Pee break.

The Democrat's lawyer is just repeating the stuff Taylor already said in his opening statement. This is boring.
Liberals have no idea that when most Americans hear "public service," they think "another useless bureaucrat with a cushy, over-compensated, benefit-laden, self-supervised government job, including full health care coverage."
this piece of crap is so corrupt that it is impossible to believe anything coming out of his lying leftist mouth !! Shit claimed he doesnt know who the whistle blower is !!! what ??? are you kidding ?? we all know who the whistle blower is !!! its all over the internet !!! but the head of the dems investigation into a quid pro quo complaint does not know !!!! that should have been the end of todays hearings after that dishonest load of bullshit !! but hey lets face it folks hes not trying to convince conservatives nope hes trying to convince his idiotic voter base ...
What makes you think he knows who it is?

Is it because he met with him?
Yeah that's it.
Link? What I heard was that the whistleblower talked to staff.

Now that's funny.
Okay, let's say Schiff knows who it is. At least he isn't blabbing it; it's supposed to be confidential.
Now, the point is, let's move on and talk about Taylor's testimony, which just told us in no uncertain terms that Trump held up the aid until Zelensky stated that there was an investigation into Trump's favorite conspiracy theories.

what else is he lying about???
this piece of crap is so corrupt that it is impossible to believe anything coming out of his lying leftist mouth !! Shit claimed he doesnt know who the whistle blower is !!! what ??? are you kidding ?? we all know who the whistle blower is !!! its all over the internet !!! but the head of the dems investigation into a quid pro quo complaint does not know !!!! that should have been the end of todays hearings after that dishonest load of bullshit !! but hey lets face it folks hes not trying to convince conservatives nope hes trying to convince his idiotic voter base ...
What makes you think he knows who it is?

Is it because he met with him?
Yeah that's it.
Link? What I heard was that the whistleblower talked to staff.

Now that's funny.
Okay, let's say Schiff knows who it is. At least he isn't blabbing it; it's supposed to be confidential.
Now, the point is, let's move on and talk about Taylor's testimony, which just told us in no uncertain terms that Trump held up the aid until Zelensky stated that there was an investigation into Trump's favorite conspiracy theories.

Why do you call them conspiracy theories?
So Shits witnesses do not testify nor answer questions but rather read from a prepared script that Shits assisted in the preparation of?
Why do you call them conspiracy theories?

Because all the hard evidence contradicts them, and because they don't make a bit of sense.

Trump cultists, of course, are proud of not being fooled by stupid liberal tricks like facts and logic. Reality has a strong liberal bias, so Trump cultists are the sworn enemies of reality.
He pretty carefully set forth his day to day observations and discussions that led him to his "interpretation".....

Once again you return to LYING. The official transcripts of Taylor's testimony - NOT the 'Summary' of the hundreds of pages of actual testimony Schiff and his committee created - Taylor specifically stated what he testified to was his own opinions BASED ON WHAT HE HEARD FROM OTHERS.




Democrats are squeezing a LIQUID COWPIE to get the juice into a glass, calling it 'KOOLADE', and telling Americans to TAKE A BIG OL' GULP!

So far, as usual, the only ones doing so...and going back for more, are the easily-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes.
If Trump came out and told you that "yes, I held up aid to Ukraine because I wanted them to do me a favor and investigate Biden" -- you folks will still claim nothing happened....

Oh wait!!

he did...and you are.....

Trumpers are pathetic...
Why do you call them conspiracy theories?

Because all the hard evidence contradicts them, and because they don't make a bit of sense.

Trump cultists, of course, are proud of not being fooled by stupid liberal tricks like facts and logic. Reality has a strong liberal bias, so Trump cultists are the sworn enemies of reality.

Wasn't you I asked but okay
He pretty carefully set forth his day to day observations and discussions that led him to his "interpretation".....

