Officer Wilson's ALLEGED side of the story

Chicky-poo on the radio sounds all kinds of young and nervous. Reminded me instantly of the first speech I ever gave in public :)

Anyway, not sure if she's just playing for her 15 minutes of fame or if she's creditable. If she's in the know though, that changes shit...

Color me skeptical of her motives at this time.
I watched this video and I couldn't really understand what they were saying at 6:38 but I did see how far Wilson's vehicle was from Brown's body. At least 50 feet. Yeah, the cop was in real danger of his life alright.

Just think, if he'd had a stolen bag of Doritos he could have shot him sooner.

If it is true that Brown turned around and charged Wilson, then Wilson could have easily shot him in the leg to stop him. You know, sort of how cops shoot the tires when a suspect is trying to escape in a car.

How are the police trained? If you are forced to shoot, do you shoot to kill or shoot to maim when being charged? does anyone know? Does it make any difference that the officer was already assaulted? Or the size of the perp?

are you saying all black men who are big can't ever be frustrated????????????

Huh???? Sure they can be frustrated. Does that have anything to do with this case?
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I don't believe for a second that that guy pulled a 300 pound 18 year old into a patrol car and kept him in there while the 18 year old had both hands on the outside of the car pulling away...not a frickin' snowballs chance in hell.

Another witness lie.

Now listen, people have done made their mind up that this was an 18 year old sweetheart who kissed babies, gave back to the community, donated his time and energy to the local soup kitchen, never carried a gun, and wouldn't hurt a fly.

It doesn't matter if he was really a thief who intimidated people to get what he wanted. The kid had a bright future, and it was snuffed out by a 97 pound white man with a gun and a badge.

I had not made up my mind on this issue until I actually watched the video in the store, that told me all I needed to know. The man was a crook and now he's dead, and I have no problem with that at all.

I guess I could be like him, and go to the supermarket and stand in line for 20 or 30 seconds then decide they are too slow or not paying attention and just head for the door and if somebody tries to stop me, ill just bark at them. Yeah, this was a real freakin tragedy.:(

Ulysses, I understand what you are saying, but we have to follow the law. We know he robbed the store but that shouldn't taint the jury except to say if that had a bearing on the way he acted towards the police officer (afraid of arrest) and even that has to be proven by his actions. The actions of Brown will be paramount in this case.

One scenario that makes this sound like all witnesses are coming from the same position is that Brown had his arms up. He could have had his arms up coming after the police officer or surrendering. What he said will make the difference.

The video UK Daily Mail posted is somewhat different. Since "we know", 'we' can save money by tossing the Bill of Rights; no more trials, or juries necessary. I'd like to know which stories Ferguson PD have tried out are true, if any.
Chicky-poo on the radio sounds all kinds of young and nervous. Reminded me instantly of the first speech I ever gave in public :)

Anyway, not sure if she's just playing for her 15 minutes of fame or if she's creditable. If she's in the know though, that changes shit...

Color me skeptical of her motives at this time.

A person who is in for their 15 minutes wouldn't be nervous and would give their name.

I believe she's who she claims to be, but I'll wait til I hear the PO in court.
As bad as this riot is you just know that in a trial the defense will cause an even bigger riot.

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