dems investigation into a quid pro quo complaint does not know !!!! that should have been the end of todays hearings after that dishonest load of bullshit !! but hey lets face it folks hes not trying to convince conservatives nope hes trying to convince his idiotic voter base ...
Can you spot any evidence of corruption in Trump's past?

"Federal, state and congressional authorities are scrutinizing many aspects of Donald J. Trump’s life through investigations related to his businesses, campaign, inauguration and presidency. We’ll be tracking them here. According to reporting by The New York Times, there are currently at least:


Tracking 30 Investigations Related to Trump
View attachment 289630

Too much MAGA?
Need reminding that you barking moonbats are still batting 0-fer after three years?


View attachment 289631
Mueller listed 10 items that if the Great Douche was not in the office. He would have charged IT.
Keep Deflecting.
Swing and a miss, Mueller could say anything, but it was obvious he didn't
even know what was in his own report.
Dirty tricks by Schiff exposed...

Now he's droning on about the policy debate over Ukraine:


I thought foreign policy was determined by the executive branch.

See that's the illusion.
The state dept has pretty much ran a shadow govt. For who knows how long.

That has been going on for decades now, just gotten exposed recently for what they are.

The abuse committed by the last admin is mind blowing though.
Has everyone noticed how pitiful the right's comments are here , they couldn't be anymore desperate. There is one thing that they are missing. We already know that the senate will throw out the impeachment ,even if he was found guilty of raping 13 year olds and killing a hundred baby's . This is your court, the court of public opinion, You are losing . You do realize that the witnesses are right wingers don't you and you have to argue that they are liars to stop the impeachment in the house. How are you going to do that , some are hand picked people from scum bags administration and Military hero's
What a fucking joke...I'm going to go and hit some balls...this is a waste of my time....
Well, for what it's worth, thanks for sharing. I am really not understanding why the Democrats are trying to use an impeachment hearing to gain more power, because I thought impeachments were for serious crimes. There are no crimes here.

I'm just not understanding why they're damaging the existing institution of governmental activities with lies drummed up from spin committees.
You make the mistake of assuming they care. All they care about is gaining power.
They seem to be backed by an army of people calling themselves "Antifa." And every time I hear about Antifa activities it goes over the line of mischief and into the paramilitary or even military category, and that worries me, because I know military stuff is the absolute domain of the executive branch.

I'm really worried about Antifa becoming an anti-American force because of their recent forceful and minor weapon-bearing punitive measures against political opponents. I'm worried that this could become a firing on Fort Sumpter kind of thing if it gets any worse.
Dirty tricks by Schiff exposed...

Now he's droning on about the policy debate over Ukraine:


I thought foreign policy was determined by the executive branch.

See that's the illusion.
The state dept has pretty much ran a shadow govt. For who knows how long.

That has been going on for decades now, just gotten exposed recently for what they are.

The abuse in committed bythe last admin is mind blowing though.

What people don’t seem to understand is the state dept has been operating under the arm of the UN rather than under the US flag for quite some time.
We'll find out the real reason for this circus when AG Barr starts handing out indictments. Ukraine is in the middle of the the whole coup thing. Schiff-for-Brains knows it. He may be indicted for obstruction.
So far all that's been introduced is hearsay and opinion.

Schiff is trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat and is failing miserably

It doesn't matter what Biden did or didn't do. What matters in the impeachment hearings is what Trump DID.

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