Schifferbrain's STAR WITNESSES had nothing but their opinions and feelings on things they weren't actual witnesses of.

Some case.
Yesterday Schiff declared he would protect the Bidens during the hearings...that all went up in smoke when Schiff's own witness declared he would love to see the Bidens investigated...

Pathetically, Schiff couldn't even protect HIMSELF, coming unglued under pressure by lying about not knowing who the whistleblower he talked to is...

To say this was a horrific 1st day for the Dems, specially the Bidens and Schiff, would be a MASSIVE understatement...

Schifferbrains went straight for Taylor's comment that IF aid was not given to Ukraine that Ukrainians would die. Several touching questions about a soldier who actually died the day after the call.

Hey Schifferbrains, the aid WAS given. No delay, no lapse in aid.

The idiot started off with a big NOTHINGBURGER.

Already blowing up in his bug-eyed face.
/——/ Now he says he doesn’t know the whistleblower.
Now Jordan is ripping Schiff-for-Brains a new one.

Why don't the Dims believe their own witness?! He told Jordan there clearly was NO QUID PRO QUO. Case closed. You can hang this one out to dry with Mueller. That was the whole point of this hearing! The star witness has nothing but hearsay! Another desperate democratic boondoggle we taxpayers must now fork out for!

I about schiff myself laughing!
The Javelin was designed to take out tanks. The Ukrainians want them, but Putin can't afford more tanks. You a f'n Russian?
So what military weapons did obama give to Ukraine? MRE'S and blankets don't count as weapons
This about Trump. Right?
WELL, since Trump sold them the weapons they needed and obama didn't what was your point of bringing it up?
Are you retarded? WELL? Did I ever mention Obama in this thread? WELL? Whataboutism deluxe.
You want to talk about what's retarded is you saying Trump stalled giving weapons to the Ukrainians when obama never gave them weapons they needed. Which is worse late in giving or not giving at all?
Oh my, please help us all.
I agree! :2up:

Mark Meadows‏Verified account @RepMarkMeadows 57m57 minutes ago

Brilliant job by my colleagues today on the Intel Committee. They clearly highlighted the gaping holes in the Democrats' argument and established the unreal levels of hearsay involved. No two ways about it: today was a MAJOR setback for the unfounded impeachment fantasy.
The Repubs are only looking to bastardize the hearings. Nothing else. All they have.
It's over. Even the House Dems are not going to vote for impeachment, except for the brain-trust like Waters and the Squad.
You have 1st hand info and from who?
Yes, I saw Jordan slaughter the anti-Trump star witnesses.

It's over idiot.
Don't blink MFR
The only farce I've noticed is the notion that Trump has a defense!
Schiff won't let Trump present one dummy.....

Don't worry, they have a plan.

By the way, I posted it on another topic, but it's relevant...

Shiff announced that new whistleblower tryouts will be held on Friday. Script may be picked up at his congressional office.

First of all no one in the Democratic Party can sign any bills into law right now. Where were you when you were supposed to learn how a bill becomes a law? I guess you were one of those who didn't go to class and spent their days getting high or drunk.

As of May of this year, there are 197 bills that have passed the House. They went to the Senate to die by the grim reaper moscow mitch mcconnell. Who takes pride in the fact that he has killed most of the legislation that has passed the House and gone to the Senate.

Here's a video probably on your learning level on how a bill becomes law.

And there were over 350 Republican bills on Harry Reid's desk.

EXACTLY... this today was a complete SNOOZE FEST, and I guarantee, VERY few people watched it. But there was no GOTCHA, there was no new HEAD LINE, there wasn't ANYTHING, and the demtrash were banking on this being the BIG DAY, THIS WAS IT, this was their two STAR WITNESSES... we were supposed to see OVERWHELMING, something... but no, we saw NOTHING.

It's BACK FIRING, and if Nancy has a BRAIN CELL LEFT, she's going to be PULLING THE PLUG on ScHITf like FRIDAY.

The networks spent millions in lost adverting revenue to air this commercial free non stop, the same people that ran reruns of Leave It To Beaver last July rather than air the 4th celebration of our nation, its heroes and military because they considered THAT a waste of money. I only had the hearing on in the background and it was bad enough, folks who propped toothpicks in their eyes today for the "big show" won't be tuning in again much tomorrow.
I watched every second and will do the same tomorrow. I can't speak for those who can't understand the big words.

Well. If you watch tomorrow, you'll be pretty bored. I'd wait until Friday.
Way to rain on my attempt at civic duty.

I guess I can go out tomorrow and replenish my special impeachment blend popcorn.

And where was your "civic duty" through all the myriad of Obama and Hillary crimes? Was it out to lunch? On vacation that day? Where is your "civic duty" when it comes to hearing the defense of Trump or the evidence against Biden? Out stuck in traffic?

