this piece of crap is so corrupt that it is impossible to believe anything coming out of his lying leftist mouth !! Shit claimed he doesnt know who the whistle blower is !!! what ??? are you kidding ?? we all know who the whistle blower is !!! its all over the internet !!! but the head of the dems investigation into a quid pro quo complaint does not know !!!! that should have been the end of todays hearings after that dishonest load of bullshit !! but hey lets face it folks hes not trying to convince conservatives nope hes trying to convince his idiotic voter base ...
What makes you think he knows who it is?

Is it because he met with him?
Yeah that's it.
No he didn't because he broke no laws.
Well, after hearing his testimony, I have no question any longer what Trump was up to. He was more interested in getting Zelensky to publicly announce an investigation into Burisma and interference in the 2016 election (by Democrats, naturally) than in Ukrainian security. Sondland said so. Twice. Clearly. No innuendo.

Handpicked by dems who looked the other way when Biden did it. So.....possible but still broke no laws.
Don’t forget this is their fantasy scenario they are trying to sell here. Nothing else.
What is "fantasy" about Ambassador Taylor's testimony?
It is his interpretation with a bias, nothing more. He is stating it was more than the words actually spoken. That would be like me saying the sky is blue, but someone else stating what I really meant is the sky is gray. No, I meant what I said. Not their interpretation.
He pretty carefully set forth his day to day observations and discussions that led him to his "interpretation" that there was a group of people outside official diplomatic channels pushing a personal agenda for the President, who wanted an investigation of Burisma and election interference 2016. He SAID everything was contingent on Zelensky making a public statement of this investigation. What on earth is unclear or open to interpretation about that?
Hear that sound.....that big "Dud." That is the sound of this fake impeachment falling apart as the democrats desperately try to make these guys seem like they know something.....and they can't....they weren't on the call, Trump gave Ukraine actual weapons while obama gave them MREs and blankets....

this piece of crap is so corrupt that it is impossible to believe anything coming out of his lying leftist mouth !! Shit claimed he doesnt know who the whistle blower is !!! what ??? are you kidding ?? we all know who the whistle blower is !!! its all over the internet !!! but the head of the dems investigation into a quid pro quo complaint does not know !!!! that should have been the end of todays hearings after that dishonest load of bullshit !! but hey lets face it folks hes not trying to convince conservatives nope hes trying to convince his idiotic voter base ...
What makes you think he knows who it is?

Is it because he met with him?
Yeah that's it.
Link? What I heard was that the whistleblower talked to staff.
So that is going off the 'deep end'? When Trump repeatedly claims that Joe Biden is guilty of corruption?

Biden gave a videotaped confession during which he BRAGGED about extorting the Ukraine PM.

You are yet another example of why Americans should be required to have their IQ checked before they get to vote.....
The law does NOT give grant them status anonymity, because the US Constitution gives every citizen the right to face their accuser,

In a trial, dumbass.

Impeachment is not a trial.

You're just making this stupid shit up as an excuse to expose and kill the whistleblower.

According to Democrats and snowflakes:

Information overheard or told 2nd-hand is 'evidence'.

Someone who did not actually see, hear, or experience what happened themselves is a 'witness'.

And holding a committee hearing on Impeachment during which a President is accused of 'High CRIMES and MISDEMEANORS' witnesses are called, testimony is given, (NO) evidence is presented, and the 'court' makes a decision and hands down a 'verdict' through an Impeachment vote - 'guilty' being Impeachment.....and dumbass snowflakes like you parrot the dumb-as-hell talking point that this is NOT a 'trial'.

They are putting the President on TRIAL before the nation, snowflake, and have appointed themselves as Judge and Jury to decide his fate as President.

You are a shining example of why Americans should have their IQs checked before being allowed to vote.

In reality, though, Democrats are putting every American citizen who voted for President Trump on trial today, NOT President Trump. The Democrats have already decided that everyone who voted for President Trump are ignorant,, despicable, gun-toting, God-luvin', smelly Conservatives who proved in 2016 they could not be entrusted with the Right to Vote...so they are just going to correct that mistake and make sure you can't do it again in 2020.


It's like they dont know that they have to get people that they are trying to disenfranchise their 2016 vote to vote for them in 2020.
Not a winning strategy, in any world.
this piece of crap is so corrupt that it is impossible to believe anything coming out of his lying leftist mouth !! Shit claimed he doesnt know who the whistle blower is !!! what ??? are you kidding ?? we all know who the whistle blower is !!! its all over the internet !!! but the head of the dems investigation into a quid pro quo complaint does not know !!!! that should have been the end of todays hearings after that dishonest load of bullshit !! but hey lets face it folks hes not trying to convince conservatives nope hes trying to convince his idiotic voter base ...
What makes you think he knows who it is?

Is it because he met with him?
Yeah that's it.
Link? What I heard was that the whistleblower talked to staff.

Now that's funny.
Welcome to the Schiff Show Trials! Greatest Farce on Earth - Smoke, Mirrors and Tears

Welcome to the Schiff Show Trials! Greatest Farce on Earth - Smoke, Mirrors and Tears
13 Nov 19 ~ By Jim Hoft
Let the Show Trials Begin!


Michael Goodwin in the Post: "Trickster Adam Schiff conjuring "guilt" out of thin air"
Via The New York Post
Goodwin: Trickster Adam Schiff conjuring ‘guilt’ out of thin air)
"Scorned by the president as "Liddle Adam Schiff", and "pencil neck" and "shifty Schiff," he can taste revenge. To impeach Trump, even if it goes nowhere in the Senate, will make him a man of history and a hero to the millions of 2016 deniers. But on what grounds will this great deed be consummated? While Schiff and his fellow travelers loudly declare Trump guilty, they've yet to settle on a charge that makes sense to the many millions of Americans who live outside a political hothouse.
The one sure thing is that deplorables and bitter clingers understand that the death penalty is not a fair sentence for jaywalking. Democrats who defended Bill Clinton's perjury and sex in the Oval Office with an intern certainly should be able to relate.

