Now he's droning on about the policy debate over Ukraine:

I thought foreign policy was determined by the executive branch.

See that's the illusion.
The state dept has pretty much ran a shadow govt. For who knows how long.
That has been going on for decades now, just gotten exposed recently for what they are.

The abuse in committed bythe last admin is mind blowing though.
What people don’t seem to understand is the state dept has been operating under the arm of the UN rather than under the US flag for quite some time.
I was hoping that ended when Obama cleared out. I need a nap. I can't stop the tears right now.
No he didn't because he broke no laws.
Well, after hearing his testimony, I have no question any longer what Trump was up to. He was more interested in getting Zelensky to publicly announce an investigation into Burisma and interference in the 2016 election (by Democrats, naturally) than in Ukrainian security. Sondland said so. Twice. Clearly. No innuendo.

Handpicked by dems who looked the other way when Biden did it. So.....possible but still broke no laws.
Don’t forget this is their fantasy scenario they are trying to sell here. Nothing else.
What is "fantasy" about Ambassador Taylor's testimony?
It is his interpretation with a bias, nothing more. He is stating it was more than the words actually spoken. That would be like me saying the sky is blue, but someone else stating what I really meant is the sky is gray. No, I meant what I said. Not their interpretation.
didn't the PM say he didn't know aide money was held?

Didn't trump release the aide? nothing investigated. nothing in return. Nothing.
The law does NOT give grant them status anonymity, because the US Constitution gives every citizen the right to face their accuser,

In a trial, dumbass.

Impeachment is not a trial.

You're just making this stupid shit up as an excuse to expose and kill the whistleblower.
this isn't an impeachment. you got wrong hairball. what's the article of impeachment that trump is charged with?
I thought foreign policy was determined by the executive branch.

See that's the illusion.
The state dept has pretty much ran a shadow govt. For who knows how long.
That has been going on for decades now, just gotten exposed recently for what they are.

The abuse in committed bythe last admin is mind blowing though.
What people don’t seem to understand is the state dept has been operating under the arm of the UN rather than under the US flag for quite some time.
I was hoping that ended when Obama cleared out. I need a nap. I can't stop the tears right now.

President Trump can only replace so many people and so many policies.
It's designed that way

It doesn't matter what Biden did or didn't do. What matters in the impeachment hearings is what Trump DID.

didnt you mean to say that what biden did doesnt mean anything to democrats because it will show their corruption,,,

thats OK we know what you meant,,,

You just keep getting stupider and stupider don't you?

Even if Biden was guilty of something it would NOT justify Trump's attempt at blackmailing Ukraine for his own political gain.

But, since there is no evidence that Biden did anything wrong, this is all academic.

Oh, I forgot - you RWNJs are DESPERATE, so keep trying - maybe you can fool yourselves into believing that a case against Biden will absolve Trump.

Guess again!
I thought foreign policy was determined by the executive branch.

See that's the illusion.
The state dept has pretty much ran a shadow govt. For who knows how long.
That has been going on for decades now, just gotten exposed recently for what they are.

The abuse in committed bythe last admin is mind blowing though.
What people don’t seem to understand is the state dept has been operating under the arm of the UN rather than under the US flag for quite some time.
I was hoping that ended when Obama cleared out. I need a nap. I can't stop the tears right now.
They have been deeply embedded since they are ‘career’.
Interpreted? There's no wiggle room in Taylor's testimony. At all.
You're absolutely right. According to the actual transcript of Taylor's testimony - not from the SUMMARY Schiff and his committee put out for the MSM to broadcast, which they did - Taylor said what he testified to was his own formulated opinions / perceptions that were based off of WHAT HE WAS TOLD / WHAT HE HEARD, NOT BY ANY EVIDENCE OR ANYTHING HE PERSONALLY KNEW (MORE 2ND-HAND ACCOUNT HEARSAY)!

Finally...great point, OL!
Has everyone noticed how pitiful the right's comments are here , they couldn't be anymore desperate. There is one thing that they are missing. We already know that the senate will throw out the impeachment ,even if he was found guilty of raping 13 year olds and killing a hundred baby's . This is your court, the court of public opinion, You are losing . You do realize that the witnesses are right wingers don't you and you have to argue that they are liars to stop the impeachment in the house. How are you going to do that , some are hand picked people from scum bags administration and Military hero's

“We got him right where we want him this time.”
“Mueller is closing in on him.”
“Kavanaugh is guilty.”
“I believe survivors.”
“He’s definitely guilty of Russian collusion.”
“Oh wait, I meant obstruction of justice.”
“Oh wait, something about Ukraine.”
“Oh wait, all I know is he’s guilty of something...I know this because another disgusting LefTard said he is and because I really, really, really want him to be.”
We have him now thread 100,000,000,000,000.000.000,000,000.000.000,000,000,000,001.
View attachment 289598
Can you spot any evidence of corruption in Trump's past?

"Federal, state and congressional authorities are scrutinizing many aspects of Donald J. Trump’s life through investigations related to his businesses, campaign, inauguration and presidency. We’ll be tracking them here. According to reporting by The New York Times, there are currently at least:


Tracking 30 Investigations Related to Trump
View attachment 289630

Too much MAGA?
Need reminding that you barking moonbats are still batting 0-fer after three years?


View attachment 289631
Need reminding that you barking moonbats are still batting 0-fer after three years?
Did you forget how Republicans controlled congress for the first two of those three years, Rube?
Trail of Tears genocide, Civil War - 600,000 dead, Jim Crow laws, abortion, now Trump impeachment.

The list of Democratic accomplishments go on and on.

Viet Nam war as well
Eisenhower sent aid and advisors . So who's war is it then. Your scum ball leader is going down and his followers are going back under the rocks they came from. You won't be able to turn this country into a dictatorship as you want and we won't let you piss on our flag and constitution. We have the military and the majority so your threats with all you guns is comical . We will have you run over with your 32 guns on your back with a tank. You can't have my country. God Bless America

It ain't your country you fucking POS.
The law does NOT give grant them status anonymity, because the US Constitution gives every citizen the right to face their accuser,

In a trial, dumbass.

Impeachment is not a trial.

You're just making this stupid shit up as an excuse to expose and kill the whistleblower.
this isn't an impeachment. you got wrong hairball. what's the article of impeachment that trump is charged with?

This is an impeachment inquiry, not an impeachment. So far Trump has not been accused officially - so there is no accuser to face.

When Articles of impeachment are passed by the house, witnesses will be cross examined by the representatives of the President during the Senate trial.

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