Republicans keep asking what the High Crime and Misdemeanor is.....the answer is ....BRIBERY

Specifically identified in the Constitution
and the "charges" keep changing until you can find something close enough that won't fall under scrutiny.

so far, lots of misses. but keep throwing accusations out there. maybe one day one will stick.

The charges aren't changing, they're adding up.
Opening Remarks and Testimonies show mostly an openly pro-Russian, and openly anti-Ukraine US policy on-going. Rep Nunez opened the defenseless GOP attendance with an elaborate discussion of openly known differences of opinion, the opinionated, the opinion challenged, and "No Opinion," staff of the relatively open: US Bureaucracy compared to other bureaucracies. The US First Amendment was everywhere celebrated: Including regarding the "Corrupt Media." Everyone is opinion-expressing(?)!

The US Trump critics are doing free expression: Could be a title of the opening Nunez remarks.

Back to the Banzai Surprise Attack on US national security interests:

"Withholding aid sent a message not just to the Ukrainians," Taylor said, "but to the Russians. Without public and material support from the United States, Ukraine was in a weaker negotiating position with the Russians," he said.

The ambivalence of the dual-thread initiatives in Ukraine; Giuliani and State Department working apart from one another: Creates the "Abuse of Power" charge. Aid withheld had to be re-authorized, apparently: So was illegal, prima facie. Attempting an investigation of the Bidens, apart from the Attorney General's department--with no basis in US Constitutional Protections, but only Ukraine standards: Goes to criminal violations of Civil Rights, prima facie. Faithful Execution of the Laws is the Further Criminal Underpinning basis of the relevance of the Inquiry. Such is not in place, and has no place: In the Trump Administration.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(How can just a name be thought reprehensible, and not as Roseanne as even any others(?)!
Link? What I heard was that the whistleblower talked to staff.

Now that's funny.
Okay, let's say Schiff knows who it is. At least he isn't blabbing it; it's supposed to be confidential.
Now, the point is, let's move on and talk about Taylor's testimony, which just told us in no uncertain terms that Trump held up the aid until Zelensky stated that there was an investigation into Trump's favorite conspiracy theories.

what else is he lying about???
He's not the one giving testimony. I get you, though. I've always asked the same about the President.
yeah its worse than that,,,hes running the whole thing,,,

Like I already said, you've got the opportunity to hear the other side of the story today. Actually, their lawyer isn't doing bad in bringing up the other perspective. You should try watching it.
Star witnesses are obviously biased, offering long rebuttals to yes or no questions.
Where is he going with this ? None of it is relevant to the coercion.
So, there is no way anyone did anything wrong here at all unless his name is Trump, right? Gotcha, check.

Shit is all heresay, I stand by my previous post in this thread. Nothing burger.
If Trump was trying to get to the bottom of Ukranian corruption it might be relevant. However Trump tied US aid to digging dirt. That is using public funds for a personal purpose. Bidens alleged crimes are not germane.
Complete bullshit.

The only evidence you clowns have is the opinions of people who were not on the call.
If Trump was trying to get to the bottom of Ukranian corruption it might be relevant. However Trump tied US aid to digging dirt. That is using public funds for a personal purpose. Bidens alleged crimes are not germane.
There is always a price for USA aid...why else would we give hard earned tax dollars away?....
Hear that sound.....


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Honest to God... AMERICA isn't even WATCHING this latest... FARCE... it's too BORING... but the BUZZ WORD that the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING was ALL repeating, like the good little PROGRAMMED TALKING HEADS THEY ARE, was "OVERWHELMING," we were all going to see "OVERWHELMING" evidence that President Trump was guilty of... aaahh... quip pro quo... no... wait... what is it again... OH... EXTORTION... pfft... LMFAO, or WHATEVER dumbass bull shit the UNHINGED democrats could FABRICATE, and THIS WAS GOING TO BE IT, they HAD HIM NOW.

Well... sorry but... no... no they don't. What we have is ANOTHER, FAILED attempt at their COUP, and by now, the VAST majority of Americans see it and are SICK OF IT.

What we DO see is a couple DEEP STATE demtards BUTT HURT because the president didn't CONFIDE in them. Well ya know what? LOOK AT WHAT THEY'RE DOING! I'd say that was a SMART THING TO DO on the president's part. I would have TOO.

I don't know how STUPID the democrats can be, but it's getting to the point where you must have to think they're INSANE, and if they just move on to ANOTHER one of these DEBACLES, they're not going to have a party left, PERIOD.
Food fight.
Republicans are starting to gripe about process .... here we go.

"Process" is very important, as the accused deserve the right to Due Process.

Donald J. Trump is the President, and Rudolph Guiliani is his trusted counsel. They are the ones who decide what US policy will be toward Ukraine and everyone else. Not deep staters like Taylor.
Now that's funny.
Okay, let's say Schiff knows who it is. At least he isn't blabbing it; it's supposed to be confidential.
Now, the point is, let's move on and talk about Taylor's testimony, which just told us in no uncertain terms that Trump held up the aid until Zelensky stated that there was an investigation into Trump's favorite conspiracy theories.

what else is he lying about???
He's not the one giving testimony. I get you, though. I've always asked the same about the President.
yeah its worse than that,,,hes running the whole thing,,,

Like I already said, you've got the opportunity to hear the other side of the story today. Actually, their lawyer isn't doing bad in bringing up the other perspective. You should try watching it.

and the dems are refusing to allow any opposition witness's from the other side and instead so far are only concerned with hearsay witness's

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