It takes a lot more than wishful thinking and desires to impeach a president, and I hope the democrats try it without an iron clad steel case against Trump that he truly committed a high crime with intentional malice. You know, Trump's such an idiot, and so incompetent, he might have committed a crime like Hillary through total recklessness without even knowing better! That was enough to get her off about 15 felony charges that other people go to prison for.

Impeach Trump without all that and I'll be sitting laughing when it all comes back like a punch in the face next year when the voters reject the democrats for trying to overthrow a presidency on purely political grounds! :badgrin:
During those times I was working and couldn't fulfill that particular civic duty, sadly. But your scolding is duly noted.

I don't need to work anymore so I have more time now to watch the shits how that is the Trump administration. I do enjoy laughing at the biggest fool ever to hold the office of the Presidency.
We have a lot of work to do. Anyone who is drawing this out and making believe actual crimes have been committed are guilty of obstruction. But that doesn't bother libs. They've been obstructing for the last three years.
Any one who supports this countries biggest threat and enemy are the real traitors here,We won't let you piss on our constitution , spit on our flag or force a dictatorship on us. Scum bag is your God and Leader as he is for all evangelicals..
right? Joe Biden must be taken down for using my money to make millions from Ukraine. I completely agree with you! thanks. Such corruption should be exposed and eliminated by sending the guilty Joe's to jail

First you have to send Hillary to jail. Got another 30 years to waste?

So what military weapons did obama give to Ukraine? MRE'S and blankets don't count as weapons
This about Trump. Right?
WELL, since Trump sold them the weapons they needed and obama didn't what was your point of bringing it up?
Are you retarded? WELL? Did I ever mention Obama in this thread? WELL? Whataboutism deluxe.
You want to talk about what's retarded is you saying Trump stalled giving weapons to the Ukrainians when obama never gave them weapons they needed. Which is worse late in giving or not giving at all?
Oh my, please help us all.
There is but one help for people who are affected with TDS that's a bullet.self-inflected
The Ukraine military aid bill states that aid would be sent no later than Sept.30, Trump sent the aid on Sept.11, and there was NO INVESTIGATION of Biden by Ukraine as was alleged to a reason for the impeachment!

This legal deadline was taken care of 20 days before the deadline of the bill for military aid

Source, Kevin McCullough radio AM970 THE ANSWER

Correct! Trump released the aid within 48 hours of learning Congress had been informed of the whistleblower report. Nothing says release the military aid like, 'oh fuck, they're on to us'.
He had 20 more days, LEGALLY, YOU DUMBFUCK!

And he didn't waste any time once he knew Congress had been informed of the whistleblower. The jig was up.
If that was the case why wait TWO DAYS...WHY NOT IMMEDIATELY???

What's the rush? He had 20 more days,

First of all no one in the Democratic Party can sign any bills into law right now. Where were you when you were supposed to learn how a bill becomes a law? I guess you were one of those who didn't go to class and spent their days getting high or drunk.

As of May of this year, there are 197 bills that have passed the House. They went to the Senate to die by the grim reaper moscow mitch mcconnell. Who takes pride in the fact that he has killed most of the legislation that has passed the House and gone to the Senate.

Here's a video probably on your learning level on how a bill becomes law.

And there were over 350 Republican bills on Harry Reid's desk.




Harry Reid was too busy getting his face punched in to do any work in the last six months.
The networks spent millions in lost adverting revenue to air this commercial free non stop, the same people that ran reruns of Leave It To Beaver last July rather than air the 4th celebration of our nation, its heroes and military because they considered THAT a waste of money. I only had the hearing on in the background and it was bad enough, folks who propped toothpicks in their eyes today for the "big show" won't be tuning in again much tomorrow.
I watched every second and will do the same tomorrow. I can't speak for those who can't understand the big words.

Well. If you watch tomorrow, you'll be pretty bored. I'd wait until Friday.
Way to rain on my attempt at civic duty.

I guess I can go out tomorrow and replenish my special impeachment blend popcorn.

And where was your "civic duty" through all the myriad of Obama and Hillary crimes? Was it out to lunch? On vacation that day? Where is your "civic duty" when it comes to hearing the defense of Trump or the evidence against Biden? Out stuck in traffic?

It takes a lot more than wishful thinking and desires to impeach a president, and I hope the democrats try it without an iron clad steel case against Trump that he truly committed a high crime with intentional malice. You know, Trump's such an idiot, and so incompetent, he might have committed a crime like Hillary through total recklessness without even knowing better! That was enough to get her off about 15 felony charges that other people go to prison for.

Impeach Trump without all that and I'll be sitting laughing when it all comes back like a punch in the face next year when the voters reject the democrats for trying to overthrow a presidency on purely political grounds! :badgrin:
During those times I was working and couldn't fulfill that particular civic duty, sadly. But your scolding is duly noted.

