Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt Revealing Identity in Interview

Don't be so hard on yourself.

I'm sure you can bootlick your way to the top.

Goose stepping really takes the shine off Brownshirt jackboots, so you have your work cut out for you.

Your local QOP party leader has reviewed your post and would like you to add more NAZIs.
I'd have to see it to comment.

In this case, a deranged Brownshirt shot down a protester.

He should be in jail awaiting trial, but instead, he's some sort of hero to his fellow Brownshirts.
He shot a protester who was trying to break into the House chamber. A good shoot and found justifiable by two independent departments.
He shot a protester who was trying to break into the House chamber. A good shoot and found justifiable by two independent departments.
I didn't say Byrd wasn't a good Nazi supported by his fellow Nazis - maybe he'll get a Goosestepper of the Year Award. :)
I didn't say Byrd wasn't a good Nazi supported by his fellow Nazis - maybe he'll get a Goosestepper of the Year Award. :)
Your local QOP has reviewed your recent post and judges it to be of good NAZI quantity.
I didn't say Byrd wasn't a good Nazi supported by his fellow Nazis - maybe he'll get a Goosestepper of the Year Award. :)

So the deeper your conspiracy gets, the more people you have to fold into it.

So the deeper your conspiracy gets, the more people you have to fold into it.
I'm not a CNN viewer, so I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories, but when did I become the topic of the thread?

I'm certainly flattered by the attention of liberal trolls. :)
I'm not a CNN viewer, so I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories, but when did I become the topic of the thread?

I'm certainly flattered by the attention of liberal trolls. :)
Who knows what you think CNN has to do with anything? I don't watch CNN either but I'm not as gullible as you to fall so deep for obvious conspiracy bullshit.

I don't live with your dementia -- you do.

Regardless, video evidence supports what I said and refutes your bullshit.
Not even close. Your narrative is so embedded in your brain that you can't see anything but the lie. Again, I bet you are proud of yourself at night. Sicko.
Not even close. Your narrative is so embedded in your brain that you can't see anything but the lie. Again, I bet you are proud of yourself at night. Sicko.
Words can't express how thankful I am not to be a nut like you.

That aside... again, there's video evidence you're insane...

At about 37:30, the mob swells in that hallway and the cops' lives become endangered as the mob gets increasingly angry and violent.

At about 38:25, 4 backups arrive.

At about 38:55, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on one of the doors as 3 of the backups escort the 3 cops who were at the door, down the stairs and away as someone is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety." the 4th backup remains on the stairs.

At about 39:03, the guy with the helmet breaks out the window on the far right (where Ashli Targetpractice would get shot) as someone says, "they're breaking in.... The police are evacuating the other cop."

At about 39:10, a shot rings out. There is only one cop remaining, standing near the top of the stairs. All the other cops are down the stairs.

Nope - I'm just replying to the topic.

You made it all about me, bless your tiny liberal head. :)

Still about me! :thewave:
Again, you made it about you, talking about how you don't watch CNN. You talk about yourself and then act surprised when others do.

CNN has nothing to do with the thread topic. You have nothing to do with the tread topic. Yet here you are talking about both.
Again, you made it about you,
talking about how you don't watch CNN.
You're deeply confused, and that's hurting your trolling. :(
You talk about yourself and then act surprised when others do.
See above; your troll game is failing.
CNN has nothing to do with the thread topic.
Then why did you bring up their conspiracy-mongering?
You have nothing to do with the tread topic.
Yet you can't stop talking about me. :)
Yet here you are talking about both.
Why don't you stop trolling & derailing, and instead address the topic? :)

You're deeply confused, and that's hurting your trolling. :(

See above; your troll game is failing.

Then why did you bring up their conspiracy-mongering?

Yet you can't stop talking about me. :)

Why don't you stop trolling & derailing, and instead address the topic? :)
Speaking of confused, I didn't bring up CNN, you did.

And I tried to get you to post about the forum thread. You wanted to discuss your baseless conspiracy nonsense instead.
Speaking of confused, I didn't bring up CNN, you did.
You brought up conspiracy, and the #1 propagator of lunatic Democrat conspiracy theories in the United States is CNN, aka Conspiracy News Network.

But I continue to be flattered that you insist on discussing me rather than the topic.

I'm sure that's not because all you're here to do is troll and derail, and have nothing of substance to offer. :)
And I tried to get you to post about the forum thread.
By trolling and derailing? How odd! :eek:
You wanted to discuss your baseless conspiracy nonsense instead.
You want to discuss your bizarre false view of what I believe, and I have no problem with your embarrassing yourself by so doing.

It's a tacit concession of your inability to address anything but your bizarre projected views. :)

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