Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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All comments, opinions, news items and everything else "election related" will go into this thread from 11PM Eastern Monday night until 11PM Eastern Wednesday night.. All other threads will be merged or closed. Floating announcements going up NOW in the Politics, Breaking News, and Current Events forums.. This thread will be unlocked tonight to "float" in the Politics forum..

Zone2 rules in effect.. Keep it clean and focused on your country -- not on other members..
I elect myself president..Free weed for everyone.

When Xi leave office then you can be President...
Xi needs to move on and get a real life.

So by ten tonight if no one is crowned as idiot that lead us then I will go to sleep and wake in the nude and wonder will today be the day we know which side will riot and burn society to the ground?

There's no doubt which side uses looting and pillage instead of free speech.. IS THERE?


Anyhoo, it will be interesting how all this shakes out and how this will end...
YES. NEXT QUESTION? Is The Biden Campaign Nervous About Pennsylvania?

Biden lead PA by approx 750,000 votes heading into Election Day

Team Trump expects 2.6 million votes in Election Day

Team Biden should get 1.5 million votes on election day

Team Trump needs to run the score enough to cover the Dem vote fraud that PA is infamous for.


According to Yamiche Alcindor of PBS, the Biden campaign says Biden has “multiple pathways” to winning 270 electoral votes, but she also “stresses that they believe Biden can win without winning FL, PA, OH, and TX, which she called the four largest battleground states.”

But, according to Nate Silver's dohicky here:

If Trump takes PA, FL, OH, TX he has 86% odds of winning.
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Wonder how long the drama will last. Could be a blowout, but I doubt it. One side or the other is going to lose, and both sides will be filing lawsuits charging fraud. This one for sure is going to be one for the history books, at least we ain't talking much about foreign interference, it's all about domestic cheating. Interesting to see if any results get changed as a result of a court ruling. Recounts will happen, that's for sure. Also interesting to see if the presidential election gets thrown into the House of Representatives. How long will the arguing last, will Nancy Pelosi assume the office of President Pro Tem? I don't really think she'll try to do anything, but if she di the GOP would immediately challenge it in court.

Wonder how long the drama will last. Booze or dramamine, maybe one and then the other.
You say this “both sides” shit but I don’t see any criticism of Trumpism.
Define "Trumpism".
I have a distinct feeling you think "Trumpism" is anyone who doesn't hate on him 24/7.
Maybe I am wrong.
It’s a cult. Probably the biggest cult in human history.
So...yeah... you didn't answer the question, which leaves me with the conclusion that you think Trumpism is anyone who doesn't rabidly, minlessly hate him.
Thanks for the confirmation.
... will Nancy Pelosi assume the office of President ...
Article II, Section 1, Clause 6—specifies that only an "Officer" may be designated as a Presidential successor. Constitutional scholars from James Madison to the present day have argued that the term "Officer" refers to an "Officer of the United States", a term of art that excludes members of Congress.

In fact, the very next section clarifies that "Officers" refer to cabinet heads.

Further, the Incompatibility Clause (Article I, Section 6, Clause 2)—bars officials in the federal government's executive branch from simultaneously serving in either the U.S. House or Senate—so it's unlikely that members of the Congress can legitimately be in the Presidential line of succession.
Therefore, I find it more likely if Congress was unable to select either a President or VP, that Mike Pompeo would become acting President while Congress worked harder on coming up with a winner. If the Senate selected the VP, then they would take over until the House selected a Pres.

And, keep in mind, that Pence will be chairing the Congressional proceedings that are determining the ECV winners.
I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..

That would be fucking ironic.

Ironic and fun to watch BOTH sides eat large portions of crow.. The left having claimed that Hillary won because of the Pop vote (where she didn't win a majority of votes with her meager margin) and the right defending the E-College.. Hope I'm right. It's gonna be fun pointing some fingers in both directions...
You say this “both sides” shit but I don’t see any criticism of Trumpism.

You might pull your head out of your ass and realize you are speaking to someone who is superior to you in all ways.

You should be more polite.

You should ask questions and learn.

You should park your dumbassed comments somewhere else.

Completely expected. Southern Florida goes to Trump.

Cubans willing to trade one POS that they fled from for another POS.

I know you won't answer this question but what the heck...
What was the first piece of Legislation that Trump passed that annoyed you?

Trump passed legislation?

The same way Obama did...Executive Orders.
Mocking Trump = Mocking Obama.
Answer the question.

Just a guess........ H.R. 609. Bill designates a department of veterans affairs healthcare center in Butler County, Pa. March 13, 2017.... I read this a long time ago. Did I get it right?
... will Nancy Pelosi assume the office of President ...
Article II, Section 1, Clause 6—specifies that only an "Officer" may be designated as a Presidential successor. Constitutional scholars from James Madison to the present day have argued that the term "Officer" refers to an "Officer of the United States", a term of art that excludes members of Congress.

