Official 2010 Baseball Thread

Tigers (Armando Gallaraga) just had a perfect game stolen from them, on the 27th out, by a totally awful call.
Griffey jr. retires.

He should have retired at the end of last season. He only hit .220 as a DH with about 10 homers. I told the GM not to bring him back, but they need to sell tickets. I told him, what sells tickets is a winning team. I don't know why they don't listen to the fans.
Tigers (Armando Gallaraga) just had a perfect game stolen from them, on the 27th out, by a totally awful call.

Saw it. Terrible! A true felony and worthy of arrest. At least he admitted it. Now I feel sorry for the ump. He's quoted saying with his head down, "I just cost that kid a perfect game. I really was convinced the batter beat the ball to the bag. Until I saw the replay....It was the biggest call of my life and I blew it..."
Griffey jr. retires.

He should have retired at the end of last season. He only hit .220 as a DH with about 10 homers. I told the GM not to bring him back, but they need to sell tickets. I told him, what sells tickets is a winning team. I don't know why they don't listen to the fans.

It's too bad. Really too bad. Such a great player....What might have been.
Give the kid the perfecto. Everyone wants him to have it including the ump. He earned it so let him have it.
Give the kid the perfecto. Everyone wants him to have it including the ump. He earned it so let him have it.

But you see if Bud Selig overturned the call and gave the kid the perfect game, then he would break his own personal streak of perfection. A perfect streak of terrible decisions for who-knows-how-many years. That's right up there with DiMaggio's streak as far as unbreakable streaks in baseball..
Give the kid the perfecto. Everyone wants him to have it including the ump. He earned it so let him have it.

But you see if Bud Selig overturned the call and gave the kid the perfect game, then he would break his own personal streak of perfection. A perfect streak of terrible decisions for who-knows-how-many years. That's right up there with DiMaggio's streak as far as unbreakable streaks in baseball..

I agree. For once, just once, I wish the commissioner was a baseball fan.
Hey A-15, didn't I tell you Beltre would have a good year?

Adrian Belte....

not a fan of that at all.

Mets interested in Carlos Delgado lmao. How the fuck does Omar have a job. He is awful

I think I'm glad we got Polanco over Beltre.

But I'm going to make a very strange prediction right here and now: Beltre has a good year for the Sox in '10.

I'll be resurrecting this post whether I'm right or not. I'll wait til about June to get a good idea, and go from there.

I don't know why I think that, other than I think he's got something left and he's due. The other big contract was a lot of pressure. This time around all eyes are not on him, other than the 'nation'.

The glove leaves a lot to be desired though.

I'm still happy with Polanco over Beltre though. He fits right in with us.

I also have to admit that I was dead WRONG about Franceour. The guy is a bum.
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Yeah, man. I HATED that signing but I'm wicked happy I was wrong. He's much more productive at Fenway than at Safeco plus he's raking to the tune of .366/.390/.598 on the road. Sick! Him and Youk have been by far the most consistent hitters in our line up. I don't know what the deal is with all his defensive miscues so far ... it would really blow if that carries over, or heaven forbid gets worse in the postseason.

Gotta wonder if he's on something though ....
I had EMC Club seats to Saturday's game and managed to snap a couple of decent pics out of almost 200. I'll post them either later tonight or tomorrow.
best off season signing of the year?

aubrey huff. paying him 3 million dollars. hitting .312, 12 bombs, 43 ribs.

Of course the Giants would always sign a guy like this. Washed up star from years previous. Only this time the plan backfired. Huff is producing.:disbelief:



Dusty leaving the field after his walk off base hit against Broxton with 2 outs to win the game!
Yeah, man. I HATED that signing but I'm wicked happy I was wrong. He's much more productive at Fenway than at Safeco plus he's raking to the tune of .366/.390/.598 on the road. Sick! Him and Youk have been by far the most consistent hitters in our line up. I don't know what the deal is with all his defensive miscues so far ... it would really blow if that carries over, or heaven forbid gets worse in the postseason.

Gotta wonder if he's on something though ....

I doubt he's on anything. Look at HR totals around the league right now. No one even has 20 yet. The league leaders are on pace to hit maybe 40 hr. And the pitching is really great, with like 5 guys under 2 era, and a bunch in the low 2's. I'd say the bat speeds aren't what they used to be. Guys seem like they're cycled off the juice/prohormones these days. Too much to risk anymore. Too many eyes are on them.

I'm POSITIVE he was juiced during his runner-up MVP year though.

Btw, those pics are cool. How was it seeing and hearing the fans' reaction to Manny live?

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