Be careful of what you ask for -- you might get it
The clown show orchestrated by Schiff just might destroy the democrat party!!!!
Even if you are a democrat, would you like to be put through an inquisition like Trump has been with no evidence, for no reason other than to get back at you? Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Dem Leftists are setting a precedence here that could very well trickle down to the rest of us.
This can't be allowed to set a precedent or our Constitutional Republic will never survive. It must instead be hung around the neck of the PMS/DSA Democrat party as an eternal ribbon of shame, just as we factually know that they created the KKK, Antifa as their terrorist wing.
This is farcical show trial is similar to the filth that goes on in Soviet-style communist totalitarian states....
We should all take note and remember that Marxists all act the same way and resort to the same tactics, whether they are in America, Cambodia, the USSR, Cuba or North Korea.... and we should remember that these tactics included murdering more than 100 million of their OWN citizens for "non-compliance" and "resistance" during the 20th century.
We should also remember that none of that could have happened if the Marxists had not first of all introduced a "firearms registry" which led to forced firearms confiscation and a forced disarming of the public....

It doesn't matter what Biden did or didn't do. What matters in the impeachment hearings is what Trump DID.

didnt you mean to say that what biden did doesnt mean anything to democrats because it will show their corruption,,,

thats OK we know what you meant,,,

You just keep getting stupider and stupider don't you?

Even if Biden was guilty of something it would NOT justify Trump's attempt at blackmailing Ukraine for his own political gain.

But, since there is no evidence that Biden did anything wrong, this is all academic.

Oh, I forgot - you RWNJs are DESPERATE, so keep trying - maybe you can fool yourselves into believing that a case against Biden will absolve Trump.

Guess again!

he sets foreign policy and is withing his rights to not give them money when ukraine were not only involved in collusion with the DNC in the 2016 election but had already lost 8 billion dollars of previous aid,,,

biden is just an after thought,,,but there is a lot of appearence of wrong doing on his part of which needs investigated,,,
Donald Trump Jr.'s $50K visit sparks call to impeach student president

Right now we are watching one impeachment hearing in Washington, D.C., now there is another call for impeachment of a sitting president -- and this is happening at Florida University, a state of which Trump is a proud resident. In fact, this impeachment process being pushed against the student body president Mike Murphy isn't totally unrelated to Trump -- in fact, it involves Trump Jr.

"The resolution accuses Murphy of malfeasance and abuse of power for using mandatory student fees to pay $50,000 to bring the president's son, Donald Trump Jr., and his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, to speak at the university in October. The resolution, obtained and made public by the Tampa Bay Times, alleges that Murphy violated a student body statute against the use of any activity or service fees in support of or against a political party."

Basically some lib student newspaper published emails that showed the Trump campaign reached out to Mike Murphy to get him to spend spend 50K in student fees to pay for Donald and his new girlfriend to come speak at the university. "Emails published by a student newspaper showed that Murphy colluded with a Trump campaign representative "to expend $50,000 of mandatory student fees to further enrich Donald Trump Jr., and Kimberly Guilfoyle."

So what?? Who cares if there is some rule that prevents student fees from being spent on stuff like this, I am sure everybody does it -- they are just complaining about it because they are trying to tear down Trump and his family --- this Deep State coup has now reached Trump's children -- its time for Trump Sr to take the gloves off and not only protect his family, but protect America.
Hear that sound.....that big "Dud." That is the sound of this fake impeachment falling apart as the democrats desperately try to make these guys seem like they know something.....and they can't....they weren't on the call, Trump gave Ukraine actual weapons while obama gave them MREs and blankets....


In their mind it's real.
Their whole argument is that President Trump goes around the normal bureaucracy to get things done.

Guilty as charged on that.
We sent him there with that mandate.
this piece of crap is so corrupt that it is impossible to believe anything coming out of his lying leftist mouth !! Shit claimed he doesnt know who the whistle blower is !!! what ??? are you kidding ?? we all know who the whistle blower is !!! its all over the internet !!! but the head of the dems investigation into a quid pro quo complaint does not know !!!! that should have been the end of todays hearings after that dishonest load of bullshit !! but hey lets face it folks hes not trying to convince conservatives nope hes trying to convince his idiotic voter base ...
What makes you think he knows who it is?

Is it because he met with him?
Yeah that's it.
Link? What I heard was that the whistleblower talked to staff.

Now that's funny.
Okay, let's say Schiff knows who it is. At least he isn't blabbing it; it's supposed to be confidential.
Now, the point is, let's move on and talk about Taylor's testimony, which just told us in no uncertain terms that Trump held up the aid until Zelensky stated that there was an investigation into Trump's favorite conspiracy theories.
He pretty carefully set forth his day to day observations and discussions that led him to his "interpretation".....

Once again you return to LYING. The official transcripts of Taylor's testimony - NOT the 'Summary' of the hundreds of pages of actual testimony Schiff and his committee created - Taylor specifically stated what he testified to was his own opinions BASED ON WHAT HE HEARD FROM OTHERS.




Democrats are squeezing a LIQUID COWPIE to get the juice into a glass, calling it 'KOOLADE', and telling Americans to TAKE A BIG OL' GULP!

So far, as usual, the only ones doing so...and going back for more, are the easily-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes.

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