Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

What's "nutty" is that there are presumably grown adults who spend large portions of their day trying to justify to others why it is acceptable to kill unarmed US citizens who are protesting their government. And in this case, it is grossly abhorrent that you would try to push the narrative that Babbit thought that she was going to overthrow the government and kill politicians.... with no weapons of any kind.... all while wielding her a Trump flag and smart phone. That woman did not deserve to die.

And what makes it worse is that there are people like you who would refer to a dead female American veteran using such a derogatory and heartless nickname like "Ashli Targetpractice". It is revolting.

And you have the gall to accuse others of being "nuts" and "insane"? Like I said, I find it disturbing that people like you go to bed at night proud of themselves for the way they judge and degrade others. Congrats on being the ugly part of America.
She wasn't merely protesting her government. Lying doesn't help you. What she was doing at the moment she was rightfully shot was attempting to lead a violent mob by breaching a police barricade to get at lawmakers and staff in a restricted and secured area.
And what makes it worse is that there are people like you who would refer to a dead female American veteran using such a derogatory and heartless nickname like "Ashli Targetpractice". It is revolting.
Nah, Benedict Babbitt being a traitor is revolting. Calling that traitorous bitch names is American.
What's "nutty" is that there are presumably grown adults who spend large portions of their day trying to justify to others why it is acceptable to kill unarmed US citizens who are protesting their government. And in this case, it is grossly abhorrent that you would try to push the narrative that Babbit thought that she was going to overthrow the government and kill politicians.... with no weapons of any kind.... all while wielding her a Trump flag and smart phone. That woman did not deserve to die.

And what makes it worse is that there are people like you who would refer to a dead female American veteran using such a derogatory and heartless nickname like "Ashli Targetpractice". It is revolting.

And you have the gall to accuse others of being "nuts" and "insane"? Like I said, I find it disturbing that people like you go to bed at night proud of themselves for the way they judge and degrade others. Congrats on being the ugly part of America.
They are grotesque. Worship St Mike Brown while celebrating the murder of a protestor due to the overreactive nature of a creeping coward
What's "nutty" is that there are presumably grown adults who spend large portions of their day trying to justify to others why it is acceptable to kill unarmed US citizens who are protesting their government. And in this case, it is grossly abhorrent that you would try to push the narrative that Babbit thought that she was going to overthrow the government and kill politicians.... with no weapons of any kind.... all while wielding her a Trump flag and smart phone. That woman did not deserve to die.

And what makes it worse is that there are people like you who would refer to a dead female American veteran using such a derogatory and heartless nickname like "Ashli Targetpractice". It is revolting.

And you have the gall to accuse others of being "nuts" and "insane"? Like I said, I find it disturbing that people like you go to bed at night proud of themselves for the way they judge and degrade others. Congrats on being the ugly part of America.
If she didn’t want to die she should have obeyed police orders, civil discourse and obeyed our laws.

Stop crying for her.
Now we presume this gutless wonder is no longer employed in a field where his freaking out gets someone else shot?
Having murdered without consequence other than praise & reward from Nazi Democrats, one presumes he might retire.

One can only hope he'll enjoy the peace that George Zimmerman has.

There is no defense of bullly and petty criminal Michael Brown to be made. He was shot after trying to wrestle away control of officer Daren Wilson's gun which led to his being shot. So gfy. Really...go!

Ashli Babbitt was not armed. There were six Capitol police officers surrounding Babbitt. Three in front
on the other side of the glass partition and three more came in from the back after coming up some stairs.

The fantastic tale that Babbitt had to be shot or else she would break away from these half dozen
Pelosi cops and go find some politicians to strangle with her bare hands (she had no gun, remember)
is bullshit of the highest order.

Your post is just that....bullshit! I look forward to this matter going to court.

I agree about Michael Brown. He was a threat and his violent behavior was a clear and present danger. The same applies to Ashli Babbitt. The problem is that you're defending one violent attacker while supporting the police in the case of another. You're inconsistent. Hypocritical.
He was and would still be too frightened, too apprehensive, and too itchy trigger fingered to be in the position of deadly force that he was empowered with.
“Praying that they don’t come through that door” is not a statement of innocence but rather a confession of his inadequacies
That is an idiotic post. I believe there are some cops who look forward to getting to use their guns but Byrd is not one of them. He was praying, it is my guess, for two reasons: 1. He didn't want anyone to get hurt. 2. He didn't want to have to live with having killed someone.

To suggest that praying he doesn't have to use his gun is a sign of weakness is pure idiocy.
There is not even a remote “follow me” motion nor vocalization from.Babbit. The lib loon assertion that people behind you are a “lethal weapon you get shot for” is just the most precious apple dumpling snowflake assertion
Other police ignored her and left her alone until Craven Coward snuck up. Their “internal investigation of innocence” won’t mean shit when a thinking jury is seated.

Another idiotic statement. The mob had moved as a mob, broken windows and doors as a mob, from the time they entered the building. There was no need for her to tell the mob to continue to be a mob; it was assumed.

The other police didn't shoot for two reasons: One, they were far too close to engage with guns. I can tell you as a trained martial artist I can tell you that there's a good chance they would have had their guns taken from them, had they drawn them. The crowd is on tape yelling to take their guns and to use the cops own guns to kill them. The cops on the side of the barricade with the rioters did the only thing they could do: retreat. The second reason for not shooting is that there was still a chance that the rioters would not cross the barrier. When Babbitt crossed through the window, that option was gone and the only choice left was to shoot.
I'd have to see it to comment.

In this case, a deranged Brownshirt shot down a protester.

He should be in jail awaiting trial, but instead, he's some sort of hero to his fellow Brownshirts.

Protesters hold signs. Rioters break doors and windows. Babbitt was not a protester.
I'm glad site rules allow us to call an idiot an idiot or to call a liar a liar. But they also require the posts where we do that to include something about the thread topic. When you two just go back and forth with the personal attacks you ruin a perfectly good impassioned discussion.
I agree about Michael Brown. He was a threat and his violent behavior was a clear and present danger. The same applies to Ashli Babbitt. The problem is that you're defending one violent attacker while supporting the police in the case of another. You're inconsistent. Hypocritical.
Michael Brown was a big ole black bear strong as an ox who could do physical damage easily. Ashli was a much weaker female who certainly did not need to be shot and was not trying to disarm anyone. Duuuuh
Another idiotic statement. The mob had moved as a mob, broken windows and doors as a mob, from the time they entered the building. There was no need for her to tell the mob to continue to be a mob; it was assumed.

The other police didn't shoot for two reasons: One, they were far too close to engage with guns. I can tell you as a trained martial artist I can tell you that there's a good chance they would have had their guns taken from them, had they drawn them. The crowd is on tape yelling to take their guns and to use the cops own guns to kill them. The cops on the side of the barricade with the rioters did the only thing they could do: retreat. The second reason for not shooting is that there was still a chance that the rioters would not cross the barrier. When Babbitt crossed through the window, that option was gone and the only choice left was to shoot.
Baloney, not armed.
Michael Brown was a big ole black bear strong as an ox who could do physical damage easily. Ashli was a much weaker female who certainly did not need to be shot and was not trying to disarm anyone. Duuuuh
She needed to be stopped as she was attempting to cause violence.

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