Interpreted? There's no wiggle room in Taylor's testimony. At all.
You're absolutely right. According to the actual transcript of Taylor's testimony - not from the SUMMARY Schiff and his committee put out for the MSM to broadcast, which they did - Taylor said what he testified to was his own formulated opinions / perceptions that were based off of WHAT HE WAS TOLD / WHAT HE HEARD, NOT BY ANY EVIDENCE OR ANYTHING HE PERSONALLY KNEW (MORE 2ND-HAND ACCOUNT HEARSAY)!

Finally...great point, OL!
You people have me rolling on the floor , thanks for the entertainment , The democrats will come out on top whether scum bag is impeached or not.

It's interesting that Catherine Croft testified to something of the same happening.

In that situation it was the sale of javelin weapons. Mulvaney said the purchase was stopped at the OMB because the negative reaction russia would have.

Everyone in the room but mulvaney didn't care what russia's reaction would be and supported the sale.

Pelosi is right. All roads with this president leads to putin.

From her testimony:

Screen Shot 2019-11-11 at 6.47.07 PM.png
The dems are going to be in FULL PANIC after today. Little birdies are going to be whispering in their ears... "THIS ISN'T WORKING GUYS, IT'S BACK FIRING, AGAIN, and the WHITE HOUSE is even FURTHER away NOW"... and Nancy is going to PULL THE PLUG on this FARCE, Friday.
Are the Dem voters even intelligent enough to understand that this an illegitimate impeachment?
Love it, we are trying to erase a cancer on society, This mans a pussy grabbing, wife raping, bigot, chauvinist, hate driven liar who's trying to turn us into a dictatorship with no laws other then the ones he makes up. The right are selling out their country and constitution.. The point is whether your going to spit on our flag and piss on our constitution ,supporting this pile of shit, disregarding what this pile of shit did. They would support him if he was found guilty of raping 13 year olds and then telling the 13 year old that if she said anything he would kill her. This is a man who said it is OK to call his daughter a piece of ass. Scum to the bone.

Some of that might have given me reason to consider no longer supporting him, if he were to do anything of those things.
Thanks to people like you, who think that a coup is fine, as long as you dont like, I mean really dont like someone, I can now firmly profess, nothing will separate me from supporting President Trump, and enabling your coup attempt.
It's not just me.
People like you have made it crystal clear what the only course of action must be.
And there are millions just like me.
Thank you.
So the president acting unusual is an impeachable offense?....its the "usual" that gets us into trouble...
So far all we have is leading the "witness"...witnesses who didn't witness anything...and the testimony "my staffer overheard something" (hearsay).

This is comical! And this is the best schiff has :)
Oh but there was more. You had Devin Nunes flop sweat and Gym Jordans righteous anger!

It's not looking good for the GOP. They can't defend Trump withholding the aid for dirt on his political campaign.

Moron.....the aid wasn't withheld......they got the aid.....what part of that goes over that tiny head of yours......and none of the witnesses today were in on the phone call.....they are just complaining that they don't like Trump...
The outcome is irrelevant. He isnt on trial for withholding aid. He is on trial for linking aid to helping his personal political objectives.i
Jim Jordan just destroyed Taylor on that.

If Trump was trying to get to the bottom of Ukranian corruption it might be relevant. However Trump tied US aid to digging dirt. That is using public funds for a personal purpose. Bidens alleged crimes are not germane.
I guess you don't know how to read nor listen. The evidence proves that the President wanted to RE-open an investigation in Ukraine. There is absolutely NO evidence of quid pro quo. Nothing that would ever stand up in a court of law. In the United States that is. We understand that you're in the UK so your laws no longer apply here. Haven't for quite some time now..
Ratcliff just asked the "witnesses" where is the impeachable offense?

They gave a deer in the headlights stare :auiqs.jpg:
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So the president acting unusual is an impeachable offense?.
Nobody has said or implied this. You fools and your strawmen...
The guy just said its unusual to use a private citizen for presidential what?...unusual is not a crime...this dude is mad because the president dared to go over his puny
He's not the one giving testimony. I get you, though. I've always asked the same about the President.
yeah its worse than that,,,hes running the whole thing,,,

Like I already said, you've got the opportunity to hear the other side of the story today. Actually, their lawyer isn't doing bad in bringing up the other perspective. You should try watching it.

and the dems are refusing to allow any opposition witness's from the other side and instead so far are only concerned with hearsay witness's

That's not completely a bad thing
It's not a trial
It's an infomercial to sell the idea that President Trump is bad, buyers of President Trump should switch brands.
The worse that the infomercial is - the more people will remain loyal to the Trump Brand.

Schiff is no Billy Mayes.

of course its a bad thing,,, and more so that trump did his constitutional duty in trying to expose the collusion of the DNC and Ukraine in the 2016 election,,,

There will be another infomercial for that.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Today is the beginning of public impeachment hearings. Impeachment is just a formal and fancy word for indict or accuse.

The end of the process in the House started today will be to accuse trump of crimes.

Then it goes to the Senate for a trial. No matter what evidence is presented. No matter what the truth is, trump will not be convicted. The republicans won't vote guilty no matter what and anyone who believes they will is fooling themselves.

It's just sad that we have people who put themselves and their political party before our nation, our constitution and the rule of law.
Are they chasing facts on a legal Blowjob? Were underage sex partners involved?

The problem that Clinton had wasn't the oral sex- but the FACT he lied about it as part of his scheme to deprive Paula Corbin Jones of the money he owed her for Sexual Harassment. If he had been open from the start in regardless to his testimony under oath, he would have never been impeached.

Why couldn't Clinton have just manned up and cut a check to Ms. Jones to start with?

He lied about a blowjob. So have you.

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