I don't need to work anymore so I have more time now to watch the shits how that is the Trump administration. I do enjoy laughing at the biggest fool ever to hold the office of the Presidency.
All I can say is that if you aren't working now their must be something bad about your skills.
The most explosive revelation came from Taylor, who told lawmakers that one of his aides overheard Gordon Sondland — the U.S. ambassador to the European Union and a top Trump campaign donor — on the phone with the president, during which the aide could hear Trump ask about “the investigations.” Taylor said Sondland told the president that the Ukrainians were “ready to move forward.”

The aide told Taylor that Sondland subsequently relayed “that President Trump cares more about the investigations of Biden, which [Rudy] Giuliani was pressing for.” Taylor said he was “not aware of this information” when he testified at a private deposition on Oct. 22, and only learned of it last week.

Democrats land damning new evidence in impeachment testimony
One of my favorite parts was when Schiff was forced to scramble to cut off a GOP Congresswoman who pointed out Schiff has ZERO CREDIBILITY by bringing up how the proven lying POS attempted to present his own personally authored piece of fiction as 'evidence' against Trump in an earlier televised Impeachment hearing.

(After it was quickly exposed Schiff was lying & made the whole thing up, he and the MSM quickly switched into damage control mode to declare he had just been wasting tax dollars and time by putting on an 'SNL-like skit', a 'PARODY').

“I would like to enter into the record the transcript from the July 25 call between President Trump and President Zelensky,” Stefanik said. “You yourself, Mr. Chairman, have mischaracterized the call.”

Schiff quickly jumped in to stop any and all additional discussions ON LIVE TV of his seditious attempt to con the American people:

“The gentlewoman will suspend,” he said. “By unanimous consent, I’d be happy to enter the record into the record.”

Schiff and his committee have been posting the actual transcripts of all testimony on discussions on the State Department's web sight where it has been extremely hard to access and download.

Simultaneously, they have been providing the MSM with their own authored interpretive SUMMARY, to include talking points / quotes the MSM have been using instead of the transcripts.

Schiff wanted the 'gentlewoman' to STFU and stop reminding Americans what a lying POS he has been / is ON LIVE TV, promising to unanimously make his approval to add her comments to the transcripts and record that he will then bury on the official web site. You can bet his and his Committee's 'Summary' to the MSM will not mention the 'gentlewoman' or her bringing up Schiff's treasonous 'parody'.

His 'parody' will be one of the things the GOP spends more time on when Schiff is forced to testify before the SENATE....


Schiff cuts off GOP congresswoman who brings up his 'parody' of Trump-Zelensky call

EXACTLY... this today was a complete SNOOZE FEST, and I guarantee, VERY few people watched it. But there was no GOTCHA, there was no new HEAD LINE, there wasn't ANYTHING, and the demtrash were banking on this being the BIG DAY, THIS WAS IT, this was their two STAR WITNESSES... we were supposed to see OVERWHELMING, something... but no, we saw NOTHING.

It's BACK FIRING, and if Nancy has a BRAIN CELL LEFT, she's going to be PULLING THE PLUG on ScHITf like FRIDAY.

The networks spent millions in lost adverting revenue to air this commercial free non stop, the same people that ran reruns of Leave It To Beaver last July rather than air the 4th celebration of our nation, its heroes and military because they considered THAT a waste of money. I only had the hearing on in the background and it was bad enough, folks who propped toothpicks in their eyes today for the "big show" won't be tuning in again much tomorrow.
I watched every second and will do the same tomorrow. I can't speak for those who can't understand the big words.

Well. If you watch tomorrow, you'll be pretty bored. I'd wait until Friday.
Way to rain on my attempt at civic duty.

I guess I can go out tomorrow and replenish my special impeachment blend popcorn.

And where was your "civic duty" through all the myriad of Obama and Hillary crimes? Was it out to lunch? On vacation that day? Where is your "civic duty" when it comes to hearing the defense of Trump or the evidence against Biden? Out stuck in traffic?

It takes a lot more than wishful thinking and desires to impeach a president, and I hope the democrats try it without an iron clad steel case against Trump that he truly committed a high crime with intentional malice. You know, Trump's such an idiot, and so incompetent, he might have committed a crime like Hillary through total recklessness without even knowing better! That was enough to get her off about 15 felony charges that other people go to prison for.

Impeach Trump without all that and I'll be sitting laughing when it all comes back like a punch in the face next year when the voters reject the democrats for trying to overthrow a presidency on purely political grounds! :badgrin:
I am neither Republican or Democrat. Both parties are corrupt. Trump is the most corrupt (and stupid) of all.
Hearsay is not admissible evidence, as Jordan made very clear with Sondland's correction that had 6 men and 4 conversations making a mockery of Taylor's "clear (3rd hand) understanding".

Ken Starr nailed the summary, not a hint of a crime was presented, let alone an impeachable crime.

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