Once again you return to LYING. The official transcripts of Taylor's testimony - NOT the 'Summary' of the hundreds of pages of actual testimony Schiff and his committee created - Taylor specifically stated what he testified to was his own opinions BASED ON WHAT HE HEARD FROM OTHERS.




Democrats are squeezing a LIQUID COWPIE to get the juice into a glass, calling it 'KOOLADE', and telling Americans to TAKE A BIG OL' GULP!

So far, as usual, the only ones doing so...and going back for more, are the easily-manipulated, Trump-hating snowflakes.
If Trump came out and told you that "yes, I held up aid to Ukraine because I wanted them to do me a favor and investigate Biden" -- you folks will still claim nothing happened....

Oh wait!!

he did...and you are.....

Trumpers are pathetic...

You are simply a liar sir.
Aahhhhbdya . . . . . .Aahhhhbdya. . . . . .Aahhhhbdya. . . . . .Aahhhhbdya. . . . . .

The sound of the Schiff-for-Brains witness falling apart
'Okay, let's say Schiff knows who it is. At least he isn't blabbing it.'
If Schiff knows something and is NOT leaking it, it will be the 1st time in 4+ years. Schiff leaks like a screen door on a submarine! He's even admitted to leaking classified.

No, Schiff's problem - with anyone who ISN'T a Kool-ade-drinking' snowflake is that he has ZERO CREDIBILITY!

The lying POS falsely and intentionally claimed for 2 years that he had DIRECT evidence of crimes President Trump had committed, evidence Mueller did not even have. He finally ADMITTED he had been lying.
-- Schiff did this to incite opposition, hatred, and finally a call for un-warranted removal of the US President....that is SEDITION

The traitor attempted to present a personally-authored fictitious account of President Trump and the Ukraine PM's phone call AS 'EVIDENCE' during a House Intel Committee hearing on Impeachment being broadcast live on TV.
- It was not until he got LIT UP for lying, that it was proven was NOT anywhere in the actual transcript that he and the MSM immediately went into 'Damage Repair Mode' and claimed Schiff was just wasting millions of tax dollars and Americans' time by putting on a 'SNL-Like' 'PARODY'.

And finally , in this latest coup attempt, Schiff supposedly made direct contact with the NON-whistleblower' and hid it, lying to both Congress and the American people.

His being a MEMBER on this committee that is conducting this sham automatically puts the who thing into question. His leading it just confirms it is another treasonous coup attempt based on lies. This Impeachment hearing, like Schiff, is one big LIE being perpetrated on the American PEOPLE.

This criminal House member, who is the only one out of him and President Trump who has engaged in 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' this whole time has been HIM - SCHIFF!
Gregg Jarrett, the full blown Trumpster. He offers up no objectivity, he just another Little Trumpster goose-stepper. He has as much credibility as our local Trumpsters!!! :up:
Fox News's Neil Cavuto Confronts Gregg Jarrett on Pro-Trump Positions
As an adult, I will wait until the last word is uttered during this process of the impeachment, to finalize my thought on whether the Dems fucked up, like they did with Mueller.
"We do Extortion and Bribery all the time" ~Mulvaney 2019.
I guess this is the new MAGA slogan?

Again, wen you have to LIE to try to make a point, the point you are trying to make is a LIE!

That should be YOUR slogan, since you keep doing so. That is NOT whal Mulvaney said. FAIL! What Mulvaney did was teach the Democrats how Foreign Policy works.

Snowflakes like you say the US President should not concern himself with potentially corrupt foreign nations interfering in US elections, that he should just dole out money and military aid to anyone.....

You say that DELAYING military aid to a nation until finding out if they are engaging in activities that threaten our National Security is an Impeachable offense....

...but do not have a problem with Barry and Joe completely refusing to give Ukraine military aid or allowing anyone else to sell them military aid they desperately need to fend off the Russians who are about to invade and annex Crimea, thereby making Putin's ability to do so a lot easier.

WTF, dude?!

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