Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Senate more so than DJT plus the exit polling where majority is pro nationalized healthcare and such. Very sad.

Nothing wrong with nationalised health care. I think a mixture of nationalised and private is good.
They don’t want a mixture and left is super PC. Won’t even celebrate Columbus Day. Just don’t agree with most of their views.
LOL at the thought of leftardz in New Hampshire throwing shit at their flat screens about now.

Trump at 61.5% and BiDumb is at 38.5%

I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..

That would be fucking ironic.

Ironic and fun to watch BOTH sides eat large portions of crow.. The left having claimed that Hillary won because of the Pop vote (where she didn't win a majority of votes with her meager margin) and the right defending the E-College.. Hope I'm right. It's gonna be fun pointing some fingers in both directions...
You say this “both sides” shit but I don’t see any criticism of Trumpism.

You might pull your head out of your ass and realize you are speaking to someone who is superior to you in all ways.

You should be more polite.

You should ask questions and learn.

You should park your dumbassed comments somewhere else.
I do respect him actually. It’s why I expect more from him. You’re just a dumbass in comparison however lol

Which still makes me twice as smart as you.

And 10x more knowledgeable.
Black woman on Fox News is in near tears talking about how Trump is fighting for America to remain that light on the hill or some socialist shytehole. She voted Dems in the past, but said Trump loves America and is fighting for the soul of the country.

God Bless her heart.
I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..

That would be fucking ironic.

Ironic and fun to watch BOTH sides eat large portions of crow.. The left having claimed that Hillary won because of the Pop vote (where she didn't win a majority of votes with her meager margin) and the right defending the E-College.. Hope I'm right. It's gonna be fun pointing some fingers in both directions...
You say this “both sides” shit but I don’t see any criticism of Trumpism.

You might pull your head out of your ass and realize you are speaking to someone who is superior to you in all ways.

You should be more polite.

You should ask questions and learn.

You should park your dumbassed comments somewhere else.
I do respect him actually. It’s why I expect more from him. You’re just a dumbass in comparison however lol

Which still makes me twice as smart as you.

And 10x more knowledgeable.
Lol okay whatever you say dude.
I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..

That would be fucking ironic.

Ironic and fun to watch BOTH sides eat large portions of crow.. The left having claimed that Hillary won because of the Pop vote (where she didn't win a majority of votes with her meager margin) and the right defending the E-College.. Hope I'm right. It's gonna be fun pointing some fingers in both directions...
You say this “both sides” shit but I don’t see any criticism of Trumpism.

You might pull your head out of your ass and realize you are speaking to someone who is superior to you in all ways.

You should be more polite.

You should ask questions and learn.

You should park your dumbassed comments somewhere else.
I do respect him actually. It’s why I expect more from him. You’re just a dumbass in comparison however lol

Which still makes me twice as smart as you.

And 10x more knowledgeable.
Lol okay whatever you say dude.

Glad that's kiss my ass motherfucker.
YES. NEXT QUESTION? Is The Biden Campaign Nervous About Pennsylvania?

Biden lead PA by approx 750,000 votes heading into Election Day

Team Trump expects 2.6 million votes in Election Day

Team Biden should get 1.5 million votes on election day

Team Trump needs to run the score enough to cover the Dem vote fraud that PA is infamous for.

According to Yamiche Alcindor of PBS, the Biden campaign says Biden has “multiple pathways” to winning 270 electoral votes, but she also “stresses that they believe Biden can win without winning FL, PA, OH, and TX, which she called the four largest battleground states.”

But, according to Nate Silver's dohicky here:

If Trump takes PA, FL, OH, TX he has 86% odds of winning.
He has FL And TEXAS for sure--------PA is difficult with all the cheating--expect mail in ballot fraud to be major problem with trump taking it to the SC---Fox is reporting favorable turnout for republicans in trump--think OH was on the list of states but not sure. Bring on the tears are losing.
That is if all republicans are voting for Trump. There are lots of lifetime republicans that had endorsed Biden.
There's a lot of dems down here that went TRUMPY----------there's a lot of hispanics who went Trumpy (mexican south american ones) besides just the cubans and there are lot of blacks not voting for the dems. It's over-----------the hillbillies and their giant trump flags have won Florida and it looks like most other states are going the same way. YEE HAW.
First State Closings, soon!


Yeah, supporting Trump has become acceptable in the black community, and the Democrats are very unhappy with that.
YES. NEXT QUESTION? Is The Biden Campaign Nervous About Pennsylvania?

Biden lead PA by approx 750,000 votes heading into Election Day

Team Trump expects 2.6 million votes in Election Day

Team Biden should get 1.5 million votes on election day

Team Trump needs to run the score enough to cover the Dem vote fraud that PA is infamous for.

According to Yamiche Alcindor of PBS, the Biden campaign says Biden has “multiple pathways” to winning 270 electoral votes, but she also “stresses that they believe Biden can win without winning FL, PA, OH, and TX, which she called the four largest battleground states.”

But, according to Nate Silver's dohicky here:

If Trump takes PA, FL, OH, TX he has 86% odds of winning.
He has FL And TEXAS for sure--------PA is difficult with all the cheating--expect mail in ballot fraud to be major problem with trump taking it to the SC---Fox is reporting favorable turnout for republicans in trump--think OH was on the list of states but not sure. Bring on the tears are losing.
That is if all republicans are voting for Trump. There are lots of lifetime republicans that had endorsed Biden.
There's a lot of dems down here that went TRUMPY----------there's a lot of hispanics who went Trumpy (mexican south american ones) besides just the cubans and there are lot of blacks not voting for the dems. It's over-----------the hillbillies and their giant trump flags have won Florida and it looks like most other states are going the same way. YEE HAW.
First State Closings, soon!


Yeah, supporting Trump has become acceptable in the black community, and the Democrats are very unhappy with that.
Where are you guys watching the election counts?
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