Official 2020 November Election Thread.

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Apparently, the DMV here in Delaware failed to register a bunch of people. One of the people in front of me thought he was registered because he hadn't voted before and registered when he renewed his license.

The lady said he was the 30th person today that this happened to. And this was just a single location.
I'm going out on a limb here and calling DE for Biden.
Didn't one state change their laws to give their electoral votes to whom-ever won the NATIONAL POPULAR VOTE?

I thunk it was OR.
Look for the wild screeching of brakes and full power U-Trump if all those folks have to give their ECV to Trump. It's an unenforceable pact.
I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..
Well, if such a thing happened (Trump gets popular vote, Dems get Electoral vote) it would certainly go a long way toward winning bipartisan support for doing away with — or at least reforming — the Electoral College system!
Reform it now. All you need is a constitutional amendment.
I'm going out on a limb here and calling DE for Biden.

Yeah, pretty much. Trump did get around 40% of the vote last time, though.

Off-topic, but our former elections commissioner was killed yesterday. Got hit by a Mack truck.


LAST MINUTE PANIC: Biden Camp Moves Goal Posts, Says Joe Biden Has Multiple Pathways to 270 without Pennsylvania and Florida

But, according to Nate Silver's little dohicky at the link, if PA and FL go Trump, Biden's odds of victory drop to 14%

Y'all have fun...I'm all politiced out.

See you on the 4th at the earliest.

Be safe, love you all...even the ones I disagree with.

Strange time to wimp out man.. Should have tuned out the media for the past week.. Wouldn't have missed much at all...

I had the chance to go into town and get a few things from the store this morning.

I was surprised at how much nicer everyone seemed to be today.
A lot of people had a shirt or sticker indicating they had voted, but there wasn't much talk about politics at all.

It's kind of like most of the people were relieved the day has come, and all they could do, had already been done.
It was nice... People holding the door for each other, greeting each other like things were back to normal ... It was great seeing people smile again.

I'm going out on a limb here and calling DE for Biden.

Yeah, pretty much. Trump did get around 40% of the vote last time, though.

Off-topic, but our former elections commissioner was killed yesterday. Got hit by a Mack truck.

That's horrible. Godspeed and grace and comfort to their loved ones.
Y'all have fun...I'm all politiced out.

See you on the 4th at the earliest.

Be safe, love you all...even the ones I disagree with.

Strange time to wimp out man.. Should have tuned out the media for the past week.. Wouldn't have missed much at all...

I had the chance to go into town and get a few things from the store this morning.

I was surprised at how much nicer everyone seemed to be today.
A lot of people had a shirt or sticker indicating they had voted, but there wasn't much talk about politics at all.

It's kind of like most of the people were relieved the day has come, and all they could do, had already been done.
It was nice... People holding the door for each other, greeting each other like things were back to normal ... It was great seeing people smile again.

They probably saw Trump's video of him dancing to Y-M-C-A! for two straight minutes, in a rally montage that he tweeted out at 3am!

Hard not to smile while watching that!
All comments, opinions, news items and everything else "election related" will go into this thread from 11PM Eastern Monday night until 11PM Eastern Wednesday night.. All other threads will be merged or closed. Floating announcements going up NOW in the Politics, Breaking News, and Current Events forums.. This thread will be unlocked tonight to "float" in the Politics forum..

Zone2 rules in effect.. Keep it clean and focused on your country -- not on other members..

Sorry flac - I posted "Lincoln Project Closing Message" prior to seeing this. Feel free to merge. Thx!

Not an issue.. Probably the LAST major post from Lincoln Project ever.. Until they have a chance to push Jeb Bush again for President.. :hyper:

You mean JEB! Bush.

LOVED the exclamation point! I was in Boise for 20 years prior to moving out to the Oregon Coast for semi-retirement. All Boise libraries add an exclamation point to Library!.

I guess that makes libraries in Boise more exciting and it kinda worked. Didn't work for Jebbers :cool-45:


Well, I have to admit liking the ! after LIBRARY much more than after JEB!
Being a Florida cracker and a democrat I can tell you very few people here vote straight party. A large portion of them may have been turned off by the national party antics.
Lots of Hispanic is Florida are registered Ds and voting for Trump.
Hmm.... interesting... seeing it on live TV so I can't link it. In Wisconsin and Ohio, both states are showing an actual DECREASE in black and latino voters, while seeing an increase in white voters.
I'm bugging out of this also.. But not before I embarrass myself by making a prediction that you didn't HEAR in the media the past week...

I've tossed the polls and just done some "back of envelope" calculations based on the "bleed" from the Dem party in their black, jewish, latino, police, owners of looted stores, dead restaurants, other divisions.. And on recent REGISTRATIONS running in favor of the Repubs.

In addition RECORD turn-outs in the Red states are already a fact. Boosting the pop vote for Trump..

By my calculations -- Trump SWEEPS the pop vote. But I'm not committing to the E-College vote.. Waiting to see the HYPOCRISY and WHINING from the RIGHT -- if Trump is AHEAD by 5 million pop votes nationwide, but loses the E-college.. :up:

Minimum 5Mill vote pop vote margin for Trump over Biden.. No E-college prediction..

That would be fucking ironic.

Ironic and fun to watch BOTH sides eat large portions of crow.. The left having claimed that Hillary won because of the Pop vote (where she didn't win a majority of votes with her meager margin) and the right defending the E-College.. Hope I'm right. It's gonna be fun pointing some fingers in both directions...
You say this “both sides” shit but I don’t see any criticism of Trumpism.
BTW - I voted.
In 2016, I did not. It was the first time I did not vote in a Presidential election since 1984.
This time I voted for Trump. The main reason being I cannot accept a Harris presidency. Joe Biden would not be the President for long. No way. No how. Harris is THE most leftist in the U.S. Senate. No way I want her. I would rather have 4 more of Trump than her.
BTW - I voted.
In 2016, I did not. It was the first time I did not vote in a Presidential election since 1984.
This time I voted for Trump. The main reason being I cannot accept a Harris presidency. Joe Biden would not be the President for long. No way. No how. Harris is THE most leftist in the U.S. Senate. No way I want her. I would rather have 4 more of Trump than her.
Good call. The Laughing Lunatic Presidency would be such a nightmare that Republican Congresspersons would be voting to keep Slow Joe in the Oval.
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