Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

You brought up conspiracy, and the #1 propagator of lunatic Democrat conspiracy theories in the United States is CNN, aka Conspiracy News Network.

But I continue to be flattered that you insist on discussing me rather than the topic.

I'm sure that's not because all you're here to do is troll and derail, and have nothing of substance to offer. :)

By trolling and derailing? How odd! :eek:

You want to discuss your bizarre false view of what I believe, and I have no problem with your embarrassing yourself by so doing.

It's a tacit concession of your inability to address anything but your bizarre projected views. :)
False. YOU brought up conspiracy when you moronically claimed the Capitol police and the Department of Justice were in on the conspiracy to let Byrd off the hook.
False. YOU brought up conspiracy when you moronically claimed the Capitol police and the Department of Justice were in on the conspiracy to let Byrd off the hook.
False. I never made this claim.

But part of the fascist treachery and terrorism employed by Democrats involves making various insane claims about others in an attempt to demonize them (like calling protesters/trespassers "insurrectionists" for instance); it's part of what makes Democrats more dangerous than deranged 21st century Nazis.
False. I never made this claim.

But part of the fascist treachery and terrorism employed by Democrats involves making various insane claims about others in an attempt to demonize them (like calling protesters/trespassers "insurrectionists" for instance); it's part of what makes Democrats more dangerous than deranged 21st century Nazis.

I didn't say Byrd wasn't a good Nazi supported by his fellow Nazis

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Your impotent/infantile spewing ad hominem can only be viewed as your concession.
Like I always say,
Generalizations you say?
if conservatives didn't lie,
I can't speak for conservatives, not being one, nor a Republican, nor a Trump supporter, but you've been derailing for some time, so why would you stop now?
they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Irrelevant derailing ad hominem nonsense.
Your impotent/infantile spewing ad hominem can only be viewed as your concession.

Generalizations you say?

I can't speak for conservatives, not being one, nor a Republican, nor a Trump supporter, but you've been derailing for some time, so why would you stop now?

Irrelevant derailing ad hominem nonsense.
View it however you want -- you lied.
Lester Holt will try his best to make this cold blooded killer into a hero.

Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

You're certainly trying your best turn this American hero into a bad guy. I thought the right was all "respect the police", and "you won't get shot if you obey the order to stop".

Right wingers are always telling black people how to behave so the police won't shoot them. Ashli Babbit didn't obey police commands to "Halt". She tried to be the first one through the smashed door. According to EVERY police training criteria, this was a righteous shooting.

If Ashli Babbit had a been a BLM protestor, you'd be award a commendation to the cop who shot her and say she deserved it.
False. I never made this claim.

But part of the fascist treachery and terrorism employed by Democrats involves making various insane claims about others in an attempt to demonize them (like calling protesters/trespassers "insurrectionists" for instance); it's part of what makes Democrats more dangerous than deranged 21st century Nazis.

What a bullshit artist you are! Democrats are not "fascists" and anyone who says otherwise is provably lying.

This was an insurrection, regardless of what you clowns try to say, and quite frankly, your blatant attempts at gaslighting in this thread show that whatever else you may claim to be, you are a liar, and a purveyor of white nationalist, fascist progaganda.
What a bullshit artist you are!
Democrats are not "fascists" and anyone who says otherwise is provably lying.
This was an insurrection,
regardless of what you clowns try to say,
You clowns?

I'm not a conservative, Republican or Trump supporter, so I have no idea whom you're referring to.
and quite frankly, your blatant attempts at gaslighting
in this thread show that whatever else you may claim to be, you are a liar, and a purveyor of white nationalist, fascist progaganda.
Lunatic projection.
Getting back to the topic, Byrd's a deranged fascist psychopath who belongs in prison.

Instead, he's the darling of Democrats, aka 21st century Nazi terrorists.
You're certainly trying your best turn this American hero into a bad guy. I thought the right was all "respect the police", and "you won't get shot if you obey the order to stop".

Right wingers are always telling black people how to behave so the police won't shoot them. Ashli Babbit didn't obey police commands to "Halt". She tried to be the first one through the smashed door. According to EVERY police training criteria, this was a righteous shooting.

If Ashli Babbit had a been a BLM protestor, you'd be award a commendation to the cop who shot her and say she deserved it.
By your standards, this man is an Incel! And by the way, when the worse happens here, there will be endless Incels. People warning you are called that! ....It will be Incelamania! And like we see in the nation and world today, the innocent will suffer with it.
Now we presume this gutless wonder is no longer employed in a field where his freaking out gets someone else shot?
Words can't express how thankful I am not to be a nut like you.

That aside... again, there's video evidence you're insane...

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.​
At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.​
At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backup remains on the stairs.​
At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."​
At about 39:10, a shot rings out. There is only one cop remaining, standing near the top of the stairs. All the other cops are down the stairs.​
What's "nutty" is that there are presumably grown adults who spend large portions of their day trying to justify to others why it is acceptable to kill unarmed US citizens who are protesting their government. And in this case, it is grossly abhorrent that you would try to push the narrative that Babbit thought that she was going to overthrow the government and kill politicians.... with no weapons of any kind.... all while wielding her a Trump flag and smart phone. That woman did not deserve to die.

And what makes it worse is that there are people like you who would refer to a dead female American veteran using such a derogatory and heartless nickname like "Ashli Targetpractice". It is revolting.

And you have the gall to accuse others of being "nuts" and "insane"? Like I said, I find it disturbing that people like you go to bed at night proud of themselves for the way they judge and degrade others. Congrats on being the ugly part of America.

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