In fact, the very next section clarifies that "Officers" refer to cabinet heads.

Further, the Incompatibility Clause (Article I, Section 6, Clause 2)—bars officials in the federal government's executive branch from simultaneously serving in either the U.S. House or Senate—so it's unlikely that members of the Congress can legitimately be in the Presidential line of succession.
Therefore, I find it more likely if Congress was unable to select either a President or VP, that Mike Pompeo would become acting President while Congress worked harder on coming up with a winner. If the Senate selected the VP, then they would take over until the House selected a Pres.

And, keep in mind, that Pence will be chairing the Congressional proceedings that are determining the ECV winners.

The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 states that if neither a president nor a vice president is selected by Jan. 20, the Speaker of the House becomes president until a president or vice president is picked. That would almost certainly mean, at least temporarily, President Pelosi.

The 1947 Act is considered by some to be unconstitutional, but has never been ruled as such by the SCOTUS. And the term "officer" is somewhat open to debate, maybe it doesn't mean that a member of Congress couldn't become president, or maybe it does. If Pelosi is deemed by the SCOTUS to be an officer, then maybe she could resign from her speakership and become the President Pro Tem. Maybe. I suspect that too would be thrown into the courts for them to decide. It's all kinda murky, let's hope it doesn't come to that.
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LAST MINUTE PANIC: Biden Camp Moves Goal Posts, Says Joe Biden Has Multiple Pathways to 270 without Pennsylvania and Florida

But, according to Nate Silver's little dohicky at the link, if PA and FL go Trump, Biden's odds of victory drop to 14%

If he loses PENN....he's fucked.
All comments, opinions, news items and everything else "election related" will go into this thread from 11PM Eastern Monday night until 11PM Eastern Wednesday night.. All other threads will be merged or closed. Floating announcements going up NOW in the Politics, Breaking News, and Current Events forums.. This thread will be unlocked tonight to "float" in the Politics forum..

Zone2 rules in effect.. Keep it clean and focused on your country -- not on other members..

Sorry flac - I posted "Lincoln Project Closing Message" prior to seeing this. Feel free to merge. Thx!

Not an issue.. Probably the LAST major post from Lincoln Project ever.. Until they have a chance to push Jeb Bush again for President.. :hyper:

Those bastards are going to pay a heavy price.
So far, people just seem happy it's going to be over soon........

Even if it is contested....we won't have to listen to the news discuss the petrified piece of shit (Biden) for a while.
I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..

That would be fucking ironic.

Ironic and fun to watch BOTH sides eat large portions of crow.. The left having claimed that Hillary won because of the Pop vote (where she didn't win a majority of votes with her meager margin) and the right defending the E-College.. Hope I'm right. It's gonna be fun pointing some fingers in both directions...
You say this “both sides” shit but I don’t see any criticism of Trumpism.

You might pull your head out of your ass and realize you are speaking to someone who is superior to you in all ways.

You should be more polite.

You should ask questions and learn.

You should park your dumbassed comments somewhere else.
I do respect him actually. It’s why I expect more from him. You’re just a dumbass in comparison however lol
I wonder if Lady Gaga minds hurting countless women who were sexually intimidated, assaulted, molested and attacked by Joe Biden just to endorse him after endorsing Hillary Clinton? I mean, what a great qualification to vote for Joe, he had Lady Gaga on stage for 5 minutes!

View attachment 410496

Fortunately it was an easy hop over just a few blocks from his Hollywood advertising producers who designed Joe's MARKETING CAMPAIGN to sell this bag of dog doodoo to the public, conveniently right around the corner from Joe's plastic surgeon who did all the cosmetic surgery on Joe's face during his many long absences and lids in his "basement."

Here's a good close up of the hundreds of age spots and things on Joe's face BEFORE getting the nomination:
The REAL JOE of 77-- --
View attachment 410497

And now after thousands of dollars of cosmetic work to try to make Joe look in his 60s:
View attachment 410499

All they need now is a little black shoe shine polish in his hair to complete the illusion.

Is there nothing real or authentic about this guy?

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The ONLY thing they can't FAKE is the fact that the light has gone out in Joe's eyes.
The only people who would be swayed by GAGA's appearance are feminie gay guys with mental issues--and they were already for Biden. NO LOSS and no GAIN....except bragging rights that he finally got more than 10 people to show up at his rallies.
Haha, CNN Just admitted that Dems are in Panic Mode and are desparetely trying to Bring Out voters. NO Democrats are showing Up.
We are beginning to have a sense of how this night is going to end! :muahaha: :up:

Isn't it delicious???

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Fox local is reporting that the Republicans are up 100,000 votes in Florida with two hours till closing. Sorry DEMS, bring the tears on. They also had nice things to say about Nevada NC and SC and few others-----------
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