Official 2010 Baseball Thread

Tigs lose 4-3 at the Twins. Appropriate I guess since, with the announcement of Ernie Harwell's death, today is a sad day.

R.I.P Ernie.

We're down to about one living legend play by play announcer now, Vin Scully.

Yeah, other than him, who else is left of the "old guard"?
Can't really think of any except for Dick Enberg also.

It's still weird watching or listening to Lakers games without Chick Hearn. It's going to be a shock to the system once again when we lose Scully. Hopefully, it's a long time comin'.
How about Uecker? :lol:
As a color man, yes.

What is he, like 109 by now?:lol:

Nooooo, Uecker is relatively young, which is why I don't think of him as old guard in the way that I think or Ernie, Harry Caray and (I stand corrected) Kiner.

Actually I just looked up Uecker and he is a bit older than I thought LOL!
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Halsey was awesome...He was that uncle at family functions who drank and smoked just a little too much, yet had all the greatest stories.

Met him once, when I was but a young pup...Wish I had known what a true legend of broadcasting he was.

During rain delays, Halsey was in demand from the opposing team's broadcast crew, as well. They put him on their stations and, as a result, Halsey developed a following in other American League cities.

And just as Halsey could tell stories, there were many stories told about Halsey.

Several revolve around his love of distilled beverages and the satchel full of liquor bottles that he lugged along on road trips. If asked about the contents of his bag, he would say it contained reference books. "If that was the case," said one colleague, "they were the only reference books I ever knew of that clinked."

Joe Soucheray said Halsey had so many bottles in his satchel that, when he stepped off a plane, he sounded like a glockenspiel.

And then there was the time a cub reporter once asked the venerable Mr. Hall why he bothered carrying his own liquor; after all, every town they visited had a bar. "My boy," Halsey replied, "you never know when you'll run into a local election."


In 1961, Halsey became a member of the original broadcast crew for the Minnesota Twins. For many years his partners on Twins' broadcasts were Herb Carneal and Ray Scott. They both loved Halsey even though they may not of been too fond of some of his habits--particularly his copious consumption of green onions and his cigars.

"Halsey always enjoyed a good cigar," Herb Carneal once said. "Unfortunately, those weren't the kind he smoked."

Halsey Hall Chapter - SABR: Halsey Hall Biography
Phils take 3 of 4 from St. Louis in the face of continuing injuries to key players.

Halladay continues to be worth every penny.
A Kestrel has claimed the right field foul pole at Target Field as its gameday perch.


I love Minnesota Twins baseball, and I love watching birds. Well, last night the two came together and I enjoyed both at the same time. From time to time throughout the game, the Twins' announcers, Dick Bremer and Bert Blyleven, commented about an American Kestrel that was perched on the right field foul pole. The camera operators showed the bird to the TV audience several times. Finally, late in the game we saw the kestrel actually catch a moth in mid-air and then eat it while perched on the foul pole. The Twins lost 2-0, so that little falcon was really the star of the game!

Target Field hawk eats moth, crowd goes wild [VIDEO] - Minneapolis / St. Paul News - The Blotter

[ame=]YouTube - Video 2[/ame]
Tigs beat Yanks 5-4 on a really unusual pitching night. Valverde Ks the heart of the Yankee lineup (and really pisses off Swisher) for his 9th save.
Tigs beat Yanks 5-4 on a really unusual pitching night. Valverde Ks the heart of the Yankee lineup (and really pisses off Swisher) for his 9th save.

Tigers shut out the Yanks twice, taking 3 of 4 at home. BoSox up next.
[ame=]YouTube - Twins Territory Flagpole Commercial[/ame]
Tigs take 2 of 3 from Boston! Welcome back Armando Galarraga!

Bye fellow baseball fans, and Go Tigers!
Twins lead the lead in choking:

#1 in GIDP.

Last in the league in BA with the bases loaded.
Jake Starkey says he'll trade me Matt Kemp for one of my front line starters on the Giants.


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